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We examine a sample of strategic alliances made by financial services firms during 1986 to 2003. The market reacts positively to the announcements of alliances and seems to incorporate the information about the value of alliances at the time of alliance announcements. We find no evidence of abnormal stock performance after announcements. Our results also suggest that strategic alliances usually are used as a final form of cooperation rather than as a first step towards closer cooperation between firms. For instance, only about 5% of alliances are followed with joint ventures or mergers of partner firms. Nevertheless, strategic alliance firms are more likely to form joint ventures or merge than randomly selected and matched firms. Furthermore, the market reacts more favorably to the alliance announcements by firms that are subsequently acquired by the alliance partners.  相似文献   

This empirical paper studies how MNEs from developing and emerging markets may learn through their choice of entry mode and subsidiary network configuration, and use this knowledge to increase their responsiveness to pro-market reforms in their home market. The paper proposes that entry modes and network configurations that facilitate knowledge acquisition provide firms from developing countries an advantage when responding to such institutional changes. The analyses use data for the largest Latin American companies from 1989 to 2008. The findings provide evidence for a positive moderating effect of equity international joint ventures, international acquisitions, and subsidiary network centrality closeness on the relationship between reforms and profitability.  相似文献   

Entry modes have impact on firms' performance in international markets. Using an organizational structural contingency perspective, we assert that firms with mechanistic structure can enhance their performance in international markets if they choose acquisitions as an entry mode. Mechanistic structure limits organizations' learning capability, which can be managed through acquisitions but not through other entry modes such as joint ventures. For managing limitations associated with the poor knowledge absorption capability of mechanistically structured organizations, firms should not follow the standard integration procedures associated with acquisitions aiming to achieve economies of scale or scope. Rather, they should provide corporate parenting advantage to the newly acquired unit by (a) granting complete autonomy and (b) contributing required resources for future growth, thus treating the acquired business as a strategic business unit. Since mechanistic structures are more common in emerging markets, we explain our perspective using illustrative caselets from these markets.  相似文献   

Joint ventures across national borders are more advantageous than other forms of international diversification because they afford a better control of technology usage, require a minimal level of cash investment, and present a more effective means of avoiding intervention from the host government. All of these characteristics make international joint ventures uniquely suitable for investments in less developed countries. This paper ascertains whether investors agree with the above sentiment by examining the stock market response to 41 announcements of international joint ventures during 1985-1987, using the event study method. It was found that the stock of the multinational corporations announcing international joint ventures generally outperforms the market In addition, the market reaction to the announcement of international joint ventures in less developed countries is, on average, more favorable than its reaction to the announcement of international joint ventures in developed countries.  相似文献   

While the interest in investing in Africa is rising, the know‐how of business on the continent is very limited. There have been only recently few special issues focusing on sub‐Saharan Africa in the top international business journals: “Sub‐Saharan Africa at a key inflection point” (Thunderbird International Business Review 2009); “Contemporary developments in the management of human resources in Africa” (Journal of World Business 2011); “Contemporary challenges and opportunities of doing business in Africa” (Journal of Technological Forecasting and Social Change 2016); “Critical perspectives on international business in Africa (Critical Perspectives on International Business 2016); “Strategic Management in Africa (Global Strategy Journal, 2017); and “The internationalization of African firms (Thunderbird International Business Review 2016). The aim of this special issue is to advance understanding of international business in Africa and specifically focus on how foreign firms enter African markets via acquisitions and international joint ventures and extend knowledge of these market entry strategies and performance in Africa for research and for foreign firms intending to, or currently doing business in Africa. This guest editorial provides a summary of the five articles and one book review in this special issue categorized into three broad thematic issues: International joint ventures and acquisitions as market entry strategies in Africa; cross‐border investments of African firms; and theoretical underpinnings.  相似文献   

In order to avoid the liability of foreignness, firms invest in foreign countries pooling their own resources with those of local firms. This combination of assets may take place through joint ventures or acquisitions. When facing the need to choose between these two entry modes, managers find that there are two critical factors that have received little attention in previous research: the existence of different types of acquisitions—full acquisitions, pure partial acquisitions, and shared partial acquisitions—and the role of the experience accrued by the investing firm in carrying out investments through a particular entry mode. Both factors, as well as their managerial implications, are analyzed in this article. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A wealth of research in the past decades has examined born globals or international new ventures, which are firms that from inception view the whole world as a market and as a source to access resources. Many of these firms build their competitive advantage on high-tech knowledge. However, although many studies have shown how born globals can achieve success if they access resources through their relationships from actors in their networks, few studies have explored the relationship between born globals and universities. Universities are important actors in creating new technology knowledge, and many studies have shown how new firms, or so-called university spin-offs (USOs), are formed around universities. The current study explores why some USOs are successful in their international growth strategy and discusses the factors that influence and facilitate the internationalization process. The study investigates 10 USOs around the newly established Halmstad University in Sweden and finds that universities have a positive effect on firm creation and initial international growth. The regional competence base increases from the establishment of a local university, primarily by strengthening the regional human capital and by increasing university research. This study shows that researcher entrepreneurs’ ventures start as born globals, but that these firms do not continue to grow. Born global business models, per se, do not lead to competitive advantage and successful internationalization. Instead, a strategy built on customer focus and an ability to adapt to different customer demands lead to growth, and the location of growth is dependent on the size of the home market. This study also shows that student entrepreneurship can be a successful growth strategy for USOs focusing on both international and local markets.  相似文献   

