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吕献荣 《财会通讯》2010,(1):158-160
生态破坏和环境恶化问题已经成为严重制约我国可持续发展的瓶颈,本文阐述了通过环境税经济手段解决环境问题的的可行性、分析了发达国家环境税收政策,对我国开设环境税、完善与环境有关的现行税种以及环境保护方面的税收鼓励政策等提出了建议。  相似文献   

生态破坏和环境恶化问题已经成为严重制约我国可持续发展的瓶颈,本文阐述了通过环境税经济手段解决环境问题的的可行性、分析了发达国家环境税收政策,对我国开设环境税、完善与环境有关的现行税种以及环境保护方面的税收鼓励政策等提出了建议。  相似文献   

一、开征独立环境税是实现经济可持续发展的必然选择 环境问题是经济可持续发展过程中不可回避的重要问题,环境的破坏、资源的滥用对经济的发展起着滞后的负面效果。在多种环境保护的手段中,环境税收有着不可替代的地位。环境税作为国家宏观调控的一种重要手段,许多经济发达国家纷纷推行利于环保的财政、税收政策,进行综合的环境税制改革,一方面通过征收环境税取得收入,另一方面将环境税收入用于减轻社会福利费的负担或降低其他具有扭曲性质的税收,以期能够实现保护环境和改善福利的“双重红利”。  相似文献   

<正>在全球环境危机加剧的背景之下,寻求税收手段来解决环境问题,日益成为理论界和实务界共同关注的焦点。通过征收环境税,可以有效地达到保护环境的目的。本文从环境税的概念、特征入手,探究环境税的理论基础,通过分析我国环境税的立法现状,并结合学术界对环境税如何立法的探讨,提出构建我国环境税立法的设想,从而完善我国的环境法的立法体系,促进环境保护与经济建设的协调、可持续发展。  相似文献   

目前,我国环境保护税仅仅是对排污费制度的平移和优化,环境税收体系相较其他先进国家的环境税收体系也存在差距,成效也有所欠缺.学习先进国家征收环境税的实践经验,可以对我国的环境税改革起到一定的借鉴作用.基于此,分析部分国家比较成熟的环境税征管方面的经验和做法,总结归纳其中可资借鉴之处,针对我国目前环境税收体系存在的问题,提...  相似文献   

周旭  郭天昱 《财会通讯》2021,(9):159-163
随着全球环境问题的日益凸显,20世纪80年代诸多发达国家即着手环境税收体系的构建,而我国之前通过排污费来行使环境税职责,2010年起开展资源税从价计征,直至2018年环境保护税法的正式实施标志我国成立环境税收体系.然而我国环境保护税是对排污费的平移和优化,相比西方国家的环境税收体系存在诸多不足,环境保护成效也存在欠缺.由此,分析西方发达国家的成熟经验,对我国环境税收体系的进一步完善具有十分重要的现实作用.  相似文献   

环境税的国际实践经验及借鉴   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
环境税是世界各国涉及公众利益的热门话题。我国环境税还未正式起步,而国外环境税已有几十年的实践经验。文章对环境税在国外的发展历程和特点进行了研究,并针对我国环境税的现状,提出了借鉴国外成功的实践经验.建立适合我国的环境税收体系的具体思路。  相似文献   

一、征收环境税的意义环境税是按其对环境资源的开发、利用强度和对环境的污染破坏程度,对一切开发、利用环境资源(包括自然资源、环境容量资源)的单位和个人,进行征收或减免的一种税收,主要包括对环境污染和破坏较严重的产品征的消费税、资源税、污染税和准环境税,如保护环境排污费、补偿费(生态环境补偿费、育林费)开发使用费(水资源费、土地使用费)等。征收环境税的意义如下:  相似文献   

