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虽然厂家是窜货乱价最大和最终的受害者,但往往从厂家的销售政策来看,不是经销商一定要这么做,而是厂家“教”经销商这么做的,是企业自身的销售政策种下了窜货乱价的种子。  相似文献   

窜货的“罪”与罚   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>窜货,又称倒货或者冲货,是分销网络中的公司分支机构或中间商受到利益驱动,跨区域销售产品,造成市场倾轧、价格混乱、严重影响厂商声誉的一种恶性营销行为。 对于制造厂商而言,恐怕没有什么事情比窜货更令人头疼的了。恶性窜货能令一个原本利润还算丰厚的产品短时期内无利可图,也能令一个年销售额几千万元的产品在短期内完全滞销。  相似文献   

在商品流通中,厂家、经销商或代理商、批发客户以及零售终端各自扮演着其中的角色,各角色因为利益驱使,窜货尤其是恶性窜货是在现实中不可避免的问题。本文分析了商品流通中恶性窜货现象产生的原因,以及由此提出一些策略,以供市场研究或操作者参考。  相似文献   

“没有窜货的销售不是红火的销售,大量窜货的销售是危险的销售”,厂家知晓自己的产品在市场里相互窜货时,往往不慌不忙。因为经销商与经销商之间的“鹬蚌相争”,最终结果是厂家这“渔翁”得利。  相似文献   

管理窜货宜"疏"不宜"堵"   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
叶生洪 《商业时代》2005,(20):24-24
所谓窜货,简言之就是产品越区销售。对窜货的不同认识决定了不同管理窜货的思路。常见的思路是“堵”,这种思路基于窜货现象负面效应的认识,认为厂家应对窜货严防死守,杜绝窜货发生。窜货现象是市场经济的必然现象,无从避免;笔者认为管理窜货的思路宜“疏”。窜货现象对企业是一把双刃剑,如何减低其不利影响,化不利于有利是“疏”的关键。  相似文献   

窜货是不可避免的,但却对企业有着致命的伤害。在药品销售市场中,由于价格和经销权混乱、销售激励不合理、渠道监管不力、对药厂销售人员管理不善、存在大量库存和快到期产品等原因,经常会发生窜货现象。窜货会导致经销商对产品失去信心,造成假药流入市场,使消费者对品牌丧失信心,甚至会破坏整个分销渠道系统,危害巨大。医药市场应加快完善渠道的监控机构,制定有关窜货的奖惩制度,合理划分区域和市场,采用渠道战略联盟,严格挑选代理商,并对内部员工加强管理,以有效制止窜货的发生。  相似文献   

企业销售网络中窜货现象的管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 窜货,即产品的越区销售,又被称为倒货、冲货,是跨区域销售一种比较常见的营销现象。根据其不同动机和对市场的不同影响,可分为三类,一是经销商为了获取非正常的利润,以低于厂家规定的出手价,蓄意向辖区之外的市场倾销产品的行为即是恶性窜货:二是经销商在获取正常利润的同时,无意中向辖区之外倾销产品的行为:三是企业在市场开发初期,有意或无意地选中了流通性较强的市场中的经销商,使其产品流向非重要经营区域或空白市场的现象即是良性窜货。  相似文献   

渠道管理中最重要的课题就是化解渠道冲突,而窜货又是渠道冲突中最主要的表现形式。本文详细阐述了窜货的类型、窜货销售产生的原因及对策。  相似文献   

南木 《糖烟酒周刊》2004,(8):J011-J011
窜货有两种,一种是良性的自然窜货,一种是恶性的人为窜货。良性窜货是对市场空白点的自然覆盖,对渠道的一种有效补充;但是恶性窜货对市场危害很大,我们通常意义上所说的窜货是指恶性窜货。对于窜货对市场的危害大家都知道得很多,有百害而无一利:窜货诱发价格危机,导致通路利润降低,经销商的积极性受到影响,产品在通路上形象受挫,一旦危及渠道畅通,那么这个产品的生命也该寿终正寝了。  相似文献   

所谓药品代理销售的窜贷问题,是指在特定区域销售的药品通过种种渠道销往其它区域的行为。依据窜贷的动机和对市场的影响程度分为良性窜贷和恶性窜贷两大类,它是利益驱动的产物。代理商在无意之中使自己代理的药品流向自己销售的地区以外的非重要经营区域或者空白市场,对既有市场的销售秩序和其他代理商的利益暂时没有产生实际性损失,所以,良性窜贷在市场销售中是不可避免;但是,代理商为了不正常的利益,蓄意向销售辖区以外恶性窜贷、倾销产品,给生产企业带来的危害是巨大的。  相似文献   

王志江 《商业研究》2003,(21):16-17
合理的商品降价促销可以扩大企业或商场的商品销售量,增加利润。但是商品降价幅度太大将使企业或商场的利润减少,从而对企业或商场的发展后劲产生影响;商品降价幅度太小也不利于企业或商场的商品促销,利用数学分析方法计算了商品合理的降价幅度及最大可能降价幅度,以供决策者参考。  相似文献   

This study explores the origins and benefits of value quantification capabilities in industrial markets. After polling 131 US industrial sales and account managers, this study finds that value quantification capabilities improve firm—but not individual sales manager—performance. Second, in stable markets, the effect of value quantification capabilities on firm performance is stronger than in dynamic markets. Third, the study finds that the following psychological traits are positively related to the individual value quantification capability: risk taking and creativity, sales manager questioning style, customer-oriented selling, and cross-functional collaboration. This study suggests that value quantification capabilities benefit firm performance especially in stable markets, it explores attitudinal and behavioural traits underlying value quantification capabilities, and it highlights the need for further studies exploring the circumstances under which value quantification capabilities improve individual sales manager performance.  相似文献   

