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(一)交通通讯 新疆幅员辽阔,地形复杂,交通运输的突出特点是运输距离长,各地州到首府乌鲁木齐的平均距离为735公里。多年来,新疆把交通运输基础建设作为增强综合实力、改善投资环境的“重中之重”来抓,已基本建成集公路、铁路、民航、管道为一体的多元运输网。全疆共有道路运输从业人员41.4万人,其中道路旅客运输从业人员7.7万人,经营业户0.76万户,共开通客运班线2749条,共建成等级客运站415个。  相似文献   

道路运输管理信息化的标志是电子营运证,它的操作平台是进行道路运输管理的计算机联网系统,作为一种管理手段,是运.输管理部门进行道路运输行业管理的发展方向。目前,我省运管系统信息化条件已经成熟,交通运输政务内网的建设,全省客运站联网,检测站自动化改造使用统一检测报告单,为信息化工程打下了基础,也说明我们运管系统有完成信息化改造的能力。  相似文献   

交通运输是国家经济发展的前提,道路货物运输作为交通运输行业的重要组成部分在满足社会经济发展需要方面发挥重要作用。其本身的行业特性以及道路货运市场的失灵。决定了政府作为宏观调控者必须通过一系列措施对该行业进行管制。在当今信息化条件下.汽车运输的保障能力,关系到了道路货物运输的成败。苯文主要探讨了在汽车运输保障中的若干信息技术和信息化条件下汽车运输保障的建设,分析了在当前信息社会下,我国社会汽车运输业发展与保障的可实行性和可持续性。  相似文献   

现代物流业作为一个新兴产业,已经难以用过去的行业划分标准对其进行归类.它是一个涉及到多种运输方式、多种行业的复合体,其业务渗透到从工业生产、商业流通到运输.仓储、配送.物流信息服务等各个企业的经营领域。  相似文献   

道路运输供给分析,目的在于合理地配置有限的运输资源,产生最佳的社会经济效益,最大限度地满足需求。本文首先从运输需求与供给的特性出发,分析了影响运输供给的因素;其次从数量和质量上论述了运输供给规模与运输供给效率,二者的有机结合构成了有效供给;最后提示了道路运输业的发展是运输供给不断与运输需求的变化相适应的动态均衡过程。  相似文献   

上海铁洋多式联运有限公司成立于1996年,是由中国铁路集装箱运输有限公司占总股本41%、上海铁路集装箱运输公司占总股本10%和丹麦A.P.穆勒集团占总股本49%合资组建的,公司由丹麦A.P.穆勒集团全权管理。主要的业务范围包括:集装箱大陆桥运输、大件运输、国内和国际的集装箱多式联运服务、国内的综合运输方案和特种箱运输服务。  相似文献   

上海铁洋多式联运有限公司成立于1996年,是由中国铁路集装箱运输有限公司占总股本41%、E海铁路集装箱运输公司占总股本10%和丹麦A.P.穆勒集团占总股本49%合资组建的,公司由丹麦A.P.穆勒集团全权管理。主要的业务范周包括:集装箱大陆桥运输、大件运输、国内和国际的集装箱多式联运服务、国内的综合运输方案和特种箱运输服务。  相似文献   

郭润生 《经济师》1994,(4):36-36
论铁路平衡运输及实施途径郭润生所谓平衡运输,通俗讲,就是货主与货主之间、货物与货物之间,在运输量上的均衡,不致于产生较大悬殊。在当前运力紧张的困难情况下,平衡运输对于减少矛盾,避免产生贫富悬殊有着极其重要的意义。如何做到平衡运输,不外乎从三个方面着手...  相似文献   

一站直达式牛奶班列正受到各方关注。作为一种新的运输模式,牛奶集装箱班列将铁路运输服务与区域经济发展有效连接起来。这种“五定”经营模式,是一种大胆尝试和创新,对我们进一步拓展运输市场具有一定的启发意义。[编者按]  相似文献   

