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认清家庭教育优势 做好家庭教育工作   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
家庭教育是在家庭生活中,家长对其子女施加教育影响,以使子女达到预期变化的社会活动。家庭教育具有自身独特和天然的优势,家长要认真分析家庭教育的优势所在,做好家庭教育工作,以充分实现家庭教育在教育系统工程中的基础性作用。  相似文献   

每个人都深受人生的第一课堂---家庭的影响,家庭教育是每个大学生不可或缺的教育方式,它对大学生的身心发展起着至关重要的作用,同时也作为学校教育的重要补充和延伸。对大学生的人生观、价值观、心理品质等方面产生重要的影响,应该充分调动各方面的因素、多渠道、多角度地加强大学生的家庭教育。  相似文献   

杨雨磊 《商》2014,(30):89-89
本文分出两个方面对当前我国家庭教育问题进行探析。第一方面明确指出我国当前家庭教育的问题:家长教育观念“落伍”、家长对子女的管理和教育方式简单,收效甚微、家庭教育方式有待改进及家庭教育急功近利,视“高分=成才”。第二方面是针对第一点的问题找出了解决对策,分别是转变家长的教育观念、提高广大家长的基本素质、家庭教育要与社会教育及学校教育紧密结合、营造良好的家庭环境。  相似文献   

随着社会的发展和时代的进步,当代大学生在环境适应、学习、人际交往、求职择业等方面均存在不同程度的心理问题,这主要是由家庭、学校和社会因素影响所致。通过构建"人文关怀"教育体系、加强自身心理调节能力、建立立体管理模式,能对当前高校学生存在的心理异常起到防治作用。  相似文献   

王函函  韩升 《中国市场》2011,(52):178-181
当代大学生的幸福问题是当前阶段我们应该加以反思的重要问题,对之加以积极探讨有助于大学生自身的健康成长和社会整体的和谐发展。我国社会转型时期的家庭因素、社会环境、学校教育、大学生的角色变迁等都是影响当前我国大学生幸福感的重要因素。我们应从营造美满家庭、倡导社会公正、力行和谐德育、强化个体自觉等方面来探讨当代大学生的幸福之路。  相似文献   

论女大学生的择业心理与择业教育   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王晶 《北方经贸》2006,(2):127-128
通过对女大学生择业心理的分析和研究,确定女大学生在择业时由于存在着许多不合理的择业意识,导致她们的就业难。因此,我们应该加强对女大学生的择业教育,充分认识自己的优势和特点,掌握择业技巧,增强择业意识,加强自身素质的培养和教育,增强择业的竞争力,促进女大学生良好的就业。  相似文献   

家庭是孩子最重要的生长环境,良好的家庭教育是儿童健康发展的基础,在孩子的成长成才中起着不可或缺的重要作用。"村改居"社区是社会转型的产物,已有研究证明,"村改居"社区发展过程中出现了教育资源匮乏问题。基于此,采用问卷调查法、访谈法和文献法对"村改居"M社区家庭教育者基本信息、家庭教育观念、行为及需求等方面展开调查研究。因此,"村改居"社区家长应努力提升自身素质、转变教育观念,学校及社区应定期对家长进行培训,政府增加对"村改居"社区投入、构建家庭教育支持平台等,构建家庭、学校、社区和社会"四位一体"的协同发展机制。  相似文献   

本文通过调查问卷的方法,发现大学生在网络消费方面存在着重娱乐而轻文化,盲目攀比,盛行面子消费,更有甚者过度沉溺网络消费等种种问题,从同学影响和学校教育的缺失等学校因素、便利的购物方式、低廉的价格和商家多样的营销手段等社会因素以及大学生自控能力较弱、消费观念不理性等自身因素的角度出发分析原因,并据此提出通过政府监督、大众媒体传播、商家自律等社会引导,通过校园文化、加强消费教育、改善校园周边环境的学校引导,通过家长的表率、加强与学校的联系和对子女的理财教育等家庭引导以及大学生自我教育、自我提升、自我反省、总结经验等自我克制方法,引导学生逐步树立起积极、健康的消费观念。  相似文献   

要解决大学生就业难的问题,关键要从加强大学生的就业能力培养着手.、纵观社会整体就业形势,影响高校大学生就业的因素从大体上归纳为:外部因素(国家政策因素、经济因素、教育因素等)和内部因素(大学生的个人综合素质、择业心理等)两个方面。  相似文献   

随着"大众创业、万众创新"口号的提出,新一轮的创业大潮即将涌现。从黑龙江省高校大学生创业的情况来看,影响大学生自主创业的主要因素包括以下四个方面,即创业意愿不强、创业素质不够、创业资金不足、创业教育欠缺等。为更好地扶持大学生创业,政府应该积极出台相关的法律法规,提供良好的创业条件和创业教育,加强创业服务功能,为大学生创业营造良好的环境;社会作为大学生创业环境的责任主体之一,必须发挥作用,共同创造出有利于大学生创业的社会环境;学校需要从多几方面培养学生的创业能力;家庭方面,家长应该改变对于大学生创业的态度,对于有能力、有想法的孩子创业给予大力支持和鼓励,通过家庭的力量鼓励大学生自己开创企业。  相似文献   

