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Voordracht gehouden op 2 november 1963 te Amsterdam voor de postdoctorale leergang Externe economische betrekkingen van de E.E.G. De tekst is op enkele plaatsen bijgewerkt.  相似文献   

Tweede lezing voor de Economische Faculteitsvereniging te Groningen, gehouden op 21 februari 1958. Zie voor de eerste lezing, Variaties op een thema van Böhm-Bawerk, De Economist, April 1957, blz. 292 e.v.  相似文献   

Dit artikel behelst de tekst van het afscheidscollege, dat schrijver dezes op 2 april 1965 aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam heeft gegeven. Door een ongelukkige samenloop van omstandigheden kwam er vertraging in de afwerking van dit stuk, dat dus het licht ziet nadat de E.E.G. in een crisis is geraakt, heviger dan alles wat zij in haar nog korte, doch met spanningen gevulde geschiedenis reeds eerder moest doormaken. Hier en daar heeft dit de schrijver aanleiding gegeven zijn tekst wat te retoucheren en te 'actualiseren. Belangrijk behoefde dit echter niet te zijn, aangezien in het op 2 april 1965 gehouden betoog de reeds toen bestaande divergentie tussen Frankrijk en zijn partners als een der feitelijke uitgangspunten was gekozen in de veronderstelling, dat dit verschil in conceptie niet in afzienbare tijd tot harmonische oplossing gebracht zou kunnen worden. De strekking van het hier volgend betoog wordt door de ingetreden crisis dus alleen maar versterkt.  相似文献   

Naar aanleiding van het door de Dr. Wiardi Beckman Stichting in 1959 gepubliceerde rapport getiteld De hervorming van de onderneming.  相似文献   

Voordracht gehouden op 7 november 1964 in het kader van een door de Nederlandse Economische Hoogeschool te Rotterdam georganiseerde post-doctorale leergang over het onderwerp Problemen met betrekking tot de planning op middellange termijn in Europa.  相似文献   

Summary In this article an analysis has been made of the influences of the dual exchange rate system on short-term capital movements and the balance of payments. An effort has been made to connect the till now separate theories of the dual exchange rate system and the short-term capital movements. In the analysis the role of the forward exchange market has been explicitly taken into account. Several doubts as expressed in literature about the feasibility of an effectively operating dual rate system are examined. Some conclusions are drawn about the probable resultant of the forces which affect the size of the premium of the financial spot rate with respect to the commercial spot rate.De basis voor dit artikel werd gevormd door een bijdrage van de auteur aan een wetenschappelijke statbijeenkomst, die gehouden werd aan de Economische Faculteit van de V.U. op 11 november 1974. Hij wenst alle deelnemers aan deze bijeenkomst dank to zeggen voor hun waardevolle kritiek en in het bijzonder Dr. W. J. B. Smits, die daarna zo vriendelijk was het uiteindelijke concept nog eens grondig met hem door to nemen. 1 In de Nederlandse literatuur komt het systeem voor onder diverse benamingen, zoals de dubbele wisselmarkt en de tweevoudige wisselmarkt, terwijl in de Engelstalige literatuur hiervoor termen als dual exchange rate system en two-tier foreign exchange market gebezigd worden. Opvallend is dat de literatuur over de gescheiden valutamarkt niet bepaald dicht gezaaid is, hoewel hierin de laatste tijd enige kentering to bespeuren valt. Recente bijdragen betreffen Fleming (1974) en Decaluwé (1974) en een bijdrage m.b.t. de Belgische ervaring is Abraham (1973).  相似文献   