Retail sales of organic food products have been increasing faster than any other category of food and have penetrated mainstream retail grocery outlets. The majority of the literature on organic markets explores the socioeconomic characteristics of consumers, linking these traits to the probability of buying organic food, and it suggests that access to organic food is an important but overlooked factor in such studies. More recently, research focusing on food retailer marketing strategies for organic food finds that traditional strategies such as price promotions are largely unsuccessful with increasing sales for the organic food consumer. This article focuses on the retailer decision to offer organic food for sale. We model the decision as a two-stage process, where the retailer’s first decision is whether to sell organic food, and the second decision determines how many different organic products to offer for sale. In doing so, by using data collected in stores, we assess the organic food retail landscape in Manhattan, NY. We find that the decision to offer organic food for sale depends on the neighborhood socioeconomic characteristics, and the amount of organic food offered for sale depends on the size of the store.  相似文献   

Successful business negotiation in global markets requires effective cross-cultural communication between buyer and seller. Building on a growing body of literature, this paper develops a four-step, funnel-like model of international sales negotiation. This bi-directional framework traces the communications flow from broad non-selling issues to specific aspects of the international sales transaction. The four stages—non-task related activities, information exchange, persuasion, and adjustment—are then discussed individually. Finally, directions for future research in the area of international sale negotiation are presented.  相似文献   

The United States sells $3.0 billion of pesticides and $7.0 billion of pharmaceuticals to consumers in export markets. Many of these products are banned and/or unapproved for use within the United States. This perplexing double standard continues to create unique ethical questions for United States based multinational corporations (MNCs) who sell pesticides and pharmaceutical products worldwide. This paper explores the issues related to export sales and how to effectively control and monitor the sale of these products to customers in developing countries.  相似文献   


The impact of sales promotion in boosting short-term sales is well established in the literature. While there are ample studies on the impact of sales promotion on conventional products in western countries, there is very scant research on the effect of promotions on green products and almost nonexistence research in emerging economies. This research addresses this gap by doing a comparative assessment of economically equivalent bonus pack sales promotion and price discount sales promotions on green versus non-green products through two experiments designed as a 2 (green product motivation: hedonic vs. utilitarian) × 2 (promotional frame: price discount vs. bonus pack) × 2 (discount level: low vs. high) between-subjects study, and 2 ( product types: green, non-green/control) × 2(promotional frame: price discount, bonus pack) between-subjects study. This research further examines the mediating role of sale proneness in the purchase process. The findings of this research indicate that buyers' preferences for promotion are quite varied for the purchase of green versus non-green products, and the price discount increases sale proneness which exerts a negative impact on product purchase willingness. Accordingly, this study has some theoretical and practical implications.  相似文献   

王辉 《商业研究》2006,(5):167-170
网络销售是一种新型的销售方式,具有交易成本低、互动性、时空的突破性、交易的特殊性等特性。我国的网络销售业已取得了一些成绩,但与国际发展水平相比还存在较大的差距。基础和配套设施相对落后、安全性、信用问题、观念问题是制约我国网络销售发展的因素,必须采取多项措施促进我国网络销售的发展。  相似文献   

A new family of explanatory variables — critical sales events (CSEs) — is described. The impact of CSEs and past performance on the satisfaction and loyalty of industrial sales reps is explored. Controlling for sales experience and gender, performance, and two types of recent events (loss of a major customer and success at making a big sale) were generally significantly linked to salesforce satisfaction (with pay, advancement, the work itself corporate performance, and the sales manager) and to loyalty (affective organizational commitment and intentions to stay). The results suggest the value of understanding the effect of critical sales events for both sales management theory and practice.  相似文献   

This paper examines the different motivations behind strategic choice in base of the pyramid or subsistence markets. Two strategies are examined through comparative analysis: market extension and strategic intent. Using two commercial bank's micro-lending business strategies in Sri Lanka, a comparative case study suggests that strategic intent is motivated by building capabilities over time that results in successful poverty alleviation, whereas market expansion is motivated by an immediate desire to expand overall sales revenue. This conclusion may help reframe subsistence market or BoP arguments away from such false choices as appropriate size (e.g., multinational corporations versus small and medium size enterprises) toward more useful discussion on understanding why firms participate in subsistence markets and what is the motivation behind their strategic choice. By considering more than just size and scope and studying the motivations behind long-term solutions to poverty alleviation, firm success can be better understood and achieved.  相似文献   

How do firms' sales interact across markets? Are foreign and domestic sales complements or substitutes? Using a French firm-level database combining balance-sheet and product-destination-specific export information over the period 1995–2001, we study how demand conditions in foreign markets affect domestic sales through variations in exports. We identify a number of exogenous shocks affecting the firms' demand on foreign markets, including product-destination specific imports or tariff changes, and large foreign shocks such as financial crises or civil wars. Our results show that exogenous variations in firm-level exports positively impact domestic sales, even after controlling for domestic demand conditions. A 10% exogenous increase in foreign sales generates a 1 to 3% increase in domestic sales in the short-run. This result is robust to various estimation techniques, instruments, controls, and sub-samples. It is also supported by the natural experiment of the Asian crisis in the late 1990's.  相似文献   

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