During the last decades, we have witnessed a large number of entrepreneurial firms that reach the world market at a fast pace (‘born global firms’). Our analysis suggests that the ongoing globalisation process indeed implies that born to be global firms would be more prominent in the world economy due to the reduction in the cost of exploiting good business ideas globally. However, our analysis also suggests that entrepreneurial firms have incentives to sell their business to incumbents. Indeed, we show that ‘born to be sold global firms’ can be even more frequent as a result of trade liberalisation and the international deregulation of the market for corporate control.  相似文献   

Acquisitions are an important exit strategy for technology entrepreneurs and investors, but what can technology ventures do to increase their chances of achieving an acquisition? We draw on signaling theory to examine the role that market orientation plays behind acquisitions. We test our hypotheses in a sample of young biotechnology ventures, and our findings are three-fold. First, we show that a target's market orientation is an important direct driver of acquisitions, thus incorporating a marketing perspective into a literature that has hitherto focused primarily on technological and reputational factors. Second, we find a substitutive interaction effect between market orientation and new product development stage, indicating that for exits through acquisitions, a high level of market orientation can compensate for an early stage of product development. Third, a fuzzy-set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA) shows that in some contexts, the monopoly power afforded by patents can further amplify the positive effect of market orientation on acquisition likelihood. Taken together, our findings contribute to a more nuanced understanding of how different signals interact, and suggest that technology ventures should invest in market orientation early on in their life cycle.  相似文献   


This article investigates the role of international joint venture strategy of five multinational enterprises in the Russian construction market. Joint ventures play a crucial and specific role for these firms’ strategy in Russia: They serve both as an entry mode and a postentry strategy; facilitate business and guide foreign investors; increase efficiency for further strategy; and help international construction firms overcome the environmental deficiencies. Findings of the article bolster the theory by stressing the facilitating effect of joint venture upon challenges and problems that Western firms meet in emerging market in contrast with more developed economies.  相似文献   

The choice of entry mode in foreign markets is an important strategic decision with major consequences for the success of international new ventures (INVs). It is generally accepted that these firms choose relatively low-resource commitment entry modes to operate in foreign markets. Nevertheless, some researchers have suggested that higher resource commitment entry modes in foreign markets also seem to be competitive strategies for INVs. In this study, from a marketing/international entrepreneurship interface perspective and focusing on organizational issues, we center our attention on international market orientation as a neglected yet important factor in INVs’ choice of higher resource commitment entry modes in foreign markets. We suggest that an entrepreneurial orientation and the timing of international entry are important correlates to an international market orientation. We also suggest that the international learning effort of INVs through their international market orientation has a direct, positive impact on the resources these companies commit to their foreign markets through the use of higher resource commitment entry modes. Accordingly, the model proposes a positive effect of entrepreneurial orientation and early international entry on international market orientation which, in turn, is positively related to higher resource commitment entry modes. The hypotheses were tested on country-level data from Spain, using a structural equation model to analyze relationships between the latent variables.This study extends previous international entrepreneurship research, including insights on antecedents of international new ventures’ choice of resource commitment entry modes in foreign markets. The paper also goes further than previous international entrepreneurship research, by addressing the strategic consequences of rapid entry into foreign markets. Additionally, the results of this work encourage international entrepreneurs to look beyond the explicit value of experiential market knowledge to realize the potential value of international market orientation as an antecedent to higher resource commitment entry modes.  相似文献   


The peripherally growing and remarkably dynamic Chinese economy is now encouraging the use of more diverse and creative entry modes for international investors. This article illustrates various entry modes of foreign direct investment available at present to foreign companies entering China. These entry modes include equity joint ventures, wholly foreign owned subsidiaries, contractual joint ventures, umbrella companies, acquisitions, representative offices, branches, build-operate-transfers, licensing and franchising. The merits and limitations of each entry mode are discussed. Some practical advice on entry strategies for international executives active in the Chinese market is also highlighted.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to understand the joint impact of institutional reforms and industry structural factors on market returns earned by rivals in an emerging market during foreign acquisitions. We use a sample of 238 foreign acquisitions in India during the period 2004–2013 and find empirical evidence to support the notion that institutional reforms, foreign competition and business group competition positively impact the market returns of the rivals of acquired firms. Additionally, we find that the effects of foreign competition and business group competition on rivals’ market returns are shaped by the degree of institutional reforms in the industry, indicating that firms’ market returns in emerging markets during foreign acquisitions can be better understood through the incorporation of the joint role of industry structural factors and institutional reforms.  相似文献   

