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Systematic research reviews have become essential in all empirical sciences. However, the validity of research syntheses is threatened if the preparation, submission or publication of research findings depends on the statistical significance of these findings. The present study investigates publication bias in three top-tier journals in the German social sciences, utilizing the caliper test. For the period between 2001 and 2010, we have collected 156 articles that appeared in the Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie (KZfSS), the Zeitschrift für Soziologie (ZfS) and the Politische Vierteljahresschrift (PVS). In all three journals, we found empirical evidence for the existence of publication bias at the 10 % significance level. We also investigated possible causes linked to this bias, including single versus multiple authorship as well as academic degree. We found only weak support for the relationships between individual author characteristics and publication bias.  相似文献   

Does an increase in police strength discourage an increase in crime levels? It would seem very likely so, despite the many platitudes common everywhere, even in the most serious literature on the subject. This research study, using Non-Linear Analysis on the Italian crime situation from 1985 to 2003, shows an almost non controvertible result. The police force really does seem to have a deterrence function on crime, particularly evident from the 90s on, where, as police strength increases, the number of crimes decrease. One of the most interesting aspects deriving from the non-linear model used, is the specific measurement of the number of crimes that might have been committed and that were not in virtue of the deterrent action of the Police Force. Up to now, such an acquisition seems to be lacking from other so called ‘traditional’ research, where such ‘indirect’ deterrence appears easily hypothesized, but impossible to determine. For this reason too, the adoption of a non-linear analysis logic shows its heuristic superiority able to shed light on certain aspects that in other analysis models would remain in the shadows.  相似文献   

We provide analytical formulae for the asymptotic bias (ABIAS) and mean-squared error (AMSE) of the IV estimator, and obtain approximations thereof based on an asymptotic scheme which essentially requires the expectation of the first stage F-statistic to converge to a finite (possibly small) positive limit as the number of instruments approaches infinity. Our analytical formulae can be viewed as generalizing the bias and MSE results of [Richardson and Wu 1971. A note on the comparison of ordinary and two-stage least squares estimators. Econometrica 39, 973–982] to the case with nonnormal errors and stochastic instruments. Our approximations are shown to compare favorably with approximations due to [Morimune 1983. Approximate distributions of kk-class estimators when the degree of overidentifiability is large compared with the sample size. Econometrica 51, 821–841] and [Donald and Newey 2001. Choosing the number of instruments. Econometrica 69, 1161–1191], particularly when the instruments are weak. We also construct consistent estimators for the ABIAS and AMSE, and we use these to further construct a number of bias corrected OLS and IV estimators, the properties of which are examined both analytically and via a series of Monte Carlo experiments.  相似文献   

Motivated by time-series experimental designs, we develop a model of the act of measurement in the social sciences. Meaningful measurements are represented by operators that obey a non-commutative algebra. Thus, the order in which information is extracted matters. In addition, responses to questions about an attribute depend on whether information about another attribute has previously been extracted. Measurement “forces” the subject to obtain one value of the attribute, the one measured by the observer. An uncertainty principle imposes a fundamental limit on the ability to extract detailed information about two distinct attributes within a short period of time.  相似文献   

This article examines the use of various research designs in the social sciences as well as the choices that are made when a quasi-experimental design is used. A content analysis was carried out on articles published in 18 social science journals with various impact factors. The presence of quasi-experimental studies was investigated as well as choices in the design and analysis stage. It was found that quasi-experimental designs are not very often used in the inspected journals, and when they are applied they are not very well designed and analyzed. These findings suggest that the literature on how to deal with selection bias has not yet found its way to the practice of the applied researcher.  相似文献   

The assumption that rational expectations always lie on a convergent path is subject to an empirical test using the German hyperinflation data. The estimation technique employs a Kalman filtering algorithm. After presenting a brief background for the convergent expectations problem and a derivation of the various model specifications, a generalized expectations model and its attendant Kalman filtering estimation technique are discussed. Additional estimation details and empirical results are then presented. Based on an assumption of normally distributed errors, the null hypothesis of convergent paths is rejected in all situations involving a deterministic specification of the evolution of the unobserved parameter which characterizes the convergent path. The same null hypothesis is rejected in four of the six cases corresponding to a stochastic specification of the evolution of the unobserved parameter which characterizes the convergent path. A discussion of these findings, their economic significance, and suggestions for further research concludes the paper.  相似文献   

