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Journal of Business Ethics - Although CSR scholarship has highlighted how tensions in CSR implementation are negotiated, little is known about its normative and moral dimension at a micro-level....  相似文献   

Advertising bans can increase or decrease alcohol consumption due to effects on beverage choice, price competition, and substitution by producers towards non-banned media. We study bans on broadcast advertising in 17 OECD countries for the years 1977 to 1995, in relation to per capita alcohol consumption, liver cirrhosis mortality and motor vehicle fatalities. The results indicate that advertising bans in OECD countries have not decreased alcohol consumption or alcohol abuse.  相似文献   

Hoffmann  Andreas 《Intereconomics》2019,54(4):259-266
Intereconomics - As austerity policies are unpopular with voters and high debt levels are a drag on growth, several economists, most famously Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff, have suggested that...  相似文献   

本文研究侵权法体系里疏忽责任制度的两个重要特点。首先,根据单侧模型的分析,在疏忽责任制度里过度严格的行业标准并不会抑制企业的风险活动,因为他们可以选择成为"疏忽"而不需要去忍受过多的预防成本;其次,研究了为什么理论上疏忽责任制度里不存在责任保险的需求,但实际上在实施疏忽责任制度的国家里责任保险却异常发达的原因;通过信息模型,给出了责任保险存在的两个必要条件:一是信息的价值必须为正,二是阻止的成本必须大于满足不成为"疏忽"标准的注意成本和保险成本之和。  相似文献   

陆德 《中国市场》2010,(29):86-87
中国和第三世界国家在"低碳经济"中,在其概念的界定、"低碳"商品价格的标定、商品交易的成本上,都应争取到自己的话语权和定价权,要有自己的一席之地。否则,在今后,在可能是整整一个世纪的低碳经济的博弈中,第三世界国家又会像20世纪的"金融资本"博弈、"网络经济"博弈一样,始终处于一种被动或下峰的地位。  相似文献   

IP电话系统是具有广阔发展前景的新型电信业务。研究了在H .32 3协议下 ,IP电话系统中网守所起的作用 ,探讨了具有地址映射、域管理、呼叫代理、计费功能的网守的实现方案 ,并对该网守的特点进行了分析。  相似文献   

<正>随着市场竞争的不断激烈,名牌在市场竞争中越来越占据着独有的竞争优势,因而如何去争创名牌、开发名牌、扩展名牌、保护名牌都被时下不少的工商企业列入了企业的中长期发展战略规划。然而,值得一提的是,时下一些企业由于对争创市场名牌缺乏正确的认识和科学详尽的了解,致使企业在实施名牌发展战略和营销策略中都相继走入误区,如不及时引起高度重视,将极不利于企业生产经营向着正确健康的方向发展。  相似文献   

This article explores the normative assumptions about the self that are implicitly and explicitly embedded in critiques of organisational control. Two problematic aspects of control are examined – the capacity of some organisations to produce unquestioning commitment, and the elicitation of ‹false’ selves. Drawing on the work of Rom Harré, and some examples of organisational-self processes gone awry, I investigate the dynamics involved and how they violate the normative expectations that we hold regarding the self, particularly its moral autonomy and authenticity. The article concludes by arguing that, despite post-structuralist challenges, some notion of a ‹core’ or ‹real’ self still holds salience for employees negotiating their identities within regimes of control. The assumptions and expectations surrounding this aspect of self are also a pivotal element in the western intellectual tradition that promotes and enables critique.  相似文献   

在国际贸易中,信用证付款是采用得最多的一种付款方式。因为信用证付款方式属于一种银行信用,即:只要出口公司交给银行议付的出口单据符合信用证的要求,付款银行就要向出口公司支付货款。如果出口公司交给银行议付的出口单据不符合信用证的要求,付款银行则予以拒付。银  相似文献   

