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Both science and technology are the primary productive forces, and management is the second productivity. An industrial enterprise is an aorta of a country or a regional economic growth, while the level of its management innovation is directly influencing the economic growth rate of the country or the area. The management innovation performance of industrial enterprises mainly embodies the impetus to the country or the regional economic growth of management innovation. To measure the contribution proportion of management innovation to the industrial economic growth of Sichuan, the econometric model was set up by introducing management innovation as exogenous variable to Sichuan industrial economic growth model, and utilizing the relevant data of industrial economic growth of Sichuan, based on Solow's residual value method to calculate scientific and technological progress. The results, to some extent, can be used to offer some suggestions to manager's decision, and promote the sustainable, stable and well development of the industrial economy of Sichuan.  相似文献   

This paper aims to explore the solution to the contradiction between economic growth and resources and the eco-environment, based on an analysis of the features of China‘s economic development trend within a given future period, by promoting a new paradigm of technological economy, and speeding up development of the circular economy.  相似文献   

The technological progress is the driving force of promoting the economic growth. This paper has researched on the technological progress intensity state of Shaanxi province, have pointed out the technological progress existing problem in Shaanxi province, analyzed the reasons and restraining factors, and put forward the corresponding countermeasures and suggestion, regard one as the relevant department of the government and make polic ies and offer references and consult, and then promoted improvement of the technological progress intensity of Shaanxi province and economic high quality growth of Shaanxi province.  相似文献   

China and India are two demographic giants that have become big developing economic powers. They have maintained their specialization in textiles and developed outward-oriented sectors linked to new technologies, taking advantage of offshoring and outsourcing. Their increasing contribution to international trade is changing the world supply and demand of manufactured goods, primary goods and services. They are new leaders in the international division of labor, but beyond technological catch-up, their challenge is quality upgrading. Both countries are increasingly contributing to global economic growth, but they cannot yet trigger the growth of the rest of the world by themselves.  相似文献   

This article seeks to develop a conceptual and policy framework for understanding China’s role in the global economic imbalances.China’s contribution to these imbalances via recurrent trade and financial surpluses corresponds with a phase of deepening structural risks to China s economic growth and development.These structural challenges include:the composition of growth resulting from China’s dynamic internal transformation,China’s trade orientation,the trajectory of resource use and Commissions,welfare problems relating to distribution and international constraints.This article develops a conceptual framework for examining the relationship between the processes of long-run structural transformation in China,its economic imbalances,and the role of institutional reform in dealing with these structural challenges.As such,economic policy should extend beyond short-term macro management to pursue an institutional reform agenda to facilitate broader structural change to mitigate constraints to future growth and to improve economic welfare.  相似文献   

Based on macroeconomic analysis since 2003, this article holds mat a trena towaras overheating has surfaced in China‘s economy. China‘s rapid economic expansion has affected the quality of its growth, with rising material and energy consumption and imbalanced economic structure as the main manifestations. Regarding macroeconomic policy options in 2004, decision-makers should shift the policy focus from control of deflation to prevention of inflation; the pace of economic growth should be properly set; a balance between consumption and investment should be strengthened by controlling excessive expansion of investment, and industrial restructuring should be conducted in a coordinated manner on the basis of properly controlling the overly rapid indastrial growth; policies should be continued to boost exports and sustainable growth of foreign investment; and more efforts should be made to accelerate the change in the mode of economic growth.  相似文献   

The central argument of the article is that bad governance has been both the source and the consequence of the economic underperformance of African countries. Economic development is the end to be achieved in a sustainable way and this cannot be guaranteed without strong institutions under the conditioning of good governance and if possible democracy. Thus, at the heart of achieving economic development as indicated by East Asian countries and some countries that are able to register economic development in Africa recently, such as Ethiopia and Rwanda among others, they are building the appropriate institutions and policies, which are key to the process of economic growth by affecting the incentives to accumulate, innovate, and accommodate change. The article compares and contrasts governance and economic development between Africa and East Asian countries. It also reflects the lessons learned from East Asian countries to bring rapid economic growth and development in Africa.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the key theories relating to the role of education in economic development and social change and how education, as a critical component of total factor productivity, contributes to sustained economic growth. It examines how China "s education policy reflects the country's unique dual economy. Focusing on the post-reform period, the paper contends that while progress has been made, there are risks to China's future growth prospects from failing to reap the benefits of sound education policy. It argues that if the Chinese education system is to continue to be a driver of rather than a drain on economic growth, and if China is to successfully manage its transition towards more inclusive, sustainable and equitable growth, reforms will be needed to improve the quality of education at all levels and to create an environment in which China's extensive human capital is duly recognized and respected. Crucially, the education system should be transformed to ensure it promotes a comprehensive range of human capabilities, including those that go beyond the part humans play in augmenting production possibilities.  相似文献   

