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While literary tourism has a long history traceable back to the seventeenth century, the considerable growth of interest and popularity in literary tourism research among academics and the tourism industry has been recognised only since the mid-1990s [Hebert, D. T. (1996). Artistic and literary places in France as tourist attractions. Tourism Management, 17(2), 77–85]; [Squire, S. J. (1993). Valuing countryside: Re?ections on Beatrix Potter tourism. Area, 24, 5–10]; [Squire, S. J. (1994). The cultural values of literary tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 21, 103–120]. With this in mind, this paper aims to investigate how tourism stakeholders can take advantage of the positive promotional impacts that a book and film linkage can have on specific destinations. It also examines how tourism patterns and trends in these destinations have been subsequently influenced and transformed. Within an exploratory case study mode, special emphasis will be placed on two international case studies (Ireland and Indonesia – in particular Bali) which have been associated with internationally recognised books and their subsequent blockbuster films. The findings suggest that both literary and film tourism have a positive effect on these destinations due to an increased growth in their tourism arrivals once the location was referred to in a book and afterwards used as the setting in the related film. This paper will add to the current knowledge base on film and literary tourism and create an awareness of the strength of this form of tourism for international tourism destinations.  相似文献   

This study explored the factors that determine the tourism attractiveness of a seniors-friendly destination drawing upon an expert panel. A list of 20 destination-specific attributes was generated through a literature review and was then classified, using the ‘4 As’ of tourism destination management practice: Attractions, Access, Amenities, and Ancillary Services. The results identified the essential components of a seniors-friendly tourism destination as barrier-free public transportation facilities, barrier-free accommodation facilities, variety of seniors-only accommodation options, barrier-free facilities along customized travel routes, and variety of public transport options. While accessibility and amenities constitute important and/or essential experiential components in a seniors-friendly destination, complementary services and tourism resources also contribute to tourism attractiveness. It is concluded that the ability of a destination to accommodate the special needs of senior travellers could be further enhanced by extending the availability and variety of both lodging- and transport-related barrier-free facilities and services. From a scholarly perspective, the study reinforces the need to address the desire amongst seniors in general for a sense of freedom and mobility, and the reality that a substantial subgroup have needs that merit special provision.  相似文献   

This paper explores the nature of stakeholder collaboration as a practical issue in the case of turtle tourism in the Ningaloo region of Western Australia. While there is a wealth of literature that explores the theory and conceptual ideas of collaboration in tourism planning, there is a need to explore these theories in applied situations. In this case study, key stakeholders of the Ningaloo Turtle Advisory Group were identified using snowballing methods and the nature of collaboration between stakeholders was investigated through an examination of workshop dialogue and action research. A framework for exploring the nature of collaboration was developed based on Bramwell and Sharman's (1999) [Collaboration in local tourism policy making. Annals of Tourism Research, 26(2), 392–415] criteria for measuring collaborative approaches and Mandell's (1999) [The impact of collaborative efforts: Changing the face of public policy through networks and network structures. Policy Studies Review, 16, 4–17] continuum of collaboration. This research confirms that the success of collaboration relies on building partnerships and trust, recognizing interdependence, generating a collective vision and objectives and commitment among stakeholders within a structured process. The appointment of an external convenor also played an important role in facilitating the process, while a programme coordinator was essential for implementing the objectives generated by stakeholders.  相似文献   

The senior market has gained increasing interest from the tourism industry, mainly because of its considerable size and time flexibility. However, seniors are also a group facing many constraints to participating in tourism, which has led some countries to promote social tourism programmes for this market. However, little is known about the success of these programmes, while research showing the benefits derived by participants would be useful to continuously improve these initiatives. This paper presents a segmentation analysis of senior participants in a Portuguese social tourism programme, based on benefits derived. A questionnaire-based survey was undertaken, yielding a total of 848 valid responses, which were subjected to a hierarchical cluster analysis. Three clusters emerged: the least benefitted, the most benefitted and active and the highly benefitted and locally socializing seniors. The clusters were compared regarding socio-demographic profile, travel behaviour, satisfaction and loyalty. Several statistically significant differences among the clusters were observable, providing relevant inputs for managing social tourism programmes for this market.  相似文献   

In this paper, we test the causal relationship between economic growth and tourism development in the 1995–2012 period using recently developed panel Granger causality tests that allow for country-level heterogeneity, thus leading to more accurate results for the 12 Mediterranean countries. Although results of the Dumitrescu and Hurlin [(2012) testing for Granger non-causality in heterogeneous panels. Economic Modelling, 29(4), 1450–1460] panel Granger causality test show a unidirectional causality from tourism development to economic growth, results of the Croux and Reusens [(2013). Do stock prices contain predictive power for the future economic activity? A Granger causality analysis in the frequency domain. Journal of Macroeconomics, 35, 93–103] panel Granger causality analysis in the frequency domain show that there is a bidirectional temporary and permanent causality between tourism development and economic growth. The bidirectional causality relationship between tourism development and economic growth, which is the main finding of this study, suggests that in order to achieve high economic growth, policy-makers should focus on developing the tourism sector.  相似文献   

