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西部民族地区少数民族自发移民有别于政府组织的搬迁移民。自发移民一方面促进了迁入地迁出地的整体福利水平提高;但另一方面,与主流农村地区相比,自发移民发展"边缘化"现象较为突出,发展面临"双缺失"境地且缺乏生产资料保障。为促进其发展,需确立主体地位,加大产业培植扶持力度,提升经济发展能力,建立健全有助于推进自发移民发展的长效机制。  相似文献   

生态移民的搬迁形式研究--云南永善县马楠乡案例分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
我国生态移民的迁移形式有自发性移民、政府组织移民和企业参与移民搬迁三种形式。作者以云南省永善县马楠易地扶贫工作为案例进行考察研究,结果表明:三种搬迁形式各有优势,其中农户自主搬迁的成效最大,返迁率为零,是一种有效的脱贫形式。政府应对农户自主搬迁提供必要的扶持和加以规范管理;政府组织搬迁是大规模移民的主要形式,但应尽量减少直接的行政行为;目前企业尚未形成独立承担搬迁的条件,然而在配合政府组织、接收、安置大规模移民方面存在着很大的潜力,政府应明确自身与企业间的职能和职责关系。  相似文献   

结合山区脱贫和新农村建设实际,推进山地贫困区农户移民搬迁,鼓励其迁移到条件较好、有发展空间的区位成为当前居民点调整的一种主要趋势。基于对河南省巩义市温堂村69户搬迁农户的调查,对农户居住迁移的空间特征、搬迁前后居住空间效用变化等进行分析研究表明:不同村庄"居住场势"的非均衡性是推动农户实施移民搬迁的基本背景。随着农户由低"居住场势"村庄向高"居住场势"村庄移动,农户在迁入村庄获取了更多的居住空间效用。一方面,农户的出行及购物便利性明显提高,其与外界空间联系程度逐步扩大,总体经济收入水平明显提高。另一方面,农户居住质量明显提高,居住生态环境也明显改善。  相似文献   

西部自发移民聚居区多处于贫困山区,地方经济基础差、底子薄,财政收入来源有限,地方财政困难,属于“吃饭”财政。政府对民族贫困地区投入、尤其是对自发移民迁入地聚居区的投入严重不足,造成该特殊地区交通、水利等基础设施薄弱。加之地处偏远,信息闭塞,技术人才短缺,劳动者素质不高,经济发展缓慢,拉大了自发移民聚居区同城镇、其他农村地区的差距。自发移民聚居区建设新农村艰难的一个根本性原因在于自发移民主体地位缺失;其深层次原因在于各种制度壁垒;关键性因素在于政府政策及投入等供体不平等,突出表现为基础设施、产业化及市场化等载体不完善。  相似文献   

搬迁前后水库移民生计资本的实证对比分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
强制性搬迁为水库移民发展提供了机遇,但同时也面临诸多的挑战。该文通过跟踪调查数据,对搬迁前后移民的自然资本、物质资本、金融资本、社会资本和人力资本进行对比分析。分析发现,搬迁后移民物质资本有了很大地提高,而其他四类资本都受到了搬迁的负面影响。因此,需要加强对移民技能培训,提供低息或贴息贷款,培育社区组织等措施促进移民实现可持续的生计。  相似文献   

通过移民搬迁安置一批农村贫困人口是新常态下我国推进精准扶贫的重要路径。如何确保搬迁群众迁移后能够实现"能致富",是大规模移民搬迁活动需要破解的难题。基于对陕南地区避灾移民搬迁工程的调查,研究发现:促进山区移民搬迁户生计可持续发展要以提高移民群体发展的可行能力为核心,可通过采取增收配套到户,加大产业培育扶持力度;开展技能培训,增强移民的自我发展能力;进一步完善社会保障,确保搬迁移民生活质量以及要鼓励基层探索,持续提升典型示范效应等若干策略。  相似文献   

2014年春节前,李克强总理曾到花园社区考察。这个移民社区如今已经成为镇安县和商洛市具有示范意义的移民搬迁安置点,安置点不只面向云盖寺镇,而且面向全县所有符合搬迁条件的搬迁户,允许跨村、跨镇、跨区域集中安置。12月9日,陕西普遍迎来入冬的第一场雪,地处秦岭南麓的镇安县也飘起了雪花。花园村属于镇安县云盖寺镇云镇村的一个自然村,距县城17公里。来到花园村,首先映入眼帘的是一排整齐漂亮的楼房。这个村子的官方称谓叫做"云盖寺镇花园陕南移民搬迁安置社区"。  相似文献   

