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后疫情时代员工的心理健康成为工作场所的突出问题,需要进一步明确其形成机理。基于印记理论和资源保存理论,具体探讨原生家庭沟通模式对员工主观幸福感和情绪耗竭的影响及其中介机制。通过对173名员工的多时点问卷调查和数据分析,研究结果表明:原生家庭对话沟通模式正向影响员工的主观幸福感,负向影响员工的情绪耗竭;原生家庭服从沟通模式正向影响员工的情绪耗竭;原生家庭服从沟通模式负向调节原生家庭对话沟通模式对心理资本的正向影响;原生家庭服从沟通模式负向调节心理资本在原生家庭对话沟通模式与员工主观幸福感、情绪耗竭之间的中介作用,即原生家庭服从沟通模式水平越低,心理资本的中介作用越强。文章拓展了组织管理领域的研究视角,同时也在选人用人的层面为组织管理实践提供了理论支持。  相似文献   

文章基于资源保存理论,以273名员工为样本,探讨了威权领导是否会通过员工的情绪耗竭导致时间侵占行为的产生,并重点关注了工作嵌入的正向调节作用。结果表明:员工的情绪耗竭部分中介了威权领导对员工时间侵占行为的影响;工作嵌入正向调节威权领导与员工情绪耗竭之间的关系;工作嵌入正向调节员工情绪耗竭在威权领导和时间侵占行为之间的中介效应。研究结果有助于揭示时间侵占行为产生的内在机制和边界条件,以及工作嵌入可能存在的不利影响。  相似文献   

员工沉默是近年来组织行为学领域关注的热点问题.本研究基于进化心理学理论和领导成员交换理论,构建管理者自恋与员工沉默关系的研究模型.通过两阶段的问卷调查,检验管理者自恋与员工沉默的关系、 心理安全感的中介作用及上下级关系的调节作用.研究结果表明:(1)管理者自恋与员工沉默显著正相关,员工的心理安全感在两者之间起部分中介作用;(2)上下级关系负向调节管理者自恋与心理安全感之间的关系,即上下级关系质量越高,管理者自恋与员工心理安全感的负相关关系越弱;(3)上下级关系显著负向调节心理安全感对管理者自恋与员工沉默之间关系的中介作用,即上下级关系质量越高,心理安全感的中介作用就越强;反之则越弱.  相似文献   

随着消费经济的兴起与服务业的发展,企业服务性岗位员工因情绪劳动引发的负面效应越来越受到理论界和实践界的关注。文章基于资源保护理论与组织支持理论,以通讯公司客服人员为研究对象,探讨表层扮演对离职倾向的影响机制,重点分析情绪耗竭的中介作用与组织支持的调节效应。研究发现:表层扮演会影响员工的离职倾向;情绪耗竭在表层扮演与离职倾向的正向关系间具有完全中介作用;组织支持感和主管支持感对表层扮演和情绪耗竭的关系具有调节效应。研究结论丰富和发展了情绪劳动的理论模型,并提出企业可以采取相应的干预措施缓解员工由于表层扮演带来的情绪耗竭和离职倾向问题。  相似文献   

基于工作需求-资源模型,在个体内层次从需求视角探讨每日职场排斥通过每日创造力过程投入的中介作用影响员工每日创造力的动态作用机制,在个体间层次从资源视角探讨绩效证明目标取向在每日职场排斥与每日创造力关系中的调节作用.采用日记调研法获得112名员工连续10个工作日的1120个样本,运用多层线性模型进行假设检验,结果表明:每日职场排斥对每日创造力具有显著的负效应;每日创造力过程投入在该过程中起中介作用;绩效证明目标取向负向调节每日职场排斥对每日创造力过程投入的负效应,同时负向调节每日创造力过程投入在每日职场排斥与每日创造力关系中的中介作用.  相似文献   

本文尝试探索个体特质和工作情境因素对个体的行为与绩效的影响,基于特质激活理论,以前瞻性行为为中介变量、工作自主性为调节变量,构建了一个有调节的中介模型,研究促进型调节焦点对任务绩效的影响机制。通过对广东省数十家企业的320名员工进行两阶段问卷调查与实证分析发现:促进型调节焦点通过前瞻性行为对员工的任务绩效有显著的正向影响,工作自主性正向调节促进型调节焦点与前瞻性行为之间的关系。  相似文献   