In the economic growth literature, the contribution of tourism to economic development has attracted great attention due to its significant roles as a source of foreign exchange earnings, creation of employment opportunities and an important source of public revenues in many countries. In this paper, we aim to analyse the empirical relationship between economic growth and tourism by employing different econometric techniques. First, we employed the Bound test approach developed by Pesaran, Shin, and Smith (2001, Bounds testing approaches to the analysis of level relationships. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 16(3), 289–326) in order to investigate the co-integration relationship between economic growth and tourism. Second, we used the Granger causality analysis for the 1998–2011 period and found evidence of a long-run uni-directional causality running from tourism to economic growth, but not vice versa. Our findings show that the Turkish case supports the tourism-led growth hypothesis (TLGH). Third, the autoregressive-distributed lag approach was employed in order to investigate the long-term and short-term static relationship between tourism and economic growth. The results show that tourism has a positive effect on gross domestic product and economic growth both in the long-term and short-term. Finally, the effect of tourism on economic growth was also investigated dynamically by employing the Kalman filter method. The findings of this method support the TLGH for Turkey.  相似文献   

This study uses the omnivorous–univorous theoretical framework of the arts marketing studies to identify relationships between the live‐performing arts and cultural tourism behaviours and preferences. Patrons of a major performing arts centre were segmented in three groups — sporadic, univores and omnivores — and examined regarding their cultural tourism behaviours and preferences. Statistical analysis revealed significant differences among groups in terms of demographic characteristics, art and culture consumption and cultural tourism behaviour and preferences. Study results add to the body of knowledge of tourism, suggesting that the culture omnivorous consumption behaviour reported in art marketing studies is also relevant to cultural tourism. Results suggest the existence of omnivorous cultural tourists seeking a wide variety of cultural products and experiences. The identification of a group of individuals with little interest and consumption of culture, including cultural travel destinations, also emerges from this study. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The work proposes a theoretical and empirical model that investigates how storytelling is a powerful co-creative behaviour in tourism. The contribution takes a step forward from the classical theories on co-creation and develops the case where consumers act almost independently from traditional brands. The empirical study adopts an interpretive approach to analyse online travel reviews. Data are interpreted through Yi and Gong's model on consumer value co-creation behaviour [(2013). Customer value co-creation behavior: Scale development and validation. Journal of Business Research, 66, 127], the Phase dynamics theory of travel epiphany behaviour [Woodside, A. G., & Megehee, C. M. (2010). Advancing consumer behaviour theory in tourism via visual narrative art. International Journal of Tourism Research, 12(5), 418–431], and the Archetype theory [Woodside, A. G., Sood, S., & Miller, K. E. (2008). When consumers and brands talk: Storytelling theory and research. Psychology & Marketing, 25(2), 97–145]. The study indicates that storytelling behaviours in value co-creation activate a ‘customer delight' response, which is an affect-based construct.  相似文献   

An evaluation of nature-based leisure and tourism as drivers for change in the Humberhead Levels is part of ongoing research with the Countryside Agency (CoAg). The Agency wishes to facilitate objectives of the Value in Wetness (Land Management Initiative) to re-establish wetlands and wetter landscapes across much of the area. To achieve a more sustainable wetland landscape with a vibrant farming and rural economy it is necessary to identify barriers and triggers for change. Diversification into nature-based leisure and tourism in the context of sustainable tourism, focusing on water- and wetland-related initiatives could be a way forward. This paper reports a scoping study and audit of outdoor leisure and tourism assets. It follows reviews of the Outdoor Leisure Industry (Beard et al., 2000) and the Wildlife Leisure Industry (Rotherham et al., 2000). These developed the importance of Wildlife Leisure as a concept in sustainable tourism and rural development. The Humberhead Levels research moves this from concept to near implementation. Relevant tourism information was collated to help establish the importance of the sector to a geographic area such as the Humberhead Levels. The reasons for current failings are noted. Case studies of selected wetland creation and restoration projects are presented and discussed. The research indicates significant contributions of nature-based leisure and tourism to regional and local economies. It also highlights problems of awareness, coordination and absence of the necessary support infrastructures at all levels. The importance of attracting new visitors and retaining local users is discussed.  相似文献   

