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Modern cooling technologies that utilize renewable energy sources have been increasingly recognized as promising tools to address various challenges emerging in progressively complex agrifood systems in developing countries. Knowledge gaps about the actual impacts of these technologies in developing countries remain, especially in Africa south of the Sahara (SSA). This study fills this knowledge gap by providing evidence from the evaluation of recent interventions in northeast Nigeria in which seven small solar-powered cold storages were installed across seven horticulture markets. Combinations of difference-in-difference (DID) and variants of propensity-score-based methods suggest that cold storage significantly increased horticulture sales volumes and revenues of market agents. Back-of-the-envelope calculations indicate that increased net revenues for market agents may be sufficiently large to recoup cold storage investments and operating costs within a reasonable time frame. Using cold storage also reduced the share of food loss. It lengthened the products' shelf-life while raising prices received by market agents and farmers, which were associated with improved product quality, expanded value-adding activities by market agents, and increased use of advance payments.  相似文献   

This article estimates the U.S. state-level soybean export forecast until December 2024 using a seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average (SARIMA) model. We utilize the newly developed exchange-rate equity market volatility (EMV-EX) to improve model fit and the Dirichlet process mixture model (DPMM) to control for unobserved heterogeneity. Using monthly data from January 2004 to December 2020, the study shows that soybean exports for states without ports are underestimated at the expense of states with ports. The EMV-EX has a positive effect on soybean exports. The forecasts reveal no expected changes in the trends for soybean exports until December 2024. This study's results are useful to make and to implement more informed policy decisions for risk-mitigating strategies such as the market-facilitation program.  相似文献   

In recent years, parastatal grain marketing boards have re‐emerged as important elements of grain markets in eastern and southern Africa, yet little is known about how farmers are responding to their scaled up activities. This article develops a conceptual model of farmers’ production decisions in the context of dual output marketing channels (government and private sector) when output prices at harvest time and the availability of one of the marketing channels are unknown at planting time. It then applies the model to the case of Zambia and uses nationally representative household‐level panel survey data to estimate the effects of the Food Reserve Agency (FRA), the government parastatal maize marketing board, on smallholder crop production and fallow land. The FRA buys maize from smallholders at a pan‐territorial price that typically exceeds market prices in major maize producing areas. Results suggest that increases in the farmgate FRA maize price raise farmer maize price expectations, which induces a supply response. Smallholders respond to an increase in the FRA price by extensifying their maize production. On average, a 1% increase in the FRA price is associated with 0.06% increases in smallholders’ maize area planted and quantity harvested. There is also some evidence that farmers reduce the area of land under fallow in response to FRA incentives but there is no evidence of reductions in the area planted to other crops.  相似文献   

Contractual arrangements between farmers and traders aiming at providing input/credit in return for output selling have been widely studied in the literature on agricultural economics. Nonetheless, there is one issue, which is barely mentioned in the literature: how to enforce the contract terms when traders offer credit in cash rather than input advances? This article aims to describe an innovation in farming contracts, used by fresh fruit and vegetable wholesalers in Turkey, which involves a kind of private voucher system. Drawing on original data collected from wholesalers—a segment in the supply chain hardly covered in the literature—we investigate the factors determining contract adoption using a two‐limit Tobit model. Our results suggest that this private voucher system contributes to supply chain coordination and facilitates smallholder farmer participation in export and supermarket channels, which are growing rapidly in this developing country.  相似文献   

This paper examines the Nigeria Land Use Act and considers how provisions of the Act inform and influence traditional landholding systems, the operation of the commercial real estate market, and the activities of the “omo-onile.” The research adopts a qualitative strategy and combines analysis of legal statute with in-depth, semi-structured interviews with market participants active in different capacities within the land and property markets of Lagos, Nigeria.The paper identifies a number of inconsistencies in the provisions of the Act and concludes that the recognition given to the traditional landholding system by the Act has not been effective in tackling informality and illegality in Lagos land and property markets.The paper provides insight into how informal institutions of norms, culture, and conventions of a real estate market characterize property ownership and affect transaction processes. This study shows how informal institutions may be used to circumvent formal institutions of a market when formal rights to property are poorly delineated and assigned. In these conditions market actors will incur higher transaction costs in the process of policing transactions and enforcing contractual agreements.  相似文献   

