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我国商业银行欲达到《新巴塞尔协议》关于资本充足率的要求,一是增加资本金,二是调整资产组合。而要想在短期内提高银行资本充足率,最有效的做法就是补充资本金。因此,面对外资银行的冲击,国内商业银行都相继选择发行次级债券来改变其资本充足率。本文就次级债券的发行对我国商业银行资本充足率的影响进行了研究。  相似文献   

外国债券是一国政府、金融机构、企业或半官方的国际组织在另一国发行的以当地国货币计值的债券,2005年10月,国际金融公司(IFC)和亚洲开发银行(ADB)在我国银行间债券市场分别发行人民币债券11.3亿元和10亿元,这是中国首次引入外资机构发行主体发行外国债券。  相似文献   

李晓溪  杨国超 《世界经济》2022,(10):212-236
本文研究债券发行前企业是否机会主义地进行杠杆操纵以临时性地达到“降杠杆”的目标。研究发现,债券发行前企业的资产负债率分布在监管门槛附近出现显著的不连续现象,即企业在发债前有强烈的杠杆操纵动机。具体地,发债企业会通过改变租赁模式、发行永续债、注入土地资产,或通过政府“打欠条”以增加其他应收款等方式进行杠杆操纵。在长期内杠杆操纵会加剧企业未来的信用风险,但企业之所以仍进行杠杆操纵的主要目的是获得短期潜在收益,表现为提高债券发行信用评级,降低债券发行利差。本文从债券发行的视角探索了一个杠杆操纵的新场景,也为企业机会主义行为所引发的监管扭曲效应提供了新的微观证据。  相似文献   

债券(bord)是由政府、公共团体或公司向公众发行的一种借款凭证,以表明持券人(即债权人)有权按期取得固定利息,并到期取还本金。按其发行单位分,它可由政府发行(称政府债券、公债、市政债券),其中又可分为由本国政府或外国政府发行,或由中央政府、地方政府发行;也可由公司发行(称公司债券)。  相似文献   

本文运用事件研究法,考察了我国上市公司发行可转换债券的公告效应。研究发现,A股市场上可转换债券的发行公告日及其前一个交易日的两日累积异常收益为负,但不显著,这与美国显著为负的公告效应有所差异。本文认为,我国对于上市公司发行可转换债券所规定的带有"奖优"性质的资格标准以及资本市场的不够成熟,是造成这种差异的主要原因。  相似文献   

文章从货币功能的角度出发,利用1999~2015年国际债券发行总额流量数据,对影响国际债券币种结构的因素进行了实证研究。结果表明,惯性效应、网络效应和外部币值稳定性对国际债券发行货币币种结构具有显著影响,这体现了货币的支付媒介功能和价值储藏功能对一国货币的国际化进程具有非常重要的作用。2008年全球金融危机对国际债券发行币种构成产生了重要影响:惯性效应消失,网络效应的作用也明显下降,但币值稳定性的作用始终显著。目前,人民币在价值储藏这一国际货币功能方面的欠缺制约了人民币国际化进程。文章建议应进一步放开外汇市场准入和产品交易限制,加快人民币汇率形成机制的改革,以市场供求的力量为人民币汇率提供坚实可靠的支撑,以此促进人民币在国际金融交易和投资中发挥更大的作用。  相似文献   

文章从货币功能的角度出发,利用1999~2015年国际债券发行总额流量数据,对影响国际债券币种结构的因素进行了实证研究。结果表明,惯性效应、网络效应和外部币值稳定性对国际债券发行货币币种结构具有显著影响,这体现了货币的支付媒介功能和价值储藏功能对一国货币的国际化进程具有非常重要的作用。2008年全球金融危机对国际债券发行币种构成产生了重要影响:惯性效应消失,网络效应的作用也明显下降,但币值稳定性的作用始终显著。目前,人民币在价值储藏这一国际货币功能方面的欠缺制约了人民币国际化进程。文章建议应进一步放开外汇市场准入和产品交易限制,加快人民币汇率形成机制的改革,以市场供求的力量为人民币汇率提供坚实可靠的支撑,以此促进人民币在国际金融交易和投资中发挥更大的作用。  相似文献   

本文通过对可持续债券融资方式的价值组成的分析,指出了一份可持续债券实际上是一份纯粹债券和一份可以购买普通股的看涨期权的组合。可转换债券的市场价和纯粹债券价值的差价部分,就是投资者为这份内嵌的看涨期权所支付的价格。在一个有效市场中,这是一个合理的价格。比起其它融资工具来说,可转换债券不便宜,但也不昂贵。一般而言,如果公司未来表现良好,发行可转换债券不如发行纯粹债券但会优于发行普通股;相反,如果公司未来表现不好,发行可转换债券会优于发行纯粹债券但不如发行普通股。  相似文献   

邹薇  刘勇 《世界经济》2008,31(2):55-64
本文在新古典世代交迭(OLG)模型中引入"外部习惯"和"内部习惯"两种习惯形成的类型,考察最优的资本收入税与"现收现付制"社会保障系统的一次性税收之间的选择。研究发现,资本收入税与外部习惯呈正相关,当不存在外部习惯时资本收入税为0;在存在外部习惯的条件下,资本收入税与内部习惯呈正相关;对年轻一代的一次性税收(补贴)与内部习惯呈正(负)相关;对年轻一代的一次性税收(补贴)与外部习惯呈负(正)相关。考虑到外部习惯与内部习惯形呈的作用,具体的税收结构取决于人口增长、资本效率和经济发展的特定水平。  相似文献   

