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建筑施工企业物资采购供应工作的好坏直接影响着工程质量和建设项目的成本,加强对物资采购环节的管理与监督,是确保采购物资质量、降低采购成本,实现项目物资采购根本意图的重要手段。本文针对物资采购供应过程中易出现问题的环节进行分析,结合多年物资管理经验,提出一些加强物资采购监管的具体措施和方法,和同仁们共同探讨与交流。  相似文献   

物资采购管理是企业对生产经营过程中所需各种物资(包括主要原材料、辅助材料、燃料和机电产品等)的选择购买所进行的计划、组织和控制。其基本任务是:企业依据生产建设和经营活动对物资的需求,按照价廉物美的原则,组织按时、按量、按品种、适质、适价、齐备成套、经济合理、多渠道、少环节地采购各种物资,以保证企业生产经营活动的正常进行。本文所介绍的不是通常我们所采取的企业物资采购管理方法,而是一种新型的管理手段——应用K3软件进行企业物资采购管理。  相似文献   

物资管理(Materials Manggement),是指企业在生产过程中,对本企业所需物资的采购、使用、储备等行为进行计划、组织和控制。物资管理的目的通过对物资进行有效管理,以降低企业生产成本、加速资金周转,进而促进企业盈利,  相似文献   

建筑施工企业物资采购供应工作的好坏直接影响着工程质量和建设项目的成本,加强对物资采购环节的管理与监督,是确保采购物资质量、降低采购成本,实现项目物资采购根本意图的重要手段.本文针对物资采购供应过程中易出现问题的环节进行分析,结合多年物资管理经验,提出一些加强物资采购监管的具体措施和方法,和同仁们共同探讨与交流.  相似文献   

基于当前施工企业物资管理和采购现状,分析物资集中采购在现阶段下的优势和阻力,并提出了推进物资集中采购的建议,以期对施工企业加强成本管理,降低物资采购成本提供借鉴。  相似文献   

企业效能监察是企业内部一项旨在提高生产经营管理效率效益的综合性监督管理工作.本文对开展物资采购管理效能监察工作进行探索研究,得出以下结论:准确选题立项是做好物资采购管理效能监察的根本,建立健全领导体制和工作运行机制是做好物资采购管理效能监察的保障,狠抓重点环节监督是做好物资采购管理效能监察的关键,实现预期目标是做好物资采购管理效能监察生命力所在.  相似文献   

企业物资采购是企业生产和管理操作过程中很重要的一个环节,为此,本文结合企业的物资采购管理的具体现状,从降低采购成本,提高企业经济效益的角度出发,提出了加强企业生产物资采购管理的重要途径,对于进行合理的企业物资具有积极的意义。  相似文献   

企业物资采购是企业生产和管理操作过程中很重要的一个环节,为此,本文结合企业的物资采购管理的具体现状,从降低采购成本,提高企业经济效益的角度出发,提出了加强企业生产物资采购管理的重要途径,对于进行合理的企业物资具有积极的意义。  相似文献   

于银环 《活力》2011,(7):81-81
物资管理。是指企业在生产过程中.对本企业所需物资的采购、使用、储备等行为进行计划、组织和控制。物资管理的目的是通过对物资进行有效管理.以降低企业生产成本,加速资金周转,进而促进企业赢利。提升企业市场竞争能力。企业的物资管理。包括物资计划制订、物资采购、物资使用和物资储备等几个重要环常,这些环节环环相扣、相互影响,  相似文献   

刘洁  赵淑萍  赵丽  邓莉 《企业导报》2014,(5):42-42,44
近几年,在我国企业为了将企业内部的物资采购工作能进一步规范,逐步实施物资的采购招标管理制度,物资的采购招标工作能使企业对于企业自身的供需、物资的价格变动和供货商的信誉问题更好的了解,也能使企业的采购范围进一步扩大,采购成本进一步降低,同时,也使在物资采购中的风险和损失得到防范以及减少。所以,在当前的企业发展中,企业物资的规范以及加强管理是非常有意义的。本文就对于企业物资采购招标管理出现的问题进行分析,并提出解决措施,做好企业物资采购招标管理。  相似文献   

