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The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics - Determining an optimal principal limit factor (PLF) is important for a reverse mortgage (RM) contract because it mainly influences the development...  相似文献   

信息非均衡是银行信贷道德风险产生的一个重要前提,主要表现在银行与借款人之间的信息非均衡、银行现有机构内部出现的信息非均衡,银行基于委托--代理关系的相关道德风险也不容忽视.要通过明晰银行产权、建立富有效率的银行经营机制、建立科学的客户经理激励约束机制与绩效考核机制、积极构建全面的社会诚信档案等措施有效地防范道德风险.  相似文献   

非对称信息理论与农村信贷市场——兼谈泰国BAAC的经验   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
从非对称信息理论出发,联系泰国农业合作银行(BAAC)的经营实际,笔者认为非对称信息引起的逆向选择和道德风险,是阻碍正规金融机构在农村开展金融业务的重要原因。解除金融抑制,实现农村利率自由化并不能完全解决农村正规金融弱化的问题,政府介入农村金融市场应该重点采取制度创新方式,帮助解决农村信息不对称问题,激励正规金融部门为农村提供金融服务。  相似文献   


The reverse mortgage market has been expanding rapidly in developed economies in recent years. The onset of demographic transition places a rapidly rising number of households in an age window in which reverse mortgages have potential appeal. Increasing prices for residential real estate over the last decade have further stimulated interest.

Reverse mortgages involve various risks from the provider-s perspective that may hinder the further development of these financial products. This paper addresses one method of transferring and financing the risks associated with these products through the form of securitization. Securitization is becoming a popular and attractive alternative form of risk transfer of insurance liabilities. Here we demonstrate how to construct a securitization structure for reverse mortgages similar to the one applied in traditional insurance products.

Specifically, we investigate the merits of developing survivor bonds and survivor swaps for reverse mortgage products. In the case of survivor bonds, for example, we are able to compute premiums, both analytically and numerically through simulations, and to examine how the longevity risk may be transferred to the financial investors. Our numerical calculations provide an indication of the economic benefits derived from developing survivor bonds to securitize the “longevity risk component” of reverse mortgage products. Moreover, some sensitivity analysis of these economic benefits indicates that these survivor bonds provide for a promising tool for investment diversification.  相似文献   

李瑞红 《新理财》2014,(2):47-49
商业银行发生不良贷款的一个深层次原因在于银企之间、上下级行之间以及信贷流程前后环节之间存在不同程度的信息不对称问题。所谓“信息不对称”,是指一方拥有相关的信息而另一方没有或一方比另一方拥有更多的相关信息,从而对信息劣势者的决策造成不利影响的现象。  相似文献   

In this article, we propose a Bayesian multivariate framework to price reverse mortgages that involve several risks in both insurance and financial sectors (e.g., mortality rates, interest rates, and house prices). Our method is a multivariate extension of the Bayesian risk-neutral method developed by Kogure and Kurachi. We apply the proposed method to Japanese data to examine the possibility for a successful introduction of reverse mortgages into Japan. The results suggest a promising future for this new market.  相似文献   

This paper examines the financial and operational hedging activities of US pharmaceutical and biotech firms that are subject to a high level of information asymmetry stemming from R&D investments during 2001–2006. We find evidence in support of the information asymmetry hypothesis à la Froot, Scharfstein and Stein (1993) that hedging helps mitigate the under‐investment problem. Specifically, we find that the use of financial derivatives is associated with greater firm value and that the value enhancement is larger for firms subject to greater information asymmetry and better growth opportunities. There is a synergy between financial hedging and operational hedging where the latter is used to counter product development risk. The results are robust with respect to alternative performance measures, industry‐specific growth measures, and the endogeneity problem. Our work is differentiated from existing studies that examined commodity‐based industries without addressing information asymmetry.  相似文献   

A firm must issue common stock in order to undertake a new investment, and the firm's manager-owners can value the firm more accurately than the market. The ability of the manager-owners to trade in the firm's shares during the issue (a) reduces the investments that are foregone because of the market's mispricing the firm's shares, (b) changes the size and direction of the stock price change when the firm announces a new stock issue, and (c) changes the market value of the firm before and after the issue announcement, whether or not it decides to issue.  相似文献   

Equity release products are sorely needed in an aging population with high levels of home ownership. There has been a growing literature analyzing risk components and capital adequacy of reverse mortgages in recent years. However, little research has been done on the risk analysis of other equity release products, such as home reversion contracts. This is partly due to the dominance of reverse mortgage products in equity release markets worldwide. In this article we compare cash flows and risk profiles from the provider's perspective for reverse mortgage and home reversion contracts. An at-home/in long-term care split termination model is employed to calculate termination rates, and a vector autoregressive (VAR) model is used to depict the joint dynamics of economic variables including interest rates, house prices, and rental yields. We derive stochastic discount factors from the no arbitrage condition and price the no negative equity guarantee in reverse mortgages and the lease for life agreement in the home reversion plan accordingly. We compare expected payoffs and assess riskiness of these two equity release products via commonly used risk measures: Value-at-Risk (VaR) and Conditional Value-at-Risk (CVaR).  相似文献   