中国民族地区扶贫开发面临的问题及解决对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
民族地区是中国扶贫开发的重点和难点区域之一,民族地区的贫困问题具有特殊成因、特殊困难和特殊表现,做好当前和今后一段时间内民族地区的扶贫开发,就要不断加大国家扶持力度,引导发展方式转变,着力生态环境保护,积极发展社会公共事业,加快产业调整步伐,走产业化经营道路,积极稳妥地开展劳务输出和实行移民搬迁。  相似文献   

人是文化的载体,人的流动、迁移意味着文化的流动、迁移.从这种意义上讲,丹江口水库移民就是一种从原居住地到安置地的文化迁移、融合的过程.这种文化迁移能否成功,事关移民在安置地是否"稳得住",而只有在移民"稳得住"的基础上,才能实现"能致富",并最终达到完全融入安置地,幸福生活的目的. 一、水库移民的安置方式与移民文化的存在形态 丹江口水库移民的安置方式按安置地与移民原居住地的距离,可分为外迁安置与就地后靠安置;按安置移民的聚散程度,可分为集中安置和分散安置.移民安置方式对移民文化有着重大的影响. 外迁安置的农村移民远离原居住地,不再经营原有的土地、山林等,其赖以生存的自然环境、社会环境都发生了明显的变化.分散型安置的移民由于分散插组、插村安置,原有的文化组合被彻底打乱.这两类移民在安置地面临新的文化环境和新的社会群体组合,外界压力冲击比较大,他们不得不尽快调整自身,以适应新的社会环境.这类移民文化的发展要经历一个从完全陌生到逐步被同化的过程.  相似文献   

通过实证调查的资料对三峡外迁移民的社会适应状况作了描述,对影响其社会适应性的因素进行了分析。就总的社会适应性而言,一半以上的移民已基本适应了迁入地的生活。与三峡外迁移民的社会适应状况密切相关的因素主要有搬迁前后经济收入的差异、当地居民的态度、语言适应性、政府关心状况、迁入地治安状况、住房条件的差异。  相似文献   

The present paper examines the effect of migrant population on political institutions in their host societies using data from the local elections in Hong Kong. The share of the population that has migrated from mainland China is found to have a positive effect on the pro-government votes in local elections. This effect continues to exist after demographic characteristics are controlled. Further investigation suggests that the effect of migrant population on voting patterns varies across periods of migration to Hong Kong. These findings contribute to the published literature in two ways. First, they provide evidence that the effects of migration on political development are two-way. Migration not only influences the political institutions in migrants’ home countries, but also shapes the political institutions in their host regions. Second, they also pave the way for future research on why and how periods of migration influence migrant populations’ voting patterns in their host regions.  相似文献   

The focus of this article is on legal-economic institutions that organized early-modern Eurasian trade. It identifies two such institutions that had divergent dispersion patterns, the corporation and the commenda. The corporation ended up as a uniquely European institution that did not migrate until the era of European colonization. The commenda that originated in Arabia migrated all the way to Western Europe and to China. The article explains their divergent dispersion based on differences in their institutional and geographical environments and on dynamic factors, claiming that institutional analysis errs when it ignores migration of institutions and providing building blocks for the modeling of institutional migration.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between the migration of men from rural China and the educational attainment of their left‐behind children. The importance of migratory timing and duration are addressed. Using survey data, the study found that compared with rural children of nonmigrant parents, rural children of migrant fathers have a lower probability of being enrolled in school. In addition, the relationship between migratory timing, duration, and school enrollment shows an interesting pattern; children whose fathers migrated when they were infants are more likely to be enrolled in school, but children whose fathers migrated before their birth or after they reached school age are less likely to be enrolled in school. Possible explanations for this pattern are provided.  相似文献   

肖英 《经济研究导刊》2012,(14):265-266,271
二语习得中母语对目标语的迁移现象非常普遍,分为正迁移和负迁移。年龄、性别、文化差异等方面干扰均可产生语言迁移。在对中国的英语学习者在英语学习过程中产生的语言迁移现象进行了剖析后,进一步探讨了在英语教学中应充分发挥语言正迁移的促进作用以及克服负迁移带来的不良影响。  相似文献   


Understanding customers and their behaviour has become important for success in a market. When successive generations of technology are available in a market, customers will decide their migration paths based on certain factors. This study focused on the relative advantage of successive generations positioned at different levels. Based on a longitudinal and comparative research design, the migration paths of customers are identified by understanding how their behaviours are affected by this relative advantage. The preferred relative advantage is positioned differently at early and majority markets. According to observations of the actual migration paths of 14 semiconductor customers, early and majority market players exhibit different migration paths (switching, new entrance, leapfrogging, or diffusion paths) depending on the relative advantage of the migrating generation. This study has theoretical implications by understanding the mechanism of customers’ migration based on the relative advantage, as well as practical implications for suppliers and customers to sustain their competitive advantage in a market.  相似文献   