石新华 《现代财经》2000,20(9):63-64
运输问题是线性规划的一个重要内容。当深入探讨运输问题时,往往需要组织循环运输,亦即需要确定循环路线和循环次数。本文以实际运输问题为背景,运用线性规则理论制定了循环运输路线,再以循环次数为决策变量,应用线性方程组的理论,从而确定了总体的运输方案。  相似文献   

We describe the regulatory regime under which international trucking operated in Western Europe until the mid-1980s, the deregulatory process that followed, and the effect of this deregulation. We find that deregulation had a large positive effect on the growth of international trucking. We also find that shippers shifted toward more outsourcing of their trucking needs, but this occurred to an even greater extent in local and national road transport. We conclude that other factors beside the deregulation of international trucking affected the organization of the industry at the time. Finally, despite concerns voiced by member countries, we find no evidence that deregulation disproportionately favored carriers of countries that were initially more (or less) involved in international trucking, nor that it has favored low-wage countries.   相似文献   

This paper combines state-level data on trucking rates with information on state-level regulations to estimate the independent effect on rates from three different types of motor carrier regulations: rate regulation; entry regulation; and the provision of antitrust immunity for decisions made jointly by motor carrier rate bureaus. The empirical results indicate that state-level motor carrier regulations generally increase trucking rates, with entry regulation having the largest effect in the LTL (less-than-truckload) sector and rate regulation having the largest effect in the TL (truckload) sector. The study also examines interaction effects among the three types of regulations and concludes that the combination of strict entry requirements and antitrust immunity leads to significant increases in trucking rates.This project was begun when both authors were in the Bureau of Economics of the Federal Trade Commission. The views expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Commission or any individual Commissioner. We are grateful to Ed Rastatter of the Department of Transportation for granting us access to the data analyzed in this report, and to Bruce Allen of Wharton who provided them to us in machine readable form. We thank James MacDonald, Paul Pautler and Ed Rastatter for comments on an earlier draft. We also are grateful to Lynn Carpenter, Karen Condor, Effie Georges, Dolly Howarth, Andrew Kim, Georges Pascoe, and Carolyn Samuels for their research and programming assistance.  相似文献   

The relationship between deregulation in the trucking industry and highway safety is an important economic and social issue. Analyses thus far have concentrated on the relationship between the downward pressure imposed on freight rates by deregulation and total safety investment by firms. Two issues which have been ignored are the effects that deregulation had on route carriage restrictions and total firm mileage. We show that the inclusion of these factors yields a model in which the relationship between motor carrier deregulation and highway safety is dependent upon the relative effects of all three factors. Estimation of the model using accident data implies that trucking deregulation did not deteriorate highway safety and may have actually improved it.  相似文献   

This study examines the effect of regulatory reform in the interstate trucking industry. In our model, carriers travel in round trips and choose to serve different markets corresponding to each leg of the trip. Some carriers have authority to haul freight subject to regulation while other carriers do not. Unlike previous studies, our model applies to decisions acrossmultiple legs. Using a bivariate probit, we find differences in the determinants of accessacross markets. Entry regulation has a significant influence only in markets dominated by regulated traffic, whereas location has a significant influence only in markets dominated by unregulated traffic.Name order was determined by a coin toss. Kenneth Boyer, Victoria Dailey, Gregory Duncan, Jo Anna Gray, Shane Greenstein, Edward H. Rastatter, and Joe A. Stone made a number of useful comments that improved the paper, and Marylynne Diggs made a number of editorial comments.  相似文献   

Economic regulation is characterized as (1) an effort by special interests to influence the allocation of property rights, in (2) a continuous path-dependent spontaneous evolution (as apposed to a static equilibrium), driven by (3) market, political, and bureaucratic entrepreneurship in an ongoing discovery process. The implications of the model are illustrated by an examination of the evolution of regulation in interstate trucking. The model is also used to explain that the Chicago School's political-regulatory efficiency conclusions are incorrect, and that the inefficiencies arising from rent seeking are even greater than the Public Choice approach implies.  相似文献   

