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While services represent the largest sector of the global economy, 86.8% in the United States, most supply chain management (SCM) research is focused on product flows. Executives in manufacturing firms have benefited from frameworks created to implement SCM processes, but this is not the case for their counterparts in service companies. The two most cited SCM frameworks for services have methodological and conceptual deficiencies. Drawing upon the service-dominant logic of marketing and using an empirical research approach, we developed supply chain structure maps for nine service firms. Our findings indicate that the supply chain structure maps of service companies are comparable to those in the product-based literature, which supports the service-dominant logic. Then, we identified the six key processes that constitute a framework to manage service supply chains. The customer relationship management and the supplier relationship management processes form the critical links in the supply chain, and the other four processes are coordinated through this linkage. The SCM framework for services provides direction for executives in service firms who need to increase cross-functional integration within their firms and with other members of the supply chain. For academics, 12 avenues for future research are identified.  相似文献   

Entrepreneurship and supply chain management (SCM), respectively, have enjoyed meteoric rises in business practice and scholarly attention over the past three decades. Further, each of the two disciplines has much to offer the other. Yet, we have not witnessed sustained, meaningful integration of principles, practices, and influences despite powerful potential. This paper explores this potential by featuring prospects for entrepreneurship to influence SCM, and vice versa, bringing an entrepreneurial mindset to SCM and supply chain orientation (SCO) to entrepreneurial activities. In particular, we illustrate a validated assessment and diagnostic tool, the Corporate Entrepreneurship Assessment Instrument (CEAI), adapted for supply chain managers with the intent of instilling corporate entrepreneurial activity among supply chain professionals. Granted, supply chain managers are typically tasked with meeting expectations toward customer service effectiveness, efficiency, asset utilization, and safety. Yet, we believe that forming an organizational environment conducive to entrepreneurial thinking could be extremely valuable in the supply chain realm, enhancing capabilities like agility, plasticity, and responsiveness such that innovation and business growth are achieved alongside traditional SCM expectations. Further, we feature several avenues for future research at the interface of entrepreneurship and SCM.  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2017,60(5):689-697
In an effort to improve their competitive position in a rapidly changing marketplace, many companies have replaced their traditional supply chains with extended supply chain networks built on a foundation of supply chain collaboration. These extended networks require the use of decision support tools and technologies to improve both operating efficiencies and customer service, but many companies have struggled to realize the expected benefits of these tools and the increased collaboration. This article recommends that companies adopt an integrated strategy of people, processes, and technology to achieve their competitive supply chain goals. Our recommendation is backed by the results of a survey we conducted of senior-level practitioners concerning the importance and challenges of supply chain collaboration. The article concludes with a set of managerial recommendations to improve a company’s collaborative efforts within its supply chain.  相似文献   

The idea of effectiveness measurement in supply chain context stresses the importance of value development process for the forthcoming member of the chain. The main purpose of this paper is to develop a conceptual model of organizational buying effectiveness in the supply chain context, emphasizing the importance of marketing orientation in the purchasing process. Literature has revealed that there are many focal interaction points between relationship marketing, supply chain management, and organizational buying. The effectiveness framework was developed regarding the value perception, organizational buying involvement, and decentralization of decision making  相似文献   

As the supply chain discipline matures, opportunities emerge to develop or define theories that are specific to supply chain phenomenon. The current research specifies characteristics that we offer which comprise the building blocks of supply chain theory. These characteristics include the flows of material through a supply chain network, the temporal management of these material flows, the dyadic and triadic interactions of firms within the supply chain network, and the outward focus on supply chain management (SCM), in other words a supply chain orientation, of firms in a supply chain. Further, recognizing that supply chain theories must contain the previously identified characteristics, we offer Factor Market Rivalry (FMR) as a theory of SCM. FMR refers to intense battles for resource positions that are needed to manufacture, provide, or deliver firm products or services. We argue that FMR only occurs within supply chain phenomena. The piece concludes with a future research agenda based upon the practical implications of further developing FMR as a theory of SCM.  相似文献   

Postponement is a well-known organizational concept and usually relates to the deferment in time of manufacturing and/or logistics operations. In the current global competitive landscape, situations where postponement can be applied are rapidly increasing. Faced with the wide range of customs duties and free-trade agreements currently in place, companies need to (re)design their postponement strategies to customize their products appropriately, and to the proper degree, in each market. As the actual location where operations take place has a major impact on a company’s overall performance, the spatial perspective must also be taken into account when designing global postponement strategies, alongside the conventional temporal perspective. Heretofore, the academic literature does not offer any comprehensive framework on a global scale either for handling what is known as the postponement boundary problem, or for conceptualizing the related postponement strategies. Building on previous research, the aim of the present study was to investigate the postponement concept in a global environment with a downstream focus. The intended purpose is twofold: first, to review and expand previous studies on the subject and, second, to provide some guidelines for conceptualizing global postponement strategies. A structured literature review was first conducted, followed by the development of a framework that combines both the temporal and the spatial dimensions. Finally, the framework was applied to a group of 28 business cases taken from the literature, to act as a bridge between academic theories and practitioners’ current business operations.  相似文献   

