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Located in the North Europe,Iceland is a very beautiful country. Although very small with an area of 103,000 sq.km and a population of 308,000, and quite different in most respects such as geographical location,size,history,climate and political structures,it has developed very good relations with China.For in- stance,Iceland was the first European coun- try to recognize China as a market economy. In many areas such as trade,investment, industrial cooperation,from fishing,food processing,tourism,information technol- ogy,geothermal,finance,etc.,Iceland has made pragmatic activities,for instance,last summer Icelandic and Chinese authorities concluded a feasibility study on negotiating Free Trade Agreement;in June an Iceland Business Forum was held,which groups to- gether over twenty Icelandic companies that have established offices in China;etc. In July,China's Foreign Trade inter- viewed H.E.Mr.Gunnar Snorri Gunnars- son,Ambassador of Iceland in Beijing. According to him,Iceland has developed diversified and active economic and trade cooperation with China in many areas.The following is a written interview with Mr. Gunnar Snorri Gunnarsson.  相似文献   

I'n Beijing,a Maldivian diplomat-H.E Ahmed Latheef,Ambassador of Maldives is busy preparing,for a special pingpong match,H.E is also the promoter of diplomats pingpong match.Two days before the match,I had an interview with H.E Ahmed Latheefwho talked much about China and Maldives bilateral relations on economy,trade,tourism and investment cooperation as well as the prospect.At the end of the interview, H.E Ahmed Latheef showed us the precious photos he preserved in 1973  相似文献   

Finland, Rotating Chair of the EU, has played an important role in the Partenariat event. H.E.Mr. Antti Kuosmanen,Ambassador of Finland attended the opening ceremony of the event and gave the first speech. On the eve of the event, China's Foreign Trade interviewed Mr, Antti Kuosmanen.  相似文献   

China, a Top Priority Market for Portugal I would start by saying that the political relations between our two countries are very friendly and robust.Premier Wen Jiaobao visited Portugal in December 2005, and we have established a Global Strategic Partnership between China and Portugal. So we believe that the contact between the leaders of both sides in December last year has boosted decisively our relations in general and our trade relations in particular.  相似文献   

This year marks the 35 anniversary of the establish- ment of diplomatic relations between China and Iran.Over the last 35 years,bilateral relations between the two sides have seen smooth progresses.In recent years,with active high-level leaders contacts,the two-way economic and trade cooperation between the two countries has been increasingly enlarged in depth and scope.Iran has be- come the second trade partner of China in West Asia and North Africa and the third largest oil supplier of China in the world. The main fields of Iran and China coopera- tion are energy,petrochemicals,chemicals, machineries,textile and steel industry.In 2006,Sino-Iranian two-way trade reached US$14.45 billion,a year-on-year increase of 43.3%.Among this total,about US$4.5 billion belonged to China's exports to Iran,and about US$10 billion came from imports from Iran,up 46.2% and 46.7% re- spectively over the last year.We imported about 16.8 million tons of Iranian oil in that single year.In the first half of 2007,a num- ber of agreements in various areas have been reached by the two countries.In spite of the close bilateral ties,there is still huge room for both sides to further strengthen their economic cooperation. At the invitation of the Iranian Em- bassy to China,China's Foreign Trade had an exclusive interview with H.E.Dr.Javad Mansouri,Iranian Ambassa- dor to China,on a number of issues relating to Sino-lranian economic and trade ties development. By Editor  相似文献   

In recent years,the economic and trade cooperation between China and Europe has witnessed a rapid growth and is showing a more and more remarkable tendency of market integration,this is why the Chinese market and western European countries are being comprehensively openedtoone another.  相似文献   

Q :China has become the largest trade partner and also the largest export market of Australia.So in your view,how to further devdop bilateral economic and trade relationship on a stable and beneficial basis?A:China and Australia have al eady established a very strong and mutual beneficial trade and investment relationship.We look forward to working with and supporting China's urbanization and rising prosperity through trade in areas including environmental sustainability,architecture and design,telecommunications and financial services.  相似文献   

Q:China has become the largest trade partner and also the largest view,how to further develop bilaterral economic and trade relationship on a stable and beneficial basis?  相似文献   

Belarus was one of the 15 member countries of the former Soviet Union. It has achieved independence since 1991. Belarus is situated in the center of Europe and the main drag of the Europe-Asia Continental Bridge. It takes the leading position in many economic indicators in the CIS.  相似文献   

At the exhibition, focusing on the exact meaning that this exhibition brings to China and Malaysia, Mr. Lu Kejian,Deputy Director of Department of Asian Affairs,Ministry of Commerce of China, also host of the exhibition and Datuk Yong Ah Pwi, President of MalaysiaChina Chamber of Commerce,supporter in Malaysia stated their points of view towards this exhibition and their planning in the future.  相似文献   

Indonesia is one of the important partners of China in the ASEAN countries. During the passing years, the bilateral relations have witnessed great progress. In 2005, the two countries jointly promulgated the Proclamation of Strategic Partnership; in March, 2006, Jia Qinglin, Chairman of Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference visited Indonesia and gave the speech of "Strengthen the communication and cooperation. Strive for a brighter future". In August, China's Foreign Trade interviewed H.E. Mr. Sudrajat, Indonesian Ambassador.  相似文献   

Ql: Would you give us your comments on China 's job in 2005 in promoting the economic and trade relations with vour Country ?  相似文献   

Ql: Would you give us your comments on China ‘s job in 2005 in promoting the economic and trade relations with vour Country ?……  相似文献   

Briton is a very important trade partner of China in Europe.Beijing and London will hold Olympic Games successively in 2008and 2012. In the late period of October,China‘s Foreign Trade interviewed with Sir. Christopher Hum, British Ambassador in Beijing.……  相似文献   

Briton is a very important trade partner of China in Europe.Beijing and London will hold Olympic Games successively in 2008and 2012. In the late period of October,China's Foreign Trade interviewed with Sir. Christopher Hum, British Ambassador in Beijing.  相似文献   

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