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古润金,1959年出生于马来西亚吉隆坡,祖籍中国中山市,系马来西亚杰出华裔企业家,也是马、中两国颇具知名度的慈善家,现任马来西亚中山会馆联合会会长、广肇联合总会副会长、华人剧艺研究会副会长、华人艺人公会荣誉会长、中国香港中山社团联合会荣誉会长、中国中山侨资企业协会会长、中山市总商会副会长等多个华人社团领袖职务。  相似文献   

重庆汽摩配件行业出现了发展的困境,而与此同时国际巨头FCC却保持稳步发展。本文对FCC运用麦肯锡7S方法进行了标杆分析,在此基础之上对重庆汽摩行业的发展方式基于重庆及国内汽摩行业的特点提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

At the Sino-US. Modern Logistics Conference held recently, Li Shengling, Vice-Minister of State Development and Reform Commission of China and Caster, Vice-Minister of Department of Commerce of U.S. addressed that China and U.S. will further strengthen cooperation in modern logistics with rapid increase of Sino-U.S. bilateral trade volume.In Li Shengling's point of view, China's economy is featured with rather large total quantity with rather low qual-  相似文献   

记B(Ω,F)表示Ω上有界F-可测函数全体,记M(Ω,F)表示(Ω,F)上有限符号测度全体,得到了B(Ω,F)对偶空间是M(Ω,F),并且利用它给出Vitali-Hahn-Saks定理的简单证明。  相似文献   

谭小兵 《大经贸》2004,(11):22-24
F1上海站的处女赛表演已经画上了一个圆满的句号,而它引起的口水战刚刚开始。支持者认为 F1会给上海乃至中国带来巨大的利益。反对者指出 F1对于上海是弊大于利。  相似文献   

TheBeijingFanhuaGlassCorp.Ltd.isajointventuresetupnotlongagobyHongkongFanhuayaCorporation,Ltd.andZhongbeiIndustrialCorp.ThecorporationhascompletesetsofadvancedimportedproductionequipmentandthetechnologicalsupportofPPGofAmericanandAGCofJapan,thetwointernationalglassgiants.ThefirstphaseinvestmentofthecorporationwasRMB100million,involvingtheproduction,cuttingandgrindingofsteelglass(safetyglass)andhollowglass(energyefficientglassusedinconstruction).TheFanhuacorporationhasthelargestequipm…  相似文献   

Located in the North Europe,Iceland is a very beautiful country. Although very small with an area of 103,000 sq.km and a population of 308,000, and quite different in most respects such as geographical location,size,history,climate and political structures,it has developed very good relations with China.For in- stance,Iceland was the first European coun- try to recognize China as a market economy. In many areas such as trade,investment, industrial cooperation,from fishing,food processing,tourism,information technol- ogy,geothermal,finance,etc.,Iceland has made pragmatic activities,for instance,last summer Icelandic and Chinese authorities concluded a feasibility study on negotiating Free Trade Agreement;in June an Iceland Business Forum was held,which groups to- gether over twenty Icelandic companies that have established offices in China;etc. In July,China's Foreign Trade inter- viewed H.E.Mr.Gunnar Snorri Gunnars- son,Ambassador of Iceland in Beijing. According to him,Iceland has developed diversified and active economic and trade cooperation with China in many areas.The following is a written interview with Mr. Gunnar Snorri Gunnarsson.  相似文献   

过去数十年以来,许多企业的重心都从关注产品转到营销上,把用于产品的资金转投至营销上,这往往能更快地带来利润。但是近年,从英国石油到丰田,许多商业巨头都爆出一系列质量丑闻和品牌危机。多年建立起来的品牌资产很可能因为这些丑闻而毁于一旦。  相似文献   

The Harbin Bearing Shareholding Corporation, Ltd., formerly the Harbin Bearing Factory, is a key enterprise in the bearing industry and one of the 500 topenterprises in the country. With 15,000 staff, the corporation has equipment and fixed assets worth RMB455 million. Annually, it produces 80 million sets of bearings in 5,500 specifications and nine categories. Its output value last year was RMB800 million with a profit and tax return of RMB110 million. HRB brand bearings produced by the corporation sell well in over 30 provinces and regions at home and 40 countries around the world.  相似文献   

Tax revenues are allocated to the “Länder”-budgets in a very complicated process which lacks any transparency and unsurprisingly has been (and is currently) the subject of numerous legal suits at the Federal Constitutional Court. But the most striking feature of the whole system is its final outcome: a nearly equal distribution (per head) of tax revenues among all 16 states. If that is the aim, the process could be achieved much more easily. The authors suggest a central tax administration, a political determination of the state’s tax share and a distribution of that share among the single states according to the population, partly weighted with the states domestic product per head. Such a system is simple and transparent and apt to fulfill distributional as well as allocational purposes.  相似文献   

自从2009年1-800-Flowers.com在Facebook上首次尝试销售以来,"F商务(F-commerce)"吸引了众多关注。毕竟,企业在社交媒体上投入了金钱进行维护,他们很迫切地希望能够兑现这些投入。不过到现在,尝试"F商业"的营销人还是占少数。到底什么是"F商业"?它是社交商务的一个分支。  相似文献   

This paper examines the differences between Eastern and Western companies regarding long- vs. short-term orientations. Utilizing Hofstede’s long-term orientation index, this study scrutinizes both long- and short-term performance measurements for companies from Western Europe, Japan, and the United States. The findings suggest that Western European companies place an equally higher priority on both long- and short-term measures of performance compared to companies from Japan and the United States. Additionally, Japanese companies were postulated by the literature to employ a long-term orientation toward company performance greater than U.S. companies. However, our results do not support this statement, as U.S. and Japanese companies were not statistically significantly different.  相似文献   

Competition between commercial airlines competitors for valuable trans-Pacific routes will surely intensify following an agreement between China and the United States that will double the number of passenger flights between the two countries by 2012.  相似文献   

THE COMPANYGuangdong Rowa Air Conditioner Company Limited, a subsidiary of Great Wall Cybertech Limited, is a leading air conditioner manufacturer in the People's Republic of China. It was formerly the Guangdong Sanning Air-Conditioner Co., Ltd.  相似文献   

传统的销售,一般是基于渠道或者中间商销售,渠道相当于水渠和过道,是连接承载产品和服务的载体。在这个载体的两端可以是企业--级经销商、代理商、批发商、大型零售终端;也可以是大区代理商、  相似文献   

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