Firms engage in competitive actions to gain market share and hence to grow their revenues. However, not all firms are equally able to use competitive actions to drive growth. We argue that the ability to translate competitive actions to revenue growth depends on the ownership of the firm. Drawing on principal-agent and principal-principal perspectives, we argue that: (1) private owners (both foreign and local) are better able to employ aggressive actions to grow their business than state owners; (2) firms with multiple owners (especially international joint ventures) are less able to implement actions that drive business growth than full ownership. We find support for these arguments in empirical tests on survey-based data of 106 firms in China. Results show that in an emerging market the principal-principal perspective can better explain governance and competition than the principal-agent perspective.  相似文献   

Most research on the born global phenomenon investigates firms from the point of their legal founding. Studies in the field of entrepreneurship show nonetheless that international firms undergo long pre-founding periods, which are likely to affect growth and internationalization in newly founded firms. In this study, we investigate three academic spin-offs with advanced technologies that are attractive in a global market. These firms had experienced extended time in developing their technologies, two of them in pre-founding periods. We examine here the networks of academic spin-offs in three stages: idea conception, technology development, and growth and internationalization. The research builds on diverse theories: born global theory, research on academic spin-offs, entrepreneurial firms, and network theory. We use a multiple case study to investigate the three spin-offs and a process approach in interviewing that includes the biographic histories of the focal firms. In analysis, we identify networks that provide financial resources, knowledge, innovation and technology resources, marketing, and reputational resources. Networks acquired at different stages and network changes greatly affected growth and internationalization in the focal firms. We also find that networks and resources acquired in pre-founding periods had great implications for growth and internationalization in the young firms. Our research therefore highlights the problem of age in the born global literature and we argue for the need to include pre-founding periods to better understand the born global phenomenon.  相似文献   

Although a firm's choice of mode of entry to a foreign market is central to the implementation of international strategy, we have only limited understanding of the effects of international strategy on the choice. This study explores the effects of business relatedness and corporate international experience. Data were collected on 173 ventures of Swedish manufacturing firms that were present on the German market, and multivariate techniques were applied to test hypotheses. It was found that product/market relatedness and intangible resource relatedness between the foreign business unit and the industrial firm's core business unit favored a full control entry mode based on sole ownership. This finding was also valid for importance of foreign markets. Further, market importance moderated the two relationships regarding business relatedness. Contributions to the literature are discussed.  相似文献   

We employ the growth options perspective to examine how multinational corporations’ localization strategies facilitate the actualization of growth potential preserved in international joint ventures (IJVs). This study uses a data of Korean IJVs; it accounts for the endogeneity associated with a firm’s decision to exercise growth options through a two-stage model. We find that the enlarged IJVs, via conversion to majority ownership under reduced host market demand uncertainty, performed better. We also find that the realized growth potential are larger for IJVs that have more local business ties with other firms, or that hire more local employees. This study contributes to the growth options literature by examining the strategies that enable firms to exploit evolved exogenous uncertainty, and thus actualize upside growth potential.  相似文献   

One challenge that globalization has brought to business is that firms, as they expand their market globally through cross-border alliances, need to deal with partner firms from countries of different religious background. The impact of a country’s dominant religion on its firms’ international market entry mode choices has not been examined in traditional approaches. Focusing on hypothesizing the influence of Christian beliefs and atheism (i.e., the absence of belief in any deities), this research aims to fill the gap by exploring religion’s role in providing moral restraint on managers’ propensity for opportunism, which in turn affects these managers’ choices of their firms’ international market entry via non-equity alliances or joint ventures. A study of 22,156 cross-border alliances formed in 48 industries world-wide over 9 years provides new insight toward understanding religion’s influence on firms’ international market entry mode decisions through the ethical dimension of strategic leadership. This article would fit best under the International Management section for reviewing purposes.  相似文献   

Learning by doing: Cross-border mergers and acquisitions   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We rely on organizational learning theory and strategic momentum research to examine the international merger and acquisition (M&A) activities of a sample of S&P 500 firms. We hypothesize that the learning associated with a firm's prior acquisition experience increases the likelihood the firm will engage in subsequent international acquisitions. Results from a sample including company-country level data indicate that both prior domestic acquisitions and international acquisitions influence the likelihood of acquisitions in foreign markets by U.S.-based firms. We also find that prior experience with international acquisitions is more predictive of subsequent international acquisitions than prior domestic acquisition experience. Moreover, we find that the acquisition experience within a host country had a stronger influence on subsequent acquisitions within that country than other prior non-host country international acquisition experiences.  相似文献   

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