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对大多数投资者而言,社会责任基金也许很陌生,然而它在美国却有相当长的发展历史,主要投资策略是寻找履行社会责任、遵守社会道德,恪守法律的企业.在国内也有一只冠名为社会责任的基金,即兴业社会责任.普通投资者如何理解社会责任基金的投资法则,以及如何评估它在组合中起到的作用呢?  相似文献   

社会责任指数是社会责任投资和金融市场指数化发展结合的产物,对促进企业形成经济绩效和社会绩效同时并重的可持续发展模式具有推动作用,也能进一步促进资本市场社会责任投资方式的规模和影响的增长。文章分析了社会责任指数产生的理论依据和国内外发展现状,指出我国在此领域发展的滞后现象,并提出建议方向。  相似文献   

杨朝 《北方金融》2023,(4):26-32
不同的信息披露方式可能会产生不同的经济后果,而社会责任信息的不同披露方式还鲜少被学者所关注。本文以2009~2021年我国A股上市公司为样本,实证检验了不同社会责任信息披露方式对企业投资效率的影响。实证结果显示:相较于随年报披露和自愿披露社会责任报告,单独披露和强制披露社会责任报告的上市公司投资效率更高,在经过一系列内生性和稳健性处理后结论仍然成立。本文的研究结论为提高企业投资效率,以及企业和监管部门选择社会责任信息披露方式提供了经验证据。  相似文献   

随着环境、社会问题不断显现,人们对于投资效应的考核也从单纯的经济指标扩展到环境效应、社会效应等多个方面。社会责任投资即是顺应这一潮流而出现的新的投资形式。社会责任投资在选择投资的企业时不仅关注其财务、业绩方面的表现,同时关注企业社会责任的履行,在传统的选股模式上增加了企业环境保护、社会道德以及公共利益等方面的考量,是一种更全面考察企业的投资方式。本文基于WOS检索,运用文献计量学、统计学相关知识和文献资料法,通过比较分析和逻辑推理,从多角度梳理目前社会责任投资的国内外研究现状,试图为更有针对性的学术研究提供意见和建议。  相似文献   

随着环境、社会问题不断显现,人们对于投资效应的考核也从单纯的经济指标扩展到环境效应、社会效应等多个方面.社会责任投资即是顺应这一潮流而出现的新的投资形式.社会责任投资在选择投资的企业时不仅关注其财务、业绩方面的表现,同时关注企业社会责任的履行,在传统的选股模式上增加了企业环境保护、社会道德以及公共利益等方面的考量,是一种更全面的考察企业的投资方式.本文基于Web of Science(WOS)检索,综合运用文献计量学、统计学相关知识和文献资料法,通过比较分析和逻辑推理,从多角度梳理目前社会责任投资的国内外研究现状,试图为更有针对性的学术研究提供意见和建议.  相似文献   

在人类越发关注可持续发展理念的背景下,考察公司ESG责任投资规模正在全球范围内迅速成长。本文梳理了近年来全球范围内,欧洲、美国、日本、中国等地区的ESG责任投资发展现状,介绍了管理规模、策略类型、投资主题、资产类别、投资者概况等内容。ESG责任投资能够从投资端更好地监督推动企业生产过程中履行应尽的道德义务。  相似文献   

本文以2010-2020年沪深两市A股上市公司为研究对象,实证考察了企业履行社会责任对劳动投资效率的影响。研究发现,企业履行社会责任有助于提高企业劳动投资效率,且缓解内源融资约束及债务融资约束是社会责任履行作用于劳动投资效率的主要路径。进一步研究发现,企业履行社会责任对劳动投资效率的影响存在一定的异质性,在对员工责任履行程度较低、信息不对称程度较大以及劳动密集度较高的企业,企业履行社会责任对劳动投资效率的正向影响更为明显;企业履行社会责任对劳动投资过度及投资不足均存在显著的抑制作用,且主要体现为缓解雇佣冗余和雇佣不足。据此,提出积极推动企业履行社会责任,持续深化金融市场改革,加强社会责任行为的监管和评级等建议。  相似文献   

