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This paper examines the relationship between U.S. MNCs' valuation and corruption in countries where the MNCs' foreign subsidiaries are located. We uncover that country-level corruption has a multi-dimensional impact on MNCs' valuation. We find that the impact of intangibles is less pronounced for MNCs operating primarily in corrupt countries, consistent with the view that the lack of property rights protection and information asymmetry problems are more prevalent in corrupt environments. We also find that the expansion of a MNC network dominated by corrupt countries negatively affects MNCs' valuation, suggesting that investors may recognize it as an additional risk. However, more importantly, we find that geographic diversification in corrupt countries significantly increases firm value if the MNC has high levels of intangibles such as technological know-how and marketing expertise. Assuming that transactions costs in corrupt countries are higher, our findings are consistent with the notion that the advantages from internalizing the cross-border transfer of intangibles are greater in the presence of corruption. Our findings remain unchanged when we account for endogeneity at the country-and firm-level, when we use alternative corruption measures, and when we re-estimate models by omitting MNCs with operations in locations with big “negative” shocks during the sample period. Moreover, we show that firms with expertise in dealing with corruption enjoy greater benefits from internalization.  相似文献   

Internationalization enables multinational corporations (MNCs) to diversify their sources and types of debt, as well as earnings, although doing so can negatively impact firm risk and the agency costs of debt. Utilizing a primary sample of United States (US) based MNCs compared with domestic corporations (DCs), we find that MNCs are indeed riskier than DCs when considering systematic risk. Further, recognizing the heterogeneity of long-term debt, we find these MNCs consistently maintain a higher convertible debt ratio compared to DCs. We argue this is to mitigate the agency costs related to the asset substitution problem.  相似文献   

Affiliates of multinationals borrow a considerable amount from their parent company, even when the parent is located in a high-tax country. This is at odds with standard theories of a tax-efficient capital structure. We set up a model that analyzes the functioning of the internal capital market and investigates the trade-off between tax savings and capital market frictions within the group. We test the model on data of the universe of German multinationals. The empirical analysis largely supports our model in that: (i) smaller multinationals often rely on parental debt financing; (ii) larger multinationals are more likely to use internal banks; (iii) parental debt and external debt are substitutes and the mix depends on the relative cost of raising capital through the parent and the affiliates; (iv) local and within-group tax incentives play an important role in determining all three types of debt.  相似文献   

Despite evidence that large US multinational corporations are hedging their exchange rate risk exposure, existing literature on the measurement of exchange rate risk does not give us a tool to measure the effect of such hedging activities of multinational firms. This paper revisited the measurement of exchange rate risk exposure using the cumulative translation adjustment as a trade-weighted dollar index faced by individual companies. We find that especially small multinational firms are exposed to foreign exchange risk and benefit from a weakening in the international value of the US dollar. The results also indicate that hedging activities by large firms are not so effective to eliminate exchange risk. Two industries in particular show a highly significant relation between changes in the cumulative translation account and equity returns, however, with an opposite sign, i.e. positive for electrical equipment and negative for primary metals.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the existing asymmetry in the US corporate tax law governing the determination of foreign tax credits earned by US firms with foreign subsidiaries. The existing asymmetry results in the US government de facto holding foreign currency put options against US firms with foreign subsidiaries. Combined with the exchange rate volatility, this tax law asymmetry reduces the effective foreign after-tax rate of return and, thus, makes it profitable for US firms to repatriate their foreign source income earlier even when the foreign after-tax rate of return is higher than the domestic rate. Although this paper identifies this asymmetry in the tax law and analyzes its potential effect on the timing of foreign source income repatriation, it is an open question as to the economic significance of this tax code feature provided the firms’ ability to curry the unused tax credit forward for up to 10 years.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research is to identify the ways in which post-1986 international tax reform is expected to affect the repatriation decisions of multinational corporations (MNCs) and to develop expectations about the degree to which future tax reform initiatives will result in the full convergence in rates across international boundaries. The research presents comparative income tax rate data for 14 developed countries and the 11 European Monetary Union (EMU) member states for the 1985–1997 period. All countries reduced their top corporate income tax rate during that period, and the inter-country variation in rates decreased. The reduction in the variation in rates across countries should provide MNCs with more flexibility in dividend repatriation decisions as the difference in tax cost between repatriating foreign earnings and reinvesting them abroad is diminished. Although the research shows a trend toward more similar rates during the 1985–1997 period, it also identifies and discusses political pressures that mitigate against the full convergence in rates.  相似文献   

