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Following the framework of Çetin et al. (Finance Stoch. 8:311–341, 2004), we study the problem of super-replication in the presence of liquidity costs under additional restrictions on the gamma of the hedging strategies in a generalized Black–Scholes economy. We find that the minimal super-replication price is different from the one suggested by the Black–Scholes formula and is the unique viscosity solution of the associated dynamic programming equation. This is in contrast with the results of Çetin et al. (Finance Stoch. 8:311–341, 2004), who find that the arbitrage-free price of a contingent claim coincides with the Black–Scholes price. However, in Çetin et al. (Finance Stoch. 8:311–341, 2004) a larger class of admissible portfolio processes is used, and the replication is achieved in the L 2 approximating sense.  相似文献   

Risk allocation games are cooperative games that are used to attribute the risk of a financial entity to its divisions. In this paper, we extend the literature on risk allocation games by incorporating liquidity considerations. A liquidity policy specifies state-dependent liquidity requirements that a portfolio should obey. To comply with the liquidity policy, a financial entity may have to liquidate part of its assets, which is costly.The definition of a risk allocation game under liquidity constraints is not straightforward, since the presence of a liquidity policy leads to externalities. We argue that the standard worst case approach should not be used here and present an alternative definition. We show that the resulting class of transferable utility games coincides with the class of totally balanced games. It follows from our results that also when taking liquidity considerations into account there is always a stable way to allocate risk.  相似文献   

The perfect-foresight continuous-time couterpart of Lucas and stokey's cash-in-advance model is generalized to the case of two currencies. The money demand function for eac currency has as arguments the endowments of goods associated with each denomination. Various monetary shocks are investigated including permanent and temporary changes in levels and growth rates. It is shown that substitution can be an important factor in explaining: the possible negative transmission of inflation, the amount of volatility of exchange rates, and the degree tp which exchange rate movements approximate a random walk.  相似文献   

We study a discrete time hedging and pricing problem in a market with liquidity costs. Using Leland’s discrete time replication scheme [Leland, H.E., 1985. Journal of Finance, 1283–1301], we consider a discrete time version of the Black–Scholes model and a delta hedging strategy. We derive a partial differential equation for the option price in the presence of liquidity costs and develop a modified option hedging strategy which depends on the size of the parameter for liquidity risk. We also discuss an analytic method of solving the pricing equation using a series solution.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to address the issue of choosing between currency forward and currency futures contracts when hedging against currency risk within a stochastic interest rates environment. We compare between the hedging effectiveness of the two derivative assets both within a narrow sense (i.e., volatility minimization) and within a wide sense (i.e., risk-return trade-off). When judging hedging effectiveness in the narrow sense, forward and futures contracts give identical results even if they do not have identical prices. When judging hedging effectiveness in the wide sense, the choice between the two contracts is determined by the correlation between the domestic and the foreign term structures dynamics.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of the strength of governance on firms' use of currency derivatives. Using a sample of firms from 30 countries over the period 1990 to 1999, we find that strongly governed firms tend to use derivatives to hedge currency exposure and overcome costly external financing. On the other hand, weakly governed firms appear to use derivatives mostly for managerial reasons. These results are robust to alternative measures of corporate governance, various subsamples, the use of foreign denominated debt as an alternative strategy to hedge currency exposure, and a potential selection bias. Overall, the results serve as the first comprehensive evidence of the impact of firm- and country-level corporate governance on firms' use of derivatives.  相似文献   

This research analyzes the causes of the quality premium, one of the most intriguing and successful investment strategies in equity markets. While previous research has argued that psychological biases explain the performance of the quality minus junk factor, our paper analyzes a leverage constraint explanation within a rational risk-based framework. The quality factor is multidimensional in nature, which suggests that a combination of risk, frictions, and behavioral biases is a reasonable explanation. Once we incorporate margin requirements and liquidity restrictions, we find that tighter conditions result in a higher intercept and a lower slope for the empirically implemented capital asset pricing model when using 10 quality-sorted portfolios. Our paper shows that, indeed, not only behavioral biases explain quality, but also market frictions account for its performance.  相似文献   

Sangwon Suh 《Pacific》2011,19(4):390-403
Korean fund investors suffered significant financial losses from their international equity investments during the recent global financial crisis. Contrary to expectations for improved investment performance, the currency position for hedging purposes worsened performance. In this paper, we critically assess currency-hedging practices for international equity investments from the perspective of Korean investors. We find that international equity portfolios are concentrated in a limited number of emerging market regions; most international equity funds employ near-fixed and near-perfect currency-hedging policies; the minimum-variance currency-hedging strategy performs the best in emerging market regions and its relative gains over the current hedging policy are significant; the no-hedging strategy provides the best performance for the investments into the US and Europe during a turbulent period.  相似文献   

Using a novel measure of the degree of information asymmetry across firms, this study shows that information-related financial market imperfections do matter for a firm’s access to external finance. Prior studies of the importance of liquidity constraints faced by nonfinancial firms have suffered from a glaring weakness. They have been based on a sample of publicly traded firms, omitting precisely those firms most likely to be liquidity constrained. Furthermore, they have tended to rely on indirect measures of the degree of information asymmetry, such as firm size. We overcome these limitations by focusing on the banking sector. Unlike the nonfinancial sector, the banking sector has balance sheet and income data available for all firms, whether or not they are publicly traded. This allows the use of a superior measure of the degree of information asymmetry across firms by distinguishing between publicly traded and non-publicly traded banks.  相似文献   

