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Sixteen scholars have come together in this issue to examine eight social‐justice themes from the perspectives of Catholic Social Thought and the philosophy of Henry George. The themes they address are natural law, human nature, the nature of work, the nineteenth‐century papal encyclical Rerum novarum, causes of war, immigration, development, and wealth, and neighborhood revitalization. While they sometimes wrangle with each other, their common aspiration is the same as their nineteenth‐century predecessors: to find solutions to the human suffering caused by injustice.  相似文献   

In Catholic Social Thought, work is at the center of issues related to morality and economic life. It is simultaneously objective and subjective. Workers are the real agents of production, and therefore labor should have priority over capital. The able‐bodied have a moral obligation to work to obtain the things they need, but everyone has a claim on the basic necessities of life. Hence the property claims of the well‐to‐do are not to exclude the poor from what they need. The property‐right claim of stockholders depends on the firm serving work and the interests of workers. In unions, workers' natural right to form associations aligns with the right to participate in decisions affecting their lives. Numerous groups and organizations have some degree of complicity in workplace injustice and some degree of responsibility to address it.  相似文献   

Hayek's well‐known dismissal of the concept of ‘social justice’ is examined and questioned. While basically agreeing with Hayek's critique, the author argues that we should not entirely reject this concept, although it is often used in a vague and emotional way – ‘social justice talk’. Drawing on the tradition of classical liberalism and Catholic social teaching, he makes the case for the true meaning of social justice, which applies to the basic legal and institutional framework of a society rather than the distributional outcomes of market processes.  相似文献   

Human capital is the set of productive knowledge, skills, and traits that individuals possess. Productive knowledge and skills are typically learned through education and work experience. Character traits matter both for the application of knowledge and skills and for their acquisition in the first place. In the past 100 years—and with enormous social consequences—the economy has transitioned to human capital being the most important resource for individual and social outcomes. Societies responded by emphasizing schooling as the means to develop this resource. In recent decades, however, researchers have discovered that human capital acquisition depends on certain character skills best developed early in life before schooling starts, typically within families. Current research and policy are investigating which combination of early life schooling and improvement in family circumstances can best help people acquire the character skills, and then human capital, needed to flourish. These changes have important implications for the social teachings of the Catholic Church, including moral insights into the distribution of resources, emphasis on the active subject in human work, and the role of civil society in promoting ideas and institutions conducive to an ideal human ecology.  相似文献   

Catholic social thought (CST) has obvious resonance with universal basic income proposals, due to the tradition’s insistence on basic needs as human rights, comfort with government redistribution, and preference for programs that promote the agency of individuals and local communities, among other similarities. However, some CST scholars believe basic income challenges dearly held values of the tradition. This essay examines both views, concluding that basic income can comport with CST’s view of work, correctly understood.  相似文献   

马中女  刁汇玲  蒋淑君  孙晖 《价值工程》2012,31(24):258-260
本文通过提高教师自身素质、改善教师职业道德规范、加强对教学工作的重视、提高创新精神、树立师德建设典型等方面对师德建设的重要性及途径进行了探讨;并分析了师德建设和德育渗透的联系;采用案例教学、动物实验伦理观教育和形成性评价对德育考核等措施,完成医德教育在生理教学中的渗透,并将师德建设和医德教育有机融合在一起。  相似文献   

Just peace is the desired condition and there exists a presumption against war. That presumption may be overridden by injustice that disrupts the just peace. Once the peace is broken, war is permissible under the following conditions: the war must be declared by the legitimate authority; there must be a just cause (defense against aggression, punishment against guilt, violation of rights, defending the innocent, or protecting those values required for decent human existence); the right intention (pursuit of stated cause, pursuit of lasting peace, and right attitude) must guide the move to war; the response of war must be proportional (producing more good than evil, appropriate to remedy the extent of injustice); success in waging war is probable; conformity to international law; all other attempts to remedy the injustice perpetrated or imminently threatened must have been attempted and exhausted.  相似文献   

李菽林 《价值工程》2011,30(25):207-208
社会责任感是大学生在社会背景下对他人的生存和发展承担责任的强烈自觉意识和崇高情感的体验,主要包含大学生责任感的内在理性和大学生责任感的外在情境两个方面。本文从当代大学生社会责任感的现状出发,对大学生责任感缺失的成因和提升措施进行了初步的基础性思考。  相似文献   

采用问卷调查法研究了公务员社会责任心与家庭关系、社会支持的关系。结果表明:公务员家庭关系与社会责任心存在显著的正相关(r=0.53,p<0.01);公务员社会支持与社会责任心呈正相关(r=0.31,p<0.01)。多元回归分析显示公务员家庭关系的两个维度,社会支持中三个维度均进入回归方程,说明社会支持、家庭亲密度与适用性对社会责任心有一定的预测作用。因此,公务员家庭关系和社会支持是其社会责任心的重要影响因素。  相似文献   

企业社会责任与商业伦理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文逢博  高蕾 《价值工程》2011,30(10):102-103
作为社会系统中的一份子,企业组织的责任问题越来越受到人们的关注。这种关注不仅来自于理论界,更多的来自于企业周边的群体和利益相关者。本文从理论入手,透视市场经济体制下,企业如何履行自己的社会责任,并对现代企业如何构建社会责任体系,提出了一些观点。  相似文献   

《工程力学》作为大学工科专业的一门专业基础课程,学生往往在学习中感到头疼。为了帮助学生学好这门课程,为以后的专业后续课程学习打好基础,从静力学部分的常见问题入手分析,使课程的学习简单化。  相似文献   

Why is the West in‘becalmed stagnaion’— unable to overcome the obstacles to economic liberalisation? Has the social democratic dream turned sour? The electoral success of social democratic policies can be explained in its offer to let taxpayers have their cake and eat it, argues Anthony de Jasay, a former Oxford don and author of The State. He examines the potential domage to individual thrift, ambition and responsibility that such mistaken doctrines can induce.  相似文献   

A bstract . On the issuance of the first of the modern social encyclicals, Rerum Novarum , Henry George, the American economist and social philosopher , criticized its author, Pope Leo XIII , for defending a limited right to own land and for limiting the right of private ownership of labor products. George did so by reasoning from Locke's ground that each human has a property right in one's person. George distinguished between possession (and use) and ownership of land on the ground of the common good. That required equality of mutual opportunity , which George would achieve by a Single Tax on all land values. Land reform , he held, would lead to moral reform , and thus to a society based on justice. Pope Leo goes beyond the Schoolmen in stressing a natural right to property, including land, which he asserted must be regarded as sacred. This right, he said, was not absolute, but subject to be used, according to God's Will, for the benefit of others. George looked to a change in the economic structure by reform of land tenure and use to establish a just social order ; Leo to religion and the church , the government, moral individuals and voluntary associations to do so.  相似文献   

目的:促进护生伦理认知、情感、意志、信念、行为、品质的培养;方法:在传统教学法基础上灵活增加了病例/案例教学法、训练与实践式教学法、问题探究式教学法、主题教学法、头脑风暴法等的应用;结果:普遍提高了护生伦理理论水平及解决护理伦理问题的能力;结论:能更好落实"以岗位胜任力为核心"院校培养任务,为护士毕业后教育、继续教育奠定基础。  相似文献   

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