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彭新宇  程琳  熊鹰 《经济地理》2014,(5):144-149
以2009—2012年湖南省各市州农村户用沼气发展水平数据为研究对象,运用变异系数、泰尔指数、相对变化率及因子分析方法,借助Stata和GIS软件,研究湖南不同市州沼气发展的时空变异特征及其驱动因子。结果显示:①湖南沼气池保有总量和农村人均沼气池保有量均呈稳步增长态势;②永州市、益阳市沼气池保有量相对变化率较高,而长沙市、湘潭市沼气池保有量相对变化率很小;③湖南各市州沼气池保有量的空间差异呈逐年缩小态势;④影响各市州沼气发展空间变异的主导影响因子是规模因子、成本因子和速度因子。  相似文献   

沼气热水器是改善农村生活条件,巩固生态建设成果的利器,但其市场占有率一直很低.本文从市场分析着手,在技术经济层面探讨了农村沼气热水器的发展方向,认为即使在沼气普及率较高的地区,沼气热水器也只能作为一种辅助热水器;为了提高市场份额,应着重发展既能用燃气又能用沼气的多用型沼气热水器,并解决售后服务等问题.  相似文献   

当前中国农村沼气能源的开发利用和发展非常缓慢,沼气池的建设和使用存在成本高、可持续性差和建池难度大等缺点。介绍了一种新型物压软罩式沼气池的结构模型、工作原理,并对其进行了经济效益分析,认为物压软罩式沼气池是能给投资者带来可观投资收益的能源系统,具有很好的经济效益。  相似文献   

马德富 《经济师》2010,(2):202-203
近年来,我国农村沼气建设力度很大,发展较快。但也要看到,农村沼气建后使用过程中也暴露出不少问题,直接影响着沼气的后续建设和长期可持续发展。解决这些问题的有效途径是加快推动后续服务体系建设。文章以有"全国沼气第一州"之誉的恩施州所辖恩施市为对象,在深入调研的基础上对这一问题进行了分析探讨。  相似文献   

(一) 我国政府赠与多哥的示范性沼气项目,在多哥农村建成。1988年10月14日,多哥农村发展部长在项目现场主持了隆重的落成仪式并发表了热情洋溢的讲话,称赞沼气项目的建成是两国合作关系史上新的创举。这个项目由湖北省农科院和武汉市能源办的4位专家承包实施。由三个沼气池组成,其中一个发电工程,两个家用池。  相似文献   

文章提出了在当前能源日益紧缺、环境日益恶化的严峻形势下开发沼气并进行综合利用的意义.在此基础上,探讨农村进行沼气产业发展的可行性,总结归纳了沼气产业发展中已取得的成绩及尚存的问题,并结合这些成绩及问题针对农村沼气工程未来的发展方向提出了几点建议.  相似文献   

沼气工程是农村农业生态系统的中心枢纽之一 ,通过小型高效沼气池发酵既可解决我国绝大部分地区农村的基本生活用能、生产优质有机肥、改善环境卫生问题、提高农民的生活质量 ,并使保护环境、恢复植被及森林、最终恢复生态平衡成为可能。  相似文献   

在我国,许多地区因推广应用沼气节能技术而受益匪浅。而在国外,特别是第三世界国家的不少地区也接受了中国的沼气节能技术服务,并取得了很好的效果。总统的希望缺乏能源的圭亚那,正致力于开发当地替代能源,而中国的沼气技术正适合该国需要。应圭政府的要求,中国政府于1984年陆续派出专家到那里传授沼气技术。他们先后在农场、医院、学校及总统官邸建了5个大小不同的沼气池,并为圭方培训了19名技术人员。这些示范性沼气池,充分利用当地生产的原材料,构造简单,造价低,便于施工和管理,气量足,经济效益好。如马哈依卡医院用上沼气后,每月节约燃料费达400圭元,一个月就收回了建池的投资。圭亚那政府官员和外国使节参观沼气池后,都称赞中国的沼气技术好。  相似文献   

