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本文从余额宝的蓬勃发展入手,分析了余额宝的收益风险、竞争风险、政策风险以及技术风险,并在此基础上对余额宝的进一步发展提出了相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

姜佳金 《价值工程》2014,(19):149-150
银行存款的利息赶不上物价上涨。同时,余额宝、财付通等互联网的金融产品对于普通老百姓来说,就是像一个极具诱惑力的蛋糕。这些蛋糕的背后是如何操作,如何产生收益,是否存在风险。本文就此进行分析。  相似文献   

基于余额宝2013Q2-2016Q1期间的季度时间序列数据,运用Granger因果检验、脉冲响应等计量方法,建立向量自回归(VAR)模型,实证检验了余额宝收益率与余额宝规模之间的关系。结果表明:余额宝收益率与余额宝规模存在正向变动关系,但是余额宝规模自身对它的发展以及余额宝收益率存在一定的抑制作用。  相似文献   

随着互联网技术的进步,不仅对我国的电子商务影响重大,而且对我国传统的银行业也产生了巨大的冲击,尤其是余额宝的问世,让更多的人了解到了货币型基金的便捷、高效。余额宝在短短几个月之间从0发展到了5000亿,势不可阻。作为互联网金融的首创,其旺盛的生命力证明余额宝本身有独到的特点,这对银行有着重要的影响。  相似文献   

"余额宝"作为首只金融、服务双创新的金融工具,一经推出,便迅速在金融市场走红并引发社会各界的高度关注。本文基于国内宏观金融环境,分析了"余额宝"的三大创新模式,总结出"余额宝"面临流动性、收益性和竞争性等六大风险,并提出对策,旨在为所有参与"余额宝"金融工具的利益相关者提供一些参考。  相似文献   

余额宝是阿里巴巴旗下的支付宝公司推出的一款产品,是一种新型的互联网金融模式,余额宝一经推出就引起了巨大反响用户数量与日递增,我们在享受它的方便快捷以及可以为我们生活带来相对稳定的收益的同时,也要考虑到余额宝的诞生为我国金融行业带来前所未有的影响,它一方面对我国传统银行业垄断地位形成了冲击带来了巨大的压力,另一方面给基金行业带来了更多的机遇.  相似文献   

本文通过对理财产品余额宝发展现状的梳理,对余额宝的本质进行了阐述,对影响其收益率的两大决定因素进行了分析并提出了其存在的风险因素。研究表明,余额宝类货币基金通过其鲶鱼效应来倒逼传统金融机构改革和推动存款利率市场化。  相似文献   

本文通过对理财产品余额宝发展现状的梳理,对余额宝的本质进行了阐述,对影响其收益率的两大决定因素进行了分析并提出了其存在的风险因素。研究表明,余额宝类货币基金通过其鲶鱼效应来倒逼传统金融机构改革和推动存款利率市场化。  相似文献   

随着阿里巴巴推出余额宝这一全新的余额增值模式,很多人都认为余额宝对传统银行业将造成严重的冲击。它高于存款的利息和低于理财产品的风险,没有购买最低限额,可以随时转入转出。而且没有复杂手续,只需在电脑上简单操作。但也有人认为余额宝毕竟不是银行存款,没有存款的流动性,利息还是没有两年期以上的定期存款高,况且存在一定的风险,所以对银行业的冲击有限。本文就余额宝这一增值模式的介绍,随后分析我国银行业的现状,最后对余额宝会对我国银行业造成的影响做分析并提出个人理财建议。  相似文献   

余额宝自推出至今,已受到社会各界广泛关注。文章从余额宝分析入手,通过描述余额宝的广义定义以及发展现状,总结其发展过程中具有的三个主要特点:在线操作,简单方便;兼具高流动性与高收益性,运营模式颠覆传统金融理论;平民化理财,"长尾效应"明显。由此,文章得出余额宝发展过程中存在的利率风险、流动性风险、法律风险、同业风险和道德风险五个方面,从而有针对性地提出互联网金融理财相关规制建议,主要包括市场规制、法律规制、道德规制三大规制建议。  相似文献   

戴兼弟 《价值工程》2015,(5):188-189
本文运用SWOT态势分析法,对余额宝在当前信息全球化的大背景下的内部优势与劣势、外部机会和威胁进行了研究分析,并提出了相关政策建议。  相似文献   