This article estimates the effect of a fertilizer voucher program on farmer participation in the private fertilizer market in Nigeria. Using a double‐hurdle model (to address corner solution challenges with estimating input demand) and a control function approach (to account for the endogeneity of subsidized fertilizer acquired), the study finds evidence that receiving subsidized fertilizer in Kano, Nigeria increased both the probability and extent of participation in the private fertilizer market. Findings demonstrate that under certain circumstances, e.g., where input dealers’ links to farmer are weak; there could be significant gains from the temporary use of voucher programs to strengthen such links.  相似文献   

建国四十五年南方耕作制度的演变与发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
黄国勤 《中国农史》2001,20(1):68-78
本文系统地总结和分析了建国45年来(1949-1993年)南方耕作制度的演变与发展概况,指出:(1)南方耕作制度的演变与发展大致可分为传统经验阶段、全面改革阶段、局部调整阶段、结构优化阶段等4个阶段;(2)南方耕作制度调整与改革取得了5个方面的成效;复种指数不断提高;作物产量成倍上升;农业结构趋向合理;农田优化模式增多;养地方式改变;(3)我国南方已形成和建立了一整套较为完善的、可持续发展的新型耕作制度体系,这包括:水土保持型耕作制度;农牧结合型耕作制度;用养结合型耕作制度;集约高效型耕作制度;抗灾减灾型耕作制度;资源保护型耕作制度。  相似文献   

Rural land rental markets in China play an increasingly important role in the transformation of the agricultural sector. This study focuses on the rural land rental market in the Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture in Southern China, a mountainous region, where rapid changes in land use have taken place with the transition from traditional agriculture and a tropical rainforest to rubber monoculture. Notably, we assess the impacts of population aging, land tenure security, and ethnicity on the participation of smallholders in the land rental market. The analysis suggests that a higher proportion of older people in a household increases the likelihood of renting out land and reduces the probability of renting in land, implying that population aging fosters land rental market development by transferring land from older to younger farmers. We also confirm that the availability of a land tenure certificate has a significant and positive impact on the renting out of land. Furthermore, ethnic minority groups are less likely to rent out land, indicating that land rental markets are ethnic sensitive. Additionally, specialization in rubber farming, household wealth and the altitude of household location also influence participation in the land rental market.  相似文献   

我国大菱鲆市场影响因素的考察   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
大菱鲆是目前我国鲆鲽鱼类养殖的主要品种,而市场滞怠是该产业目前面临的瓶颈问题之一。影响大菱鲆市场的原因有哪些?如何进一步拓展市场?本文以主产地和主消费地考察为基础,从养殖生产、中间物流及消费地市场等产业链中各节点的价格增量分析入手,对影响该市场的因素进行了搜集、梳理和分析。并顺沿其脉络,对其背景的成因及应对策略进行了分析和探讨,以便为相关产业界决策提供参考。  相似文献   

The real estate valuation literature on sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) shows a growing concern over valuation errors, especially wide variation in valuations. Although there have been increased business and investment activities in the last decade or more in the region, these valuation errors pose a challenge to the maturity of SSA real estate markets as valuations promote transparency and support efficient operation of property markets. Based on archival and survey data, as well as insights from the task complexity discourse, this study examines the extent of variations in valuations and the effect of complex valuation tasks on the levels of the variations in Ghana. The study finds high levels of variations in valuation opinions of 33.6–63% for the archival and survey data, respectively. These levels of variations are substantially higher than have been reported in the literature for advanced markets suggesting that the concerns of valuation errors in SSA may be well grounded. Consistent with theory, it is further established that variations in valuation opinions may be more pronounced in comparatively more complex assignments. These findings have several implications including possible loss of confidence of market players in valuations, heightening of market uncertainty and increase in transaction costs.  相似文献   

Tradable development rights (TDR) are discussed as a means of containing urban sprawl in numerous countries. Introducing a novel experimental setting, we simulate a cap & trade TDR scheme and investigate the effects of communication, specifically among competing market participants and within teams of decision-makers. Communication reduces auction prices, leading to substantially less income redistribution from participants to the auctioneer. Nevertheless, no collusion is sustained. Team decision-making reduces overshooting prices and improves the system’s efficiency. We interpret these results as emphasizing the efficiency and political feasibility of TDR schemes for economic contexts in which communication among its participants can be assumed.  相似文献   