《The World Economy》2018,41(9):2552-2576
The link between exchange rate and trade has been studied for a long time, but there is no consensus about their relation. This paper tests the old argument, whether depreciation of real effective exchange rates (REERs) raises exports. We differentiate the test with earlier studies by employing a new measurement of REER and incorporating the effect of GVCs. We measured REER at industry level with value‐added trade weights. We analysed the topic with LSDV and system GMM for China, Japan and Korea since these counties are known to participate actively in GVCs. Our main finding is that exchange rate has significant impact on trade for three countries. However, the movement of elasticity of export to REER varies by country. While the elasticity in China decreased over time, Korea and Japan experienced increasing patterns between mid‐1990s and mid‐2000s and decreasing trends afterwards. This study also tests whether the level of incorporation in GVCs causes a change in elasticity. The results show that growing participation in GVCs lowers the elasticity of export to REER in absolute value. However, this result is only statistically significant in Korea.  相似文献   

Global supply chains are growing rapidly, and the ability to manage cross border logistics operations has become a necessity to maintain a competitive advantage in a dynamic environment. This research addresses current gaps in the literature by investigating the buyer–supplier integration dynamics in a global context with a focus on the antecedents and outcomes involved in the process. Empirical data from 320 U.S. based manufacturing companies that source from overseas was collected and used to test the framework. In addition to providing empirical evidence for the importance of orientation on collaboration, operational coordination, and integration this research explains how manufacturing companies can enhance the flexibility of their global suppliers and how that impact their logistics as well as overall firm performance. Managerial and research implications are provided as well as areas for future research.  相似文献   

The UK grocery supply chain has experienced considerable change in the last 30 years and is now considered to be one of the most efficient in the world. It is, nevertheless, acknowledged that further improvements in supply-chain efficiency can be achieved. Using the results of a pioneering survey of transport operations in the food sector, this paper assesses the potential for further cost savings. The results of a second survey of senior managers indicates that efforts to improve vehicle utilization in this sector will be subject to the conflicting pressures of quick response replenishment and traffic congestion.  相似文献   

通过对比G20经济体的货物出口增速与其GDP增速之间的差距,本文发现2012年后世界主要经济体货物出口增速大多低于其GDP增速,此轮出口增长"失速"并非是中国特例,而是全球性现象。本文从全球价值链分工的视角分析了造成此轮全球性出口增长"失速"的主要原因,发现近年来全球价值链分工模式出现的"天花板"现象、发展中经济体价值链分工位置升级和国内价值链的延伸以及发达经济体国内价值链的收缩都会导致世界贸易规模萎缩。本文认为,以"一带一路"战略为平台扩张全球价值链分工网络的外部空间和以自贸区战略为依托推进中国对外开放水平由"边境上"向"边境内"深化,是中国应对出口增速下降可能的对策思路。  相似文献   

全球价值链对国际贸易和增长的影响,在近20年又有新的变化。来自发达国家和发展中国家的两种动力——为了更低成本的供应链转移和为了更高附加值的产业升级,其交相作用使得全球价值链达到一种新的平衡,任何一方面的力量都不应当被夸大。区域集聚效应使得亚洲成为全球产业链的关键区域,即平衡的中心点。对那些希望从效率驱动阶段进到了创新驱动阶段的发展中国家来说,当前的另一动向是,离岸服务是前景巨大的新市场。  相似文献   

Supply chain management (SCM) is essential for strengthening competitiveness, customer satisfaction, management performance, and achieving continued success. The development of effective measures of SCM performance is crucial to companies. Most corporations place considerable importance on SCM and the concept of balanced scorecard (BSC). Most studies, however, typically discuss SCM and BSC independently without examining their relationship. This study attempts to integrate SCM and BSC based on a thorough discussion of BSC measures in Kaplan and Norton. The main objectives of this study are to evaluate SCM performance using the BSC to thereby assess the business performance of many of Taiwan's industries that have implemented SCM. This study initially utilizes case studies; a research model and hypotheses are modified according to the case study findings. A questionnaire-based survey forms the second phase of data collection and data analysis. The research framework is analyzed and validated. Case study findings indicate that companies use varying degrees of SCM integration. Data analysis supports a positive correlation between SCM integration and BSC and a direct correlation between SCM integration and each BSC dimension.  相似文献   

