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1. General Features of Guangzhou Exhibitions
(I) Quantity of Exhibitions and Industry Features. Overall, after suffering from global financial crisis in 2008 as well as the interference of Beijing Olympic Games and other major events, the exhibition industry in Guangzhou has still not encountered an easy condition in 2009. The negative effects of the financial crisis have unceasingly spread and deepened, and restructuring of industries in the Pearl River Delta is in the most difficult period, 相似文献
(I) Quantity of Exhibitions and Industry Features. Overall, after suffering from global financial crisis in 2008 as well as the interference of Beijing Olympic Games and other major events, the exhibition industry in Guangzhou has still not encountered an easy condition in 2009. The negative effects of the financial crisis have unceasingly spread and deepened, and restructuring of industries in the Pearl River Delta is in the most difficult period, 相似文献
韩国釜山“2003”国际会议组织(ICCA)会议”的一项民意调查显示,上海是今后5—10年亚太地区最被看好的国际会议举办城市之一。近年来,上海会展业迅猛发展。今年上海大型的涉外会议和活动超过70个,平均每个月就要办6场。为什么上海会展业越来越红火? 相似文献
2002年,中国汽车产量首次突破300万辆,达到325万辆,同比增长38%;其中轿车产量109万辆,同比增长超过50%.中国汽车产量全球排位由2001年的第八位上升至第五位.据预测,2003年,中国汽车产量有望突破390万辆,全球排位有望上升至第四位.2003年上海汽车展正是在此背景下全新亮相. 相似文献
Section II Features of China's Exhibition MarketTo better reflect the features of China's exhibition market,based on the research results from 2005 t0 2008,the research team in 2009 continued to make a thorough survey of the exhibition market in Beijing,Shanghai and Guangzhou. 相似文献
Yan Manman 《中国对外贸易(英文版)》2010,(5):33-34
China's exhibition industry, often renowned as the locomotive of the tertiary industry, has developedrapidly in recent years and has become the sunrise industry and gets much concern. However, in exhibition industry circles in China, there is a saying being passed around "rushed exhibitions with bad service, property rights protection is badly needed; a low threshold with high demand, and 5 out of 10 exhibitions are disorganized." This jingle reflects many problems that currently exist in the exhibition industry in China. 相似文献
To better understand China's exhibition industry's development trend, and its policy regulation features, and industrial market characteristics, China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) organizes experts and scholars of the exhibition industry to compile and publish Annual Report on China's Exhibition Industry in both Chinese and English every year since 2004. After years of efforts, the Report has become a significant window for domestic and overseas insiders to know about Chinas exhibition industry. 相似文献
展览业的生命力,在于它能够超前地、全面地、专业地展现世界工农业生产与科学技术的最新成果,它就像是产业与科技界的"奥运会". 相似文献
2020年以来,厦门市会展业积极拥抱“后疫情”发展新机遇,会展产业有效复苏,成功举办了厦洽会、海峡论坛、工博会等113个大型展览活动,举办规模以上会议3289场,实现经济效益达176.94亿元。并且成功引进中国国际广告节、中国教育装备展等品牌项目,会展业复苏明显,优于全国大部分会展城市。 相似文献
