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近来,越来越多地听人谈论公交电视。人们会说,“今天公交电视上天气预报说有雨”,“刚在公交车上看了一节火箭队的比赛”,“我每天都在公交车上看‘马斌读报’”。不知不觉地,公交移动电视已经成了流行活题,甚至成了媒体行业的新贵,称为“第五媒体”。  相似文献   

公交车作为人们日常出行的主要交通工具,其票价的高低至关重要。本文阐述了和谐公交与社会福利的关系,对我国目前公共交通的管理运营机制即委托代理机制进行了评析,并根据SCP范式对公交车行业的市场结构、市场行为以及市场绩效作了分析,得出若干结论,最后提出了四种定价模型方案。  相似文献   

<正>媒体是指传播信息的载体,公交车是一种户外传播媒体,然而,在公交车中,又存在着其他媒体(广播、电视、平面等)。除这些已存在的媒体,公交车上还有未开发却有价值的媒体,本文以南昌公交广告为例,从媒体分析的角度来解读公交车上蕴含的广告价值。一、公交广告的特色优势  相似文献   

城市公交车服务反映了一个城市的出行条件、城市的整体发展水平,通过对沈阳市公交服务的接受者—乘客进行调查,总结了沈阳市公交服务的整体情况,并提出了改进建议。  相似文献   

城市公交行业是对国民经济和社会发展具有全局性、先导性影响的基础产业。研究我国公交行业改革具有重要的理论和现实意义。本文以垄断行业改革的理论基础为出发点,提出了我国公交行业改革的指导思想、总体思路和路径选择。  相似文献   

西安出租车有望享受“公交待遇”为缓解油价上涨对出租车行业的压力,西安市有关部门建议解除对出租车的交通禁制,使其享受公交车一样的“待遇”。西安市政府已组织相关部门对这一提议进行论证。西安市交通局向政府建议解除专门针对出租汽车的禁行、禁停、禁左、限时的限制。凡是公交车能够行驶的路、左转的路口,出租车同样能够行驶、左转。  相似文献   

近年来,城市建设取得了长足的发展,也推动了公交广告行业的高速发展。但随之而来的诸多对城市景观、公共安全的影响情况也在不断增多,因此加强公交广告监管、促进广告业的良性发展也就显得日益迫切。据统计,从2007年至今,武汉市共登记、审批公交车广告4000余件、涉及公交车6000余台,登记审批和发布广告的年增长率均接近30%,呈高速上升态势。  相似文献   

李达  张进平 《商》2012,(11):56-57
本文采用自编《齐齐哈尔市公交站牌广告视觉设计传播效果问卷》随机选取公交站牌附近等候公交车的乘客200名,调查了齐齐哈尔市区主要街道公交车牌的12个广告的视觉表达效果,并对受众关于这12个广告的记忆率、干扰度和达到率进行了统计分析。  相似文献   

2月14日,湖南省永顺县城市公交车经营者以燃油涨价、成本增加、经营亏损为由,擅自将县城1、2线路公交车票价由1元每人次上涨到1.5元每人次,严重损害了广大消费者的利益。永顺县物价局通过监测和群众举报获取公交车涨价讯息后,立即采取果断措施,及时平息公交车集体涨价事件。  相似文献   

9月22日早晨7点30分,28辆苏州金龙海格大型公交车投入镇江市第一条大运量公交线使用.此举标志着我国中小城市开始试水BRT(快速公交系统),国家公交优先战略正在向纵深推进.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to analyze the scale and cost inefficiencies in operation for the Swiss regional bus companies. For this purpose,we have considered estimation of a stochastic and a deterministic frontier cost model for a sample of 93 bus companies in 1989. The estimates of inefficiency from the frontier models are compared and discussed within the political and regulatory setting within which the Swiss regional bus companies operate. The empirical results indicate that regulation does not seem to influence the cost efficiency significantly. Only the tariff subsidies have a negative influence on efficiency. This is an interesting result because in the current transport policy debate, the abolition of this kind of subsidy has been raised.  相似文献   

This article examines the effect of deregulation on 95 first line managers in the bus industry. The way deregulation was handled by the government was a major source of criticism. On the whole the sample felt perturbed by deregulation as they did not see it as being in the best interest of the public or the bus industry. Feelings regarding the effects on their jobs were mixed although quite a number felt deregulation had led to improvements. Despite concern over the status of the bus industry, the image of the companies in the community and the services they offered, respondents expressed considerable pride in working for their respective companies. It is tentatively suggested that poor communication before and immediately following deregulation was the cause of much of the dissatisfaction.  相似文献   

保险公司是经营风险,提供经济保障的企业。根据风险选择原则,对投保人的投保要求,保险公 司可以进行选择,也有权拒绝承保。但是,武汉保险公司对公交车和“的士”拒保的现象,从几个侧面 反映出我国保险业存在的问题,必须引起重视。  相似文献   

