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欧盟的企业并购控制政策及其影响 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
20世纪80年代后半期欧洲经济一体化的升级直接推动了欧洲企业并购浪潮的兴起。欧盟的企业并购控制政策正是在这一背景之下产生的,其直接目的就是为欧洲的企业并购创造一个统一而相对宽松的政策环境,从而推动经济一体化向纵深发展。本文详细介绍了这一政策的产生原因和政策内容,并在此基础上分析了欧盟企业并购控制政策的主要特点及影响。 相似文献
Bruce P. Corrie 《The Review of Black Political Economy》2016,43(2):101-110
To help marginalized people break out of their cycle of oppression and poverty we need to implement long term integrated policies focusing on all four of their environments: material, physiological, personal and social. This paper will present a policy framework, The Policy Mandala, and illustrate its usefulness with the comparative experience of Dalits (Scheduled Castes) in India and ALANA (African Latino Asian and Native American) people in the USA, in their struggle for economic and social liberation. 相似文献
城市竞争力是城市发展战略中最为核心的内容之一,并正逐渐成为国内外管理科学所研究的重要课题。本文对城市竞争力进行了概述,并对城市竞争力的指标体系和评价方法进行了对比分析,最后指出了城市竞争力的研究方向,以期能为我国城市竞争力研究提供参考。 相似文献
安徽和谐城市竞争力实证研究 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
经过三十年的改革开放,我国城市有了巨大的发展,但是同时也暴露了很多问题,究其原因,是经济、社会、环境三个方面非和谐发展引起的。根据科学发展观,构建和谐城市是我国城市发展的必然选择。文章首先系统阐述了关于城市竞争力的各种理论,然后构建了和谐城市竞争力的指标体系,对安徽省各城市的和谐竞争力进行评价并给出了一些政策建议。 相似文献
欧盟区域政策实施效果研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
欧盟是目前各国实现区域经济一体化的典范,但其内部的发展差距也是很大的。欧盟内部发展不平衡既存在于各成员国之间,也存在于成员国内各地区之间。各地区存在着广泛的自然资源差距,不同的区位差异,不同的文化背景和种族差别,这种差别也体现在地区经济发展水平的不平衡上。经过三十多年的实践,欧盟区域政策无论在制度基础,区域划分还是政策工具等方面都是极为成熟和完善的,借鉴欧盟区域政策成熟的运行机理,对我国制定和实施区域政策,缩小地区经济差异有十分重要的意义。 相似文献
中国粮食宏观调控的现实状态与政策框架 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
现阶段乃至今后相当长的时期,我国保障国家粮食安全、保持粮食市场稳定,面临更加复杂的形势和严峻的挑战。在新的形势下,必须在进一步提高粮食综合生产能力、千方百计调动农民种粮积极性、确保粮食生产稳定发展的基础上,继续坚持粮食市场化改革方向,充分发挥市场机制配置资源的基础性作用,统筹实施、协调运用各种强农惠农富农政策措施、粮食储备吞吐与进出口调节手段以及粮食市场管理与低收入群体保障机制,进一步加强和改善我国粮食宏观调控的制度框架、运行机制和政策体系,进一步增强调控的针对性和灵活性,不断提高调控的科学性、预见性和有效性。 相似文献
新疆在我国发展和稳定大局中具有重要的战略地位,要推动新疆实现跨越式发展和长治久安,就要根据新疆的区位特点和战略性需求,加快完善财政体制和财政政策,进一步加大资金和政策扶持力度。为此,本文提出:一是按照事权与财力相呼应原则,明确界定中央与自治区之间的事权和财权;二是根据新疆财政经济的特殊性,调整和完善中央对自治区的财政转移支付制度;三是进一步完善自治区以下分税制财政体制,健全对下转移支付制度;四是增加投入,进一步加大中央对新疆经济社会发展的支持力度。 相似文献
This paper demonstrates the remarkable competitiveness of East Asian countries in world export markets for manufactures and develops some policy implications, both for developed and other developing economies. Using constant market share analysis, applied to data for exports from three East Asian countries–Korea, China and Indonesia–to markets in the industrially advanced economies (IAEs), it shows that East Asian countries have increased their share, not merely in IAE imports, but in total IAE market sales at the expense of exporters from other countries and of domestic IAE producers. 相似文献
The aim of this work is to employ theoretical and empirical analysis on the role of special interest groups in the determination of the EU trade policy. We build a two-stage game model of trade policy formation in a multisector-multicountry framework. We obtain the level of protection as a function of industry characteristics, in addition to political and economic factors at member state and European levels. The model is then tested by 2SLS estimation using data for 15 countries and 41 sectors. The econometric output suggests empirical support to model’s predictions as it highlights an important role for both national and European groups in trade policy making. 相似文献
江西省城市群的城市竞争力动态演化分析 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1