Advanced technologies in the world, especially in the last quarter century of rapid change, radical innovation were required to compete in important decisions, triggered by the national network of cooperation structures which is a very significant changes in participates in the regional country or new technology generation and transfer systems to be released; starting from the most basic research on the effect of knowledge production, commercialization, distribution of the total well-being of society is an important dating "shining knowledge value chain". This important change has become the main formative element of the economies. Recent advances in the knowledge economy and the resulting new strategic theories, knowledge, technology transfer, and increased mobility at the long distances, the concept of regional development is a brand new technological cooperation aims and information focusing on the transformation processes of growth of the economies of developed nations, which is the most important technological innovation in the vision of the economic development advanced plays an important role, evolving processes trigger in all aspects of the right to read most threats and opportunities that might be the best analysis, by passing the appropriate policies for countries in their visions, and entrusted a vital importance. In this context, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Afghanistan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Yajikistan, Yurkmenistan, and Uzbekistan in addition to research, technology development and production partner countries' and these countries sharing innovation structures with R&D Center in technoparks and to serve together in the development of the total synergies "of the economic cooperation organization".  相似文献   

State-level economic and technological development zones (ETDZs) are products of China‘s reform and opening-up policies and a new engine of growth for the Chinese economy. They have made tremendous contributions to the development of the Chinese economy. However,some problems have emerged in the course of this progress and new challenges are still lying ahead. Sustainable development is possible only when the strategy and objectives of development are adjusted, when the integrated investment environment is optimized, when industries are upgraded, when technical innovations are made, when independent innovation capabilities are lifted, when the mode of economic growth is changed, and when innovations are made in government management.  相似文献   

Since 2003, the Chinese Government has included land policy as an important component of macroeconomic policy. The present paper analyzes the impact of the expansion of construction land on economic growth in terms of the capital-output ratio. Using provincial panel data for China from 1999to 2005, we conclude that the excess expansion of China's construction land led to an increase in the capital-output ratio. Therefore, expanding construction land has made little contribution to economic growth. This paper argues that contractionary land policy does not deter high economic growth, and is a necessary condition for sustainable economic growth.  相似文献   

China contributed a majority of the growth in global greenhouse gas emissions in the first 11 years of this century The trajectory of emissions has changed radically since then, as China has irrplemented its Cancun 2010 commitment to reduce the 2005 emissions intensity of economic activity by 40-45percent by 2020. The change in trajectory has been reinforced by China's new model of economic growth, with its greater emphasis on equity in income distribution, consumption and services. The large-scale deployment of low emissions technology in China is lowering the cost of transition to a low carbon economy all over the world. China ' s new emissions trajectory improves the opportunity For the international community to meet the 2℃ climate target. It is essential that the changes in China are brought to account in shaping global mitigation ambition.  相似文献   

<正>Ann Derwin Ambassador of Ireland to China安黛文爱尔兰驻华大使 I want to congratulate the Chongqing Municipal People’s Government on the hosting of this year’s Smart China Expo.Recently I have paid my first visit to Chongqing and been very impressed with the city’s vibrancy and creativity. This municipality has achieved significant economic growth and been open to scientific,technological, educational, and cultural innovation. I look forward to future collaborations between Ireland and Chongqing a...  相似文献   

This paper presents a new research agenda on climate change and green growth from the perspective of the division of labor in classical economics. The paper covers three major dimensions of green growth (i.e. carbon emissions, environmental proteetion and material resources use) and some related important topics, as well as the fresh policy implications of the new research agenda, Typical marginal analysis in a given structure of the division of labor suggests that "green" action is a burden to economic development. Therefore, climate negotiation has become a burden-sharing game and has reached a stalemate. New thinking is badly needed to rescue these negotiations and to drive a shift to a new "green growth" paradigm. The proposed new research agenda represents an effort to create a new narrative on climate change and green growth. Because the new research agenda can theoretically predict the possibility that a more competitive structure of the division of labor could be triggered by "'green "' policy, it has promising policy implications for various important challenges facing us in the 21st century.  相似文献   