本文在对国内外相关研究进行文献综述的基础上,将学习目标导向、绩效目标导向以及规避目标导向为作为自变量,领导部属关系作为中介变量,将员工工作绩效作为因变量,构建了目标导向与工作绩效关系研究模型。分析得出,学习目标导向和绩效目标导向对指向领导部属关系有显著的正向影响关系;领导部属关系对于员工的工作绩效有显著的积极影响关系;领导部属关系对员工的目标导向和工作绩效有中介作用,但是,规避目标导向对指向领导部属关系没有任何明显的影响关系。  相似文献   

领导者在管理活动中发挥关键作用,其领导行为会极大地影响员工的工作态度、工作行为和工作绩效,进而影响组织的运作效率。通过以三家医院的医生和护士为样本的调研数据为基础,以支持型领导、知识共享、情感耗竭和工作绩效四部分建立概念模型研究了知识共享和情感耗竭对支持型领导对员工工作绩效的中介效应。结果表明:支持型领导对员工的工作绩效产生正向影响且知识共享和情感耗竭在支持型领导与员工工作绩效间一正一负均起到部分中介作用;领导应为员工提供支持营造良好的组织气氛来提高员工对组织的归属感,增加知识共享,降低员工的工作挫败感和压力从而提高员工的工作绩效。  相似文献   

巨变时代,员工工作疏离感的消极体验所带来的负面效应不可小觑,领导者如何降低员工的工作疏离感成为学术界与实践界关注的热点。文章整合社会交换理论与社会信息处理理论,以322名员工为样本,基于组织集体主义视角揭示了自我牺牲型领导对员工工作疏离感的跨层次影响机制。研究结果表明:自我牺牲型领导对员工工作疏离感有显著的跨层次负向作用,上下级关系中介了自我牺牲型领导对工作疏离感的作用;组织集体主义不仅跨层次中介自我牺牲型领导与工作疏离感的关系,而且跨层次调节上下级关系与工作疏离感之间的负向关系。  相似文献   

与以往基于社会交换、社会心理和社会比较视角的研究不同,本文基于社会认定视角,考察了下属对领导的认同在辱虐管理与下属工作绩效和离职意愿关系中的中介作用,以及下属权力距离导向在这一过程中的调节作用。以296名下属及其直接上司为研究对象,结果发现:(1) 辱虐管理会降低下属对领导的认同,并通过领导认同的中介作用对工作绩效和离职意愿产生影响;(2) 下属权力距离导向会调节辱虐管理与领导认同的关系,表现为对低权力距离导向的下属来说,辱虐管理对领导认同的负向影响相对更强。本文从新的理论视角解释了辱虐管理的作用,揭示了辱虐管理影响下属工作绩效和离职意愿的内在机制和作用条件。  相似文献   

In this study, we examined the relationship between workplace negative gossip, as perceived by the targets, and proactive behavior by focusing on the mediating role of the target’s emotional exhaustion and the moderating role of the target’s traditionality. Our results from dyadic data on 234 supervisor–subordinate relationships in China revealed that (1) workplace negative gossip was negatively related to proactive behavior; (2) emotional exhaustion mediated this relationship; and (3) traditionality strengthened both the relationship between workplace negative gossip and emotional exhaustion and the indirect effect of workplace negative gossip on proactive behavior via emotional exhaustion. Our findings have a number of theoretical and practical implications for the research on mistreatment and proactive behavior.  相似文献   

Grounded in the interactionist paradigm, this study shows that emotional exhaustion and perceived safety climate constitute important moderators of the relationship between proactive personality and work performance. More specifically, the study analyzes the relationship between proactive personality and its behavioural outcomes—organizational citizenship behaviour (OCB) and job performance—and investigates the interactive effects of emotional exhaustion and perceived safety climate. The study involves 485 Chinese airline employees including pilots, flight attendants, engineers, and service employees. Proactive personality positively predicted OCB and individual performance. Emotional exhaustion and perceived safety climate moderated the relationship between proactive personality and individual performance both independently and jointly. Implications of the findings for future research are discussed. Copyright © 2009 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Drawing from research on person–organization fit, work engagement, and emotional intelligence, this study investigates the mediating role of work engagement in the link between goal congruence and organizational deviance, as well as how this mediating effect might be moderated by emotional intelligence. Data captured from 272 employees of four IT companies show that the goal congruence between employees and their supervisor negatively affects the former’s organizational deviance, though this effect disappears when controlling for the intermediate role of work engagement. Further, emotional intelligence moderates both the positive relationship between goal congruence and work engagement and the negative relationship between work engagement and organizational deviance, such that these relationships become invigorated at higher levels of emotional intelligence. The findings also reveal that the indirect effect of goal congruence on organizational deviance through work engagement is more pronounced at higher levels of emotional intelligence, which offers evidence of moderated mediation. These findings have significant implications for research and practice.  相似文献   

