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海外开拓遭遇的风险 在海外开拓的发展史上,浙建集团与跨国经营的中国企业一样,各种风险并存。国际和国内因素,突发和常规因素,可控因素和不可控因素,政治政局和经济、法律、自然、文化因素等交织影响着海外市场的开拓和运行。  相似文献   

近年来,在党的“对外开放,对内搞活经济”的方针指引下,我国建筑业已在激烈竞争的国际承包工程与劳务合作市场上打开了局面,在国际建筑市场上占有一席之地。然而,国际建筑市场的开发和国际承包工程的投标,毕竟是一场政治、经济、技术、策略和信誉的综合性较量,加之我国初涉国际建筑承包市场,投标竞争策略及承包业务管理等方面经验不足。因此,作为国际承包企业的领导者或承包集团,就必须通过各种途径熟悉国际投标竞争的环境,从而作出正确的决策,以最小的代价获得最大的经济效益。本文试从理论上,对投标竞争策略中所涉及的情报工作、投标竞争决策以及投标竞争艺术、竞争取胜的决窍等问题提出雏议,供参考。  相似文献   

系统分析了煤炭工业规划设计研究院发展国际化业务进程中的主要优势因素、劣势因素、机会因素和威胁因素,基于SWOT分析提出了煤炭规划院国际化业务发展战略:构建国际化人才优秀团队,拓展业务范围,增强国际竞争力,建立与国际化经营相适应的管理模式,强化科学管理及风险防范,开拓国际视野,拓宽国际业务渠道,强化与其他类智库间合作共赢。  相似文献   

改革建筑企业定位,延伸服务范围。建筑业企业应积极向第三产业渗透,打造集设计、施工、咨询、服务为一体的现代建筑企业。首先,建筑企业应积极向房地产业渗透。从美国建筑企业的功能来看,承担房地产开发业务的主要是四大建筑公司。我国建筑企业目前只能作为开发业务的承包商出现,这种规定,限制了建筑公司充分的利用自己的建筑实力的可能性,  相似文献   

产品决策涉及到技术、经济、企业素质、企业实力、外部环境和产品特点等诸多因素,是一个多目标、多属性的复杂决策问题。产品决策正确与否不仅直接关系着企业的经济效益,而且对企业的生存和发展至关重要,实际经济生活中不乏因产品决策失误而使企业陷入困境的例子。因而,人们对产品决策问题做了大量的研究工作,提出了许多有关产品决策的方法,如市场需求分析  相似文献   

将风险识别细化到点点滴滴   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着公司国际市场的不断开拓,越来越多的困难和未知风险在等待着我们。公司在海外的发展经历告诉我们,风险是海外项目成功与失败的一个重要因素,加强风险管理将起到越来越重要的作用。  相似文献   

对建设项目进行财务评价,是项目主审工作的一个重要环节。通过正确的财务评价,可以预测项目的经济效益和贷款偿还能力,为项目决策提供可靠依据。 合理选取财务评价的计算范围及其相应计算方法,准确确定主要计算基础数据,是进行正确的财务评价的基础。而如何定量分析各种不确定因素和风险因素对项目财务指标的影响是财务评价中最大的难点。下面从实用角度对解决以上难点问题的方法作一探讨:  相似文献   

目前,我国正处于经济改革和经济环境剧烈变化时期,建筑工程投标市场竞争愈演愈烈,迫使铁路施工企业面向社会,参与国内乃至国际建筑市场的竞争。对此,企业怎样抓住时机,正确掌握工程投标技术与决策技巧来把握形  相似文献   

建造师队伍的规模和素质是建筑企业资质晋升和市场开拓的必备条件,是建筑行业综合实力和科技水平的重要标志。近年来,会员企业反映建造师短缺,尤其是一级建造师短缺的呼声越来越高,甚至许多企业已出现了"一师难求"的现象。为了切实了解情况,掌握第一手资料,为政府决策提供咨询参考,为会员企业提供学习交流,扬州市建协在县(市)区协  相似文献   

改革开放和社会主义市场经济体制的建立,为我国建筑企业加快机制转换,创造了宽松的政策环境。许多建筑企业在积极开拓国内建筑市场的同时,抓住机遇,走出国门,打入了竞争激烈的国际建筑市场。相伴而来的,就是一批在国内富有施工经验的经营管理人员成了国际建筑市场中的承包商。这既是一种机遇,  相似文献   