We solve explicitly a two-dimensional singular control problem of finite fuel type for an infinite time horizon. The problem stems from the optimal liquidation of an asset position in a financial market with multiplicative and transient price impact. Liquidity is stochastic in that the volume effect process, which determines the intertemporal resilience of the market in the spirit of Predoiu et al. (SIAM J. Financ. Math. 2:183–212, 2011), is taken to be stochastic, being driven by its own random noise. The optimal control is obtained as the local time of a diffusion process reflected at a non-constant free boundary. To solve the HJB variational inequality and prove optimality, we need a combination of probabilistic arguments and calculus of variations methods, involving Laplace transforms of inverse local times for diffusions reflected at elastic boundaries.  相似文献   

This paper studies the interplay between firm investment and cash flow hedging decisions when the decision-maker has time-inconsistent preferences. We show that cash flow hedging acts as a double-edged sword. In some cases, cash flow hedging enhances firm value because the firm can thus invest at the firm-value-maximizing timing. In other cases, however, cash flow hedging may adversely affect firm value because it loosens the financial constraint that works as a commitment device to mitigate premature investment. Our results thus highlight one unexplored potential dark side of hedging and suggest that the optimal hedging decision is the result of a trade-off between flexibility and commitment.  相似文献   

A jump diffusion model coupled with a local volatility function has been suggested by Andersen and Andreasen (2000). By generating a set of option prices assuming a jump diffusion with known parameters, we investigate two crucial challenges intrinsic to this type of model: calibration of parameters and hedging of jump risk. Even though the estimation problem is ill-posed, our results suggest that the model can be calibrated with sufficient accuracy. Two different strategies are explored for hedging jump risk: a semi-static approach and a dynamic technique. Simulation experiments indicate that each of these methods can sharply reduce risk exposure. JEL Classification G12 · G13  相似文献   

Cross hedging price risk in an incomplete financial market creates basis risk. We propose a new way of modeling basis risk where price risk and basis risk are combined in a multiplicative way. Under this specification, positive prudence is a necessary and sufficient condition for underhedging in an unbiased market. Using the example of cross hedging jet fuel price risk with crude oil futures, we show that the new specification is superior in describing the price series and that optimal cross hedges differ significantly from those derived under the traditional additive cross hedging model.  相似文献   

Informational asymmetries regarding the future value of assets affect their role in exchange. I construct a random-matching economy composed of two assets: a risk-free bond and a Lucas tree whose terminal value is privately known to its holder. No restrictions are imposed on payment arrangements. The main finding supports a pecking-order theory of payments: Agents use their risk-free bonds first in order to finance their spending shocks, and they use their information-sensitive assets only if their holdings of bonds are depleted. The theory has implications for the optimal provision of risk-free bonds, the structure of asset returns, and liquidity.  相似文献   

The article develops a Markov regime switching Generalized Orthogonal GARCH model with conditional jump dynamics (JSGO) for optimal futures hedging. To the author's knowledge, there is no existing study on dynamic futures hedging investigating both the effects of regime switching and conditional jumps. This might be the fact that there is no existing hedging model encompassing both of these features. The JSGO solves this problem by introducing a jump switching filtering algorithm to infer ex post both the distributions of jumps and state variables and a recombining procedure to solve the path-dependency problem. To justify the usefulness of the JSGO on dynamic futures hedging, hedging exercises are performed using FTSE 100 futures data traded in the London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange (LIFFE). JSGO exhibits good out-of-sample performance compared to its jump-free and state-independent counterparts in terms of both criteria of variance reductions and utility improvements.  相似文献   

We model a nonlinear price curve quoted in a market as the utility indifference curve of a representative liquidity supplier. As the utility function, we adopt a \(g\)-expectation. In contrast to the standard framework of financial engineering, a trader is no longer a price taker as any trade has a permanent market impact via an effect on the supplier’s inventory. The P&L of a trading strategy is written as a nonlinear stochastic integral. Under this market impact model, we introduce a completeness condition under which any derivative can be perfectly replicated by a dynamic trading strategy. In the special case of a Markovian setting, the corresponding pricing and hedging can be done by solving a semilinear PDE.  相似文献   

This paper derives an appropriate standard price that can be used by the tax authorities of a country for auditing transfer prices in multinational firms (MNFs) for the purpose of social welfare maximization of the country. We assume that the corporate tax rate in the host country, where MNFs undertake foreign direct investment to locate their manufacturing divisions, is lower than that in the home country. Our conclusion is that the tax authorities of the home country should not always force MNFs to hold down the transfer price through a too strict audit standard if it aims to maximize social welfare of the country in the long-run equilibrium. This result implies that tax authorities face a trade-off between consumer welfare and tax revenue when determining the standard price used for auditing. One notable implication is that the tax authorities should raise the upper-limit price allowed for internal transfers as the elasticity of substitution between brands for consumers decreases.  相似文献   

We explore theoretically and empirically the relationship between firm productivity and liquidity management in the presence of financial frictions. We build a dynamic investment model and show that, counter to basic economic intuition, more productive firms could demand less capital assets and hold more liquid assets compared to less productive firms when financing costs are sufficiently high. We empirically test this prediction using a comprehensive dataset of Chinese manufacturers and find that more productive firms indeed hold less capital and more cash. We do not, however, observe this for US manufacturers. Our study suggests a larger capital misallocation problem in markets with significant financing frictions than previously documented.  相似文献   

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