Two factors influence foreign migration balance of the Russian Federation. The first factor involves the migration process between Russia and former union republics. The influx of population to the Russian Federation from other republics of the former Soviet Union is considered as one of the largest in the world. The average annual migratory growth of Russia during the years 1991-94 as a result of this migration exchange has tripled as compared with 1986-90, with a total of 2.7 million Russians who migrated into Russia. However, from 1996 up to the present time, the number of persons arriving in Russia declined dramatically. Meanwhile, the second factor that determines the country's migration balance is emigration to the far abroad. The most significant trend in determining the development of internal migration in Russia is the outflow of population from northern and eastern regions. The directions of internal and external migratory flows have a large influence on the migration balance in Russia's rural areas. The reduction of migratory flows in rural areas is the direct result of processes in the economic sphere. It confirms the reconstruction of rural-urban migratory exchange.  相似文献   

创业企业迁徙是创业企业成长过程中的重要决策。基于文献研究并结合创业企业家特征,构建创业企业迁徙意愿影响因素模型,重点探讨在不确定性容忍度影响下创业企业迁徙意愿影响因素及其作用机制。研究结果表明,政策环境、生活质量、政府服务质量是影响创业企业迁徙的三大外部因素,创业企业家不确定性容忍度则是重要的内部因素,随着创业企业家不确定性容忍度提高,生活质量对迁徙意愿的影响减弱,而政策环境对迁徙意愿的影响增强,表明当前创业企业孵化与迁徙受政策环境主导。研究结论进一步解释了迁徙情景中创业企业对区域经济环境不敏感以及云集于北上广深等生活成本畸高的城市等现象。  相似文献   

We investigate the effects of altruism on migration decisions by the potential migrant as well as the effects of altruism on remittances by the migrant to clarify how altruism affects remittances that the household in the home country will receive, i.e., expected remittances. Previous studies did not pay adequate attention to the effects of altruism on migration decisions of the potential migrant when examining the effects of altruism on remittances that will be sent from aboard. We find that if migration does not incur any costs, the potential migrant always migrates, and altruism increases expected remittances monotonically. On the other hand, if migration incurs costs, the potential migrant does not necessarily migrate, and the potential migrant with a higher degree of altruism is less likely to migrate. As a result, with migration costs, altruism may decrease expected remittances. Therefore, altruism does not increase expected remittances monotonically. Our results falsify the usual assumption of monotonicity regarding the effects of altruism on remittances.  相似文献   

While gender-imbalanced marriage migration across borders and regions and its socioeconomic impacts have been widely reported in developing nations, this paper reports empirical findings based on data from China since 1980. China’s international marriages were characterized with more than 95% of brides from mainland China in the 1980s but the proportion has dropped gradually to around 60% in recent years. Analysis of China’s census data and a panel dataset from Shanghai suggests that proportionally more women migrated from relatively less-developed to more-developed regions through marriage and the variation in income across regions is the key factor behind the migration pattern. China’s gender-imbalanced marriage migration has caused problems such as male marriage squeeze in poor rural areas and “leftover women” in large cities like Shanghai. Policies for poverty reduction and more balanced economic development across regions are recommended for reducing such gender imbalance and the associated socioeconomic problems.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the effects of family decisions and individual decisions on rural-urban migration in India under 2 different rural institutions--family farm and wage labor systems. An analytical framework for explaining family migration decisions reveals that whenever a member of the extended family migrates, he gives up his share in the produce of the family farm. When this happens, the number of adult members on the farm goes down and the total product is affected. 3 case studies of Indian villages are analyzed for this study. 2 empirical relations are examined: 1) if individual migration decisions are predominant, and 2) if family decisions are important in determining the overall flow of migration. Relationships between migration decisions and other variables, such as: 1) number of males in urban areas; 2) urban wages; 3) daily wage rate; 4) average agricultural income; 5) railway distance between rural and urban areas; 6) size of the labor market in destination region; 7) probability that a migrant arriving in an urban area will find a job; and 8) comsumption expenditure, in urban areas estimated by working class consumer price index, are determined. Results show that: 1) the market determined wage variable does not play a very significant role in migration decisions; 2) distance is one of the most important variables in analyzing migration; and 3) the aggregate flow of migration is affected if migration decisions are predominantly family decisions. These findings have relevant policy implications for less developed countries (LDCs), especially because large flows of rural-urban migration in recent years have forced governments to adopt policies for controlling the flows to reduce the burden of unemployment in the urban areas. Government policies affecting rural institutions will have an impact on migration flow; those that lead to a reduction of uncertainty in agriculture will affect average per-capita consumption levels in family farms and hence influence the flow of migration.  相似文献   

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