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This article examines the impact on the US dollar–euro (USD–EUR) exchange rate of the unconventional monetary policy conducted by the US Federal Reserve (Fed) and the European Central Bank (ECB). To that end, we make use of time-series analysis to obtain a reasonable long-run and short run representation of the data generation process and use dummy variables to study how announcements about monetary policy changes can affect the USD–EUR exchange rate. Our results indicate that the announcement and subsequent implementation of such measures by the ECB would have caused an appreciation of the dollar, while those by the Fed would have caused a depreciation of the dollar.  相似文献   

New evidence is presented on the impact on the US dollar–euro (USD–EUR) exchange rate of the unconventional monetary policy conducted by the US Federal Reserve (FED) and the European Central Bank (ECB). To that end, we employ an event study approach using daily the USD–EUR exchange rate for the period from 2 January 2007 to 31 January 2015. Our results indicate that the announcement and subsequent implementation of such measures by the ECB would have caused in general an appreciation of the dollar, while those by the FED would have caused a depreciation of the dollar.  相似文献   

We examine how unconventional monetary policy of the European Central Bank (ECB) influences macroeconomic stability in three Central European economies. We estimate various panel vector autoregressions (PVARs) using monthly data from 2008 to 2014. Using the shadow policy rate and central bank assets as measures of unconventional policies, we find that output growth and inflation in Central Europe temporarily increase following an expansionary unconventional monetary policy shock by the ECB. Using both impulse responses and variance decompositions, we find that the effect of unconventional policies on output growth is much stronger than the effect on inflation.  相似文献   

We study the impact of the European Central Bank Long-term refinancing operations (ECB LTROs) on credit to the non-financial sector, using panel data on twelve countries of the Euro area between December 2008 and July 2014. The tests show that LTROs tested as a dummy have a favorable impact. However, till December 2011, the impact of the amount of LTROs was insignificant or negative. This suggests that full allotment liquidity measures, disclosing interbank markets liquidity needs, could generate adverse collateral effect disturbing the unconventional monetary policies transmission channels, in particular the signaling channel. Moreover, the effectiveness of the signaling channel of liquidity measures would rely on their use as the sole monetary policy tool carrying all the information about the policy stance, while the ECB, whose mandate usually focuses price stability, has twice raised twice its policy rate in 2011.  相似文献   

This article assesses the transmission of ECB monetary policies, conventional and unconventional, to both interest rates and lending volumes or bond issuance for three types of different economic agents through five different markets: sovereign bonds at 6-month, 5-year and 10-year horizons, loans to nonfinancial corporations and housing loans to households, during the financial crisis, and for the four largest economies of the euro area. We look at three different unconventional tools: excess liquidity, longer-term refinancing operations and securities held for monetary policy purposes following the decomposition of the ECB’s Weekly Financial Statements. We first identify series of ECB policy shocks at the euro area aggregate level by removing the systematic component of each series and controlling for announcement effects. We second include these exogenous shocks in country-specific structural VAR, in which we control for credit demand. The main result is that only the pass-through from the ECB rate to interest rates has been effective. Unconventional policies have had uneven effects and primarily on interest rates.  相似文献   

The official view on ECB monetary policy claims that decisions are based on euro zone data and that diverging regional developments are disregarded. To test empirically whether regional developments have an impact on ECB decisions we develop a generalised monetary policy reaction function which allows for an influence of regional divergence. Reaction function estimations and a probit model of interest rate decisions for the first years of the euro area offer some first support for an impact of regional divergence. The results clarify that ignoring a potential national perspective may lead to biased estimates for the ECB reaction function.  相似文献   

We study unconventional policy shocks and information shocks associated with central bank announcements in the U.S. While unconventional policy shocks capture the direct influence of announced monetary policy actions, information shocks are associated with central bank information conveyed with the announcement. To disentangle these two types of shocks, we impose sign restrictions on high frequency changes in interest rates and stock prices around announcements. We find that information shocks lead to persistent declines in the 10-year government bond yield, whereas the actual unconventional policy shock induces only small interest rate responses. We also find that expansionary output effects of unconventional monetary policy are to some extent counteracted by the information shock.  相似文献   

