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一、全球"去杠杆化"进程不一,各国货币政策分化加剧 (一)美国结束"去杠杆化",欧盟与新兴市场国家持续"去杠杆化" 国际金融危机爆发后,欧美发达国家金融进入痛苦而漫长的"去杠杆化"过程,集中表现为金融产品与金融机构的去杠杆化.危机从"金融产品的去杠杆化"开始,随后进入第二阶段,即"金融机构的去杠杆化",具体表现在信贷成本大幅上升,借贷条件变得异常苛刻.  相似文献   

文章在D-L-M模型中引入杠杆率,构建理论模型分析货币政策影响杠杆率与银行风险承担之间的机理。研究发现,宽松型货币政策通过杠杆机制提高了银行杠杆化程度,加剧了银行风险承担,货币政策对银行风险承担的影响存在以杠杆化率为门限值的门限效应。文章以2004~2016年中国50家商业银行为研究样本,运用系统性GMM估计法和面板门限模型验证了上述理论推论,并分析了杠杆率监管的效果。研究表明,货币政策影响银行风险承担的杠杆机制确实存在,宽松型货币政策通过提高银行杠杆化程度加剧银行风险承担,且这种作用在高杠杆化水平阶段表现得更强,实施杠杆率监管确实能够起到降低银行风险承担的作用。  相似文献   

一方面,外部环境弥漫着"金融压抑";另一方面,中国经济内部正释放着"金融创新"的活力。"去杠杆化",一直被认为是危机中各经济主体做出调整的一项重要内容。但以美欧日为代表的发达经济体的总体杠杆率(亦称"负债率")实际上在持续攀升,已经达到历史高位。这是因为,尽管私营部门的负债率有所下降,政府部门在危机救助过程中发生大量支出,致使公共负债水平大幅上升。  相似文献   

当前投资对就业的带动效应越来越差。去杠杆是主动降风险,为潜在的危机创造应对空间 中国社科院目前发布国家资产负债表研究报告指出,中国非金融企业部门杠杆率已达到113%,超过OECD国家90%的阈值,在所有统计国家中高居榜首,值得警惕。如果将非金融企业、居民部门、金融部门以及政府部门的债务加总,那么全社会的债务规模达到111.6万亿元,占当年GDP的215%。这意味着全社会的杠杆率已经很高,去杠杆在所难免。  相似文献   

违约率上升是次贷危机的初期征兆;大家都想要现金,而没有人愿意借出,标志着危机的出现;“去杠杆化”又使危机进一步恶化。  相似文献   

王苏望 《特区经济》2009,(6):260-262
美国次贷危机的爆发具有更深层次的原因——金融产品及金融机构的高杠杆化运作使整个经济对风险的抵抗能力变得非常脆弱;而本轮经济危机逐渐退去的过程也就是一个去杠杆化的过程,在这个过程中,由于我国特殊的国情,其在每个阶段对我国经济的冲击具有不同影响。  相似文献   

次贷危机的传导机制   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
基准利率上升和房地产价格下跌引爆了次贷危机。次级抵押贷款证券化、金融机构以市定价的会计记账方法和以在险价值为基础的资产负债管理模式,导致危机从信贷市场传导至资本市场,而去杠杆化在资本市场的危机深化中扮演了重要角色。商业银行被迫为传统融资渠道枯竭的特别投资载体提供信贷支持以及受损商业银行不得不降低风险资产比重以符合资本充足率监管要求,导致危机从资本市场再度传导至信贷市场。次贷危机造成美国住房投资萎缩,资产价格泡沫破灭通过财富效应、托宾Q效应和金融加速器机制抑制了美国居民消费和企业投资,信贷紧缩也对居民消费和企业投资造成负面影响,上述原因导致危机从金融市场传导至实体经济。在经济和金融全球化背景下,危机将通过贸易和投资渠道,从美国传导至全球。  相似文献   

发端于美国的次贷危机迅速席卷全球,金融市场出现显著的信贷紧缩和去杠杆化趋势,市场越来越把应对危机的期望寄托在各国政府身上,期望政府注资能够有效稳定金融市场并刺激经济。于是,赤字财政再次引起各国的关注。  相似文献   

