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One important property of a preference measure is its reliability. In this article, we explore the reliability of experimental auctions in measuring the market demand for five types of fish. We use the test‐retest method to compare demand curves from two Becker–DeGroot–Marschak experiments with the same 116 participants conducted 7 months apart in time. The individual bids are not stable for these perishable products, but the distributions of the individual bids are stable. We find that the unsystematic individual variations cancel out in the aggregation of bids in a typical sample size for experimental valuation studies. Our results suggest that experimental auctions provide reliable market demand estimates even though the individual bids may change substantially over time.  相似文献   

We estimate the implicit prices consumers are willing to pay for country of origin labels, using hedonic price methods and panel data for meat and meat products in the United Kingdom. Our results show that consumers place significant value on origin information across fresh and processed meat products, especially since the horsemeat incident in 2013. The findings also suggest that retailers have increased the use of voluntary labelling of processed meat products since the incident. Hence, further extension of existing mandatory labelling requirements to processed meat products may not be required at least in the short term.  相似文献   

The current Korean rice‐grading system has a “no test” option that allows rice to not be graded in the market. This study examines Korean consumers’ valuation of a rice‐grading system without the “no test” option. We apply a nonhypothetical experimental auction to elicit consumers’ willingness to pay for each rice grade and identify the impact of the provision of additional grading information on product valuation. We then use contingent and inferred valuations to obtain consumers’ valuation of a mandatory rice‐grading system without the “no test” option. We find that Korean consumers are willing to pay an additional premium for each rice grade and that rice‐grading information is the most important factor that differentiates the rice products. Rice consumers in Korea also strongly prefer a mandatory rice‐grading system without the “no test” option.  相似文献   

杭州市住宅价格空间分异:基于特征价格的两维度分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究目的:从特征价格的视角,构建城市住宅价格空间分异的两维度分析框架,并对杭州市住宅市场进行实证研究。研究方法:文献资料法和计量分析法。研究结果:住宅特征对住宅价格影响程度的差异性以及住宅特征空间分布的不均匀性,导致了住宅价格的空间分异。研究结论:基于特征价格模型的分析框架是有效且合理的。  相似文献   

This study derives econometric estimates of the marginal implicit values of major characteristics of wheat in world markets for two recent time periods using pooled time-series and cross-sectional data. The results indicate that a one percentage point increase in protein content was associated with an average 0.3% price premium from 1976–77 to 1979–80. This price response had increased to an average 0.5% premium from 1980–81 to 1983–84, when there was an average world market protein premium of about U.S. $6.00 for a one percentage point increase in protein per tonne of wheat. During the latter time period, there was a premium for white wheat of nearly U.S. $16 per tonne. Wheat exported from the United States and Canada appeared to be discounted in price relative to wheat from Australia. Given the general order of the inverse relationship between yield and protein content that applies in wheat breeding, it is apparent that total revenue from Canadian wheat exports could be considerably increased by more emphasis on the development of higher-yielding wheats that are adapted to the higher-moisture regions of the Prairies. More emphasis on development of white wheats that are suited to Prairie growing conditions is also merited. La présente étude vise à obtenir des estimations économétriques à partir de valeurs marginales implicites des caractéristiques principales du blé sur les marchés mondiaux pour deux périodes de temps récentes, à l'aide de séries chronologiques regroupées et de données transversales. Les résultats obtenus montrent qu'une augmentation de un pour cent de la teneur en protéines correspond en moyenne à une bonification de 0,3% de 1976–1977 à 1979–1980. Cette réaction des prix a atteint en moyenne 0,5% de 1980–1981 a 1983–1984, alors qu'une augmentation de un pour cent de la teneur en protéines par tonne de blé donnait lieu à une bonification moyenne, sur les marchés mondiaux, d'environ 6 $ US. Pendant la dernière période, le blé blanc faisait l'objet d'une bonification de près de 16 $ US par tonne. Le blé exporté des États-Unis et du Canada semble avoir été vendu à rabais, comparativement au blé venant d'Australie. Compte tenu du rapport inverse généralement observé entre le rendement et la teneur en protéines dans un contexte de sélection végétale, il semble que le total des revenus tirés des exportations canadiennes de blé pourrait s'accroître considérablement si l'on mettait davantage l'accent sur la production de variétés à rendement plus élevé, adaptées aux régions à haut taux d'humidité des Prairies. II serait également justifié de consacrer davantage d'énergie à la production de blés blancs mieux adaptés aux conditions de croissance des Prairies.  相似文献   