This paper examines the link between fuel prices and sales of cars and trucks. U.S. automakers have long denied that such a link exists. One source of this false belief is an obsession with the crude count of units sold, equating Hummers with Minis. Another source is the conventional “wisdom” that Americans are unwilling to pay for fuel economy. The paper presents theoretical reasons and market evidence that refute Detroit’s conventional wisdom. American manufacturers’ reaction to rising fuel prices over the last few years revealed the shortcomings of the U.S. automakers’ recent product and powertrain strategies. The effect of rising fuel prices has, in effect, been offset by reducing prices of vehicles in inverse proportion to fuel economy. Thus, unit sales of large SUVs could be maintained, but their revenue (and profit) fell because vehicle prices were cut, directly or indirectly. The paper concludes with a few practical guidelines that business economists should use to prevent their companies from experiencing the recent massive losses experienced by the U.S. automobile industry. JEL Classification D120  相似文献   


This paper is the first to empirically compare the impact of fuel price on ridership of taxicabs and transportation network companies (TNCs) like Uber and Lyft. We build a theoretical model of the car service market to demonstrate how drivers under the two systems may have different reactions to fuel prices. Although all drivers pay for their own gasoline, TNC drivers have more flexibility in reducing their supply when operating costs are relatively higher. Due to greater regulation, taxi drivers are more fixed in their supply but receive a “rigidity dividend” from paying greater gas costs while profiting from the reduced competition when TNC drivers leave the market. Through ordinary least squares and seemingly unrelated regression estimation, we find that a 1-day 1% increase of fuel prices in New York City is associated with a 0.367% to 0.486% decrease in trips from TNCs, while the quantity of taxi trips will slightly increase by 0.033% to 0.088%. Empirical results additionally show a diminishing marginal effect for the fuel price elasticity of TNC trips.


When one addresses boycotts, the efforts of the Montgomery bus boycotts to end segregation likely come to mind. However, the moral merits of a boycott are not always so clearly determined and how a company reacts to a boycott can have long lasting repercussions for its public image. In this article, I will examine a number of boycotts including boycotts by the American Family Association of both Ford and Proctor & Gamble based on their advertising venue choices. In a politically and morally charged atmosphere, it can be difficult for companies to determine where their moral obligations lie while at the same time being mindful of the bottom line. I␣suggest a number of guidelines to aid in corporate moral decision making when faced with a boycott.  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2019,62(6):751-759
Technological progress—including the development of online channels and universal access to the internet via mobile devices—has advanced both the quantity and the quality of data that companies can acquire. Private information such as this may be considered a type of fuel to be processed through the use of technologies, and represents a competitive market advantage. This article describes situations in which consumers tend to disclose personal information to companies and explores factors that encourage them to do so. The empirical studies and examples of market activities described herein illustrate to managers just how rewards work and how important contextual integrity is to customer digital privacy expectations. Companies' success in obtaining client data depends largely on three Ts: transparency, type of data, and trust. These three Ts—which, combined, constitute a main T (i.e., the transfer of personal data)—deserve attention when seeking customer information that can be converted to competitive advantage and market success.  相似文献   

Hiring seasonal driver helpers is one widely used approach by parcel delivery companies to deal with increased home-delivery volumes during peak seasons. Nonetheless, driver helper-related issues have not received much attention in academic research. This study investigates how driver helpers can be utilized in the most effective way by parcel delivery companies. We show that by separating a parcel delivery route into two sub-routes, namely “no-helper” and “with-helper” routes, the utilization rates of driver helpers can be improved, and the carrier cost be reduced considerably. Three main contributions of this study are as follows. First, based on costtrade-off insights, we develop a new mathematical model for the last-mile distribution problem, which we call the Driver Helper Dispatching Problem. Second, using this mathematical model, we perform a series of numerical experiments to identify the conditions under which the proposed “split-route solution” works most or least effectively. Finally, we perform sensitivity analyses to investigate the impact that changes in model parameters, such as fuel cost, would have on study results.  相似文献   

为了满足高度综合化机架间和机架内LRM之间大容量数据通信和高速与低速总线之间 数据交互通信需求,集成高速总线FC、RapidIO、PCI和低速总线CAN、RS485、LVDS电平同步 串行总线以及M-LVDS电平同步串行总线,设计了高度综合的总线技术硬件平台,满足了机 架间640 Mbit/s有效数据带宽需求、机架内LRM之间1 024 Mbit/s有效数据带宽需 求以及机架内部低速总线与高速总线交互需求,其综合化和通用化的设计理念以及总线传输 技术的高带宽、低延迟的高性能特性,对各个电子通信系统领域具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

为了实现高速同步串行总线设计,提出了基于FPGA使用硬件描述语言实现同步串行总线通信的方法,同时在工程应用中验证了其高速率和高可靠性的总线传输特性,为提高SRU(场内可更换单元)级之间总线速率提供参考。  相似文献   

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