State Lotteries, Isolation and Economic Growth in the U.S.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper uses a Granger causality test adapted for use with cross-section time series data, to (1) test the relationship between lottery revenue and state economic growth (per capita income), and (2) address the importance of cross-border purchases in the relationship. Neither issue has been empirically tested previously. Previous evidence (Caudill, et al., 1995) suggests that states surrounded by lotteries are more likely than isolated states to introduce lotteries. But the empirical results here suggest that lotteries do not contribute to economic growth unless the state is isolated from other state lotteries. The importance of isolation suggests that cross-border purchases (exports) of lottery tickets have a significant impact on the effectiveness of lotteries as fiscal policies, and that "defensive" lotteries (those introduced to keep citizens from buying tickets from neighboring states) are ineffective.  相似文献   

We test the efficiency of the California electricity reserves market by examining systematic differences between its day- and hour-ahead prices. We uncover significant day-ahead premia, which we attribute to market design characteristics. On the demand side, the market design established a principal–agent relationship between the markets' buyers (principal) and their supervisory authority (agent). The agent had very limited incentives to shift reserve purchases to the lower priced hour-ahead markets. On the supply side, the market design raised substantial entry barriers by precluding purely speculative trading and by introducing a complicated code of conduct that induced uncertainty about which actions were subject to regulatory scrutiny. We use a high-dimensional vector moving average model to estimate the premia and conduct correct inferences. To obtain exact maximum likelihood estimates of the model, we develop a new EM algorithm that seamlessly incorporates missing data and applies directly to general moving average time series models. Our algorithm uses only analytical expressions: the Kalman filter and a fixed interval smoother in the E step and least squares-type regressions in the M step. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the asymmetric effects of U.S. large-scale asset purchases on the volatility of the Canadian dollar futures market. This approach is innovative in so far as it examines the effects of allowing two-round impacts to differ in our settings of dynamic volatility with time-varying jump intensity because the world economic situation differs during periods of large-scale asset purchases. Utilizing the daily futures price of the exchange rate for the Canadian dollar against the U.S. dollar, the empirical findings show that U.S. large-scale asset purchases have significant asymmetric effects on the volatility of the Canadian dollar futures market. Two kinds of asymmetry are observed. Firstly, the impact of large-scale asset purchases is smaller in the first round of the large-scale asset purchases than in the second round. Secondly, an expansionary policy causes higher volatility in the Canadian dollar futures market than does a contractionary policy due to a signal of high liquidity.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to explain why annuity purchases are postponed to a later age. We consider an overlapping generations model with uncertain lifetime and two types of annuities. It is shown that, if the economy is dynamically inefficient, individuals demand annuities without delay. However, if it is efficient, annuity purchases are postponed. We also show that these results are robust to several extensions.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes large retail trades using an event study approach. A major finding in studies of this nature is an immediate reversal on the trade subsequent to the large transaction, for both large purchases and large sales. This reversal is inconsistent with the overwhelming majority of previous findings which show a stock price continuation following purchases to the close of trading. We confirm the reversals first using transaction prices, and then show that continuations follow both large purchases and sales when quote data is used. These large trades do not lead to a fundamental change in stock price volatility. We conclude that the transaction price reversal is driven by natural bid-ask bounce around large purchases and large sales.  相似文献   