We elicit willingness to pay for conventional, organic and/or food‐safety‐inspected tomatoes in a traditional African food market. We identify four elicitation methods that can be conducted with one respondent at a time, and use them in a field setting: the Becker–DeGroot–Marschak mechanism, multiple price lists, multiple price lists with stated quantities, and real‐choice experiments. All four methods give similar results; showing that consumers are willing to pay a premium for organic and food‐safety‐inspected tomatoes. However, the size of the premium is significantly larger when consumers choose between alternatives than when they indicate their reservation price. The new multiple price lists with stated quantities were easy to explain in the busy market setting, gave the respondents the opportunity to determine the amount they wanted to buy, and had valuations in line with the other non‐comparative valuation methods.  相似文献   

The EU is a major player in the global wheat market. This paper examines the pricing behaviour of EU wheat exporters using a pricing‐to‐market (PTM) analysis. Wheat is an exemplary product for testing PTM theories as it is widely and frequently traded, and largely unbranded. We estimate the relationship between export unit values and exchange rates using quarterly panel data for 11 EU export destinations for 2000–2013. Results show that there is a meaningful long‐run relationship between export unit values and exchange rates, but there is little evidence of differential mark‐ups between EU export markets. Belarus and Iceland are exceptions where exporters from the EU appear to exercise local currency price stabilisation.  相似文献   

To examine the buying habits of British Columbia (BC) wine consumers and their appreciation of French wine attributes, we estimate a hedonic price function for Burgundy wines which comprise an array of different appellations, vintages, and alcohol levels. BC ranks among the top three wine-consuming provinces in Canada and residents' wine preferences are likely linked to an emerging sophistication in tastes. This study uses weekly retail sales data and attributes of Burgundy wines reported by the BC Liquor Distribution Branch. The results confirm the collective reputation effects of the Burgundy wine region and show that the implicit values differ between white and red Burgundy wines with village designation and vintage having a relatively larger effect on white wine prices than in the case of red wines. Burgundy white wines, such as Aloxe-Corton, Chassagne-Montrachet Premier Cru, Meursault Premier Cru, and Chablis Grand Cru, were associated with larger price premia. Afin d'examiner les habitudes d'achat des consommateurs de vin de la Colombie−Britannique et leur appréciation des caractéristiques des vins français, nous avons estimé une fonction de prix hédoniste des vins de Bourgogne d'appellations, de millésimes et de degrés d'alcool variés. La Colombie−Britannique figure parmi les trois provinces canadiennes où l'on consomme le plus de vin, et les préférences des consommateurs de vin découlent probablement d'un raffinement des goûts. Dans la présente étude, nous avons utilisé les données des ventes au détail hebdomadaires et les caractéristiques des vins de Bourgogne fournies par la Société des alcools de la Colombie-Britannique (BC Liquor Distribution Branch). Les résultats confirment les effets de la réputation de la région viticole de la Bourgogne et montrent que les valeurs implicites diffèrent entre les vins de Bourgogne blancs et rouges, et que l'appellation «village» et le millésime influent davantage sur les prix des vins blancs que sur ceux des vins rouges. Les prix des vins de Bourgogne blancs, tels que Aloxe-Corton, Chassagne-Montrachet Premier Cru, Meursault Premier Cru et Chablis Grand Cru, ont présenté des primes plus élevées.  相似文献   

Market access measures employed by economists and spatial analysts may not adequately capture local market or product‐specific variation. Analysis is conducted on the effects of market access on two commodities in the Kenyan highlands: milk and bean seeds. Both simple and composite measures of market access are applied to spatial price formation models to create spatial price decay functions in the context of household‐specific transaction costs. Composite measures of market access include negative exponential (using travel time or distance as cost) and gravity measures. The results demonstrate that the effects of market access differ significantly depending on the particular goods of interest. Simple measures of market access have the advantage of being more easily interpretable, and should therefore be preferred when communicating research outputs to the non‐scientific community, especially decision‐makers. The implications are that research addressing commodity‐specific development questions needs to look beyond generic measures of market access and develop tailored measures that reflect the characteristics of the commodity system of interest. The analysis also demonstrates that spatial price formation can be used to generate potentially more accurate measures of unit‐distance marketing costs.  相似文献   

近代无锡米市盛衰之探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙杭生  李博 《中国农史》2000,19(2):73-79

