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汉中市勉县"巧娘"培训提速妇女创业近日,首期"勉县巧娘"手工艺品制作技能培训班在勉县人力资源大厦隆重开班。免费培训活动吸引了来自全县城乡的80多名妇女手工艺品爱好者踊跃参加,培训极大地激发全县城乡妇女的创业热情,提速城乡妇女创业进程。培训活动从鼓励妇女创业、推动妇女就业的实际出发,立足于发挥女性特长,主要教授钩花、穿珠包、丝带绣、丝网花、布艺等手工制作技能,同时详细宣传妇女创业就业相关优惠政策。  相似文献   

徐政  周生龙 《中国就业》2010,(1):29-29,32
在大批农村剩余劳动力向城市实现有序转移后,如何挖掘留守的妇女群体的创业潜能,既是推动全民创业的重要举措,也是推动农村留守妇女投身到新农村建设的具体体现。近年来,徐州市把做好农村留守妇女创业工作作为推动全民的重要突破口,充分利用妇女人才资源优势,以家庭创业为载体,组织留守妇女从事来料加工、效益农业,呈现出人人忙创业、家家上项目、户户奔小康的生动局面。  相似文献   

3月10日,山东省乳山市妇女创业就业指导中心在该市母爱大姐家政服务中心正式成立,这是乳山市首家专门为妇女同志创业进行指导的中心。为给全市妇女提供更全面、更深层次的创业就业服务,帮助妇女提高素质、增强能力,乳山市人社局经过多方协调、积极运作,依托市母爱大姐家政服务中心,成立了乳  相似文献   

刘辉 《中国就业》2015,(3):12-13
"有了专门面向农村妇女的小额贷款撑腰,我们妇女创业有了保障,创业很有信心。"贵州省黎平县永从乡龙旺蛋鸡生态养殖农民专业合作社创始人吴平香乐呵呵地说。吴平香作为80后创业女青年,于2009年励志返乡创业,最初投入20万元建起了养鸡场,当  相似文献   

正近日,泰和县妇联、就业局通过举办"留守妇女创业培训班",对全县百余名留守妇女进行了技术培训和创业培训,帮助她们撑起家庭增收的"半边天"。"像我这样的留守妇女,一心想干点什么,但又没有实际经验,听说县里组织免费创业培训,我就报名了。"参加创业培训的下岗失业人员陈梅表示,培训结束后,她打算开一家加盟店。据悉,此次培训邀请了SYB资深教师  相似文献   

正"现在养宠物的越来越多,宠物服装的市场需求也肯定会不断增多的!"四川省成都市青白江区福洪镇民主社区妇女张孝琦在当地举办的创业成果展销会上宣传着自己生产的宠物服装。在当地劳动保障部门帮助下,她前年创业兴办起了一家名为贝贝宠物服装厂,目前不仅吸收了20余名育龄妇女进厂就业,还取得了明显经济效益。  相似文献   

深入基层调研掌握妇女创业就业工作新动态开展专题调研活动深入乌海市部分街道办事处、社区和企事业单位,通过问卷调查、个别访谈、召开群众代表座谈会等途径,掌握了大量详实的资料。进行实证分析与研究研究结果显示,乌海市妇女就业创业问题集中表现为"三多":待业妇女劳动力多,失业失地的"4050"妇女多,文化技能普遍缺失和单一的妇女多。基本掌握了妇女就业再就业存在的突出矛盾和主要问题。  相似文献   

张玲 《中国就业》2014,(4):63-63
甘肃省张掖市山丹县以妇女小额担保贷款为抓手,积极扶持妇女就业创业工作,并取得了显著成效。  相似文献   

正近年来,重庆市合川区将有限的财力用在刀刃上,促进城乡创业就业双线推进。截至目前,合川区已发展微型企业3794家,以此带动创业就业29658人。其中,妇女创办微型企业1775户,发展户数占全区微企总数的46.9%,累计带动13119人实现就业。4名妇女创办的微企分别获得重庆市级巾帼微企创业先锋奖和优秀微企称号,12名妇女创办的微企分别获得合川区级优秀微企和守合同重信用微型企业称号。  相似文献   

日前,山东省高密市举行巾帼创业互助行动现场推进会,现场向5名有志创业的城乡妇女发放“巾帼创业互助基金”15万元。  相似文献   

Women owners of small business are known to be better informed about issues relating to starting their own business compared to their male counterparts. Women spend more time conducting market research and have historically spent more time accessing finance because of gender bias within the lending industry. Due to their previous employment history many women have better administrative skills over men which should translate to women having better basic business management knowledge and a higher level of basic business competencies. Research conducted on a sample of 270 business owners found that whereas women rated themselves as more competent than men on a number of issues when they first started their business, they were no more inclined than men to pursue further business skills development or training once they were actively operating their business. Further, both women and men believed that they gained sufficient managerial experience ‘on-the-job’ not to warrant professional assistance in most business competencies.  相似文献   