The Australian tourism industry is vulnerable to the impacts of climate change on natural areas and the destination choices of long-haul travellers concerned about carbon emissions. A National Tourism and Climate Change Taskforce was established in 2007; with a national action plan for Tourism and Climate Change produced in 2008. Implementing these climate change actions requires new partnerships between tourism agencies, business programmes, carbon consultants, and offset providers. This paper assesses collaborative governance of climate change in Australian tourism, with a focus on low-carbon initiatives promoted to tourism operators by state and territory government tourism agencies. The paper compares the climate change initiatives of these tourism agencies based on six key dimensions of governance including: accountability, transparency, involvement, structure, effectiveness, and power [Ruhanen, L., Scott, N., Ritchie, B., & Tkaczynski, A. (2010). Governance: A review and synthesis of the literature. Tourism Review, 65(4), 4–16]. While most state and territory tourism agencies provided resources on climate change initiatives for tourism operators there was little accountability for emissions reduction within the agency. Collaborative governance of climate change was also more developed in states with climate change policies, destinations vulnerable to the impacts of climate change (e.g. Great Barrier Reef, Queensland), or dependent on long-haul travellers. Further research is needed on the governance and effective delivery of carbon emissions reduction programmes by tourism agencies.  相似文献   

The current study examines the meaning of ‘home’ and ‘away’ among visiting friends and relatives (VFR) tourists, utilising the multidimensional model suggested by Uriely [(2010). ‘Home’ and ‘away’ in VFR tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 37(3), 857–860] to assess the VFR experience. Despite recent conceptualisations that emphasise the intersection of tourism and everyday life in various ways, as is prominently exemplified in VFR tourism, this empirical investigation provides evidence as to the limitations of this perspective. Specifically, the findings of this study indicate that when staying at friends and relatives, VFR tourists may feel at ‘home’ in terms of familiarity with place, but they also often experience feelings of ‘away’, in the sense of the loss of privacy and the limited situational control involved in this situation. As a result, the study points to the need to understand tourism, in general, and VFR, in particular, as complex phenomena in which elements of both ‘extraordinary’ and ‘everydayness’ coexist. The conclusion also discusses the marketing implications of the study and provides suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

This research empirically tested a tourism behaviour model explaining tourists' intentions to vacation for the first time in selected countries extending image research by Baloglu and McCleary [(1999). U.S. international pleasure travelers’ images of four Mediterranean destinations: A comparison of visitors and nonvisitors. Journal of Travel Research, 38(2), 144–152; A model of destination image formation. Annals of Tourism Research, 26(4), 868–897] and more recently Kaplanidou and Vogt [(2007). The interrelationship between sport event and destination image and sport tourists’ behaviors. Journal of Sport & Tourism, 12(3–4), 183–206]. Key factors that remain untested in modelling international travel propensity were identified as: information sources, cognitive and affective destination image, and perceived risk. On-site surveys were conducted in two US metropolitan areas with a purposive convenience sample. Data were analysed with structural equation modelling for three destination countries (China, Japan, and South Korea) so that positioning strategies were illustrated through empirical evidence. Modelling results supported previous research showing that stronger positive cognitive and affective destination images and lower perceived risks for vacationing in a destination positively influenced intentions to travel to the countries of interest. Of greater interest are findings on information usage influencing cognitively held images, particularly cultural experiences, but information use was found not to directly influence the affective component of image. Intent to travel to each of the three countries was heightened by different factors – for China it was affective image, for Japan cognitive image, and South Korea a reduction in perceived risks. Destination marketers can use this model to understand the use of information sources, in general or specific types, to influence cognitive images held and perceived risks associated with a foreign country, and to ultimately modify affective image and intent to visit a destination for the potential first-time visitors.  相似文献   


The intention of this research project was to question the ability of tourism to promote the conservation of equine heritage in its diversity. I undertook two case studies examining emblematic examples in France: the ‘Cadre noir de Saumur’, the main depositary of Equitation in the French Tradition inscribed on the UNESCO list, and the Vendée Stud, in the Pays de la Loire. This was a qualitative project including a total of 32?h of in-depth semi-structured individual interviews with 15 stakeholders at the ‘Cadre noir de Saumur’, at the Vendée Stud and at the Ministry of culture in Paris between September 2017 and April 2019. The interviews were combined with a total of around 40?h of participant and non-participant observations, conducted during several on-site visits. The results are nuanced. Both sites demonstrate that tourism can contribute to the revaluation of this equine heritage, but it necessitates the incorporation of a profound socio-cultural change, including a redefinition of the way the horse is used. This evolution is based on the ability of the stakeholders to incorporate a tourism culture, one which requires the inclusion of multiple skills but also an ability to devise joint cultural mediation projects with local communities.  相似文献   