金融危机开启了“大调整”的序幕,世界经济结构将被迫做出调整,我们必须面对的是“去杠杆化”正在改变全球的需求结构。金融危机爆发以来,疲弱的消费需求严重制约了发达国家的复苏进度,其家庭资产负债表遭受严重损害,居民消费总需求急速下跌,家庭资产的去杠杆化严重影响了这些国家既往的负债型消费模式。受外需萎缩、贸易壁垒、通货膨胀、国内要素成本上升以及人民币升值等诸多因素的影响,中国出口产业受阻,这也激化了外需产业的“产能过剩”矛盾。  相似文献   

理性应对"去杠杆化"升级对我国的挑战   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马涛  黄原 《产权导刊》2010,(6):15-17
“去杠杆化”作为全球经济从危机中走出的必经阶段,正在全球如火如荼地进行,并且不断升级。巨大债务负担的释放,成为压在全球经济背上的一座大山,给全球经济复苏进程笼罩了一层阴影。世界经济究竟以什么样的方式实现再平衡,各国采取的经济刺激政策如何进退,中国的出口复苏乃至经济增长前景如何,都不同程度地受到“去杠杆化”的影响。  相似文献   

In this paper, we explore the role of financial intermediation malfunction in macroeconomic fluctuations in Japan. To this end we estimate, using Japanese data, a financial accelerator model in which the balance sheet conditions of entrepreneurs in a goods-producing sector and those of a financial intermediary affect macroeconomic activity. We find that shocks to the balance sheets of the two sectors have been quantitatively playing important role in macroeconomic fluctuations by affecting lending rates and aggregate investments. Their impacts are prominent in particular during financial crises. Shocks to the entrepreneurs’ balance sheets have played a key role in lowering investment in the bubble burst during the early 1990s and in the global financial crisis during the late 2000s. Shocks to the financial intermediaries’ balance sheets have persistently lowered investment throughout the 1990s.  相似文献   

In this paper, we use China’s value-added tax (VAT) reform in 2007, which was aimed to encourage fixed investment purchasing, as a natural experiment to explore the effect on firm financial leverage. Results show an expansion in firm balance sheet after the reform, manifested by greater liabilities (long-term, short-term and total liability) and asset. Moreover, in terms of the ratio to asset, it’s found that long-term liability rose while the short-term liability dropped, and as a net effect, the total asset-liability ratio declined as the latter effect dominated. To theoretically explain the observed patterns, three mechanisms are highlighted, “income effect”, “maturity-match effect” and “market disciplining effect”, where income effect corresponds to a proportional expansion of balance sheet while the latter two effects alter the composition of firm leverage.  相似文献   

This article tests a hypothesis that the causes of the Asian financial crisis are weaknesses in the balance sheet of financial institutions, high international interest rates, high short-term external debts, excessive loans, and continuing large current account deficits. It also tests a hypothesis regarding the determination of nonperforming bank loans. Empirical tests are carried out with panel data on seven countries in Asia—Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, and Thailand—for the 1995 through 1997 period. The 3-month LIBOR interest rate and nonperforming loan rates of banks are found to be the major determinants of the Asian financial crisis. The nonperforming bank loan ratios are explained by the corporate leverage ratio. In addition, both the corporate high leverage ratio and LIBOR interest rates are found to significantly affect the outcome of the Asian crisis. Lowering world interest rates and taking the measures of individual Asian countries to reduce nonperforming assets and debt-to-equity ratios would be very effective in preventing reoccurrence of the crisis.  相似文献   

International financial adjustment is the process whereby valuation shifts from asset price and currency changes result in relatively durable net wealth transfers across countries' international balance sheets. This paper applies a financial valuation approach to estimate the direction and the broad extent of recent international financial adjustments on China's international balance sheet. We estimate China's international balance sheet losses resulting from the valuation shifts over the period 2005–2010 and reveal that international currency shifts over the past decade have also generated a range of non‐balance sheet financial and monetary adjustment pressures for China. This paper also evaluates how China's evolving international financial policy arrangements could better mitigate China's exposure to international financial adjustments. These arrangements include a more effective currency mechanism and the mechanisms to internationalize the RMB to buffer international financial valuation shocks.  相似文献   

