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现代小说注重叙述,而相对降低了对所叙述内容的重视。这对于20世纪80.90年代登上中国文坛的先锋作家们来说,无疑具有重大而深远的的意义。在他们的视角里,小说的叙事远远比故事更重要。这一点。在先锋小说作家格非的创作上表现得尤为突出。由谁来叙事以及故事怎样被叙述,效果是很不同的。同样的一个故事从不同的叙事角度或者不同的叙述语气讲述,给读者带来的感受是不同的。在格非的小说中,叙事是一门艺术。  相似文献   

新闻是通过一定媒介对事实的叙述和传递,新闻叙事将故事文本符号化、符号组合意义化,在主流价值观的引导下建构叙事框架,传达特定的意识形态。本文以庆祝香港回归祖国25周年特别制作的专题片《香江永奔流》为研究对象,从叙事语法、叙事话语、叙事声音3个层面进行解析。叙事语法通过不同的叙事主题与叙事序列构建叙事场景,诠释故事主旨及意义;叙事话语通过融合不同的新闻文本和叙事修辞传达特定的价值观念;叙事声音则通过不同的叙事视角和叙事主体展现多元、客观的故事世界。专题片《香江永奔流》从以上3个层面全面展现了香港回归祖国25年来的发展变化,传递了社会主流价值观,为高质量发展凝聚了社会共识与强大力量。  相似文献   

企业家叙事能力作为处理社会关系的隐性知识实践能力,在创业成功的道路上发挥着重要作用。在回顾叙事、故事在创业研究中独特价值的基础上,提出了企业家叙事能力的内容,从资本获取层面构建了企业家叙事能力对创业绩效影响的概念模型,并在效率机制与合法性机制共同作用的基础上,探讨了企业家利用社会资本的作用机理,完善了概念模型,深化了叙事分析在创业研究中的应用。  相似文献   

新闻漫画是一种新闻性和艺术性相结合的"纪实漫画".它通过漫画语言去报道、评论新近发生的事实.媒体的存在,使得新闻漫画有了更迅速、更广泛的传播途径.  相似文献   

薛松华 《大陆桥视野》2014,(10):130-131
纪录片创作通过借鉴和运用故事片的艺术手法,将纪录片真实纪录的真实性与故事片叙事的艺术性有机结合,从而更具感染力和影响力。本文试从选题、情感表达、叙事手法、数字技术等四方面分析纪录片《玄奘之路》的故事化体现。  相似文献   

本文以内容电商的兴起为时代背景,重点对"故宫淘宝"的内容营销做案例分析,通过对其内容生产方式的研究,提出"故宫淘宝在内容营销方面的四点策略:厚重历史年轻化、游戏文本解构传统叙事、软广告植入,故事搭台产品唱戏以及注重互动.  相似文献   

一中国动漫产业的历史沿革 英语中把漫画分为儿童看的"CARTOON(卡通)"和青少年看的"COMIC(漫画)",在动漫界也是如此.所谓动漫,就是动画和漫画的简称.长期以来在我国概念不清,所以一直以中国美术影视来通称.从七八十年代至今,有三个阶段的发展变化: (一)计划经济条件下的动漫产业  相似文献   

研究的领域并不等于研究的对象.这里对梨园屯讼争的重描并不是要把和屯团运动的传统叙事变得更加精致,尝试也许是完全不同的,这种不同不仅在于讲述另外一个故事,更在于努力去发现历史是否有另一种讲法?  相似文献   

嘉日姆几 《开放时代》2024,(2):206-223+11
文章结合民族志与现象学方法,通过对沙村疯癫故事的还原呈现其围绕山神信仰展开的疾痛叙事环,从经验和逻辑层面解析环叙事所蕴含的非疾痛经验,并得出以下研究结论:首先,凯博文关于“躯体化”的疾痛叙事并不能完全解释中国人对于精神疾病的认识,中国的少数民族地区和农村有着大量非“躯体化”疾痛叙事;其次,凯博文所关注的疾痛叙事侧重于以身体为中心的个体叙事,并没有将以人的社会性和代际性为中心的群体叙事和整体叙事标识出来,而沙村的疯癫环叙事则将个体、群体和整体叙事组织成一个层次分明的闭合环;最后,凯博文由于没有甄别出精神障碍患者有别于其他慢性病患者的失忆性,忽略了对与其相关的失忆结构、日常化、叙事环等重要非疾痛经验的考察,它们对于维持精神障碍患者的正常生活意义重大。  相似文献   

程远,本名程伯承,1954年出生。吉林省作家协会会员,吉林省美术家协会理事,吉林省漫画协会副会长,集安市文联主席。1997年开始漫画创作,在《人民日报》、《解放军报》、《中国漫画》,香港《大公报》、《文汇报》等全国二百余家报刊发表大量漫画作品,先后有几十家报刊为其辟出漫画专栏,出版的著作有散文诗集《边陲雪》,散文集《走出森林》,漫画集《懒得糊涂》,哲理漫画系列:《程远警世漫画》、《程远醒世漫画》、《程远喻世漫画》等。  相似文献   