This paper applies Pine and Gilmore's four realms of experience – Esthetic, Escapism, Entertainment and Education – to investigate Macao's Historic Center in terms of the experience value attached to different heritage sites by tourists, with implications for understanding the experience profile of heritage tourism sites in general. The research is based on a survey of 700 tourists. Dominant experience profiles for the sites, which differ from that of the Historic Center as a whole, are identified and discussed, as are the implications of specific synergies identified between different dimensions of the experience of these heritage sites. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to contribute towards a better understanding of knowledge in food tourism in agricultural and/or fishery areas. The presence and role of different types of knowledge are investigated adopting a multiple case study strategy in the regions of Lofoten (Norway) and Maremma Toscana (Italy). The following types of knowledge are investigated: local and scientific food knowledge, tourism knowledge, local and global managerial and political knowledge. The results from the case study indicate that scientific food knowledge and global managerial and political knowledge are particularly important in Lofoten. These types of knowledge are identified as the strengths on which a form of gourmet food tourism could develop. In Maremma Toscana, local food knowledge and local managerial and political knowledge are identified as the basis of the development of a generic form of food tourism. It is concluded that food tourism development requires different types of knowledge and their role is strictly dependent on the specific context. Any policy regarding food tourism should be based on the peculiarities of the specific terroir. Further research is required to investigate the tacit dimension of knowledge and those factors that can favour the establishment of global knowledge-based networks.  相似文献   

Mass tourism began in the Caribbean during the middle of the twentieth century. Unfortunately, increasing competition and a change in the motivation of tourists now force the authorities who manage these regions to introduce a new tourism offer that is not based directly on either the 3S (Sun, Sand, and Sea) or 3E (Entertainment, Excitement, Education) model. Hiking, trekking, and climbing, defined as mountaineering, might be one of these. This paper examines the potential for mountaineering in Cuba by verifying its accessibility for tourists. The assessment is based on a framework of true accessibility, which consists of two factors: (1) destination accessibility and (2) real access. Our results show that mountaineering in Cuba should be considered to be one of the key contributors to the development, prosperity, and well-being of all stakeholders, and especially for the communities outside the tourism enclaves.  相似文献   

Before the ‘open-door’ policy doi moi, the Vietnamese government had monopolised all sectors of tourism in the country. In 1987, one year after the beginning of doi moi, the state issued the Law on Foreign Investment, which encouraged foreign direct investment (FDI) in Vietnam, especially in the tourism industry. This article examines the influence of the resulting influx of FDI on tourism accommodation patterns in Vietnam. A synopsis of policy and background of FDI in Vietnam accommodation is followed by an examination of developments, projects and experiences in this field since doi moi. The article then investigates the effects of FDI in Vietnam tourism accommodation on developments and practices in Vietnam's accommodation market, including the traditional state-owned accommodation sub-sector. The article integrates insights gained from interviews with operators of joint venture and state-owned hotels in Vietnam.  相似文献   


Knowledge construction is a crucial factor in the development of any field of study. While empirical papers sustain knowledge development in a field, systematic analysis of the literature and critiques of influential papers are core components of high-level knowledge construction. The aim of this paper is to critically evaluate Fodness and Murray’s ([1999]. A model of tourist information search behavior. Journal of Travel Research, 37(3), 220–230.) seminal paper on information search and to assess how the model has been developed by the subsequent literature. A critique of the model highlighted that the original work had a number of shortcomings, particularly given recent advances in information technologies. The method consisted of a meta-analysis of 575 studies that cited Fodness and Murray’s work. The meta-analysis demonstrated that none of the subsequent studies attempted to further develop this well-cited model. The analysis also highlighted that many of the citations to the original study were superficial, and in some cases, incorrect, raising serious questions about citation practices in the tourism field more broadly. The main implication is that, in order to advance our understanding of tourism, we need robust studies that confirm and build on past research efforts to move the field forward.  相似文献   

This study draws on the Resource‐Based View to analyze the effects of distinctive competences in tourism firms and location in a tourism district on competitive position, and explores the moderating effects of the tourism destination. Multiple linear regression was used to test the research hypotheses on a sample of 1019 Spanish tourism firms. Results reveal that financial resources and dynamic and production capabilities favor a better competitive position for tourism firms in general; however, coordination and marketing capabilities are key factors for firms embedded in a tourism district, while dynamic capabilities have a negative effect in this case. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study empirically examines the relationships among residents’ place image, various domains of tourism impacts, and residents’ support for tourism development in an Eastern European city, as well as the role of residents’ socio-demographic characteristics and place attachment. The direct, indirect, and moderating effects were investigated using structural equation modelling and the method suggested by Hayes and Preacher [2010. Estimating and testing indirect effects in simple mediation models when the constituent paths are nonlinear. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 45, 627–660]. The findings show that none of the tourism impacts mediate the relationship between place image and residents’ support for tourism development. Moreover, with respect to Belgrade, perceived economic impacts have the strongest effect on residents’ support, followed by perceived socio-cultural impacts. By assessing the respective contribution of the three tourism impacts simultaneously, the results highlight the weight residents assign to a city’s peculiarities, thus illustrating contextual influences such as post-communist and centrally planned economy legacies.  相似文献   

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