Game equilibrium modelling   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Dave Furth 《De Economist》1993,141(3):353-379
Summary Non-cooperative game theory has in recent years become one of the main tools in the social sciences and economics. It deals with decision problems of more than one (rational) player. The actions of those players result in outcomes that are the best that may have happened to a player, given the actions of the other players. This is precisely the content of the 'Nash equilibrium' concept. It would be nice when each game had a unique Nash equilibrium. Unfortunately, both non-existence and multiple equilibria occur. An important role in game theory is played by the information available to the players. Among the economic applications are: the Theory of Industrial Organisation, Bargaining and the Economic Theory of Information.Comments by Eric van Damme and Casper de Vries on an earlier draft of this paper have greatly improved the presentation. I have benefited from the comments of the editor and an anonymous referee ofDe Economist. For all omissions, all possible errors and the revealed views in this paper, I alone am responsible.  相似文献   

Summary The M.I.T. report for the Club of Rome tries to indicate the limits of economic growth. The thesis submitted by the report requires us to reconsider the concept of economic growth that we have been handling during the last decades. Galbraith's thesis on the Affluent Society makes a reconsideration of the concept of growth more acceptable. What is necessary is not really slowing down growth but modifying the structure of the growth process. All this requires a clear picture of the society that we prefer: an enlightened utopia. The modification of the structure will cause such discontinuities in the growth process as to add a sixth stage to the five stages of economic growth that have been suggested by Rostow.Rede, uitgesproken bij de aanvaarding van het ambt van gewoon hoogleraar in de staathuishoudkunde aan de faculteit der sociale wetenschappen van de Nederlandse Economische Hogeschool, Hogeschool voor Maatschappijwetenschappen te Rotterdam op donderdag 12 oktober 1972.  相似文献   

Summary The title of this essay reflects the responsibility that people share in today's society for the outcome of the economic process to be efficient and equitable for everybody.Overcoming both the pursuit of Economic Welfarism and the separation of Efficiency and Equity, in welfare economics one has to look to a general understanding of the maintenance and furtherance of welfare on the physical, subjective and ethical levels. For that purpose, a recognition of the pluriformity of the ingredients of welfare is necessary. External effects, ecological problems and the scale of private, mixed and public goods, fall into that pattern.Openbare les, gegeven bij de aanvaarding van het ambt van gewoon lector in de staathuishoudkunde aan de Vrije Universiteit to Amsterdam op 22 september 1972.  相似文献   

M. W. Holtrop 《De Economist》1978,126(4):449-455
Summary Dr. Holtrop's address on the occasion of the award of the Dr. N. G. Pierson medal to Professor C. Goedhart and to Professor G. A. Kessler answers the question why it is still meaningful to commemorate Dr. N. G. Pierson (1839–1909), the foremost Dutch economist of the 19th century. Pierson was successively a managing director and later governor of the Nederlandsche Bank (1868–1891), a professor of economics (1877–1886), a minister of finance (1891–1894 and 1897–1901) and a prime-minister (1897–1901). A brief outline is given of Pierson's publications in the fields of (1) methodology, (2) the social problem, (3) the international monetary system, and (4) equitable taxation. The address concludes with a quotation from Alfred Marshall's last letter to Pierson.

Oud-president van de Nederlandsche Bank.

Tekst van een toespraak, gehouden als voorzitter van de Stichting Mr. N. G. Pierson Fonds, ter gelegenheid van de uitreiking der Mr. N. G. Pierson-penning aan Prof. dr. C. Goedhart en aan Prof. dr. G. A. Kessler op 15 september 1978 in het gebouw van De Nederlandsche Bank te Amsterdam. De inleiding van de toespraak is enigszins verkort weergegeven.  相似文献   

Summary Korteweg extended the Barro, Lucas, Sargent, Wallace type of rational expectations model to a small open economy. This paper tests Korteweg's model with Dutch data. A major error in the specification and estimation is pointed out and corrected: the differenced expected variables are not defined consistently. This error implies that Korteweg's and Bomhoff's previous empirical results on the model are invalid. The test results for the corrected model indicate that this model has to be rejected for The Netherlands. The restrictions implied by an extremely simple empirical alternative are, however, not rejected.I would like to thank Dr. Th.E. Nijman, Professors F. van der Ploeg, W.H. Buiter and J.J.M. Theeuwes and Dr. A. J. de Zeeuw for their stimulus and helpful comments on previous versions of this paper, and Professor P. Korteweg for his open-minded attitude towards this research. Responsibility for the contents remains, of course, with the author. Financial help, from the Stichting Bekker-La Bastide-Fonds and the Stichting A.A. van Beek-Fonds is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

