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This paper focuses on the way managers perceive their competitive environment. Within a cognitive perspective it discusses why they might group similar competitors and considers whether they are attentive to all competing firms. The literature on similarity of perceptions between managers is reviewed. Interviews amongst managers in the North Sea off‐shore oil pumps industry revealed that they made sense of competition through a categorization process. None perceived the industry in the objective manner as economists suggest. Different perceptions as to the nature of competitions were found between managers, but more homogeneous perceptions were seen between managers in the same firm than between different firms.  相似文献   

In an age of competition for top talent, lateral hiring or personnel poaching has flourished not just between rivals, but also among allies transcending across national borders. This article integrates the literature on lateral hiring and co‐opetition to develop a “novel” perspective of the co‐opetition‐based view of lateral hiring. A conceptual framework was developed to account for conditions under co‐opetition setting in different markets. Contrary to the popular belief that poaching from rivals is more beneficial, the present research demonstrates that poaching from allies may be more beneficial in mitigating the “winner's curse.” Indeed, poaching in the collaboration domain is characterized by greater access to information about the target employee before job change. Lateral hiring from allies in foreign markets can also be more beneficial given the potentially moderate stigma attached compared with those from domestic markets. The implications for firms and strategic human resource management literature are examined.  相似文献   

Why does bullying occur in an organization? How will the globalization of an organization facilitate the process and encourage bullying to occur in that organization? What can be done to reduce the level/impact of bullying in an organization that is in transition? These are the focal questions addressed in this paper. Reference Point Theory (RPT) is applied to the bullying phenomena in an effort to illustrate the various reference points that can be used by the bully, the bullied, ‘others’ in the global organizations, as well as the management of the organization. The divergent reference points used by individuals in the organization can encourage bullying to occur and make attempts to reduce the resulting conflict much more difficult to implement. The paper develops a process to reduce the level of bullying during the transition to global organization and to limit the impact of bullying events that do occur in the organization.  相似文献   

As organizations continue to pursue more global strategies, the need to be able to understand consumers in far away places is increasing. Marketing research is the primary mechanism through which companies understand their current, as well as potential, customers. As companies contemplate the global marketplace, they must consider how domestic market research differs when conducted in international markets. In an effort to help internal client side marketing research managers design and implement improved international research studies, we briefly discuss the context for international market research and provide a framework for conducting international market research projects. Additionally, we present several factors that should be considered by marketers who engage in global market research studies. These factors represent the variety of challenges that must be addressed in order to conduct research across national borders. Particular attention is paid to the nuances related to primary data collection and questionnaire construction.  相似文献   

To compete on the world market, companies from emerging economies often adapt their innovations to satisfy unique cultural needs. They do so, in part, by copying the products of their western counterparts with a degree of modification. This approach is referred to as Shanzhai, which is a Chinese neologism meaning “copycat.” In this article, we discuss the Shanzhai phenomenon and explain Shanzhai's development stages and threats to original brands across the globe. Then, we examine how cultural factors (i.e., power distance belief, face consciousness, and analytic vs. holistic-thinking style) influence consumers’ perception towards Shanzhai products. We further suggest that original manufacturers should adopt selected strategies to combat Shanzhai threats vis-à-vis three cultural drivers. One driver entails launching full product lines and developing new distribution channels in high power distance belief cultures but promoting brand originality in low power distance belief cultures. A second alternative involves embracing a sustainable and green brand image in low face-sensitive cultures but strengthening brand logo impacts and enhancing intangible brand benefits—such as social value (e.g., brand user profile, prestige)—in high face-sensitive cultures. The third entails communicating integrated product values in holistic-thinking cultures but highlighting an offering's most competitive and unique features in analytic-thinking cultures.  相似文献   

广东经济,在改革开放21年来已奠定了相当的物质基础。经济的发展、技术的发展也有相当的基础。广东一个省的贸易总量相当于俄罗斯全国,相当于印度的两倍;去年广东的 GDP9500多亿元,全国排第一位;总税收1900多亿元,占全国1/7;进出口总额一直是全国第一,占30%多,出口总额也是多年来居全国第一,去年占36.9%。广东外经贸,完全有实力、有能力参与全球竞争。  相似文献   

The marketing mix (MM) is an integral part of a firm’s marketing strategy sitting at the nexus between a company and the marketplace. As such, it evolves together with the marketplace and its stakeholders. Over the past decade, three fundamental global drivers have emerged—advancements in technology, socioeconomic and geopolitical shifts, and environmental changes—that have caused major ongoing and intensifying evolutions in the marketplace, its stakeholders, and, in turn, the MM. We describe the resulting evolutions in the MM along four central questions: who is involved in the MM, what constitutes the MM, how is it implemented, and where is it deployed. We identify a blurring of roles and responsibilities relating to the MM (who), an extension and integration of the MM instruments (what), an increase in customization and fragmentation of its actions (how), and a growing recognition of emerging-market idiosyncrasies (where). Taking a look into the future, we observe that along each of the four dimensions, the MM has arrived at a crossroad, with opposing scenarios for its future: (i) more inter-firm collaboration versus marketing-mix protectionism, (ii) added complexity versus increased simplicity, (iii) further automation versus an increased recognition of the human touch, and (iv) local adaptation versus global uniformity in the marketing mix. Applying a contingency approach, we derive relevant moderators for these forthcoming evolutions and provide an extensive set of future research questions.  相似文献   