基于战略人力资源管理理论,在文献回顾的基础上,将人力资源柔性作为中介变量引入到高参与工作系统对工作绩效作用机制的研究中,同时运用多元线性回归和结构方程模型方法对假设理论模型进行实证分析。研究结果表明:高参与工作系统对人力资源柔性、工作绩效具有显著正向影响;高参与工作系统四个维度对人力资源柔性等有正向影响;人力资源柔性在高参与工作系统与工作绩效关系中起部分中介作用,增强人力资源柔性对提高工作绩效有重要作用。  相似文献   

This study integrates Social Cognitive Theory with the Job Demands‐Resources Model to examine self‐efficacy in relation to emotional exhaustion and work‐family conflict (WFC) in a sample of 192 employees. The results obtained through structural equation analysis show: a negative association between self‐efficacy and both work overload and emotional exhaustion; a positive relationship between work overload and both emotional exhaustion and WFC; that work overload mediates the relation between self‐efficacy and both emotional exhaustion and WFC; that role ambiguity moderates the relation of self‐efficacy with work overload; and that tenure in the sales territory moderates the relation of work overload with WFC. Copyright © 2018 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Building on social exchange theory and attribution theory, this study unpacks the relationship between employees' perceptions of organizational politics and job performance, considering the mediating effect of career plateau beliefs and the moderating effect of leader interpersonal unfairness. The findings provide empirical support for the theoretical predictions. An important reason for which perceptions of dysfunctional organizational politics reduce job performance is that employees develop beliefs that opportunities for their career development are limited. This mediating role of career plateau beliefs is particularly salient to the extent that employees are exposed to organizational leaders who treat them with disrespect. Organizations can mitigate the risk that highly politicized decision-making processes lead to negative performance outcomes by stimulating fair interpersonal relationships.  相似文献   

This study examined how servant leadership influences employees in terms of work-to-family conflict (WFC) and work-to-family positive spillover (WFPS). These effects were explored through a focus on the mediating roles of emotional exhaustion and personal learning. The results, which were based on time-lagged data collection in China, indicated that employee perceptions of servant leadership related negatively to WFC and positively to WFPS. Moreover, reduced emotional exhaustion and enhanced personal learning mediated the relationship between servant leadership and WFPS. Furthermore, reduced emotional exhaustion (but not enhanced personal learning) mediated the relationship between servant leadership and WFC. Our study’s results provide insightful theoretical and managerial implications and offer new directions for research on leadership and work–family relations.  相似文献   

This research examines Generation Y employees' retail work experience. Based upon Brown and Peterson's [Brown SP, Peterson RA, Antecedents and consequences of salesperson job satisfaction: meta-analysis and assessment of causal effects. J Mark Res 1993; 30: 63-77; Brown SP, Peterson RA, The effect of effort on sales performance and job satisfaction. J Mark 1994; 58: 70-80.] job satisfaction model, Gen Y employees work experience framework encompasses the work environment variables of role conflict, role ambiguity, supervisory support, and work involvement to predict job performance, job satisfaction, and, ultimately, retail career intention. Drawing from the job crafting perspective in management theory [Wrzesniewski and Dutton, 2001], this research tests the mediating effect of job characteristics between work environment and job outcomes using structural equation modeling. Study participants were members of a national sample of students (n = 803) from 14 universities in the United States. The findings indicate that job characteristics have a critical mediating role on the relationships for Gen Y employees, suggesting a paradigm shift from passive to active employees who craft their jobs, roles, and selves within a retail organizational context.  相似文献   

As the Chinese economy moves toward a market-based model, employees are likely to face more emotional demands and exhaustion at work. However, there are some unique aspects to the emotional demands of work in the Chinese cultural context. We investigate emotional demands and exhaustion in China with a large-scale sample across the six major occupations identified by the Holland classification system. Results show that incumbents of social and enterprising jobs face higher emotional demands. Unexpectedly, exhaustion differs significantly between conventional and other types of jobs. Building on the Job Demand-Resources (JD-R) model, job crafting and the cultural context, we propose that the nonlinear relationship of emotional demands and exhaustion exists only when emotional intelligence is low. Our study may inform practitioners and policy makers in Chinese enterprises about emotional demands and exhaustion for various occupations and the importance of selection and training programs in emotional intelligence.  相似文献   

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