Summary The so-called Cambridge-Cambridge controversy concerning heterogeneous capital goods is reconsidered in this article. Firstly, the neoclassical theory as it has been criticized is summarized by means of a formulation of the production function with a variable or constant elasticity of substitution between labour and capital. This VOCES-function includes the Cobb-Douglas and the CES functions as special cases. In an appendix to this article, the alternative Sraffa system is presented in accordance with Sraffa's remark that there is no harm in adopting the assumption of constant returns as a temporary working hypothesis. Sraffa takes only a sideways look at the (double) switching of techniques.Samuelson's surrogate production function and the critical exposition of it by Garegnani are confronted with Hick's analysis of the wage-interest frontier. The impact of it on the relation between capital intensity and interest makes Garegnani's assumption of an integrated industry in this connection not fully acceptable in the present author's view.Both Nuti and Hicks have shown in their recent articles in theEconomic Journal (1970) that it can be helpful to follow what Hicks calls a Neo-Austrian approach. Already in the thirties Hayek and Eucken made it clear that production may be conceived as a process that connects dated inputs and outputs with capital goods as intermediate products. In the opinion of the present writer, this point of view has been too much neglected. In his doctoral thesis (1970) the author has, therefore, developed an isochronic isoquant analysis. This approach involves the formulation of a general factor period as a basis for a cost analysis in terms of immediate costs of inputs and the average investment period. In the present article, this method of analysis is used for the direct derivation of the wage-interest frontier without resorting to wage-interest curves and by stressing the impact ,of the production relations themselves on that frontier.It follows that a Ricardian analysis, as more clearly expounded in the (neo-)Austrian approach than in the neoclassical theory, has to be preferred both for further analyzing production and for a better understanding of capital and interest, and that this conclusion stems already from thirty years ago.Dit artikel is de nadere uitwerking van een bijdrage voor de interuniversitaire bijeenkomst over algemeae economie, op 24 september 1971 gehouden aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam. Voor de stimulerende opmerkingen van met name prof. dr. J. G. Knol en drs. W. van Drimmelen wil ik graag mijxn dank uitspreken.  相似文献   

Summary Since 1971 the employment in the Netherlands has continuously decreased. Apart from the decrease caused by the recent depression, particularly in the year 1975, the decrease is a more pronounced continuation of a tendency which is manifest already in a number of years before. In this paper an attempt is made to explain the structural development of employment by means of a clay-clay vintage model. It appears that the unfavourable development of employment is connected with the accelerated growth of real labour costs in the past decade.This article is a translation of a revised and somewhat extended version of a paper published earlier in Dutch: H. den Hartog and H. S. Tjan,Investeringen, lonen, prijzen en arbeidsplaatsen, Central Planning Bureau, Occasional Paper, 1974/2, The Hague, 1974. This revised version of the clay-clay vintage model was introduced into a much more complete model of the economy of the Netherlands in: H. den Hartog, Th. C. M. J. van de Klundert and H. S. Tjan, De structurele ontwikkeling van de werkgelegenheid in macro-economisch perspectief, inWerkloosheid, Preadviezen van de Vereniging voor de Staathuishoudkunde, The Hague, 1975.  相似文献   

Saeid Mahdavi 《De Economist》1989,137(2):217-231
Summary This paper examines the impacts of some external and domestic factors on two measures of domestic savings (DS) in a sample of developing countries over the period 1980-82. No strong statistical evidence is found to support the hypothesis that external resources (i.e., official aid and borrowed capital) inhibit DS by substituting for them. On the other hand, favorable trade conditions (as represented by the rate of growth of the external terms of trade) are consistently found to be positively and significantly correlated with DS. These results are suggested to support the old slogan trade not aid, if it is interpreted to mean that aid should not be considered as an alternative to profitable trade opportunities.  相似文献   