China's economy in 2006 continued to register high growth of 10.5 to 10.7 percent with low inflation (CPI at 1.3 percent),dissipating fears of a hard landing. Since its accession to the WTO,China has become a significant global economic player,and is the favorite destination for many regional and global production networks. China is now a truly economic power (jingji daguo). China's economic leadership is also increasingly confident of its ability to manage China's domestic economic growth and its growing relations with the outside world. Although China's growth is expected to slow down in 2007 to approximately 9.5 percent,the national mood now is one of "more balanced" growth rather than "fast growth". Therefore,the building of a "harmonious society" is to be emphasized in China,while letting economic growth solve the burning social and environmental issues. In 2007,the government will also need to deal with various internal and external macroeconomic imbalances. The renminbi will be under even stronger pressure to revalue,given China's record trade surplus of US$160bn and foreign reserves of US$1tn.  相似文献   

Human capital is one of the most important factors to promote economic growth. It is critical both on theory and practice to study how human capital investment and accumulation promote the economic growth in China. The thesis takes Lucas's Human Capital Spillover Model as the analysis tool. Through SPSS 14.0 software, it uses the serial data from 1992 to 2006 to analyze the human capital's correlation and contribution to the economic growth, so as to find out why the human capital contribution to economic growth is low. And then, in order to increase the human capital accumulation, it puts forward the relative strategies which include paying more attention to the importance of human capital, greatly developing education, improving the quality of human capital and investing more on the human capital of enterprises.  相似文献   

Through review of relevant studies and analysis,this article indicates that the "middle-income trap " is in line with the framework of the mainstream economic growth theories, and,therefore,it is a useful concept through which we can analyze economic growth phenomena in specific economic growth phases.The empirical experiences of many countries also indicate that at specific middle-income stages,economies with high rates of growth tend to encounter economic slowdown or even stagnation.The article shows that China is facing the challenge of determining how to move smoothly beyond the middle-income stage of economic development,while taking into account the shifting population structure,changing resource endowment and growth patterns.The article,drawing on international experiences, puts forward several policy suggestions relating to improvement in total factor productivity, expansion of human capital accumulation and deepening of system and government function reforms.  相似文献   

Game analysis on enterprise technological innovation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In 21^st century, the world economy has developed to a brand-new stage, and enterprises competition has formed a new trend. At the same time, technological innovation has already become the most important foundation of the core enterprise competitiveness. In China, there are more than 22 million enterprises with different scales. Although they contribute a lot to the economic development of China, their survival and development meet gigantic challenges in the intense international competition. Therefore, it is vitally significant seeks the impulse of technological innovation and enhances the international competitiveness in order that the enterprise can make the new contribution to Chinese economic development. Through describing the present enterprises' scale, quantity and contribution, this paper puts forward the game question of studying technological innovation motives and costs in enterprises with different scales. Based on examples, it analyzes advantages and disadvantages of large, medium and small-sized enterprises to take technological innovation, finds out i.he Nash equilibrium between static games and infinitely repeated games, and draws the conclusion that technological innovation is necessary for medium and small-sized enterprises keeping their existence in drastic competitive market, and the large innovation is the great impulse pushing economic development. In the drastic international competition, it is very urgent for enterprises with different scales to establish and implement effective development strategy of technological innovation. The paper not only brings forward that large, medium and small-sized enterprises should adopt co-petition strategies in technological area, associating complementary and benefit from each other in order that they can achieve innovative corporation, specialization, formalization and standardization, but considers the associated innovation with win-win target. The inevitable best choice keeping different scale enterprises continually develop in the future.  相似文献   

The process of economic growth and industrial structure upgrading is essentially a process of the formation and replacement of high growth industries. After steady operations over the past three years, China's industrial growth structure has undergone significant changes, with a number of industries (automobile, machine-building, real estate and tourism) accelerating to become a major force in fueling national economic growth. Whether or not the high growth of these industries will persist so that they become pillar industries in the new round of growth is the key to determining both the nature and the formation of the engine of the new round of growth.  相似文献   

According to the Abu Dhabi Economic Vision 2030, the main objective is to diversify its production base, and widen non-oil production. In addition to this growth strategy cyclical fluctuations are also a concern. Economic measures to increase the periods of economic prosperity and reduce the slowdown periods are implemented. To do so there is also a need for reliable tools to monitor the cyclical economic development. The composite indicator approach for economic change assessment, therefore, is seen as a proper method taken up by the Department of Economic Development (DED) in Abu Dhabi as a tool to assess actual short-term economic changes. However, there are no quarterly national accounts for Abu Dhabi at the moment and only a few short-term statistics. A suitable quarterly reference series for indicator assessment has to be constructed with temporal disaggregation methods. Since Abu Dhabi has a huge oil sector real income is used as a reference, because it reflects the economic situation better than real GDP. For the construction of the composite indicators various data sources are exploited.  相似文献   

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