Every acquisition provokes a branding decision—should the acquirer absorb the acquired business by renaming it under its own name to convey to the market that ownership and the way of doing business has changed, or should it allow the acquired company to continue trading under its old name so as to avoid damage to its existing customer franchise? This is a complex management decision but one which apparently receives little attention. This paper draws on the B2B branding and M&A literatures to create a model of brand equity transfer. The model assumes that rebranding of an acquired company under the name of the new parent can yield positive benefits if the new parent has higher brand equity than the acquired company. A case study of an acquisition of a national construction materials company by a larger international group provides an illustration of the transfer process.  相似文献   

The financial value of research projects is difficult to assess because they are highly uncertain. Often, the result is either an overly conservative approach to strategic innovation, based on net present value analyses, or an overly aggressive approach based on optimistic qualitative portfolios. R&D project evaluation requires recognizing threats as well as opportunities from uncertain events, and incorporating flexibility in managerial action in response to them. Real options pricing analysis is a widely discussed tool for evaluating such managerial flexibility. The limitation of options pricing lies in its requirement for complete financial markets, in which a replicating asset can be found that reproduces (or, at least, is correlated with) the project’s payoffs in all possible states of the world. However, the major risks of research projects are typically project specific and cannot be replicated in external markets. In this situation, a decision tree is a better tool to represent managerial options during execution of the project, and to evaluate its value. A decision tree is equivalent to options pricing for risks that can be priced in the financial markets (if trading of securities is explicitly included), and moreover, it can incorporate risks and flexibility that are not traded in financial markets. Using decision trees, we demonstrate a quantitative evaluation of compound growth options from research at BestPharma, a large international pharmaceutical company. A growth option is a future opportunity that may arise from a current R&D investment. The growth option may not be related to the primary purpose of the R&D project, or not even be directly foreseeable. Kester (1984) has argued that growth options may account for a large part of project value. BestPharma faced the problem of choosing among several strategic research initiatives. They developed a decision tree representation of the projects, which helped to provide transparency about project value and strategic options. Most importantly, carefully thinking through the tree helped to identify growth options, represented by additional branches in the tree, and to quantify that they represented major sources of value.  相似文献   

章分析了“入世”后我国建筑施工企业建筑市场总体规模;外商投资建筑公司市场占有率:外商投资建筑公司承包领域:建筑管理体制;建筑业结构及生产要素;对外工程承包这六个方面的主要影响,相应采取了立足形成企业核心竞争能力,扩大建筑市场份额;坚持一业为主,开发多种经营为辅,搞好资本运营;完善激励机制,吸引和培养各专业人才;着眼于大面积推广应用现代化管理方法,并由单一应用向综合配套应用转变;着力实施低成本战略,降低工程造价。这五个方面作了相应对策的阐述。  相似文献   

Product development is inherently risky, particularly when new technology is involved. Although collaborative product development is promoted as a means for reducing or at least sharing risk, such partnerships present their own challenges. Collaboration can also accentuate many of the risks inherent in product development. For example, any product development project requires effective communication among development team members. In a collaborative effort, this challenge is even greater because the development team spans organizational as well as functional boundaries. Dale Littler, Fiona Leverick, and Margaret Bruce describe the results of a survey that was conducted to identify the risks and benefits of collaborative product development as well as the key success factors for such relationships. The main reasons cited for collaborating on product development projects include satisfying customer requirements, taking advantage of market opportunities for which the firm lacks necessary skills and technical expertise, and responding to changes in technology. Other reasons for collaboration include reducing the cost and risk of product R&D, improving time to market, and gaining access to new markets. In addition to the risks associated with product development by a single company, the partners in a collaborative effort face several other challenges. For example, one company might gain inside knowledge of its partner's unique skills and expertise. Despite the cost and time involved in managing the collaboration, such a relationship usually results in less direct control over product development. Of particular concern are the difficulties of coordinating the divergent management styles and budgeting processes of the collaborating firms. Collaboration requires frequent communication among all involved parties. The likelihood of success is greatly enhanced by the presence of a product or collaboration champion. Other success factors include ensuring that partners contribute as expected, creating the perception of equal benefits among partners, and building trust between partners. Firms that are more experienced with collaboration also cite the importance of flexibility in corporate systems and management style, fit with existing businesses, and the choice of a partner.  相似文献   