Using an event study method, we examine how stock markets respond to the policies of the European Central Bank during 1999–2015. We use market prices of futures (government bonds) to identify surprises in (un)conventional monetary policy. Our results suggest that especially unconventional monetary policy surprises affect the EURO STOXX 50 index. We also find evidence for the credit channel, notably for unconventional monetary policy surprises. Our results also suggest that value and past loser stocks show a larger reaction to monetary policy surprises. These results are confirmed if identification of monetary policy surprises is based on the Rigobon–Sack heteroscedasticity approach.  相似文献   

Since the global financial crisis of 2007–2008, central bankers around the world have been forced to abandon conventional monetary policy tools in favor of unconventional policies such as quantitative easing, forward guidance, and even lowering the interest rate paid on bank reserves into negative territory. Japan, which faced a crisis in its banking sector and came up against the theoretical zero lower bound on interest rates nearly a decade earlier, was a pioneer in the use of many of these unconventional policy tools. This article analyzes the effectiveness of Japan’s bold experiment with unconventional monetary policy. Using a panel of bi-annual bank data covering the full universe of Japanese commercial banks over a fifteen-year period, this study analyzes the effectiveness of quantitative easing policy on the bank lending channel of monetary policy transmission. Our findings suggest that Japan’s unconventional monetary policy worked: there is a bank lending channel of monetary policy transmission in Japan. These results are robust to the inclusion of time fixed effects and generalized method of moments analysis.  相似文献   

Emerging market economies (EMEs) have experienced waves of market volatility since the global financial crisis, with some commentators ascribing this at least partly related to monetary policy decisions in advanced economies. This paper examines volatility spillovers from changes in the size of the balance sheets of the Federal Reserve (FED) and European Central Bank (ECB) to EMEs from 2003 to 2018. We find that volatility spillovers to EME currency markets are greater in magnitude from the FED, while EME stock and bond markets are also vulnerable to volatility spillovers in a similar magnitude from both the ECB and the FED. We find only limited evidence of volatility transmission to the real economy of EMEs following the monetary policy actions of the FED and ECB. Finally, we show that the proportion of the volatility in EMEs that is accounted for by changes in FED and ECB balance sheets shifts over time. Our paper has important policy implications for EMEs, notably in respect of volatility transmission channels.  相似文献   

This paper examines the usefulness of shadow rates to measure the monetary policy stance by comparing them to the official policy rates and those implied by three types of Taylor rules in both inflation-targeting countries (the UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand) and others that have only targeted inflation at times (the United States, Japan, the Euro Area and Switzerland) over the period from the early 1990s to December 2021. Shadow rates estimated from a dynamic factor model are shown to suggest a much looser policy stance than either the official policy rates or those implied by the Taylor rules, and generally to provide a more accurate picture of the monetary policy stance during both ZLB and non-ZLB periods, since they reflect the full range of unconventional policy measures used by central banks. Furthermore, generalised impulse response analysis based on three alternative vector autoregression (VAR) models indicates that monetary shocks based on the shadow rates are more informative than those related to the official policy rates or to two- and three-factor shadow rates, especially during the Global Financial Crisis and the recent COVID-19 pandemic, when unconventional measures have been adopted. Finally, unconventional policy shocks seem to have less persistent effects on the economy in countries, which have adopted an inflation-targeting regime.  相似文献   

This article presents an empirical analysis of the relationship between house prices and the real economy in China’s first-, second- and third-tier cities. A Structural Vector Autoregression model is applied to study the impacts of monetary policy shocks and housing demand shocks on various housing markets across China. We also investigate the role of house prices in the transmission mechanism of monetary policy. The results reveal that in first-tier cities, raising interest rates has a stronger negative effect on house prices. Also, as house prices decrease in first-tier cities, private consumption declines sharply. There is a stronger role of housing markets in the transmission of monetary policy shocks in these cities. Our findings indicate that interest rate adjustment could effectively curb spikes in housing prices in the first-tier cities, but the impact of such adjustments on household consumption must also be considered.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the influence of the European Central Bank’s (ECB) monetary policies on non-financial firms. It sheds light on non-financial firms’ decisions regarding leverage, and on how the ECB’s conventional and unconventional policies may have affected them. The paper also examines how these policies influenced non-financial firms’ decisions on capital allocation – primarily capital spending and shareholder distribution (for example, dividends and share repurchases). We use an exhaustive and unique dataset comprised of income statements and balance sheets of leading non-financial firms operating in the European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). The main results suggest that ECB’s monetary policies have encouraged firms to raise their debt burden, especially after the global recession of 2008. Finally, the ECB’s policies, especially after 2011, also seem to have led non-financial firms to allocate more resources not just to capital spending but to shareholder distribution as well.  相似文献   