The development of fish farming in Nigeria is traced from the colonial period through decades of mostly subsistence farming to large-scale commercial catfish farming today. Most African countries have encountered difficulties breaking into profitable commercial fish farming; however, Nigeria's strongly growing population at some 150 million and its very high demand for fish positioned the country on a much more strongly market-driven path based on commercial production in peri-urban areas. With investment in good management, selection of the hardy catfish for farming, development of intensively managed fish hatcheries and use of high quality fish feeds, farmers established a new model for raising fish in concrete tanks, which greatly reduced poaching and allowed farmers to get full return on their investment within one year. The paper details costs and benefits. With prospects of good profits, a number of medium-scale investors, invested in farming fish in tanks in ‘fish farming villages’ (also called fish farm estates) located in peri-urban areas near large markets, where several hundred tanks were cooperatively managed. With high demand and market prices, they were able to obtain credit, using professional business plans and security documentation required by lenders.  相似文献   


A survey of southeastern U.S. agribusiness exporters showed that export firms had many characteristics in common regardless of commodity category. In general, the profile of a successful southeastern U.S. agribusiness exporter in terms of export sales is one that tends to have higher total sales, foreign and domestic, and more export-market experience though the firm tends to be relatively young. While almost half of the firms engaged in promotion activities, less than a quarter of the respondents availed themselves of federal export promotion/assistance programs because of unfamiliarity or perceived costs. An overwhelming majority considered freight forwarding companies as indispensable parties to all transactions because of the extreme complexity of export-import logistics.  相似文献   

The Chicago Mercantile Exchange introduced a futures contract for distillers’ dried grains (DDGs) in early 2010, but the market became inactive only four months after its inception. While many new futures contracts do not develop into high‐volume traders, interest from DDG cash market participants indicated that this contract could be successful. Prompted by the unexpected lack of trading activity in this new futures market, we empirically revisit the question of what factors contribute to a futures contract's success and extend the literature by investigating the roles of market participants and the significance of supporting futures markets. Estimation results indicate that the market participant type—hedger or speculator—affects futures contract trade volume. More importantly, we find that the viability of new futures contracts for commodities that are jointly produced with other commodities is impacted by hedgers’ trade volume of the related futures contract. These results provide important additions into the portfolio of indicators used by commodity exchanges to more cost‐effectively evaluate new futures contract products.  相似文献   

Using data from one of Australia's largest thoroughbred auction houses, we investigate the price determinants of thoroughbred yearlings sold at auction. We include novel key variables to construct hedonic pricing models and examine the relative role of stud fees compared to the wide range of attributes in the pricing of yearlings. We find that the price effect of stud fees is influenced by the value buyers place on both the characteristics of sires and the characteristics of sire side siblings. The findings imply that the quality of dams a sire has been matched within the breeding market has consequential effects on yearling prices through the sire's stud fee and progeny.  相似文献   

This paper integrates aspects of global value chain and sustainable rural livelihoods analyses in an exploration of the local impacts of agri‐food globalization in Chile. In particular, it examines the evolution of the raspberry export sector in the context of Chile's non‐traditional agricultural export boom, and considers its importance to smallholder growers and rural households in central Chile. The paper first outlines the geography and structural configuration of the global value chain for Chilean raspberries, and considers modes of governance and forms of coordination between key actors within the chain. Second, the terms and implications of smallholder grower participation in the value chain are explored in a discussion of access to key livelihoods assets. The paper concludes that institutional support to smallholders, even in the case of a crop that is widely seen to have a small‐scale ‘size bias’, remains integral to their capacity to comply with required safety and quality standards and gain and retain market access via the value chain.  相似文献   

Cropping diversity, measured by the Gini coefficient, showed neither the United States nor Canada dominated in diversity along their northern plains border during 1975–1999. While cropping was slightly more concentrated in Canada for about two-thirds of the period, dominant concentration occasionally switched between the two countries. The relative price of canola to wheat and American wheat acreage restrictions were important factors determining diversity. In the early 1990s, American farmers lagged Canadian farmers in adopting alternative crops, possibly due to incentives to maintain wheat base acreage. The decoupling of American subsidies in 1996 had not significantly affected cropping diversification through 1999.  相似文献   

Even though Multinational Companies have many reasons for participating in agricultural development of Nigeria, only very few are involved. Those involved in agriculture have limited roles while most of them concentrated on manufacturing and commercial services where the pay back period is short.  相似文献   

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