《Economic Outlook》2018,42(3):39-44
  • ? It is plausible that cross‐border bond purchases will average
    • ? It is plausible that cross‐border bond purchases will average $0.5trn in 2018 and 2019, a dramatic fall from $1.2trn in 2017, driven mainly by reductions in European and US purchases. This will exacerbate upward pressure on bond yields over and above those associated with traditional macroeconomic drivers. The US bond market (and the dollar) are particularly vulnerable .
    • ? This article is part of a long‐term research project, whose intricate analysis of global fixed income flows has revealed strong implications for global bond valuations that could be inconsistent with consensus expectations for the global economy.
    • ? The termination of net purchases under the ECB's asset purchase programme (APP) will have important implications for global bond markets, which may be larger than those associated with the end of the Fed's QE programme. The unwind will prompt a reversal in European investors' aggressive rotation of portfolios from domestic to foreign fixed income securities and other asset classes. This could reduce cross‐border purchases by European investors by €200bn per year.
    • ? US investors are also expected to buy fewer foreign bonds as they are likely to have to absorb an increase in the supply of domestic bonds because of (i) a larger fiscal deficit; (ii) the Fed's portfolio unwinding; (iii) corporate sector liquidation of holdings abroad; and (iv) greater financial sector issuance tied to household re‐leveraging.
    • ? Emerging markets' (EM) purchases of foreign bonds are expected to continue to be subdued in the short‐term after recent steep declines. Our baseline view is that, on the back of the return of capital flows into emerging markets, EM purchases of advanced market securities will bounce back but not by enough to offset the retrenchment of American and European investors. However, the risks to the downside are considerable given shifting global policy developments.

This paper examines the relationship between research and development expenditures and total factor productivity using establishment level (or micro) data. The confidential data are taken from the U.S. Bureau of the Census Annual Survey of Manufacturers and other Census surveys. Several measures of total factor productivity are considered as are several variables that proxy for technical knowledge. The latter include research and development expenditures by the firm, the accumulated research expenditures of the industry, and new equipment purchases. We find that there is a statistically significant relationship among above measures of technical expertise and a broad measure of total factor productivity.The refereeing process of this paper was handled through N.R. Adam.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the uptake of a voluntary green public procurement policy in Sweden. The policy, decided in 2006, stated a national goal for the public sector to increase its share of organic food purchases to 25% by 2010. The overall purpose was to increase organic farming. Municipalities, which are highly independent authorities with self-determination, were encouraged to formulate own political goals. Based on survey data on organic food purchases for the period 2003–2016, supplemented with data on municipality characteristics, we analyse the determinants of the local uptake of the national policy, accounting for potential selection bias. The main finding is that local political goals are set and that these have in turn, a significant and positive effect on the share of organic food purchases. This suggests that there is an uptake of the voluntary policy. Also, we find that the increase in expenditures per capita devoted to organic food is quite substantial following the adoption of a local policy.  相似文献   

In this study, we document that there are significant differences in individual and institutional investors’ perception and interpretation of information based on accounting conservatism, as reflected by their trading behavior in the Chinese financial market. Our findings show that institutional investors, who are more sophisticated and have better skills, engage in higher purchases of equities of firms that use high accounting conservatism compared to the firms that use low/no accounting conservatism. Institutional investors’ equity purchases are even higher if these firms are associated with higher growth opportunities. On the other hand, individual investors are attracted more by the attention‐grabbing events and are motivated to purchase equities of firms that either do not use accounting conservatism or use low accounting conservatism, and their purchases are even higher when the firms report positive earnings surprises. Additionally, we find that abnormal returns are higher for the firms using high accounting conservatism and have experienced higher purchases by institutional investors.  相似文献   

What role does unconventional monetary policy – and particularly unconventional policies such as private asset purchases under quantitative easing or lender of last resort scheme – play in influencing economic growth directly? The literature looks at the effects of post-2007 central bank asset purchases on GDP growth and – in limited cases – on investment. Yet academics and central bankers have not tried to understand the effects of private securities purchases alone, while controlling for broader macroeconomic effects. This article summarises the existing literature, documenting the widespread use of private securities purchases by central banks across the world. The literature shows the potentially beneficial effects of these purchases, pointing the way for further scholarly work about central banks' private securities purchases.  相似文献   

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