This article explores the relationships among Libor, gold prices, the exchange rate, oil prices, fed funds futures prices and stock prices at a daily frequency. This article examines whether expected monetary policy, measured by changes in the prices of fed funds futures contracts, reacts to high frequency changes in asset prices and, in turn, whether asset prices respond to changes in expected monetary policy. The article reveals that there are statistically significant relationships between expected US monetary policy and shocks to Libor and exchange rates. It also reveals that there is no evidence of a systematic relationship between stock prices and expected monetary policy changes. Splitting the data into expansionary and recessionary periods using NBER dating, we find results for the expansionary periods that are very similar to the results for the entire period. For the periods of recession, we find little evidence of significant linkages between markets.  相似文献   

本文根据2006年第1季度—2009年第3季度的时间序列资料,研究了我国货币政策与货币供应量、经济增长以及物价之间的关系,通过实证分析,验证了我国GDP增速在2009年第2季度已开始上升,并预计我国经济将在2010年第1季度走出通货紧缩。但根据我国在亚洲金融危机、美国在两次石油危机和本次金融危机期间货币政策操作的国内国际经验,综合考虑国际环境和国内情况,本文得出了我国适度宽松的货币政策退出的时点和退出力度选择的政策建议。  相似文献   

货币政策工具对资产价格动态冲击的识别检验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
崔畅 《财经研究》2007,33(7):31-39
文章以不同的货币政策手段在资产价格波动的不同阶段所表现出的作用效果为出发点,通过SVAR模型,识别出不同货币政策工具的单独动态冲击,并分别分析了膨胀阶段和低迷阶段的资产价格对货币政策冲击响应的程度,以解决针对不同阶段资产价格波动的货币政策调控手段和时机的选择问题。结果表明,货币政策对资产价格的作用具有有效性,在价格膨胀阶段可在一定时期内采取利率手段对资产价格波动进行微调,当出现价格泡沫时控制货币供应量会收到即时效果;而在资产价格低迷阶段,以利率调节资产价格具有明显和相对持久的作用。  相似文献   

In this article, we investigate the dynamic correlations among monetary policy, asset prices and inflation and assess the regional effects of monetary policy in China for the period October 2007 to July 2013. We focus on the interdependencies among monetary policy and asset price fluctuations by using the Shanghai Interbank Offered Rate as the preferred variable for analysing monetary policy movement. In particular, we apply a vector autoregressive model in a panel setting, which allows researchers to examine variations over time or across individual regions. The empirical results presented herein indicate that monetary policy reacts actively to asset prices, although it is still shown to be ineffective. In addition, we find that asset prices display some regional differences in their response to an unexpected monetary policy shock.  相似文献   

Inequality has been largely ignored in the literature and practice of monetary policy, but is gaining more attention recently. Here, we exclusively focus on the impact of unconventional monetary policy (UMP) on inequality. We look at how the recent UMP in Japan affected inequality, using household survey data. Our vector auto regression (VAR) results show that UMP widened income inequality after 2008Q3 as the Bank of Japan (BoJ) resumed its zero-interest rate policy and reinstated UMP. This is largely due to the portfolio channel. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to empirically analyse the distributional impact of UMP. Japan’s extensive experience with UMP may hold important policy implications for other countries.  相似文献   

We quantify the international spillovers of explicit Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) policy rate guidance used as an unconventional monetary policy tool at the zero lower bound of the policy rate on international equity markets, considering equity indices of both advanced and emerging economies. We find that stimulatory explicit FOMC policy rate guidance announcements at the zero lower bound led to higher equity prices in a number of advanced and emerging economies. Moreover, we find that equity indices of economies with lower sovereign ratings rose by more, consistent with the risk-taking channel of monetary policy.  相似文献   

Jinfang Li 《Applied economics》2013,45(24):2514-2522
We examine the impact of investor sentiment and monetary policy on the stock prices under different market states based on the Markov-switching vector autoregression (MS-VAR) model. The results show that the sentiment shocks, more than monetary policy shocks, lead to not only much larger fluctuations of stock prices but also much longer duration in the stock market downturn than in the stock market expansion, which shows obvious asymmetric effect. Moreover, the responses of stock prices to the sentiment shocks present an immediate effect, while the responses of stock prices to the monetary policy shocks show one-period lag effect.  相似文献   

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