Increasingly, women are emerging as major donors in their own right. For example in May 1998, five women with Harvard ties, in partnership with the University, established a $15m matching fund to encourage other women to make significant gifts to the University. There are three major economic reasons for targeting women seriously for an organisation's fundraising efforts: women have increasing economic power; women outlive men; women have a new awareness of the power of the dollars they control. Research done in both the United States (Martha Taylor and Sandra Shaw) and the United Kingdom (Stephen Pidgeon and Pauline Lockier) demonstrates that women and men have different ‘philanthropic triggers’. Many women have tended to contribute significant volunteer time and service to the institutions about which they care rather than significant gifts of money. Often, women are interested in not only how their gift benefits a specific institution, but also how it benefits society in general. Women often rely not on formal relationships with institutions, but on their perceived value of the institution's goals and impact. This paper provides a context for looking at women as donors.  相似文献   

The current article suggests that universities in the southeastern region suffer from a lack of inclusivity, particularly regarding women in leadership positions, that undermines their efforts to be as progressive and relevant as they should be. Since women make up less than a critical mass of academic leadership, they are absent from decision‐making arenas, their contributions are undervalued, and their participation in policy‐making conversations continues to be stalled.  相似文献   

This paper reexamines the status of women in the academic labor market relative to men to determine how much progress has been made in achieving equity. Two questions will be addressed here: (1) do men and women have equal access to faculty employment in higher education, and (2) are they equally successful with regard to traditional career goals and compensation? Analyses are conducted on the educational attainment of women, their representation among faculty, their time allocation and research productivity, and their success in academia as represented by their rank attainment and earnings. While the results show that women have made considerable strides in entering the academic labor market, there is still an unexplained gap between men and women in terms of their earnings and career progression.  相似文献   

Informed by Institutional Theory, this study adopts an exploratory, qualitative, in-depth interviews-based approach as it explores the self-reported career paths of 32 women managers in Lebanon. The results indicate that in contrast with the majority of Western-based literature, the traditional-organizational career path in comparison to contemporary career patterns is still relevant, and continues to exist for Lebanese women managers as they progress in their managerial careers. At the same time, the findings suggest that women selectively adopt some aspects of contemporary, flexible careers to navigate their career paths amidst the macro-national economic and sociocultural factors and institutional challenges. The overall results and the implications for various stakeholders are further discussed in light of the related literature. This study suggests that scholars interested in women's careers in under-researched developing nations need to further integrate the agentic process – and the role played by women's individual agency in constructing their careers as they respond to institutional mandates – into their career models in more details. Similarly, multinational companies currently operating or interested in expanding their operations to the developing Arab Middle East region should incorporate these factors into their management and human resource practices.  相似文献   

Most adult women now hold full-time jobs outside the home, and the proportion is growing. While women's labor market experiences and successes have come closer to men's experiences and successes, their attachment to a labor market career, at least for married women, is not the compulsion that it is and has been for men. While many women have won the right to go off to the corporate citadel every morning, they have more often than not retained the obligation to bear most of the responsebility for the home. Ideally, postfeminist women woumen would like to be able to strike a balance between the responsibilities of the job and home. In reality, they are forced to choose between the two. Women have a right to seek identity through work as well as through parenthood-as men have always done. Those few women who insist on the right to meaningful work and the right to a family will have to push for changes in the work place as hard as they had to push to gain admittance to the jobs in the first place.  相似文献   

Women managers face institutional and social barriers throughout their careers. In this research, we use networking and symbolic interactionism theories to explain how they network while negotiating these impediments in an emerging economy setting. Focus‐group data revealed three themes. The women in our study, as predicted by networking theory, use networks to bolster career outcomes, although some also use non‐influential networks or network ineffectively. Next, symbolic interactionism explains how expectations of, and personal reflections on, networking lead to a lack of confidence and feelings of guilt that can be career limiting. However, when women understand that their unique networking approach can be powerful, they gain social capital that enhances their leadership. Last, patriarchal cultures of emerging economy settings support stereotypical gender roles, leaving women conflicted between competition and mutual support, thus redefining the so‐called Queen Bee phenomenon. We conclude by showing how women can use networking to enhance career and personal development.  相似文献   

Pacific Rim business is the fastest growing in the world. To remain competitive, no major North American firm dare ignore Asia. Traditionally, very few women have held managerial and executive positions in Asia, Can North American firms successfully send female expatriate managers to Asia or must they limit international management positions to men? To answer this question, fifty-two women were interviewed, each of whom had held at least one management position in Asia. They were overwhelmingly successful. The study describes who the women are, how they were chosen, and their professional experience as female expatriate managers in Asia.  相似文献   

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