Abstract: The author disagrees with Homer Simpson who claims that" … cartoons don't have any deep meaning. They're just stupid drawings that give you a cheap laugh." He argues that The Simpsons have a deep meaning in the same way as the works of Jonathan Swift and George Orwell. The message in The Simpsons, Swift, and Orwell is that those in charge do not always undertake action with the public interest in mind—the basic premise of public choice. All three sources provide examples of other public choice themes, and they deliver their message through popular satire with layers of allusion.  相似文献   

Humour and cartoons are commonly perceived as practices of innocent entertainment, but the crisis following the publishing of twelve cartoons of the prophet Muhammed in the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten finally proved what serious matters popular culture, cartoons and humour can be. One repercussion of this notorious cartoon crisis was the publication in Kaltio, a minor cultural journal produced in northern Finland, of a comic strip in which various questions concerning the Muhammed cartoon episode and the political hypocrisy of the Finnish government were discussed satirically. This precipitated another, albeit minor, crisis which was noted widely around the world. Through these two interlinked incidences, the present paper discusses how humour functions as a ‘tool’ giving impetus to various forms of geopolitical processes and discussions in a range of contextual circumstances and at different spatial levels, resulting in both politically affirmative and destructive effects. It also discusses how the geopolitical order, discourses and codes can divert the reception and interpretation of humour.  相似文献   

本文主要研究了认知需求和消费者知识在广告信息结论明暗示程度对态度形成的影响中所产生的扰动作用.参与实验的受访者共有360人.研究表明:相对于明示性的广告结论信息,高认知需求的消费者对暗示性的广告结论信息会产生较佳的态度;相对于暗示性的广告结论信息,低认知需求度的消费者会对明示性的广告结论信息产生较佳的态度.另外,相对于明示性的广告结论信息,低消费知识的消费者对于暗示性的广告结论信息会产生较佳的态度;但广告结论信息的明暗示程度不会影响高消费知识消费者的态度.还有,广告结论信息的明暗示程度不会影响高认知需求且具有高消费知识消费者的态度;反之相对于暗示性的广告结论信息,低认知需求且消费知识低的消费者对于明示性的广告结论信息会产生较佳的态度.  相似文献   

We design a laboratory experiment in which an interested third party endowed with private information sends a public message to two conflicting players, who then make their choices. We find that third-party communication is not strategic. Nevertheless, a hawkish message by a third party makes hawkish behavior more likely while a dovish message makes it less likely. Moreover, how subjects respond to the message is largely unaffected by the third party’s incentives. We argue that our results are consistent with a focal point interpretation in the spirit of Schelling.  相似文献   

Research on bounded rationality has two cultures, which I call ‘idealistic’ and ‘pragmatic’. Technically, the cultures differ on whether they (1) build models based on normative axioms or empirical facts, (2) assume that people's goal is to optimize or to satisfice, (3) do not or do model psychological processes, (4) let parameters vary freely or fix them, (5) aim at explanation or prediction and (6) test models from one or both cultures. Each culture tells a story about people's rationality. The story of the idealistic culture is frustrating, with people in principle being able to know what they should do, but in practice systematically failing to do it. This story makes one hide in books for intellectual solace or surrender to the designs of someone smarter. The story of the pragmatic culture is empowering: If people are educated to use the right tool in the right situation, they do well.  相似文献   

The literature on the electronic mail game shows that players' mutual expectations may lock them into requiring an inefficiently large number of confirmations and confirmations of confirmations from one another. This paper shows that this result hinges on the assumption that, with the exception of the first message, each player can only send a message when receiving an immediately preceding message. We show that, once this assumption is lifted, equilibria involving confirmations of confirmations no longer pass standard refinements of the Nash equilibrium, and are no longer evolutionary stable.  相似文献   

This paper studies the existence of expectations equilibria for message processes on stochastic exchange environments. A message process which permits the general existence of expectations equilibria is termed admissible. The main results are: (1) Every admissible process satisfies a weakened version of the Hurwicz “privacy” condition. (2) The competitive process is admissible, and has a message space of locally minimal size among admissible nonwasteful processes. (3) The only admissible condensations of the competitive process are constant functions.  相似文献   

International Communication plays an important role in our society. Agenda setting theory emerges from communications studies and focuses on mass media influence on setting political agenda.The theory explains the correlation between the rate at which media cover a story and the extent that people think that this story is important. The media has become a strong barrier of communication between families and the outside world.  相似文献   

英国著名侦探小说家威尔基·柯林斯的代表作《白衣女人》一书不仅开创侦探小说之先河,且在写作手法上亦为英国小说另辟了一条新的蹊径。作为长篇侦探小说,《白衣女人》是关于拯救"受困的公主"及寻找社会身份的认同的文学作品,其故事枝蔓纵横、错综复杂,因而理清其主题情节就显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

基于环境解说系统规划SMRM模式,以福州国家森林公园环境资源发展现状为背景,从解说信息的发送者、信息传递媒介、信息接受者三个要素对国家森林公园环境解说系统构建进行深入研究,研究表明福州国家森林公园应以提升游客游憩体验,唤起环保意识为解说目的,在充分考虑游客的旅游行为偏好及使用解说系统行为特征的基础上应用多样化的解说媒介满足游客的多元需求。  相似文献   

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