货币经纪公司作为一种金融中介公司,提供的是一种金融中介服务。公司业务涉及货币市场、资本市场和外汇市场等领域,主要包括同业拆借、短期商业票据、即期和远期外汇买卖、货币掉期、利率掉期、回购协议、政府债券、企业债券、资产抵押、担保抵押债券、以及期指等股票衍生工具操作方面的金融业务。货币经纪公司经营项目广泛,它的良性发展对金融系统的稳定和货币流通的顺畅关系密切。  相似文献   

The dual income tax combines a progressive tax on labor income and a lower flat tax on income from capital. Unlike flat tax systems, a dual income tax provides developing countries greater flexibility in addressing tax competition while retaining progressivity. Countries could use the move to a dual income tax system not just as an opportunity to rationalize the taxation of income from business operations and investment but also as a vehicle for broader reform of their tax systems.  相似文献   

通过测算我国劳动、资本和消费的有效税率,以反映我国劳动收入、资本收入和消费支出的真实税收负担情况,并在此基础上构建SVAR模型来考察有效税率结构冲击对经济增长的动态影响。结果表明:消费支出有效税率和劳动收入有效税率的提高有利于投资率和经济增长率的提高,长期累积效应为正;对资本收入征税,无论在短期还是长期都不利于投资率和经济增长率的提高,长期累积效应为负。研究我国有效税率结构的经济增长动态增长效应,对政府税收政策的制定和实施时机的选择有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

Countries that are industrialized, or becoming so, must adopt tax systems that are capable of raising considerable amounts of revenue efficiently, equitably and with administrative simplicity, while at the same time coping with the competitive features of a globalized world economy. A component of that tax system will be direct taxation of households alongside general sales and payroll taxation. This paper addresses the role that capital income taxes should play in the income tax system. Arguments for the preferential treatment of capital income are summarized, and a case is made for adopting a schedular approach in which capital and labor income are taxed according to separate rate structures. The particular case of the dual income tax system used in the Nordic countries is advocated whereby capital income is taxed at a low, flat rate and non-capital income is taxed progressively. It is argued that this system best combines the objectives of a good tax system in an internationally competitive environment.  相似文献   

The implications of the tax elasticity of taxable income have been widely discussed in the literature. This study uses the reported rate of return to capture the effects of tax changes on taxable income from privately held businesses. Households' decisions concerning reporting rates of return are embedded in a selection model of business investment decisions. With 1983-1989 Survey of Consumer Finances panel data, the tax elasticity of the reported rates of return on privately held businesses is found to be positive and large. The tax elasticity of taxable income from privately held businesses is thus crucial for policy evaluation. Several reasons for the high tax elasticity and the implications of it are also discussed.  相似文献   

郑惠尹 《特区经济》2009,(7):134-135
两税合并主要是指对内外资企业所得税实行统一税法、统一税率、统一税前扣除标准、统一优惠政策。本文从对引进外资规模的影响和引进外资结构与投向两个方面分析了两税合并对我国吸引外资的影响。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the effects of China's upcoming value-added tax (VAT) reform of removing investment from the tax base on capital accumulation and the welfare of the rich and the poor. Three alternative methods to make up for the loss of tax revenue are considered. The VAT reform with consumption tax being endogenous increases capital accumulation and the utility of both the rich and the poor. The VAT reform with the labor income tax rate being endogenous increases capital accumulation; and it decreases the utility of the rich and increases the utility of the poor (increases the utility of both the rich and the poor) if the rich has a higher rate or the same rate of time preference (if the rich has a lower rate of time preference). The VAT reform, accompanied by a cut in transfers to the poor, has no effect on capital accumulation if the rich and the poor have the same rate of time preference; it decreases (increases) capital accumulation if the rich has a higher (lower) rate of time preference; and it increases the utility of the rich and decreases the utility of the poor.  相似文献   

This paper compares long-run implications for growth and fertility of four types of taxation for social security with positive bequests. A tax rise under lump-sum taxation enhances growth but lowers fertility, while other types of taxation do so under additional restrictions. A tax rise under consumption taxation is less likely to stimulate growth and to reduce fertility than under payroll taxation. A rise in an interest income tax raises fertility, reduces both savings and human capital investment, and hence is harmful for growth. The case with zero bequests is also discussed.  相似文献   

By replacing the current income tax with a national sales tax, the FairTax proposal would end the double taxation of saving inherent in the existing tax code and, by doing so, raise output, employment, investment and capital stock relative to the benchmark economy. While these positive effects would be felt almost immediately, the FairTax is very much an investment in the future. Its full benefits would be realized only after the economy achieved a new “steady state,” some 20–25 years into implementation. Only by that point, will the effects on growth have been fully absorbed into the economy and the wellbeing of most households across most income groups improved. The policy choice, then, is between the status quo, and a new policy that would inflict some short-run pain as the price of a permanently expanded economy.  相似文献   

黄明峰  吴斌 《南方经济》2010,28(8):17-28
本文基于我国两税合并的背景,运用区间分析、配对样本T检验、回归分析和倍数差分法等方法,实证检验所得税政策的变化是否对资本结构产生影响,进而验证修正的MM理论是否适应中国资本市场。研究结果表明:所得税税负水平与公司资本结构显著正相关;由于新税法的实行,所得税税率下降的内资公司相应的降低了公司财务杠杆;两税合并前后税率下降的样本公司比税率不变的样本公司的资本结构变动显著要大。综合而言,税收政策能够显著影响公司资本结构决策。  相似文献   


This study investigates long run and short run relationships between the corporate income tax rate and foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows to the US. The tax rate is found to exert a significant negative effect on total FDI and transfer fund inflows in the long run. A 1% decrease in the tax rate would increase total FDI by 2.4% and transfer funds by 4.2%. Collectively, results suggest that the US can use tax policies to attract FDI from abroad. Concern over the possibility of tax competition among countries to attract foreign capital is warranted.  相似文献   

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