It is evident from recent issues of journals like Psychometrika and Applied Psychological Measurement that the Dutch contribution to the development of the area of measurement and scaling is considerable. In the first part of this paper, we try to answer the question how this could happen. In the early development De Groot in Amsterdam and Van de Geer in Leiden created an academic climate that made it possible for many researchers to develop their skills. Some other possible reasons are sketched for the flourishing of this area in the Netherlands, but it is difficult to assess which reasons were most important. In the second part of the paper, we analyze the international impact of the Dutch contribution by a citation analysis in four fields of measurement and scaling: factor analysis, test theory including item response theory, latent class analysis, and optimal scaling and multidimensional scaling. It appears that Dutch researchers not only publish a lot, but also that the impact of their publications is at the same level as publications produced world-wide.  相似文献   

There is a long-standing debate among academics about the effect of immigration on native internal migration decisions. If immigrants displace natives this may indicate a direct cost of immigration in the form of decreased employment opportunity for native workers. Moreover, displacement would also imply that cross-region analyses of wage effects systematically underestimate the consequences of immigration. The widespread use of such area studies for the US and other countries makes it especially important to know whether a native internal response to immigration truly occurs. This paper introduces a microsimulation methodology to test for inherent bias in regression models that have been used in the literature. We show that some specifications have built biases into their models, thereby casting doubt on the validity of their results. We then provide a brief empirical analysis with a panel of observed US state-by-skill data. Together, our evidence argues against the existence of native displacement. This implies that cross-region analyses of immigration’s effect on wages are still informative.  相似文献   

Whilst statistics take up a prominent place in the social science research toolkit, some old problems that have been associated there with have not been fully resolved. These problems include bias through the inclusion of irrelevant variation and the exclusion of relevant variation, which may lead to hidden and spurious correlations in more extreme—however not at all unthinkable—cases. These issues have been addressed by Ragin by building a case for the usage of fuzzy set theory in social science. In this paper, we take a complementary view, insofar as we incorporate fuzzy set theory in current statistical analyses. Apart from shedding new light on the main issues associated with (population based) statistics, this approach also offers interesting prospects for the falsification of theories—rather than single relations between variables—in the social sciences.  相似文献   

Survey questions asking about taboo topics such as sexual activities, illegal behaviour such as social fraud, or unsocial attitudes such as racism, often generate inaccurate survey estimates which are distorted by social desirability bias. Due to self-presentation concerns, survey respondents underreport socially undesirable activities and overreport socially desirable ones. This article reviews theoretical explanations of socially motivated misreporting in sensitive surveys and provides an overview of the empirical evidence on the effectiveness of specific survey methods designed to encourage the respondents to answer more honestly. Besides psychological aspects, like a stable need for social approval and the preference for not getting involved into embarrassing social interactions, aspects of the survey design, the interviewer’s characteristics and the survey situation determine the occurrence and the degree of social desirability bias. The review shows that survey designers could generate more valid data by selecting appropriate data collection strategies that reduce respondents’ discomfort when answering to a sensitive question.  相似文献   

Since Solow (Q J Econ 70:65–94, 1956) the economic literature has widely accepted innovation and technological progress as the central drivers of long-term economic growth. From the microeconomic perspective, this has led to the idea that the growth effects on the macroeconomic level should be reflected in greater competitiveness of the firms. Although innovation effort does not always translate into greater competitiveness, it is recognized that innovation is, in an appropriate sense, unique and differs from other inputs like labor or capital. Nonetheless, often this uniqueness is left unspecified. We analyze two arguments rendering innovation special, the first related to partly non-discretionary innovation input levels and the second to the induced increase in the firm’s competitiveness on the global market. Methodologically the analysis is based on restriction tests in non-parametric frontier models, where we use and extend tests proposed by Simar and Wilson (Commun Stat Simul Comput 30(1):159–184, 2001; J Prod Anal, forthcoming, 2010). The empirical data is taken from the German Community Innovation Survey 2007 (CIS 2007), where we focus on mechanical engineering firms. Our results are consistent with the explanation of the firms’ inability to freely choose the level of innovation inputs. However, we do not find significant evidence that increased innovation activities correspond to an increase in the ability to serve the global market.  相似文献   

We develop an empirical discrete‐choice interaction model with a finite number of agents. We characterize its equilibrium properties—in particular the correspondence between interaction strength, number of agents, and the set of equilibria—and propose to estimate the model by means of simulation methods. In an empirical application, we analyze the individual behavior of high school teenagers in almost 500 school classes from 70 schools. In our baseline model endogenous social interaction effects are strong for behavior closely related to school (truancy), somewhat weaker for behavior partly related to school (smoking, cell phone ownership, and moped ownership) and absent for behavior far away from school (asking parents' permission for purchases). Intra‐gender interactions are generally much stronger than cross‐gender interactions. In a model with school‐specific fixed effects social interaction effects are insignificant, with the exception of intra‐gender interactions for truancy. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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