沼气的使用能使农村的环境卫生明显改善。沼气粪肥是良好的无公害肥料,浇灌蔬菜,菜不长虫。更重要的是,使用沼气可有效地防止对森林的砍伐。一些环保专家认为,在农村发展沼气能源,既可解决农民烧柴问题,并减少森林消耗,能有效保护森林资源和生态环境。地处三峡库区腹地的重庆忠县农民过去一直以木柴作为主要燃料。自2000年,这个县开始抓农村沼气项目,相继在忠州、石宝、黄金等7个乡镇进行示范推广,通过政府补贴和农户自筹的办法,鼓励农民修建沼气池。目前全县已建沼气池10000多口,受益农户上万户,这样的沼气县在全国正在越来越多。  据测…  相似文献   

针对目前农村粪污在循环资源化利用方面的不足,论述了在农村中建立集中式的粪污(包括人、禽、畜)收集与输送系统、建立村级集中式的沼气发生池以及集中式沼气能源站的重要性、必要性和可操作性,就目前中国农村能源使用的种类和方式及粪污处理的现状进行了汇总性介绍,尤其是针对其存在的问题进行了深入的分析,并结合示例论证,指出了其改进的方向。指出在农村振兴和美丽乡村建设中,应结合自身的特点和优势,大力对可再生能源(尤其是沼气资源)进行开发和利用,这样既可以减轻全国对常规能源需求的压力,也可以同时解决由于对粪污处理不当而造成的农村的环境负担。在农村建立集中式沼气能源站以实现粪污资源化利用,对农村能源的合理利用、农村的厕所革命和美丽乡村的建设将起到重要的积极作用。  相似文献   

随着高校招生规模的不断扩大,家庭贫困的学生人数也在逐年攀升,这成为了国家、社会和高校共同关注的问题.2007年,国家颁布了《关于建立健全普通本科高校、高等职业学校和中等职业学校家庭经济困难学生资助政策体系的意见》.新资助政策体系的建立,虽然在实践中起到一定积极作用,但在具体实施过程中陆续暴露出界定及资助标准单一、经济困难学生自身认识不足等问题.  相似文献   

This paper describes 3 pitfalls in the construction of family-based models of population growth which must be avoided if internal consistency and empirical relevance are to be maintained. Models of the family in which the number as well as the quality of children are subject to choice were pioneered by Becker in 1960 and more recently have served as a base for the theoretical analysis of population size. In these economic models of population, family size and bequests are the outcomes of utility-maximizing family decisions, with the utility of each family viewed as depending on family consumption, family size, and prospective welfare of children, while the age structure of the population is an endogenous variable. All the models are static and focus on the properties of steady states. The 1st pitfall concerns the internal logical consistency of the models and consists in the possibility that the typical family's maximization problem may have no solution, even with a well-behaved concave utility function. The other 2 pitfalls concern the consistency of the model with some "gross facts of life", 1 deriving from the possibility that, even when the family's maximization problem has a solution, the phase diagram for the stock of capital may contain no steady state other than the origin, and the other that even when there exists a non-trivial steady state for the stock of capital, the community may nevertheless face extinction. The 3 pitfalls can be avoided if utility and production functions are subjected to more stringent restrictions than are usually found in economic theory.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyze the effect that growing up in a family with a history of welfare receipt has on young people's engagement in a variety of social and health risks. Unique administrative data matched to survey data for 18‐year‐olds and their mothers allow us to evaluate the effect of welfare receipt over the course of a young person's childhood. Much of the apparent link between family welfare history and risk taking disappears once we control for the effects of family structure, mothers’ own risk taking, and mothers’ investments in their children. We find no evidence that growing up on welfare causes young people to engage in risky behavior.  相似文献   