德国号称展览的国度,其特点体现在展览会的质量一流、规模庞大.90年代世界最好的展览会中有1/3在德国举办.根据德国展览业联盟的统计,1997年在德国举办的的经国际博览会联盟认证的128个展览会全年展出面积达6336565平方米;展商数量151402名(其中70140名来自德国以外);观众数量9754928人次(其中德国以外的观众达178万人次).1997年德国展览业产值达40亿马克. 相似文献
会展业作为现代服务产业的重要组成部分,是发展最快的新兴产业之一,被许多学者称为"城市经济的助推器"。会展业是一项产业关联性很强的产业,当前会展业的发展不但成为当地经济的新增长点,同时也带动了相关区域的餐饮、旅游、酒店、广告、通讯和交通运输业的发展。本文利用灰色关联分析法,对乌鲁木齐会展业及其关联产业2010—2016年产业生产总值进行定量研究,计算出乌鲁木齐会展业与其他产业的关联度,分析其与其他产业间的相互关联关系。本项研究对促进乌鲁木齐会展经济带动区域经济发展方面的研究具有积极的意义。 相似文献
陈先进,现任上海市国际贸易促进委员会副会长。上海世博(集团)有限公司总裁,上海市国际展览有限公司董事长兼总裁,上海国际展览中心有限公司董事长等。 相似文献
本刊讯:2001年,作为全国最大商都的上海,展览会琳琅满目、丰富多彩,充分呈现出入世前申城服务贸易一派兴旺发达的景象.现将上海市国际展览有限公司、上海国际展览中心有限公司和上海世界贸易商城有限公司提供本年度的展览计划汇成一览表,供国内外客商参展参考. 相似文献
国内外客商抢摊"工博会" 将于11月22日-27日在上海新国际博览中心举办的第三届"工博会",展览面积50000平方米,比上届增加133%.共设室内展位2000个,比上届增加140%,其中上海展位800个,其他省市展位800个,境外展位400个.目前已有来自美国、德国、荷兰、澳大利亚、日本、印度、韩国等国家和地区的客商报名的境外摊位233个,确定参展意向摊位100余个.世界500强中的GE、微软、IBM、菲力普、西门子、通用汽车、3M、爱默生、强生、罗氏和大宇等国际知名企业已确定参展. 相似文献
Yan Manman 《中国对外贸易(英文版)》2010,(8)
Shanghai World Expo is widely regarded as another grand international pageant, so many people thought that the opening ceremony must be as much magnificent and brilliant as the opening ceremony for Beijing Olympics.However, it was revealed by Wan Jifei, Executive Director of the ExecutiveCommittee of the Shanghai World Expo that the opening ceremony of the Expo was not that luxurious and extravagant as that for the Beijing Olympics, but would have its own characteristics under the elaborate design and thorough arrangement conducted by the host. The veto against that luxurious opening ceremony was actually a practice echoing for the concept of Green World Expo, which would be applied for every corner from the beginning to the end of the Expo, including the construction of exhibition hall, building of exhibition stand and advertisement etc. 相似文献
Guo Liqin 《中国对外贸易(英文版)》2010,(5):24-24
February 8 witnessed the construction of 2010 World Expo's China Pavilion completed after two years' work. The pavilion, in the shape of an oriental crown, showcases the spirit of traditional Chinese culture. It issignificant since all other nation's pavilion constructed only for temporary exhibition, but China's Pavilion will be lasting architecture as the symbol of world civilization. Another similar famous case is Eiffel Tower which was built as the entrance of the world expo held in 1889. 相似文献
时丹丹 《商业经济(哈尔滨)》2014,(23):57-58
从国内的研究与实践上看,大多数人都关注会展业发展的数量和规模,但却缺乏对会展物流业的认识,忽视了会展物流业的发展对会展业发展的具大推动作用。总体看来,目前我国的会展物流业正处于一个起步阶段,还存在许多问题,具体表现在会展物流业缺乏专业操作性,会展物流业信息平台无法共享,会展物流业缺少专业人才,会展物流业报价体系不统一等方面。今后,我国在发展会展物流业时应做好建立和健全会展物流行业的统一标准,培养和壮大会展物流行业的专业人才,树立良好的服务意识,加强信息沟通平台的建设,建设一体化的会展物流模式等方面工作,从而促进我国会展业和会展物流业的健康发展。 相似文献
试论政府在发展会展旅游中的定位 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
会展旅游的巨大影响性、高利润性、强辐射性和广泛交流性引起了政府的关注,从而,使政府成为各类会展旅游的发起、组织、推动。但是,面对会展旅游的过热发展,政府应当进行准确的概念、形势、条件和目标的定位,以减少政府进入会展旅游的盲目性。 相似文献