Using firm-level panel data, this paper examines whether the cost of capital (COC) differs significantly between U.S.-based multinational corporations (MNCs) and U.S. domestic corporations (DCs). The results suggest that U.S.-based MNCs have higher COC than U.S. DCs and that industry importantly influences COC. The study also finds that there is a significant time effect on COC, and the time effect follows the trend of the U.S. economic growth rate. Using a Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo approach, we estimate jointly cost of equity, cost of debt, and capital structure, and find that the higher cost of capital for MNCs is due mainly to their higher cost of equity and greater use of equity financing; the cost of debt financing does not differ significantly for MNCs versus DCs.  相似文献   

This study uses analysts' ratings of firms' disclosures to examine how the differences between U.S. and foreign disclosure environments affects the voluntary disclosures of U.S.-based multinational corporations. We hypothesize that these different disclosure environments discourage U.S-based multinationals from releasing costly information to competitors. Examining how these differences impact U.S. MNCs' reporting may further our understanding of the relationship between voluntary disclosures and differences among countries' accounting standards. Furthermore, it may explain how convergence of mandated accounting standards might impact voluntary disclosures. Controlling for industry membership, firm size, profitability, earnings-return relations, and capital market activity, we find that U.S. firms with more extensive foreign operations tend to provide fewer voluntary disclosures. These results are most robust for informal and flexible disclosures, such as investor relations, where the findings indicate a negative relation between foreign operations and disclosure.  相似文献   

This study examines whether the determinants of dividend payout ratios between Multinational (MCs) and Domestic corporations (DCs) vary across Australia, U.S., Japan, U.K. and Malaysia. Results show: (i) Australian, UK and Malaysian MCs pay significantly less dividends than their Domestic counterparts; however, the opposite holds for the U.S. firms; (ii) the factors that significantly explain the difference between DCs’ and MCs’ payout ratios vary across countries; (iii) firms operating in an imputation tax system and in a common law environment pay comparatively higher dividends relative to firms operating in a classical tax system and civil law regime.  相似文献   

This study examines the change in foreign currency exposure of US-based multinational corporations (MNCs) upon implementation of SFAS 133—Disclosure of Derivative Instruments. We attempt to answer the question of whether this accounting requirement, which seeks to eliminate earnings surprises associated with derivatives, actually impacts earnings volatility and hedging strategies of exporting firms. Our results indicate that firms who were hedged prior to SFAS 133, i.e., those which managed their exposure using operational hedges, derivatives, or both, were able to decrease exposure to exchange rates following SFAS 133. However, those that were hedged prior to SFAS 133 and remained hedged following SFAS 133 did so without significantly changing their imbalances, i.e., without using operational hedges. These firms also experienced an increase in earnings volatility and a decrease in earnings predictability, as predicted by critics of the regulation. However, market value does not change following SFAS 133, implying that investors do not equate accounting regulation changes and EPS volatility with changes in cash flow.  相似文献   

We study the difference between U.S.-based multinational corporations (MNCs) and U.S. domestic corporations (DCs) in terms of management efficiency with return on capital as the measure of management efficiency. We use a fixed effect model to account for heterogeneity and/or the time-specific effect and find that MNCs have lower management efficiency than DCs, which holds after we control for the effects of firm size, GDP growth rate, and growth opportunity on management efficiency. One reason for the low efficiency is the MNCs’ inability to manage their assets well relative to DCs. We also find that there is an inverted U-shaped relationship between return on capital and degree of internationalization, which implies an optimal degree of internationalization. Our result does not confirm the recently proposed three-stage model.  相似文献   

Contrary to the U.S. evidence, we show that Canadian multinational corporations (MNCs) display higher leverage than domestic firms (DCs). This higher leverage is due to lower agency costs of debt associated with MNCs' U.S. operations. We also find that the Canadian firms with international bond market access have higher leverage than firms without such access. Comparison with a U.S. matched sample shows that the sensitivity of leverage to firm-specific factors differs between the two countries, especially for the MNCs samples. Our evidence indicates that capital structures of MNCs are a complex interaction of both home and host country factors and differences in leverage determinants across countries.  相似文献   

This study investigates whether the determinants of capital structure between multinational corporations (MCs) and domestic corporations (DCs) vary across Australia, U.S., Japan, U.K. and Malaysia. Results show (i) the debt holding capacity and majority of the explanatory factors vary between DCs and MCs and also across countries; (ii) Australia, Japan, U.K. and Malaysian MCs hold significantly less long‐term debt relative to U.S. firms; (iii) DCs and MCs that operate under an imputation tax system hold significantly less short‐ and long‐term debt; and (iv) DCs and MCs operating under common law have significantly less short‐term debt and significantly higher long‐term debt.  相似文献   