We explore the relevance of the « coopetition » concept within Montreal's circus sector and the Montréal Complètement Cirque's festival in particular. Our analysis is based on the cluster phenomena found in coopetition studies, which is a strategy used by companies in the technology sector. We formulate propositions that suggest these collaborative practices allow reduce tensions related to the innovation and creative processes' intrinsic uncertainty and also moderate the effects of a firms' limited resources. These practices are also related to public policies aimed at ensuring the sector's sustainability, the existence of interpersonal relations, and the need for more visibility on the sector and its actors. Copyright © 2017 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Drawing from the talent management and global mobility literatures, there is simultaneous pressure to address both organizational goals to place talent internationally, and individual goals of self-initiated expatriation. This raises important questions for the future of global talent management (GTM): how might individual and organizational goals be balanced to the mutual benefit of both parties? Qualitative data from pilot studies in multinational corporations demonstrate a largely financially driven balancing act between self-initiated and organization-assigned expatriate assignments. Building primarily from psychological contract theory, this study builds propositions for future research, and explores the implications for global talent management practice.  相似文献   

Existing approaches at explaining accelerated internationalization of born global firms are incomplete as they do not capture the learning that is undertaken by these firms and their founders prior to the firm's legal establishment. Building on the extant literature and drawing on the dynamic capabilities view of competitive strategy, this paper presents a conceptual model of born global firm internationalization. We conjecture that a set of dynamic capabilities that are built and nurtured by internationally-oriented entrepreneurial founders enable these firms to develop cutting-edge knowledge intensive products, paving the way for their accelerated market entry. We develop propositions and offer concluding remarks.  相似文献   

This paper links firms' endogenous quality choices to worker effort and efficiency wages. In the model, firms differ in their ability to monitor workers who have an incentive to shirk. As high quality output requires high worker effort, it is firms with better monitoring ability that upgrade their quality. Indeed, these firms upgrade their quality to such a degree that they also end up paying higher wages to induce even more worker effort. Trade liberalization can induce greater or smaller wage inequality but always enlarges the welfare inequality as higher wages go hand in hand with even greater effort.  相似文献   

《Business History》2012,54(6):927-958
The superior competitiveness of the Japanese cotton industry became so obvious in the interwar period. The sources of the Japanese competitive advantage have thus collected considerable scholarly interest. A series of past studies stressed the significance of planned coordination and managerial innovations within the industry as a whole, and this involved their findings that the leading spinners and trading companies realised the efficient coordination. This paper inquires into the Meiji industrial leaders' conceptualisation of the new nature of entrepreneurial management. This entails an analysis of their early entrepreneurial leadership in the 1880s that provided the developing industry with a long-range plan for exponential growth since then. The essence of industrial competitiveness resided in the noticeable cognitive commonality in their sustainable core competence for the upcoming global competition.  相似文献   

As the global landscape becomes populated by an increasingly diverse array of companies of different sizes, from different industries and of varied national origins, developing a strategy to compete effectively in global markets becomes ever more complex. How can companies of all kinds compete effectively in an increasingly diverse global landscape? The authors suggest that the appropriate response depends on a firm's level of involvement in international markets: whether a firm is just entering international markets, is aggressively expanding its international presence or is attempting to rationalize far-flung global operations. Focusing on three different industries, processed foods, automobiles and motor scooters, the authors identify appropriate strategies for leveraging competitive advantage at each phase of international involvement. They show how three paramount tasks, learning, building and leading, must evolve through each phase.  相似文献   

Abstract Using economic principles to explain the nuances of consumer decisions with global implications does not adequately capture the reality of modern consumption. Embracing a global perspective would enable consumer studies professionals to compensate for this shortcoming as it consists ‘of the information, attitudes, awareness, and skills which taken together, can help individuals understand the world, how they affect others, and how others affect them’ (p.19).1 As this paper explains the essence of a global perspective, it reinterprets a collection of economic principles towards global sensitivity. Six ideas are suggested to facilitate a dialogue among consumer studies professionals about practising from a global perspective.  相似文献   

Stakeholders are increasingly aware of the environmental and human rights issues related to highly conspicuous fashion merchandising. To mitigate the negative responses from environmentally conscious consumer groups, fashion merchandisers have sought to partner with non-governmental organizations (NGOs). While there is a growing body of literature on sustainability and social responsibility (SSR), the increasingly popular practice of fast-fashion industry partnering with NGOs has been neglected, and so far, remained under the radar. Such partnerships may be of success, but at the same time while promising on the surface, they can actually go awry, resulting in adverse outcomes for both parties. We build upon the loose-coupling theory to explain the relationships between fast-fashion multinational enterprises (MNEs) and NGOs. We discuss three causes (casual indeterminacy; fragmented external environment; discrete internal environment) and four key benefits (adaptability to environmental changes, flexibility, innovation, and firewalls for separate identity) for loosely-coupled partnerships. We then explore the dark side of such partnerships, identifying three challenges (power imbalance, mistrust and opportunism, and misaligning goals). Finally, we offer a set of propositions as a way of advancing our knowledge of partnerships in fashion merchandising industry.  相似文献   

In developing global marketing strategy to compete in world markets, managers must address the challenges of constant change, increased complexity and intense competition, while, at the same time, responding to calls of conscience. However, the appropriate response to these challenges depends on the stage of involvement in international markets, i.e., whether the firm is just entering international markets, is aggressively expanding its international presence or attempting to rationalize far-flung operations. The paper suggests how a firm should respond to these challenges, and shows how using different tools such as information systems technology, creating new organizational forms providing administrative and organizational flexibility, and effective resource deployment at various stages of the value chain can help a firm to cope with them.  相似文献   

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