国外绿色税收体系实践对我国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、绿色税收的概念 绿色税收又称环境税、生态税等,究其产生根源,可追溯到上世纪20年代英国“福利经济学之父”庀古提出的利用税收纠正污染的外部性问题,即对导致环境污染的经济主体征收特别税种,使外部成本内在化,以实现对环境、资源的有效利用。但正式提出“绿色税收”这一概念是在20世纪90年代,由经济合作与发展组织成员国发起提出,旨在保护自然资源、遏制环境污染,实现可持续发展。根据《国际税收辞汇》(第2版)中的定义:绿色税收又称环境税,是指对投资于防治污染或环境保护的纳税人给予的税收减免,对污染行业和污染物的使用所征的税。这一概念与国内学者对绿色税收的中义观点最为接近。  相似文献   

关于我国环境税税权分配的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,社会各界对环境税开征的相关问题进行了较为深入的探讨,但是对环境税税权分配的问题却很少有人进行研究。本文对环境税的立法权、税收征管权和税收归属权的分配问题进行了相关研究,并对税权分配后可能出现的问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

本文主要研究了企业所得税对企业债务融资决策产生的影响。研究结论支持了修正的MM理论关于税收对企业的债务融资决策有影响的观点。研究表明:在我国上市公司的债务融资决策中,企业所得税是考虑的因素之一,主要表现在其他条件相同的情况下,实际税率较高的企业债务融资的利用程度较高,享受税盾利益的动机相对较强。同时在我国上市公司中,债务性税盾与非债务性税盾的替代作用并不明显。  相似文献   

A carbon tax is potentially a policy that can reduce CO2 emissions and mitigate climate risks, at lowest economy-wide costs. We develop a dynamic CGE model for Spain to assess the economic and environmental effects of a carbon tax, and test the double dividend (DD) hypothesis. We simulate the impact of three carbon taxes: €10, €20 and €30 per ton of CO2. For each tax, four ‘revenue recycling’ scenarios are examined: a reduction of taxes on capital, on labor, on value-added tax, and a scenario in which revenues are not recycled. We find a DD for taxes of €10/ton and lower, within five to seven years of implementation. We estimate an annual CO2 emissions reduction of around 10% with this tax. Under some circumstances, the DD can be achieved for a tax of €20/ton. In any case, recycling revenues to cut pre-existing taxes reduces costs of imposing carbon taxes.  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2020,44(3):100806
This paper explores the relationship between environmentally related taxes and the economic growth rate. The analysis also investigates whether this relationship differs between countries that have implemented environmental tax reforms (ETRs) and those that have not. Using panel data from 31 OECD countries over the period 1994–2013, the paper finds that when we allow environmentally related tax revenues to interact with an initial level of real GDP per capita, the overall revenues of these taxes are negatively associated with the economic growth rate in the short and long term. Furthermore, we show that the higher the initial level of GDP per capita, the more environmentally related tax revenues can promote the economic growth rate. The analysis also reveals that the relationship between environmentally related tax revenues and economic growth varies between countries that have a mechanism to redistribute environmentally related tax revenues and those that do not.  相似文献   

能源环境问题是影响当今经济社会可持续发展的核心问题之一.我国相对完善的能源税费体制尚未形成,资源税费改革滞后,对能源环境税费征收重视不足,节能环保激励效应不明显,使得能源税费对能源产业调控作用有限,进而导致长期以来能源价格未能全面反映能源的全部价值.因此,根据“十二五”规划纲要提出的改革目标,我国能源税费制度改革应依据维护生态平衡、系统化设计、能源结构的优化与多样化、公平分配环境责任、提高能源效率等基本原则,从建立综合税收调控体系、择机开征碳税、全面推进资源税费改革、开征能源环境税、健全能源环保税收优惠措施五个方面入手加快推进.  相似文献   