Technology and Business: Rethinking the Moral Dilemma   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In a market economy, the corporation is the primary institution through which new technologies are introduced. And the corporation, being primarily interested in economic goals, may ask very limited questions about the safety and workability of a particular technology. This viewpoint causes problems which manifest themselves in many cases where the concerns of engineers and technicians in corporations about decisions relating to a particular technology clash with managers prone to overlooking these concerns in favor of organizational interests. The problem can be seen as a structural one that is inherent in the capitalistic system. It can also be seen as an organizational or policy problem that requires changes in the organization to give engineers more authority in decision-making or to facilitate whistle-blowing on the part of engineers or technicians. In this paper, we take the view that problems surrounding the misuse of technology lie in a lack of understanding of technology's inherently social and moral dimensions. Technology creates a moral situation, and this situation should provide the context for decision-making. Technology is also experimental, and everyone involved with introducing a particular technology needs to ask the question as to whether a real life experiment is warranted. Finally, technology demands a moral sensibility which recognizes that business interests and technological interests alike need to be understood in the network of concrete relational contexts in which they are embedded.  相似文献   

While the hospital is seen as a knowledge-intensive organization in the health services industry, it is conceptualized as an institution for integrating knowledge. This paper aims to explore the development of a knowledge-based theory of the hospital. Therefore, some concerns of the theory of the hospital from knowledge-based view (KBV) are addressed, particularly, the logic of the traditional theory of the hospital, the existence of the hospital, hospital structure, determinants of hospital boundaries, and the nature of coordination within the hospital. By integrating some of the key contributions such as the traditional theory of the hospital, KBV, the theory of the firm, and transaction cost theory, this paper is trying to make some progress in developing some key elements of a knowledge-based theory of the hospital.  相似文献   

利率市场化的理论依据及政策取向   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张威 《财贸经济》2001,(4):25-30
本文首先引入市场化条件下利函数的两种构造法,即纯因素构造法和宏观经济均衡构造法,并着重运用宏观经济均衡构造法分别考察利率市场化与非市场化条件下,利率对其他经济变量行为的影响,从而演绎在一定条件下,利率市场化将有利于其他经济变量恢复均衡.其次探讨了调整利率结构的理论依据,并指出利率市场化之后宏观金融风险防范的核心是优化利率结构.最后重点讨论了稳步推进利率市场化所应坚持的政策取向.  相似文献   

晚近,国际法学界掀起了一股"WTO宪政化"的思潮,本文从实然、应然两个层面对WTO宪政化进行分析与反思,在实然状态上,WTO具有不完全的宪政化特征,在应然方面,WTO既不应该也不能够宪政化。文章在分析了"WTO宪政化"思潮兴起的原因后,指出应从发展中国家的角度分析问题,正确对待WTO宪政思潮。  相似文献   

反倾销合理性的经济学分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
反倾销日益成为被世界各国广泛使用的贸易政策工具,然而由于反倾销而引起的贸易争端和摩擦也逐渐增多。反倾销的核心问题,即反倾销的合理性。从经济学理论角度上证明其合理性,先得确定倾销与种类以及倾销是否公平等。  相似文献   

当下,随着产品质量问题的频发,人们对产品质量的关注度不断提高,为了降低人们对产品质量的惶恐心理,产品质量监管人员需要严格进行监管工作,切勿出现"以次充好"的现象,确保每一批产品都是按照监管条例进行,以保证产品质量安全。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to re-conceptualize the conventional marketing mix for Bottom of the Pyramid (BoP) markets and propose a revised framework by reorganizing the elements based on the customer perspective while retaining the principles of services marketing. Primary data was collected through a questionnaire with a sample size of 400 people from both urban and rural markets in the BoP. Findings indicate that the needs and perspective of the BoP members is distinct from the Middle of the Pyramid (MoP). Managers should consider this point while formulating marketing mix strategies for BoP markets. The present study is the first of its kind to present a revised marketing mix framework for customers in the BoP markets. The framework comprises five Ps, including personalization, product, place, the process of service delivery and price. Thus, a theoretical contribution is made in the context of service marketing and the BoP.  相似文献   

In some areas of public health concern, corporate marketing activities may negate social marketing messages targeting individuals. Traditional social marketing campaigns may be ineffective when commercial marketing activities create an environment that encourages and maintains unhealthy behaviors. This article explores the role of social marketing in these instances.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the complex history of the important new product liability directive of the European Community. The member countries must amend their laws and meet the directive's proconsumer standards and spirit. The lengthy political evolution of this policy involved many aggressive constituencies, including nations, parts of the European Community governance structure, business federations, consumer organizations, and other functional interest groups.  相似文献   

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