关于提高高职院校学生就业能力的探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高职教育是培养面向生产、管理、服务第一线的高技能应用型人才,学生就业能力的高低,直接反映着高职教育的方向和水平。针对目前我国的高职院校存在的人才培养针对性不强、就业指导形式和效果不理想、课程设置落后以及实训教学质量差等,严重影响学生就业的问题。高职教育应以就业为导向,提高学生的专业操作技能和综合素质,开展行之有效的就业指导,加强毕业生就业竞争能力培养,以提高高职院校学生的就业能力。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to: (1) fully conceptualize teenager influence on family grocery purchases; (2) develop appropriate measures for such influence; and (3) investigate teenager influence on grocery purchases in terms of several relevant socio-economic and dempgraphic trends (e.g., dual-income families, single-parent famlies, and working teenagers). Results show teenager influence being higher- for minor, rather than major grocery trips; for teenagers who live in single-parent, rather than dual-parent families; and for female teenagers. Teenagers who were employed longer hours of employment did not effect the amount of influence on major trips. The employment status of their parents (dual income vs. single income families), and the roles orientations of their parents (tradition-purchases. Teenager perceptions of their influence were consistently higher than their mothers'.  相似文献   

郝存生 《北方经贸》2012,(12):163+165
创业教育是我国高等教育发展史上一种崭新的教育理念,是培养高校学生创新精神和创造能力的重要举措,是高校教育改革发展的必然要求。体验式创业教育也是一种新的人才培养方式,是推进大学生就业、素质教育和高校教育教学改革的一种新思路。  相似文献   

In this study, 270 women with different levels of education were investigated to determine energy-saving attitudes and the behaviour of women in the use of electrical household appliances. Their attitudes were measured by Likert-type sentences, and their behaviour by evaluating their answers to 33 questions that were oriented to energy saving. The effects of variables on attitudes and behaviour, such as number of individuals in the family, education level of the woman, length of marriage, employment status, family income and the number of electrical appliances were determined by analysis of variance. Effects of family income, education level of women, employment status and the number of electrical appliances on positive attitude, and effects of educational level of woman and employment status on positive behaviour were both found to be significant (P < 0.05).  相似文献   

The proportion of US families that are unbanked (i.e., have no type of checking or savings account) has steadily declined for more than two decades. Nonetheless, more than nine million families still do not participate in the financial mainstream, and roughly half these unbanked families previously held a traditional bank account. This study uses the 2004 longitudinal Survey of Income Program Participation to examine the dynamic process within which changes in families' circumstances contribute to their becoming unbanked. Our findings suggest that families are significantly more likely to become unbanked when there is a decline in family income, loss of employment, or loss of health insurance coverage. Race and ethnicity, level of education or family income, and marital or housing status are also important determinants of whether families participate in the financial mainstream or not. To our knowledge, this is the first analysis of the dynamic process by which families change bank status.  相似文献   

Results from survey research using regression techniques indicate that disagreement over family finances for men was a function of management practices (negative), years married (negative), and wife's employment, with those who had part-time employed wives reporting more disagreement than those with non-employed wives. Disagreement over family finances for women was a function of frequency of communication (negative), perceived future financial security (negative), and wife's employment, with full-time employed wives reporting less disagreement over finances than non-employed wives. Since the stress and reduced maximization of resources implied by the high percentage of families reporting intense disagreement over finances ultimately affect their well-being, it is imperative that the skills of financial management and communication be developed through counselling and education.  相似文献   

A major evaluation of family policies in Germany came to the primary conclusions that family leave and early childhood education and care policies are effective. Specific German tax regulations, however, are less effective, as they decrease the incentives, especially for mothers, to return to the labour market or increase the number of hours they work. The tax regulations for couples, in particular, should be reformed, as this would offer funding possibilities for other worthwhile policies. However, it should not be forgotten that tax regulations are not just aimed at family policies. Indeed, their primary function is to reduce the burden on families and to keep them out of poverty, as demanded by the Germany Federal Constitutional Court. Given the findings of this evaluation, the new German government plans to implement policies which make sense but which do not go far enough. Public child care has been shown to increase maternal employment, household income and fertility in Germany. There are good reasons to invest further in public child care for young children; however, the focus should not only be on the quantity but also the quality of care.  相似文献   

试论新时期大学生素质教育   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目前,高等教育中“偏重知识传授,忽视能力和心理素质培养,影响了学生全面素质提高”的现象不同程度地造成了当前大学生在知识结构方面存在的问题,其突出的表现是:知识面狭窄,偏重专业知识,忽视人文、社会科学、经济、管理等学科,知识体系内部缺乏互补效应。加强和改进大学生素质教育,要遵循大学生素质教育规律和大学生成长成才规律,牢固树立“学校教育,育人为本,德智体美,德育为先”的思想,培养学生健全的人格和良好的心理素质。  相似文献   

郭振  王鹏 《北方经贸》2013,(6):134+141
近几年高校招生规模不断扩大,高校面临着越来越大的学生成才和就业的压力,提高办学水平以保证人才培养质量,已不仅仅是学校管理和教师施教的问题,而且与学生的参与,学生学习的积极性、自觉性、主动性密切相关。因此,高等教育必须重视学生主体性的发展,突出学生主体地位,改革人才培养模式,提高教育教学质量,适应时代发展的需要。  相似文献   

家庭环境、自然环境、社会环境、学校环境和个人素养是推动创业教育健康发展的五大限定因子。从关系上看,五大要素之间相互作用、相互促进、相互制约,共同构筑了创业教育生态环境体系;从功能上看,学校教育环境对受教育者的影响往往较为有限,它更强调学校教育资源以外的因素的作用,如个人生活和学习所依托的自然环境、社会环境、家庭因素及个人素养等。对于创业教育而言,优良的自然环境有利于创造优越的创业教育社会环境、家庭环境和学校环境。合理地利用自然资源,保护自然生态的平衡,是创业教育得以健康发展的必要条件。同时。自然环境对创业教育的作用大小要受社会经济发展水平,也即社会环境的影响和制约。  相似文献   

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