Diversification by small farmers toward high‐value crops (fruits and vegetables [F & V]) that can raise farm incomes significantly has always been in question because of several reasons such as diseconomies of scale and lack of access to inputs such as capital and information. We present evidence that in India diversification toward high‐value crops exhibits a pro‐smallholder (rather than anti‐smallholder) bias. The smallholders however play a proportionally larger role in vegetables than in fruits cultivation. These patterns are consistent with simple comparative advantage‐based production choices. Even with small landholdings if labor endowments are high, such farmers diversify toward F & V. Though fruits cultivation is also labor intensive relative to cereals, it is less so relative to vegetables. Greater capital intensity implies a comparatively important role of credit in fruits. The results are robust to several tests on specification including those related to self‐selection. Chez les petits exploitants agricoles, la diversification en faveur de cultures à valeur élevée (fruits et légumes) permettant d’accroître considérablement le revenu agricole a toujours été remise en question pour diverses raisons, notamment les déséconomies d’échelle et le manque d’accès aux intrants comme le capital et l’information. Dans le présent article, nous montrons qu’en Inde, la diversification en faveur de cultures à valeur élevée semble plutôt favorable que défavorable aux petits exploitants agricoles. Toutefois, les petits exploitants sont proportionnellement plus présents dans la culture maraîchère que dans la culture fruitière. Ces observations concordent avec les choix d’une production fondée sur les avantages comparatifs. Même dans le cas des petites exploitations, lorsque les besoins de main‐d’?uvre sont élevés, elles se tournent vers les cultures fruitière et maraîchère. Bien que la culture fruitière soit une activitéà forte intensité de main‐d’?uvre comparativement à la culture céréalière, elle l’est moins que la culture maraîchère. L’intensité de capital élevée de la culture fruitière signifie que le crédit joue aussi un rôle important. Les résultats de plusieurs tests de spécification sont robustes, y compris ceux liés à l’auto‐sélection.  相似文献   

This article provides an empirical analysis of the impact of European Union (EU) private food safety standards on pesticide use and farm‐level productivity among small‐scale vegetable producers in Kenya. We apply an extended three‐stage damage control production framework, accounting for multiple endogeneity problems, to farm‐level data collected from a random cross‐sectional sample of 539 small‐scale producers. Estimation results show that farmers producing vegetables for the domestic market use significantly lower quantities of pesticides than do export farmers. However, contrary to findings elsewhere, the econometric evidence here shows that both domestic and export‐oriented vegetable farmers in Kenya use pesticides at levels below the economic optimum. The results also show that the adoption of standards by export farmers does not have any significant impact on total pesticide use. However, adopter categories are distinguishable in terms of types of pesticide used, i.e. adopters use safer pesticides based on World Health Organization (WHO) classification. The third‐stage structural revenue model results demonstrate that adoption of standards has a positive and significant impact on revenue raised in vegetable production. Nevertheless, farmers producing for the export market are indistinguishable from those producing for the domestic farmers in terms of the total revenue earned from producing vegetables during the rainy season, on a ‘per acre’ basis. Although standards can potentially prevent resource‐poor smallholders from maintaining their position in the lucrative export markets, they can also result in positive changes in the production systems of those small‐scale farmers who adopt it, as shown by these results.  相似文献   

South Africa's sugar industry has long been distinguished by its large number of small‐scale sugarcane growers (SSGs) farming on ‘communal’ land and its peculiar privately administered regulatory structure. In recent years, however, the numbers of small‐scale growers have declined precipitously. This paper argues that the relationship between the rise and fall of SSG production and the industry's governing regulatory structure is closer than usually appreciated. The emergence of SSG production in the late 1970s and the 1980s can be traced to industry‐subsidized initiatives, disguised as small‐scale credit, to bring commercially inalienable Bantustan land into cane production with strong miller oversight. From the late 1980s to 1990s, however, the elimination of these subsidies encouraged millers to subcontract support to farmers, while simultaneously instigating an increase in SSG numbers by removing restrictions on grower registration. Although low rainfall is a central proximal factor in the rapid decline of the SSGs in the 2000s, their rapid increase was structurally fragile.  相似文献   

In this study we show that forest areas contribute significantly to the estimated benefits from outdoor recreation in Northern Ireland. Secondly we provide empirical evidence of the gains in the statistical efficiency of both benefit and parameter estimates obtained by analysing follow‐up responses with Double Bounded interval data analysis. As these gains are considerable, it is clearly worth considering this method in CVM survey design even when moderately large sample sizes are used. Finally we demonstrate that estimates of means and medians of WTP distributions for access to forest recreation show plausible magnitude, are consistent with previous UK studies, and converge across parametric and non‐parametric methods of estimation.  相似文献   