We used trucking industry’s response to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s acceleration of 2004 diesel emissions standards as a case study to examine the importance of accounting for regulatees’ strategic behaviors in drafting of environmental regulations. Our analysis of the time series data of aggregate U.S. and Canada heavy‐duty truck production data from 1992 through 2003 found that heavy‐duty trucks production increased by 20%–23% in the 6 mo prior to the date of compliance. The increases might be due to truck operators pre‐buying trucks with less expensive but noncompliant engines and behaving strategically in anticipation of other uncertainties. (JEL L51, Q25)  相似文献   

This paper assesses the direct and indirect effects of regulatory reform in the trucking industry on the employment of owner-operators. We utilize a probit estimation form derived from driver utility functions to estimate the change in the probability that a truck driver is an owner-operator following deregulation.We find that a representative driver with mean characteristics is 155.6 percent more likely to choose employment as an owner-operator in the deregulated environment. Thirty-six percentage points of this increase is due to the indirect effects of deregulation, which operate primarily through changes in wage differentials and unionization. The direct effect of deregulation accounts for a 120% increase in the probability of a driver choosing employment as an owner-operator.We are especially grateful to David Besanko, Ronald Braeutigam, Robert Drago, and John Heywood for insightful comments. For helpful discussions, we thank Marcus Alexis, Aaron Gellman, Leon Moses, Robert Porter, Ian Savage, Mark Shanley, Carol Simon, Paul Wolfson, and Christopher Udry. For their comments on an earlier draft, we thank Thomas Corsi, Curtis Grimm, and Theodore Keeler. We are grateful for information sent to us by Leon Witconis ofOwner Operator Magazine and William A. Coop ofRoad King Magazine. We acknowledge financial support from the National Science Foundation, Grant # SES-9111131 and from the Transportation Center of Northwestern University. We also thank two anonymous referees for their efforts in helping us to improve this paper.  相似文献   

工作作为一种社会活动,是人们改变主客观世界的实践。如何让我们的工作从谋划、实施再到结果既符合客观要求又最大限度地满足我们的主观意愿以达到我们工作的目的,就必须在工作中灵活地运用辩证法原理,只有这样才能确保我们工作既有正确的方向性,又有较高的效率和效益性,真正做到事半功倍。  相似文献   

Learning to think instinctually and to depend on our intuition means, for many of us, going back to kindergarten and focusing more on our instinctual side to balance the linear approach that we've learned in many college and business school courses. It also means building time into our lives for reflection and allowing our brains the time to reorganize the events of our lives into patterns that we will recognize in the future. The process of the incubating experience and data in our minds over time will build the intuition and instincts that will help us all to learn how to be great leaders (Gardner, 1995). We can learn much from the training of clinicians in pattern recognition and intuitive analysis of clinical situations. Many of us who were clinicians first understand the intuitive side of clinical practice and of administrative practice because we were educated in both worlds. We have the advantage of knowing the concepts of intuitive thinking and must remember to apply those concepts daily to our practices in leadership. Toffler said "You can use all the quantitative data you can get, but you still have to distrust it and use your own intelligence and judgment" (Boone, 1999, p. 80). As we acquire more experience and wisdom, we learn to trust our own intelligence and judgment. What we came to know in kindergarten is as valuable as the analytical knowledge we have since acquired. In leadership, we will do well to remember our clinical roots and to continually hone our skills in intuition and thinking with our gut.  相似文献   

借鉴国际经验完善我国财政审计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
财政审计是发展我国社会主义市场经济的需要,对加强财政收支管理,增强国力,防止职务腐败等都有重要意义。美国、英国、日本三个主要发达国家的财政审计比较完善,借鉴它们经验,有利于规范和完善我国财政审计,推动市场机制完善和促进经济稳定发展。  相似文献   

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