当前面临国内国际环境深刻变化,中国出口贸易发展面临严峻挑战和压力,而具有结构性调整的"攀升全球价值链中高端"是否会带来结构性减速,从而进一步加大出口贸易下行压力,成为理论和实践部门关注的重要课题。通过理论分析认为,无论是从附加值创造能力角度看,还是"固链"从而稳定出口贸易产业之根角度看,全球价值链中高端优势都要显著强于中低端,即攀升全球价值链中高端本质上更加有助于"稳出口"。进一步利用中国制造业企业层面的微观数据,计量检验结果证实了上述理论预期。因此,新形势下努力攀升全球价值链中高端,不仅有助于改善分工地位和提高开放效益,对于缓解当前出口面临增速下滑压力也有重要政策意涵。  相似文献   

论中国企业的全球价值链“低环嵌入”与“链节提升”   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
吴解生 《国际贸易问题》2007,293(5):108-112
尽管部分中国企业以OEM承接商的角色在低端环节嵌入相关全球价值链具有种种不尽人意之处,但这类企业若能通过自身的持续努力不断实现价值链或价值链环节的提升,仍具有相当的发展前景。本文对中国企业全球价值链低端环节嵌入的状况、积极影响、链节提升的一般路径与必要条件等问题展开了分析,并提出了对策建议。  相似文献   

近年来,制造业企业通过服务化转型实现了生产效率的提升。本文利用匹配的中国工业企业数据库和中国海关贸易数据库数据,实证分析了制造业企业服务化对制造业企业全球价值链位置的影响。研究发现,制造业企业的服务化显著促进了企业全球价值链位置的提升,这种作用主要通过促进技术创新和提高生产成本两个机制来实现。结合互联网的进一步分析发现,制造业企业通过与互联网深度融合,可以有效提升企业的全球价值链位置。因此,加快制造业企业的服务化转型,推动工业互联网的发展,是中国制造业企业提升全球价值链位置的重要途径。  相似文献   

Yue Lu  Yunlong Lu  Rui Xie  Xiao Yu 《The World Economy》2019,42(10):3065-3085
Better understanding of the effect of the global value chain (GVC) on wages is a key issue for determining welfare gains from engagement in international integration. We study whether and how China's engagement in the GVC enhances firms' wage by using firm‐level and customs transaction‐level data covering the period 2000–06 with the methods of propensity score matching (PSM), difference in differences (DID) and generalised propensity score (GPS). The empirical results show that first, GVC engagement can improve firms' wage. Second, the improvement effect is more prominent in capital‐intensive and foreign‐invested enterprises. Third, the degree of embedment in the GVC shows a U‐shaped relationship with wages (the marginal improvement changes from decreasing to increasing). Finally, by analysing the mechanism, we find that participation in the GVC ultimately improves the overall wage level of enterprises through the productivity effect and the reallocation effect of labour demand.  相似文献   

This paper examines equity return predictability using the returns of commodity futures along the supply chain in China's financial market. We find that a considerable number of commodities exhibit significant in‐sample forecasting ability at the daily horizon, especially for supplier‐side equity returns. The macroeconomic risk premium effect, captured by the aggregate commodity prices, is an important source for this predictability. The out‐of‐sample results show that for most commodities, the predictability remains both statistically and economically significant, and the forecasting performance improves substantially during recessions or with economic constraints.  相似文献   

经济全球化时代零售企业竞争力的提高,取决于零售企业的全球价值链创新能力、整合全球客户资源和供应链资源的能力。7-11、宜家、沃尔玛、巴黎春天等跨国零售企业制定和实施了不同的全球价值链创新战略,吸引一流供应商和客户进入自身价值链,进而掌握了全球价值链主导权和控制权。  相似文献   

闻媛 《财贸研究》2011,22(6):16-22,31
中国庞大的创意商品出口额大多是通过OEM方式生产出口,即沿袭传统制造业的发展模式,利用丰富廉价的劳动力为跨国公司代工。作为全球创意空间中的制造车间,中国在全球产业价值链中处于低附加值、低利润的生产制造环节,既不能掌握出口产品的价格决定权,更无法控制产品的文化内涵。面对强势的西方文化及西方国家成熟的商业运作,政策导向需要在经济利益与精神价值之间寻找平衡点,以更开放、更容忍的姿态对待创意阶层特立独行的思想与行为,并制定长期性的产业发展策略以整合国内创意资源,从而摆脱对发达国家跨国公司的依赖,提升中国创意产业在全球价值链中的产业位势。  相似文献   

新经济下企业国际化运营的供应链机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究新经济下中国企业国际化运营的供应链机制 ,根据新经济下我国企业国际化运营的新特点 ,从理论上概括和分析了基于网络经济时代的企业国际化运营的供应链机制。并提出了如何构建好企业级的供应链网络机制。  相似文献   

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