使用12家乳制品类上市公司2005-2012年的季度动态面板数据,文章对"三鹿毒奶粉事件"这一产品负面报道的"小冲击,大波动"的金融加速器效应进行了检验,结果发现,在研究的样本范围内,存在金融加速器效应;但金融加速器效应的两个不对称特征与理论本身所揭示的相反,即受冲击时期的资产负债表状况对投资支出影响显著但敏感性弱于其他时期;大公司的资产负债表效应更显著且受冲击时这种效应也很显著。这可能源于产品负面报道的溢出效应不仅带来了传染,也带来了竞争,在危机时期,大公司更倾向于采用竞争策略,夺占问题企业的市场份额。  相似文献   

资产负债表是企业财务报告三大主要财务报表之一,它是反映企业某一特定日期的财务状况的报表,分别列示资产、负债和所有者权益项目。本文通过研究我国东部地区、中部地区和西部地区上市电力设备公司的资产负债表结构,分析了我国东中西部地区资产负债表之间的差异,并得出了风险与收益之间关系的结论  相似文献   

Poorly developed financial markets are widely believed to block economic growth, because only modern financial intermediaries such as banks can mobilize large amounts of financial capital at low cost. This claim is supported by cross country regressions, but the regressions assume that credit intermediation is measured accurately before modern financial intermediaries arrive. If traditional intermediaries were mobilizing large amounts of financial capital before banks or other modern intermediaries appear, then the strength of the relationship between financial development and economic growth would be cast into doubt. Using an original panel dataset from nineteenth-century France, we provide the first estimates of how much financial capital key traditional intermediaries (notaries) were mobilizing for an entire economy during its first century of economic growth, and we analyze the lending that the notaries made possible in French mortgage market. The amount of capital they mobilized turns out to be large. We then analyze the effect that financial deepening had on the notaries as banks spread and find that the banks' and notaries' services were in all likelihood complements. The implication is that the link between financial development and economic growth may therefore be weaker than is assumed.  相似文献   

施薇薇   《华东经济管理》2008,22(2):139-142
随着企业理论的不断发展和完善,金融中介理论也得到越来越多的重视,文章通过综述、评价不同的金融中介理论,提出作者的一些思考,认为现有金融中介理论提到的诸如降低交易成本和风险管理等功能只不过是金融中介机构服务功能的延伸.  相似文献   

刘一楠  王亮 《南方经济》2018,37(12):57-77
建立一个内嵌金融加速器和名义"债务-通缩"机制的DSGE分析框架,首先证明高杠杆通过金融加速器与名义"债务-通缩"加剧宏观经济波动:一方面高杠杆通过金融加速器导致"高杠杆-外部融资溢价"的恶性循环,另一方面名义计价的高债务可能导致"偿还债务-通缩-债务负担加重"的"债务-通缩"风险。进一步,虽然高杠杆可能触发系统性金融风险,但不同经济条件下债务的可持续性不同,杠杆阈值具有内生性,经济体最高能承受的杠杆率是经济系统的内生变量,与金融市场信息效率、债务合约、储蓄率、银行资产负债表结构相关。文章为供给侧改革与去杠杆提供了理论支持,一方面要降低宏观债务负担,另一方面要提升经济承担杠杆、抵御金融风险的能力,同时提示去杠杆要避免骤然紧缩信贷导致的流动性风险。  相似文献   

This study investigates the relationship between leverage ratios and bank share performance for a sample of Japanese banks during the period of financial crisis in the late 1990s. We differentiate between two types of leverage ratios: book leverage and market leverage. We show that market leverage instead of book leverage observed before the crisis has statistically and economically significant predictive power for the cross-sectional variation in bank performance during the crisis, even after controlling for a variety of other indicators reflecting bank’s characteristics and financial conditions. We also find that banks with lower market leverage ratios were affected more adversely by the failure announcements of large financial institutions during the crisis. The results are robust across alternative model specifications, statistical methodologies, lengths of sample intervals, and measures of bank share performance during the crisis. Our results therefore have important implications for regulators in identifying distressed banks that are vulnerable to the deterioration in conditions of the financial system.  相似文献   

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