The transformation of U.S. utilities from purely domestic to multinational enterprises commenced in 1992 with the passage of The Energy Policy Act (EPAct). In response to the liberalized regulatory climate, 29 U.S. utilities have diversified their holdings through the acquisition of foreign utilities, many of which are located in emerging market countries. This study analyzes the impact of international diversification on the profitability and valuation of U.S.-based multinational utilities during the years 1996-2000. In order to control for the effects of aggregate economic and regulatory changes, purely domestic utilities are also included in the sample. The empirical tests are conducted utilizing an earnings-and-book value model. Compared to purely domestic utilities, multinational utilities report lower absolute and relative rates of profitability, exhibit higher levels of systematic risk and trade at higher market-to-book ratios. Taken together, these results suggest investors may be systematically overpricing the equities of U.S.-based multinational utilities. A further finding of this paper is that accounting information explains a lower percentage of the variation in equity prices for multinational utilities relative to their domestic counterparts.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the change in value relevance of quarterly foreign sales data of U.S.-based multinational enterprises after adopting Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 131 (SFAS 131). First, I examine whether the interim foreign sales data of all sample firms are valued at a higher rate by equity investors after the firms adopt SFAS 131. My empirical findings indicate that for all sample firms the value relevance of quarterly foreign sales data increases after the firms adopt SFAS 131. I then examine whether the valuation consequence of firms that change their geographic segment definition after they adopt SFAS 131—segment change firms—changes after those firms adopt SFAS 131. Based on the empirical results, I conclude that quarterly foreign sales data of segment change firms are priced at a relatively higher rate after SFAS 131 is adopted.
Mahmud HossainEmail:

企业金融是个乍暖还寒的课题 ,是中国企业在全球经济一体化进程中必然要遇到的。本文从阐述企业金融含义开始 ,阐明了企业金融的六个作用 ,讨论了企业金融与专业金融机构的比较 ,论述了企业金融业务选择的原则和范畴 ,重点研究了企业金融机构的组织形式 ,提出了组建以财务公司为核心的金融控股公司的方案 ,对解决我国大型企业发展壮大过程中的金融业务需求具有参考意义  相似文献   

公允价值与资产评估   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
引言近十年来,国际会计准则委员会在推广公允价值方面取得了很大的进展。2005年1月1日,包括欧盟在内的90多个国家和地区开始采用新的国际会计准则,相应地也开始执行该准则中关于公允价值应用的规定。  相似文献   

Governance and bank valuation   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
This paper assesses the impact of the ownership structure of banks and shareholder protection laws on bank valuations while controlling for differences in bank regulations. Except in a few countries with very strong shareholder protection laws, banks are not widely held. Rather, families or the State control banks. Furthermore, (i) larger cash-flow rights by the controlling owner boost valuations, (ii) stronger shareholder protection laws increase valuations, and (iii) greater cash-flow rights mitigate the adverse effects of weak shareholder protection laws on valuations. These results suggest that ownership structure is an important mechanism for governing banks.  相似文献   

In spite of the rise of China and its currency, the currency risk of Chinese firms has not been studied adequately. In this paper we document for the first time that the stock returns of Chinese firms are significantly exposed to currency risks with many firms benefiting from the rise of the Yuan. Further, the magnitudes of the currency risk coefficients for Chinese companies (<10%) are smaller than those previously documented for other countries (20-40%). However, our results also indicate that Chinese export firms are exposed to significant risk related to the ASEAN currency index. Yuan appreciation also impacts exporters to India, Australia and Russia in some industries. The results documented in this study should be of much interest to managers, scholars, and policy-makers.  相似文献   

Design and valuation of debt contracts   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
This articles studies the design and valuation of debt contractsin a general dynamic setting under uncertainty. We incorporatesome insights of the recent corporate finance literature intoa valuation framework. The basic framework is an extensive form game determined bythe terms of a debt contract and applicable bankruptcy laws.Debtholders and equityholders behave noncooperatively. The firm'sreorganization boundary is determined endogenously. Strategic debt service results in significantly higher defaultpremia at even small liquidation costs. Deviations from absolutepriority and forced liquidations occur along the equilibriumpath. The design tends to stress higher coupons and sinkingfunds when firms have a higher cash payout ratio.  相似文献   

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