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柯兆银 《国际市场》2005,(10):28-30
2005年10月11日,是上海对外贸易学院45周年的喜庆之日。45年来,这所饮誊沪上的商科类大学,为我国培养和输送了大批外贸人才。记者就办学理念,办学定位,办学特色以及实现“跨越式”发展的独特优势等,专门采访了上海对外贸易学院院长王新奎。  相似文献   

上海菜科学发展趋势的范畴很广,内容很多.下面仅就上海菜的基本情况、新上海菜的潮流趋势以及上海菜的科技创新等谈谈自己的看法:  相似文献   

At 15:00 on March 8,the Second Session of the Eleventh CPPCC National Committee press conference was held at press releasing office of the Great Hall,the theme was "CPPCC members talk about the Shanghai World Expo.  相似文献   

A 15:00 on March 8, the Second Session of the Eleventh CPPCC National Committee press .conference was held at press releasing office of the Great Hall, the theme was "CPPCC members talk about the Shanghai World Expo." Wan Jifei, Zhou Hanmin, Cheng Yuechong and Yang Lan attended and answered questions from reporters. Wan Jifei introduced organizing situation of the Expo from four aspects.  相似文献   


This study examines the effectiveness of a celebrity endorser vs. a company president as an endorser for a high financial/performance risk product, supplemental health insurance, with a sample of 280 senior citizens (65+) drawn from six geographically dispersed markets. The results show significant differences between a celebrity and a company spokesperson in initial interest in the product and likelihood of seeking additional information but no differences in belief of claim or likelihood of enrolling in the insurance program.  相似文献   

甬男 《国际市场》2002,(8):16-17
中国入世后逐步而又迅速开放的服务贸易市场,有哪些机遇与挑战?中国服务贸易究竟该怎么办?带着这些疑团,记者日前走访了全国外经贸系统首家服务贸易企业--上海东浩国际服务贸易(集团)公司董事长黄耀文.黄董事长称:面对全球化和信息化以及跨国公司的严峻挑战,中国企业最重要的是要变弱者心态为强者心态;要顺应潮流发展,而不是逆潮流而动;要从封闭型思维转向开放型思维,从单向思维转向多向思维,学会从全球角度去观察、分析和处理问题.  相似文献   

“集装箱远期运价合约(交易)产品是企业规避海运价格风险.锁定成本和收益的重要工具.也是上海航交所做集装箱FFA的初衷。”上海航运交易所总裁张页接受记者采访时表示.在上海国际航运中心的建设中.上海航运交易所应该而且也能够发挥更大的作用。  相似文献   

Theplaneissoaringover9000metershighintheskVthe"whitecrane",asymbolofgoodluck,lookssoflowinglygraefulontheredtailoftheaircraft.Whilethewhitecloudsintheblueskypassingby,ourthoughtsstillremainwithyestetheThebigandloftyfigureoftheGeneralManagerofShanghaiAirineCompany,ZhouChi,reappearsinfrontoftheeyes,hisheartylaughterseemstoresoundaroundtheears.ZhouChihasuniqueglamourNomatterwhenhewasthevicePresidentofthePublicSecurityAgency,orwhenheisthe"head"oftheairlinecompanynow,theonlygeneralmanagerwith…  相似文献   

问:蒂森(Thyssen)和克虏伯(Krupp)的合并于1999年3月正式完成.自合并以来,一直有人批评新集团董事会过于庞大、联合主席经营方式不妥.公司经重新整合,并将于10月1日实施的两人联合主席执政改为单一的总经理主持后,是否会使一切问题迎刃而解?  相似文献   

Q: What impressed you most during your stay in China?
A: MIRA has been working in China since the mid 1980s, I personally have been coming to China for the past 12 years and have made over 80 visits in that time.  相似文献   

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