信息不对称条件下中小企业信贷约束的解决途径   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
苏凌云 《新金融》2006,(12):29-32
中小企业是我国国民经济的重要组成部分,却一直面临着融资瓶颈问题。银行贷款是中小企业融资的一个重要渠道,而目前中小企业从银行获得的贷款占银行贷款总量的比重还比较低。造成我国银行对中小企业信贷约束的内在本质原因是信息不对称。本文从信息不对称角度出发,对信贷约束进行了理论分析和现实分析,从而提出解决中小企业信贷约束的主要途径。  相似文献   

住房反向抵押贷款的国际借鉴与实践   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着我国老龄化社会程度的加重,社会保障压力不容回避.而市场经济发达国家通过住房反向抵押贷款,实现了以房养老,既提高了老年人的生活质量,又减轻了国家社会保障压力.因此,在我国推出住房反向抵押贷款,对于构建和谐社会有着重要的意义.  相似文献   

反向抵押贷款的国际比较与借鉴   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
反向抵押贷款,将养老与住房结合了起来,实现了以房养老,它对于改善老年人的生活质量和减轻社会保障压力起到很大的作用,在许多发达国家,尤其是美国已经是一种成熟的金融产品。比较分析国外反向抵押贷款模式的实施,借鉴其经验,对于我国推出此项业务具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

基于绿色成本信息不对称,运用博弈方法,构建二级绿色订单农业供应链,考量订单农业合约设计.结果表明:信息不对称下,采用批发价合同,公司利润可能受损,当公司高估绿色成本时,农户获利;采用收益分享合同,公司利润可能受损,但有利农户.无论信息是否对称,当农户的保留收益、绿色努力成本系数或产出不确定性较小时,公司宜选择收益分享合同;反之,宜选择批发价合同.与批发价合同相比,菜单合同可以降低信息不对称性和供应链的"双边际"效应,激励农户增加绿色投入,促进优质绿色农产品供给和各主体增收.  相似文献   

冯静生 《海南金融》2005,(11):45-47
随着我国老龄化社会程度的加重,社会保障压力不容回避。而市场经济发达国家通过住房反向抵押贷款,实现了以房养老,既提高了老年人的生活质量,又减轻了国家社会保障压力。因此,在我国推出住房反向抵押贷款,对于构建和谐社会有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

本文通过研究产业链整合相关理论,从东营海参产业案例出发,分析探了立足于农业产业链所开展的信息、信用与信贷的有效链接模式,为"三农问题"的解决提供了很好的借鉴。  相似文献   

信息经济是21世纪经济的主要特征,保险市场的一个固有的特征是信息不对称,如果没有其他机制来克服信息不对称问题,逆向选择将造成保险经营成本的不断上升,而道德风险的存在,又限制了风险的可保性。本文通过对保险经营中逆向选择和道德风险的成因分析,提出了一些简单的解决方法。  相似文献   

信息不对称与注册会计师的诚信建设   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
一、财务报告的审计目标是解决信息不对称 我们知道,证券市场的参与者主要由三部分构成筹资者(上市公司)、投资者(股民)以及中介机构,中介机构作为连接投资和筹资的纽带,在筹资者与投资者之间传递和沟通信息,在证券市场上,诚信专业、超然独立的中介机构对于发挥证券市场有效配置资源的功能起着重要的作用.  相似文献   

We investigate the roles of information asymmetry and governance in the wealth effects associated with passage of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) for a sample of 1,158 firms. For events suggesting adoption of stringent reform legislation, we find more (less) favorable abnormal returns (ARs) for firms with high (low) information asymmetry and for firms with weak (strong) governance. More favorable effects could result from expected improvements for firms with high information asymmetry or weak governance. Firms with positive ARs experience information asymmetry reductions post-SOX, indicating the market was able to discern the firms that would most benefit from the legislation's passage.  相似文献   

分析了网上购物信息不对称现状和危害,认为通过毂利配置,赋予消费者无须说明原因并无须支付罚金的合同解除权,是解决商家不诚信,网上购物信息不对称的优等选择.  相似文献   

数字金融的逻辑起点是互联网金融,互联网金融发展面临严重的治理与监管问题。数字金融在缓解传统的信息不对称的同时又引致了严重的数据不对称,表现在数据规模和质量的不对称、数据技术的不对称、数据管理的不对称、数据效用的不对称、数据外部性的不对称、数据监管的不对称。与信息不对称相比,数据不对称是基础层面的不对称,对市场主体的影响显得更为深刻。数字金融平台具有"数据垄断"的优势,而普通金融消费者处于绝对的劣势地位。要治理数字普惠金融的数据不对称,需要采取加快制定完善的数据法律法规、强化金融数据平台的治理与监管、开发政府实时监管技术平台、构建数字普惠金融适当性服务体系等措施。  相似文献   

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