E. S. Mot  J. S. Cramer 《De Economist》1992,140(4):488-500
Summary We have studied the choice of mode of payment from a 1987 Dutch household survey. The institutional arrangements of a transaction are a major determinant for the mode of payment, and so is the amount involved. A 10% increase in the sum paid usually leads to a reduction of about 1.3% to 2.3% in the incidence of currency use.Based on De keuze van een betaalmiddel (The Choice of Mode of Payment), (SEO, Amsterdam, 1989), which reports research commissioned by the Postbank, Amsterdam.  相似文献   

Summary This paper analyses the effects of trade policies in a general equilibrium two-conutry model with imperfect competition. This model generalizes the models of monopolistic and Cournot competition. Trade is shown to be welfare-increasing in the monopolistic completition model. The same holds true in the case of endogenous growth. In the model of Coumot competition, the welfare effects of trade policies depend upon the type of entry and exit. Indeed, it is possible for two countries to increase their welfare by pursuing a coordinated policy of protection. In an endogenous growth setting, the validity of the latter finding depends upon the consumer rate of time preference.At the time of writing, the author was affiliated with the Ministry of Economic Affairs. An earlier version of this paper was presetned at the ECOZOEK-day, June 11, 1993, Tilburg and was awarded theKVS-prize 1993 of the Royal Netherlands Economic Association. The author would like to thank an anonymous referre, P.A.G. van Bergeijk, R.A.de Mooij, A. Nieuwenhuis, F. van der Ploeg, J. van Sinderen, S. Smulders, and P.M. Waasdorp for useful comments. The views expressed in this paper are strictly presonal.  相似文献   

Het bovenstaande geeft de inhoud weer van een praeadvies uitgebracht voor het in september 1956 te Rome gehouden congres van het Institut International de Finances Publiques, gewijd aan Les effects économiques des dépenses publiques.  相似文献   

Smoke of leets     
J. Pen 《De Economist》1974,122(5):387-398
Summary This is a review of some of Mrs. Joan Robinson's ideas, and the author's conclusion is that these ideas do not contribute to the present state of economic theory. Her view on international trade is lopsided, her criticism of traditional capital theory goes too far, her refutation of income distribution theory is mainly unfounded. Basically, Mrs. Robinson rejects the notion of relative scarcity of capital; the author believes that this is a useful notion in economics. Moreover, her recent work shows a strong anti-empiricist tendency. If Mrs. Robinson's negative train of thought were to be applied to all concepts of macro-economic theory (total labour force, real national income etc.) these concepts would vanish in thin air. The whole of macro-economics might go up in smoke.  相似文献   

It is well known that in a small open economy where there is perfect substitutability between domestic and foreign assets and costless portfolio adjustment, the monetary authorities, pursuing an exchange-rate target, cannot control the money supply, but can influence the balance of payments through the use of domestic credit. It has been argued that domestic credit is therefore the relevant variable in output determination as well. This paper demonstrates, however, using a new classical structural model, that under the conditions that render the money supply uncontrollable, neither money nor domestic credit affects output.  相似文献   

Summary In a small open economy it is optimal to first maximize national income and second choose the best consumption point.The same two-step procedure under (quantitative) uncertainty is suboptimal if one of the goods is used as numéraire. Optimality is restored however, if nominal prices are deflated by the exact price index. Hence there is equivalence between the appropriate two-step procedure and the introduction of a stock market under uncertainty (Diamond 1967) under ideal circumstances.I would like to thank, without implicating, Peter van Bergeijk, Steven Brakman, Willem Buiter, Richard Gigengack, Jean-Marie, Viaene, Casper de Vries and an anonymous referee for useful comments and Angelique van Haasteren and Martijn Herrmann for graphical assistance.  相似文献   

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