Project risk analysis has traditionally emphasized the analysis of external threats. Here we argue that internal decisions and structures are more fundamental, because they determine which external events pose risks to project management. A “pathogen” metaphor is used to understand these internal sources of risk, in an analysis of failure in two sets of projects that lie on the border between the private and public sectors. This analysis goes beyond earlier work on organizational pathogens by treating them as subjective interpretations, not objective conditions. The study suggests that the more insidious risks to which a project is exposed involve different project members holding contradictory beliefs about what is pathogenic and what is protective  相似文献   

我国公路事业的大力发展使国家财政无力承担巨额贷款,民间资金会以特许经营的方式适时进入该市场,但是利润伴随着风险,文章对我国高速公路特许经营风险进行了分析。  相似文献   

This article explores the use of risk analysis as a major feature of the corporate planning process operated by the British Railways Board (BRB). The risk-analysis procedures involve the use of fractile analysis and Monte Carlo simulation. They were first used in connection with the forecasts produced in the BRR's 1983 Corporate Plan and, more particularly, its Railways business clement which is known as the Rail Plan. This was the first time that the BRB had used risk analysis of this kind but, because of its success, the procedures discussed in this article arc now incorporated as a permanent feature of its corporate planning process.  相似文献   

In this paper we have attempted to provide an integrated approach to the estimation of models with risk terms. It was argued that there exist orthogonality conditions between variables in the information set and higher-order moments of the unanticipated variable density. These could be exploited to provide consistent estimators of the parameters associated with the risk term. Specifically, it was recommended that an IV estimator should be applied, with instruments constructed from the information set. Four existing methods commonly used to estimate models with risk terms are examined, and applications of the techniques are made to the estimation of the risk term in the $US/$C exchange market, and the effects of price uncertainty upon production.  相似文献   

物流金融的价值及风险分析   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
物流金融作为一项创新型的物流增值服务,它是物流业与金融业发展到一定阶段的产物。文中在对物流金融运行模式介绍的基础上,分析物流金融对融资企业、物流公司和金融机构三方的价值,并从宏观和微观相结合上的角度分析了目前物流金融存在的风险,在此基础上提出了一定的对策。  相似文献   

The analysis of risk perception with fuzzy means-end approach   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Visitors’ risk perceptions have been found to influence the on-site behavior of tourists and their intention to return to a destination or to recommend it to others. This study discusses how the uses of a means-end approach with fuzzy conceptualization in eliciting the perception of tourism risks in a better understanding of the visitors’ perceptual orientation toward the tourism values. We provide a hierarchy value map that fuses the attribute–consequence–value (A–C–V) and fuzzy linguistics to effectively and efficiently understand vacation risks and risk characteristics. Fuzzy logic is also adopted to deal with the ill-defined nature of the tourist linguistic judgments required in the proposed means-end chain. This research findings suggest that additionally to managing the most likely risks, tourist resorts should be prepared to cope with worst case scenarios such as “Thunderstorm”, “Bus accident”, “Food poisoning” and “Cable car accident”. From an overall risk perceptive, tourists are most concerned with dominant perceptual orientation of risk delivers being “Bus accident” → “Decrease of trust in the safety management as a result of the event of damage” → “Anger”.  相似文献   

随着高等教育进入快速发展期,高校办学资金出现了短缺,贷款融资自然成为高校解决资金短缺的有效途径之一,但高校贷款存在一定的风险性。文章阐述了高校贷款的成因及现状,高校贷款存在的财务风险与表现形式,提出从政府、高校、商业银行3个方面采取有效措施来防范贷款风险。  相似文献   

蒋亚军 《价值工程》2004,23(7):93-95
运用CAPM理论中的边际风险价格的概念,通过分析一个包含了黄金市场和股票市场在内的市场资产组合,定量给出了黄金的风险溢价。同时检验了黄金收益是否在CAPM框架内有效。在与我国股市进行比较之后,得出投资者可将黄金包括到投资组合中去,以取得更好的风险收益比。  相似文献   

蒋亚军 《价值工程》2004,23(10):93-95
运用CAPM理论中的边际风险价格的概念,通过分析一个包含了黄金市场和股票市场在内的市场资产组合,定量给出了黄金的风险溢价.同时检验了黄金收益是否在CAPM框架内有效.在与我国股市进行比较之后,得出投资者可将黄金包括到投资组合中去,以取得更好的风险收益比.  相似文献   

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