Land conversion to urban use typically accompanies economic development but raises concerns about food security. Debates of these issues often rely on incomplete and incompatible evidence. This study uses satellite‐detected luminosity, from 1992 to 2012, to examine the urban land expansion of 41 major urban areas in Indonesia. The trend annual expansion rate is 2.0 per cent, which is comparable to the rate for India and just one‐third of the rate for China, as estimated with the same data and methods. Prior to the Asian Financial Crisis in 1997/98, the rate of urban expansion was faster, and the income elasticity of urban expansion was much higher. About 85 per cent of the area of urban expansion had formerly been grassland, shrub or woodland, and just 7.0 per cent was former cropland so food security concerns about urban expansion may be overstated.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the inter‐regional impacts of CAP measures implemented in the rural town of Archanes (Crete, Greece), an area which received considerable EU Agricultural Guarantee and rural development funds during the 1990s. A hybrid, three‐area Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) with three groups of households defined by income level is constructed to describe inter‐linkages between three rural–urban localities, namely the rural area of Archanes, the less‐developed, agriculturally dependent, neighbouring rural area of N. Kazantzakis, and the adjacent urban centre of Heraklion. Results are reported on the diffusion patterns of economic impacts generated by three types of CAP measure: farm income support; aids to increased agricultural productivity; aids to economic diversification. These show that the diffusion of policy‐induced economic impacts from Archanes is lower than might be expected for a small open local economy, and that benefits leak primarily to Heraklion and marginally to rural N. Kazantzakis. Finally, generated income benefits seem to accrue mostly in favour of high‐income households, especially in the case of Guarantee subsidies.  相似文献   

In this note relationships among agricultural prices are studied to offer a guide to the degree of market integration. Unlike many previous studies, which examine market integration using pairs of prices, we conduct testing in a multivariate framework to exploit the information embodied in the indirect price linkages. We focus on the formulation of hypotheses that identify the cointegration space using time series data on European pork and lamb markets. Results indicate that the national markets for pork are more closely integrated than those for lamb. Extraneous market information is exploited in an attempt to identify the cause of this segmentation in the European lamb market, although results do not support any of the hypotheses proposed.  相似文献   

Multilateral negotiations on agriculture in the WTO are making very little progress as developed economies are reluctant to bind trade‐distorting domestic support and import tariffs at levels acceptable to developing countries. This paper presents the basic Bagwell–Staiger framework as it relates to agricultural trade negotiations. In its basic version, market access commitments are sufficient to achieve efficient trade agreements. We show that vertical linkages between agricultural goods and processed food commodities may prevent countries to reach an efficient trade agreement. We argue that the features of agricultural supply chains hinder the argument that total discretion over domestic policies is appropriate. Les négociations multilatérales de l'OMC sur l'agriculture progressent très lentement étant donné que les pays développés hésitent à maintenir un soutien interne qui fausse les échanges et des barrières tarifaires à des niveaux acceptables pour les pays en développement. Le présent article traite du modèle Bagwell–Staiger dans le contexte des négociations sur le commerce des produits agricoles. Dans sa version de base, les engagements quant à l'accès au marché sont suffisants pour permettre des échanges commerciaux efficaces. Nous montrons que les liens verticaux entre les produits agricoles et les produits alimentaires transformés peuvent empêcher les pays d'atteindre un accord commercial efficace. Nous soutenons que les caractéristiques des chaînes d'approvisionnement agricole entravent l'argument voulant que l'entière discrétion quant aux politiques intérieures soit appropriée.  相似文献   

对构建中国城乡统一的土地市场的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立城乡统一和公开竞争的土地市场,是完善城乡土地统一管理的核心。只有建立城乡统一的土地市场,才能发挥市场对土地资源配置的基础性作用,才能在征地过程中彻底消除集体土地和国有土地的产权歧视,从而从根本上阻止征地冲突。构建我国城乡统一的土地市场应分三步走。第一步,解决城乡统一的土地市场的市场主体问题;第二步,在农村集体土地产权清晰的基础上,推进农村集体建设用地使用权出让市场,农村集体农地承包经营权流转市场和农村集体土地所有权的建设;第三步,农村集体土地和城市国有土地在同权下自由竞争、平等交易,达到自然融合。  相似文献   

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