国际工程施工合同的计价方式及其风险管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从国际工程施工合同的计价方式选择的角度,分析了业主和承包商所承担的风险,提出了双方应采取的风险管理措施。  相似文献   

Faced with limited and increasingly expensive resources, managers in most industrial product companies are constantly confronted with the difficult task of choosing which new product opportunities to accept for development funding and which to reject. Their decision is made even more difficult because of both the high failure rates and high development costs typical of high-technology industrial products, both during development and after market introduction. This research identifies some critical dimensions of risk in potential new product opportunities. This is an important step toward identifying the most relevant dimensions of government incentives for research and development assistance, as well as an aid to managers attempting to recognize and deal with the greatest risks in the new product opportunities they face.  相似文献   

近年来国际油价暴涨,油气企业效益普遍明显提高,对于目前国内已经改革重组的钻井行业来讲,也面临着诸多机遇和挑战。本文从国际钻井工程服务市场的现状出发,初步研究了钻井成本随油价变化的规律,并以斯伦贝谢(Schlumberger)、哈里伯顿(Halliburton)等服务公司效益随油价的变化情况为例,探讨了油价对国际钻井市场的影响,期望为钻井行业决策提供一定参考。  相似文献   

Globalization is a major market trend today, one characterized by both increased international competition as well as extensive opportunities for firms to expand their operations beyond current boundaries. Effectively dealing with this important change, however, makes the management of global new product development (NPD) a major concern. To ensure success in this complex and competitive endeavor, companies must rely on global NPD teams that make use of the talents and knowledge available in different parts of the global organization. Thus, cohesive and well‐functioning global NPD teams become a critical capability by which firms can effectively leverage this much more diverse set of perspectives, experiences, and cultural sensitivities for the global NPD effort. The present research addresses the global NPD team and its impact on performance from both an antecedent and a contingency perspective. Using the resource‐based view (RBV) as a theoretical framework, the study clarifies how the internal, or behavioral, environment of the firm—specifically, resource commitment and senior management involvement—and the global NPD team are interrelated and contribute to global NPD program performance. In addition, the proposed performance relationships are viewed as being contingent on certain explicit, or strategic, factors. In particular, the degree of global dispersion of the firm's NPD effort is seen as influencing the management approach and thus altering the relationships among company background resources, team, and performance. For the empirical analysis, data are collected through a survey of 467 corporate global new product programs (North America and Europe, business‐to‐business). A structural model testing for the hypothesized effects was substantially supported. The results show that creating and effectively managing global NPD teams offers opportunities for leveraging a diverse but unique combination of talents and knowledge‐based resources, thereby enhancing the firm's ability to achieve a sustained competitive advantage in international markets. To function effectively, the global NPD team must be nested in a corporate environment in which there is a commitment of sufficient resources and where senior management plays an active role in leading, championing, and coordinating the global NPD effort. This need for commitment and global team integration becomes even more important for success as the NPD effort becomes more globally dispersed.  相似文献   

火电施工企业面临的风险分析及对策思考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
阐述了当前火电施工企业面临的主要风险,如体制改革的政策风险、市场竞争的定单风险、低价中标的效益风险、履行合同的信誉风险、竣工结算的诉讼风险、多元运作的投资风险等。面对这些风险,施工企业应该缜密思考各种应对措施以有效规避风险,抓住企业内外改革的有利时机,积极提升自身管理,稳步推进企业改革,保证企业在市场竞争中可持续发展。  相似文献   

工程项目管理模式的选择风险   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
不同的工程项目管理模式潜藏着不同的风险,为工程项目选择风险集合最小的项目管理模式,是避免和减弱项目管理模式风险的有效方法。要寻找最小的风险集合就必须先找出这些风险来源、性质和发生规律。本通过对国际通用项目管理模式的特点、选择依据和选择风险的讨论,尝试给出不同项目管理模式的可能风险集合。  相似文献   

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