The family is often taken as the decision-making unit in utility maximizing theories of labour supply. At a simple level, the family is composed of two elements, dependents and workers. This paper seeks to quantify the influence of these two elements on family labour supply in agriculture. Family farms are particularly suited to such analysis since institutional rigidities, like the fixed working week, are absent. Econometric methods are used on data from farms in the north-west of england for the year 1976/7. The cross-sectional study uses single equation methods. The results show that only family composition determines the labour supply of the farm family: they can then be used to quantify the effects of individual groups of dependents and workers on family labour supply.  相似文献   

武广高铁对湖南沿线城市可达性的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
武广高铁的开通改善了沿线城市的可达性,极大地提高了沿线城市间要素流动的速度与效率,促进了沿线城市的经济发展。以武广高铁湖南境内段为例,选取武广湖南沿线五个节点城市,运用日常可达性,加权平均旅行时间以及经济潜能三种评价方法定量分析武广高铁对沿线城市可达性的影响,得出武广高铁的开通显著提升了沿线城市可达性水平,同时,可能会使得非沿线城市出现经济相对负增长的结论,并对武广高铁影响下区域社会经济发展格局的变化趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

朱德开 《技术经济》2006,25(5):24-27
近年来,我国住房价格不断上涨,但房价仍在消费者承受范围内;房地产开发企业并未出现普遍的暴利行为;居民人均购房与建房支出占家庭收入的比重也没有明显的增加。由于公共产品不足,居民家庭教育和医疗支出所占的比重迅速提高,消费者对未来收入和支出的不确定性预期增强,购房能力相对下降。消费者越来越不敢花钱,也就越来越觉得住房价格高,因此,公共产品缺乏是造成住房价格偏高的重要原因。  相似文献   

The attempt is made to estimate the cost of family planning service provision and to demonstrate a means of showing the effectiveness of these services. The empirical results presented relate to the Grampian Health Board Area, located in North-East Scotland, for the financial year 1977-1978. The total population is about 450,000. Grampain is divided into 3 districts -- North, West and South, and the South district includes the City of Aberdeen with a population of over 200,000. A measure of effectiveness was developed which is based on the use-effectiveness of contraceptive methods used by family planning services users compared to that of those most likely to be used by this population in the absence of family planning services. The measure was then modified in view of the constraints on contraceptive use and demographic data. The measure used showed that the effectiveness of the services is dependent upon both the take-up rate and the use-effectiveness of the services provided. Concentrating on the conception-avoidance goal only underestimates the services' achievements, for family planning is also concerned with achieving wanted family creation. It was estimated that given the utilization rate of Grampian's community-based family planning services in 1977-1978, between 828 and 1242 unwanted conceptions were avoided, with an associated cost to the National Health Service per unwanted conception avoided of between 264 pounds and 396 pounds.  相似文献   

In 2001 the mean income deficit for poor families was $7,231. The mean income surplus for nonpoor families was $57,841. The sum of those two estimates—$65,072—represents what we call the family income gap. Between 1993 and 2000—the period marking the longest expansion in U.S. economic history—the real family income gap grew on average by $1,143 every year.  相似文献   

2007年以来,美国房屋的销售量和房地产价格同时连续下滑,致使美国次级住房抵押贷款危机在2008年8月份爆发,阴影所致,威胁全球。在经济全球化的时代,这场发生在美国的次级贷款引发的金融危机迅速波及全球,造成了其他国家相继卷入此次风波之中。然而,历史却是惊人的相似,至少在经济危机发生的原理上是近乎一致的。本文试图以史为鉴,以1929—1933年大萧条后各国的反应以及国际格局的演变趋势来分析此次次贷危机可能带来的国际格局的新变化。  相似文献   

买忆媛  辜雪娜  陈懿黾 《技术经济》2011,30(5):33-38,99
通过分析典型案例探究了同群效应对创业路径选择的影响机理。研究发现:同群者的流动经历和创业经历对创业者的创业认知和创业资源的整合能力具有积极作用;同群者中的家庭成员即强连带关系促使创业者选择创新型创业路径,而同群者中的组织成员即弱连带关系促使创业者选择模仿型创业路径。  相似文献   

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