王磊 《海南金融》2022,(7):31-37
ESG责任投资是国际主流的投资策略和投资方式之一,与我国“碳达峰、碳中和”目标、共同富裕和高质量发展理念相一致。近年来,ESG责任投资逐渐得到我国金融机构、监管部门及相关行业协会自律组织的认可,人民银行等部门陆续制定了与ESG责任投资相关的管理政策,工商银行、兴业证券、汇添富基金和国寿资产等多家不同类型的金融机构已经将ESG责任投资理念应用于实践,并推出ESG责任投资系列产品。本文对我国商业银行、证券公司、基金公司和保险资管公司等金融机构的ESG责任投资实践进行了分析,指出了我国金融机构在发展ESG责任投资过程中存在的短板和不足,并给出了相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

社会责任投资与公司价值相关性理论探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会责任投资的产生和发展与全球社会可持续发展策略密不可分,也是投资从简单追求股东利益最大化向追求满足利益相关者权利转变的实践体现。社会责任投资者通过各种股东行动去影响控股股东或经营管理层的行为,将社会责任投资者的社会价值观灌输、实现到企业行为中去,推动企业在履行社会责任过程中充分考虑利益相关者利益,利益相关者又因此对企业的生存和发展注入专用性投资并分担一定的企业经营风险。同时,企业践行社会责任会降低融资成本和经营风险。长期而言,公司社会责任价值将得到持续提升。  相似文献   

养老基金的社会责任投资   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会责任投资(SR I)作为一种全新的投资理念,将社会、环境、人权等因素纳入融资标准。在倡导可持续性发展的今天,面对金融市场的种种不确定性因素,将这一理念引入到养老基金的投资决策中,无论从理论或实践的角度,都具有深远意义。本文从基本概念入手,考察了社会责任投资的发展轨迹,并从理论角度对其先进性和有效性进行探讨,进而分析了将SR I引入到养老基金投资中的可行性,最后结合国际经验和我国现实,提出了中国养老基金社会责任投资的政策建议。  相似文献   

In this paper we provide a comprehensive analysis of the performance of US SRI mutual funds as well as its relation to the flow of new money that those funds experience in the context of investors sophistication. In particular, we compare the performance of SRI funds with their conventional peers, matched by both managers and characteristics criteria, using several performance measures. We investigate the role of investors sophistication and its influence on the flow-performance and performance-flow relations within the retail and institutional SRI fund shareclasses. For the analysis of the flow-performance relation we use portfolio approach along with monotonic relation test, while the shape of the flow-performance relation is studied using piecewise linear panel regressions. For the performance-flow relation, the flow and unexpected flow portfolios are formed and their risk-adjusted performance is evaluated. We find that SRI mutual fund sector earns positive abnormal returns before expenses and retail SRI funds outperform their institutional peers both, before and after fees. No differences in performance when we consider SRI and conventional funds run by the same management companies. Moreover, we find a positive flow-performance relation which is convex for retail SRI funds but no convexity is found for the institutional ones. We cannot confirm the smart money effect for retail SRI funds, instead we find a dumb money effect for SRI institutional funds. Our paper provides new insights into the role of the investors sophistication for those relations in the presence of sustainability preferences.  相似文献   

This article discusses the place of ethics within socially responsible investing (SRI) and tries to understand whether the debate about the spread of SRI strategies for all asset management practices (SRI mainstreaming) is necessary for SRI development. We conclude that the mainstreaming of SRI in global investment funds has transformed the original goal of “making good” into a quest for profitability. We also add that SRI must place ethics at the center of the debate in order to regain the primary virtuous logic it had when it was still part of a “margin” or niche market.  相似文献   

白茹 《西安金融》2014,(8):63-68
本文以青海省8个市(地区)为研究对象,选取22个指标的城市竞争力评价指标体系,运用因子分析方法对青海省2011年的经济竞争力进行分析。将8个市(地区)划分为强竞争力型、一般竞争力型和弱竞争力型,在分析各类城市发展存在的优劣势后,提出了6条提高城市竞争力的建议。  相似文献   