文章建立城市竞争力评价指标体系,采用了全局主成分分析和系统聚类方法对江西省城市群的城市竞争力进行了动态分析,研究得到如下结论:①影响江西省城市群的城市竞争力的因素是多种的,它们分别是综合发展推动、消费与基础设施拉动、外向经济和投资拉动、政府管理和调控、环境治理与科技创新、信息化建设等6个方面;②根据城市竞争力动态因子得分,发现江西省11个城市可以归并为6类,进一步的综合因子得分揭示这六类城市的时空动态演化幅度存在着很大的差异。 相似文献
Abstract This article evaluates and compares regional development in the Chinese provinces and in the regions of the European Union (EU) countries. Development efforts in southern Italy, northeast England and eastern Germany are reviewed along with EU, Community-wide regional development programmes. Equity concerns suggest promotion of regional policy, but the pursuit of maximum national economic growth would avoid it, since it sacrifices some economic growth. The impact of foreign direct investment (FDI) and domestic investments on individual Chinese provinces is compared with their impact in Europe. There is an implicit contrast between public sector regional development programs and more effective private foreign direct investments. 相似文献
欧盟新能源政策:动因分析与前景展望 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
作为能源进口大户,欧盟一直都十分重视其能源政策。近年来,随着全球能源需求的不断增加和能源价格的不断上涨,欧盟能源政策也发生了明显的变化,其一体化色彩开始逐渐加强。本文在论述欧盟建立新能源政策动因的基础上,通过分析欧盟新能源政策的改进之处,展望了欧盟新能源政策的前景。欧盟通过建立新能源政策可获得巨大收益,但道路并不平坦。 相似文献
Atlantic Economic Journal - 相似文献
当前县域城镇化面临着一些政策障碍,亟待解决。文章从发展规划、产业发展、农民进城、城镇建设、管理服务等关系到县域城镇化的重要方面探讨县域城镇化政策创新,以期为相关机构提供决策参考。 相似文献
低碳经济视野的都市农业旅游:政府行为与市场边界 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
低碳经济是人类社会发展进程中的新变革和大趋势。低碳经济时代要求都市农业旅游充分合理地利用自然资源并有效地提高农业生产力,强调保护农业生态环境并实现资源的长效和循环利用。我国都市农业旅游在低碳发展实践中涌现出低碳农业观光型、低碳技术研发型、低碳科普示范型、低碳农业物流型和低碳生活体验型若干模式。实现都市农业旅游低碳发展有政府主导、行业组织、市场运作、多方参与等不同路径选择,应综合考虑各地区的农业产业化水平、资源禀赋、生态环境保护和民俗文化特色等因素进行合理选择,实现我国都市农业旅游经济、生态和社会效益的整体最优。 相似文献
印度软件产业的扶持政策及对我国的启示 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
印度政府对软件产业的发展给予了大力扶植,将软件产业发展置于优先地位,实行优惠的金融政策和税收政策,积极支持与建立多形式、多层次的软件人才教育与培养体系。印度软件产业的扶持政策对我国具有重要启示作用,我国应充分发挥政府的作用,确保软件产业尽快成为我国的主导产业与支柱产业;多渠道解决软件产业发展中所需的资金问题;建立健全多层次、多形式的软件人才教育与培养体系;实行更加优惠的税收政策,大力推行政府采购政策。 相似文献
Evidence broadly confirms that European Union (EU) harmonization of food regulations can be considered as a trade-promoting
and market-integrating instrument in the Single Market. However, little is known on how this particular trade liberalization
measure may impact total factor productivity (TFP). One of the general presumptions is that trade liberalization has a positive
impact on productivity through the effect of competitive pressures to which domestic firms are exposed. For instance, as a
result of lowering or removing regulatory barriers to trade, a decline in entry costs of foreign and domestic competitors
leads to more competitive pressures which have a downward effect on prices and markups and higher TFP through a better reallocation
of inputs. The overall evidence shown in this paper leads to the conclusion that the impact of EU harmonization on various
TFP measures occurs through a markup mechanism: more EU harmonization results in more competition (lower markups) and greater
TFP growth. We also investigate the impact of assumptions relating to market structure and the production function. We empirical
test and refute the assumptions of perfect competition and constant returns to scale in our sample. The analysis is carried
out at the level of Dutch food processing firms for the 1979–2005 period. We extend and built upon a new database on EU harmonization
of regulations in the food industry. The product classification of this database follows the detailed Combined Nomenclature
classification that codes the relevant harmonization initiatives of technical regulations at the product level. 相似文献