借鉴国际经验完善我国促进循环经济发展的税收政策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
伍红 《企业经济》2012,(5):156-159
循环经济是可持续发展的新兴经济增长模式,为了促进循环经济的发展,西方各国纷纷采用不同税收手段,如荷兰、丹麦、瑞典等国纷纷开征名目众多的环境税;美国联邦和地方政府分别开征不同的环境税;日本也在各不同环节开征环境税,与此同时,各国纷纷采用包括加速折旧、税收减免、税收抵免等税收优惠政策鼓励循环经济的发展,不断"绿化"本国税制。在借鉴这些经验的基础上,我国应完善立法、改革现行税制,开征新的税种,促进循环经济的发展。  相似文献   

Trust breeds trust: How taxpayers are treated   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Tax compliance has been studied in economics by analysing the individual decision of a representative person between paying and evading taxes. A neglected aspect of tax compliance is the interaction of taxpayers and tax authorities. The relationship between the two actors can be understood as an implicit or “psychological” contract. Studies on tax evasion in Switzerland show that the more strongly the political participation rights are developed, the more important this contract is, and the higher tax morale is. In this paper, empirical evidence based on a survey of tax authorities of the 26 Swiss states (cantons) is presented, indicating that the differences in the treatment of taxpayers by tax authorities can be explained by differences in political participation rights as well. Received: June 2000 / accepted: November 2000  相似文献   

This study analyzes environmental regulations and trade performance in manufacturing sectors under static and dynamic conditions. We investigate environmental innovation induced by environmental regulations and the spillover effect on manufacturing sectors, determine whether the spillover effect offsets any negative effect found under static conditions and analyze environmental regulations on the import side. For this, we formulate a trade model that incorporates the environmental innovation equation. We analyze environmental tax, energy tax and the Emissions Trading System (ETS) using strong, balanced panel data from 19 OECD countries for 1996–2009. The results reveal that the static effect of energy tax on exports is negative, but the dynamic effect is positive; however, the positive effect does not offset the negative effect. In short, environmental tax and energy tax decrease the international competitiveness of the manufacturing sectors. Environmental tax and energy tax limit imports, especially in the high‐energy consumption group. The analyses of the ETS further complicate the overall picture. It shows that the further research on the effects of ETS on manufacturing firms' competitiveness over their foreign competitors in the global is required. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment  相似文献   

从整合审计角度切入,研究财务报表审计和内控审计由不同会计师事务所承担时企业税收激进性是否降低;接着,以我国内部控制和外部财务报表审计制度规范化为契机,探讨两者是否分别发挥出降低税收激进性这种代理行为的作用以及探讨两者在影响税收激进性方面有何种交互作用。以2011—2015年沪深证券交易所A股上市公司为研究对象,利用多元线性回归方法发现:非整合审计反而让税收激进性上升;高质量的内部控制质量或外部财务报表审计都能独立抑制企业税收激进行为;内部控制质量与外部财务报表审计在抑制企业税收激进性方面存在着相互替代关系。研究结论拓展了公司内外部治理机制对税收激进行为的影响,对有效利用内外部资源管理企业避税有重要的实践意义。  相似文献   

崔俊光 《价值工程》2007,26(1):156-158
最优税收理论是近年来经济学家们比较感兴趣的研究领域之一。最优税收理论主要包括商品税与所得税的组合理论、最优商品税、最优所得税三个方面。本文旨在阐述、评价最优税收理论的主要内容,并在此基础上,得出对我国的税制改革的政策启示  相似文献   

As environmental pollution increases, measures taken cannot follow increasing issues causing environmental pollution. Thus, important items required for human life such as air, water, and soil are polluted rapidly and threatened human health. Humanity produce and consume various goods and services in order to meet current requirements as well as pollute the environment required for maintaining life and source for these activities. Environmental taxes are adopted as one of the precautions for avoiding pollution of necessary components to sustain human life. This study aims to determine the sensitivities of 597 tax payers to environmental taxes, who contribute to environmental direct or indirect regulations with income, motor vehicle, special consumption, and sanitation taxes. The findings of the questionnaire suggest that corresponding taxpayers in Erzurum are sensitive to environmental taxes and that they tend to adopt any environmental tax being performed while this tax is intended to protect the environment.  相似文献   

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