This paper analyses the performance and investment styles of internationally oriented Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) funds, domiciled in eight European markets, in comparison with characteristics-matched conventional funds. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first multi-country study, focused on international SRI funds (investing in Global and in European equities), to combine the matched-pairs approach with the use of robust conditional multi-factor performance evaluation models, which allow for both time-varying alphas and betas and also control for home biases and spurious regression biases.In general, the results show that differences in the performance of international SRI funds and their conventional peers are not statistically significant. Regarding investment styles, SRI and conventional funds exhibit similar factor exposures in most cases. In addition, conventional benchmarks present a higher explaining power of SRI fund returns than SRI benchmarks. Our results also show significant differences in the investment styles of SRI funds according to whether they use “best-in-class” screening strategies or not. When compared to SRI funds that employ simple negative and/or positive screens, SRI “best-in-class” funds present significantly lower exposures to small caps and momentum strategies and significantly higher exposures to local stocks.  相似文献   

The empirical mean–variance evidence comparing the performance of Socially Responsible Investments (SRI) and conventional investments suggests that there is no significant difference between the two. This paper re-examines the problem in the context of Marginal Conditional Stochastic Dominance (MCSD), which can accommodate any return distribution or concave utility function. Our results provide strong evidence that there is a financial price to be paid for socially responsible investing. Indices composed of socially responsible firms are MCSD dominated by trademarked indices composed of conventional firms as well as by indices carefully matched by size and industry with the firms in the SRI indices. Zero cost portfolios created by shorting the SRI index and using the proceeds to invest in the conventional index generate higher average returns, lower variance and higher skewness than either of the two indices standing alone. They also MCSD dominate the SRI and conventional indices standing alone.  相似文献   

Do investors pay a price for investing in socially responsible investments (SRI) funds, or do they obtain superior returns? This paper investigates these under- and overperformance hypotheses for all SRI funds across the world. Consistent with investors paying a price for ethics, SRI funds in the US, the UK, and in many continental European and Asia-Pacific countries underperform their domestic benchmarks by − 2.2% to − 6.5%. However, with the exception of some countries such as France, Japan and Sweden, the risk-adjusted returns of SRI funds are not statistically different from the performance of conventional funds. We also find that the underperformance of SRI funds is not driven by loadings on an ethics style factor. There is mixed evidence of a smart money effect: SRI investors are unable to identify the funds that will outperform in the future, whereas they show some fund-selection ability in identifying funds that will perform poorly. Finally, corporate governance and social screens yield lower risk-adjusted returns.  相似文献   

鉴于目前欧盟和美国经济金融的风险性加剧,作为亚洲的重要组成部分的东北亚六国(包括中国东北地区,日本,韩国,朝鲜,蒙古和俄罗斯远东地区)对保证亚洲以及全球经济持续稳定发展有着重要的影响。东北亚六国不仅在政治体制方面差异很大,在经济特征(比如经济规模、人口数量、工业结构,开放程度以及经济发展阶段)方面的差异巨大,这给东北亚跨境基础设施建设带来了机遇与挑战。本文客观评价了东北亚基础设施建设的现状以及未来的投资需求并提出如何满足东北亚基础设施投资需求的金融支持措施。  相似文献   

This paper investigates and compares the determinants of fund flows for socially responsible investment (SRI) funds and conventional funds. We consider the impact of current and past measures of monthly and annual return on fund flow. The results suggest SRI fund flows are less sensitive to returns than conventional funds. Our model also shows that flow is persistent and SRI investors are more likely to invest in a fund they already own relative to conventional investors. These results reflect the difficulty SRI investors face in finding alternative investments that meet their non-financial goals.  相似文献   

This paper examines the behaviour of socially responsible investments (SRIs) as financial assets using a returns-based style analysis methodology. Conflicting views exist on the risks of SRIs in terms of their exposure to asset classes and industry sectors. This paper provides empirical evidence from a sample of Australian SRI managed funds. The sample SRI funds do not have strong consistent patterns in terms of style. They do not appear to represent a homogenous category of investments, and do not belong in an investment class of their own.  相似文献   

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