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本研究以压力认知评价理论视角为切入点,探讨为什么同样是面对不合规任务,不同类型的员工所表现出的反应为何不同,高心理弹性的员工是否可以有效缓解不合规任务所带来的影响.本研究的调研对象主要针对苏宁控股集团的企业员工,采取网上调查为主的数据获取方式,共收回有效问卷507份,通过实证分析得出结果.研究结果表明,部分假设成立,不...  相似文献   

张兰  ;王艳军 《消费导刊》2009,(20):123-124
本文回顾和综述了国内外学者对情绪智力内涵和外延的认识,分析与探讨情绪智力对员工工作绩效的影响,认识到情绪智力会对组织中不同层次员工的绩效产生影响。有关情绪智力对工作绩效影响的研究还有待深化,这方面的进一步研究将为人力资源管理实践提供理论指导。  相似文献   

本文尝试探索个体特质和工作情境因素对个体的行为与绩效的影响,基于特质激活理论,以前瞻性行为为中介变量、工作自主性为调节变量,构建了一个有调节的中介模型,研究促进型调节焦点对任务绩效的影响机制。通过对广东省数十家企业的320名员工进行两阶段问卷调查与实证分析发现:促进型调节焦点通过前瞻性行为对员工的任务绩效有显著的正向影响,工作自主性正向调节促进型调节焦点与前瞻性行为之间的关系。  相似文献   

通过对有关情绪动与工作绩效相互关系的文献进行梳理,本文应用情感事件理论探讨了情绪劳动、组织支持感与员工工作绩效之间的跨层关系,并且在不同层次上讨论了组织支持感对情绪劳动与工作绩效相互关系的调节作用;通过建立情绪劳动、组织支持感、工作绩效的作用模型,指出情绪劳动与工作绩效的关系,即深层扮演与工作绩效呈正相关关系,真实情绪表达与工作绩效之间也存在正相关关系,表层扮演行为与工作绩效之间存在负相关关系,组织支持感对情绪劳动与工作绩效的关系有调节作用。  相似文献   

研究辱虐管理对员工心态(情感承诺、情绪耗竭)的影响效果,探讨员工代际差异在其影响机制中的调节作用。共收集661份有效样本数据,采用层级回归和分组回归对文章提出的假设进行检验。结果表明,辱虐管理与情感承诺、情绪耗竭有显著的相关关系,且存在代际差异的调节效应,辱虐管理对新生代员工情绪耗竭的正效应更显著,对文革代员工情感承诺的负效应更显著。最后讨论了本研究的管理启示、研究不足以及研究展望。  相似文献   

茹国军 《商》2016,(4):15+14
现阶段我国正处在全面改革发展重要时期,在这一时期的企业也面临着更为激烈的竞争市场,而企业要想在市场中获得更好的发展,就要能在多个管理层面进行改革。企业的管理工程中,人力资源管理是比较核心的管理内容,其中薪酬管理是比较直接的促进人员积极性的管理方式,并对企业员工的工作绩效的影响也比较大。基于此,本文主要就企业管理中薪酬管理的公平性和评判标准加以分析,然后就绩效薪酬和工作绩效进行对比分析,接着就绩效薪酬内部结构特征和对企业员工工作绩效的影响进行详细分析。希望能够通过此次理论研究,有助于企业员工的进一步发展。  相似文献   

在众多影响员工工作绩效的因素当中(企业价值文化、人才培养体系等等),薪酬的公平性与有效性是决定企业能否留住人才以及发挥人才功能的关键。文章首先界定企业薪酬管理公平性的概念与内涵,在此基础上探索企业薪酬管理公平性对员工工作绩效的影响,为企业经济效益的提高提供思考。  相似文献   

工作场所中的员工前摄行为研究已经成为组织行为学领域的研究热点.本文探讨任务自主性、 超角色自我效能与支持性组织氛围影响员工前摄行为的作用机制,通过层级回归与bootstrap分析,研究结果发现:超角色自我效能在任务自主性与员工前摄行为之间具有部分中介作用.支持性组织氛围对超角色自我效能的中介作用具有调节效应,超角色自我效能对员工前摄行为的影响随着支持性组织氛围的增加而增加.  相似文献   

文章基于资源保存理论,以273名员工为样本,探讨了威权领导是否会通过员工的情绪耗竭导致时间侵占行为的产生,并重点关注了工作嵌入的正向调节作用。结果表明:员工的情绪耗竭部分中介了威权领导对员工时间侵占行为的影响;工作嵌入正向调节威权领导与员工情绪耗竭之间的关系;工作嵌入正向调节员工情绪耗竭在威权领导和时间侵占行为之间的中介效应。研究结果有助于揭示时间侵占行为产生的内在机制和边界条件,以及工作嵌入可能存在的不利影响。  相似文献   

小型团队领导者工作绩效测量模型研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
王宝荣  靳继超 《商业研究》2011,(11):121-126
由于我国企业面临开放的市场,竞争和动荡的环境对执行力产生了更高的要求,执行力不足成为严重困扰我国企业的普遍性现象。企业执行力与企业中的小型团队领导者密不可分。小型团队领导者的工作绩效对企业战略目标和发展规划的执行及实现程度,具有至关重要的影响。为此,如何测量、评估并提高小型团队领导者的工作绩效,是一个迫切需要研究的问题。  相似文献   

尹俊  王辉  刘斌 《商业研究》2013,(6):95-101
本文运用多层线性回归分析方法,探讨了员工个体内层面因素(积极情感、消极情感和工作满意度)对员工工作绩效(任务绩效、情境绩效和反生产绩效)的影响,并检验了个体间层面因素(领导-部属交换)对这些影响的跨层调节作用。研究结果表明:员工的积极情感与其任务绩效和情境绩效正相关;员工的消极情感与其反生产绩效正相关;与领导-部属交换水平高的员工相比,低水平领导-部属交换的员工,积极情感与情境绩效的正相关关系更强。  相似文献   

基于工作特征模型合理优化工作设计是企业管理者提升员工创造力的重要途径,文章通过对236名企业员工的问卷调查,实证研究工作自主性和技能多样性对员工创造力的影响,并从“人一职”匹配理论视角探讨学习目标取向和创意自我效能感的调节效应.结果表明:工作自主性和技能多样性均对员工创造力有正向预测作用;创意自我效能感越强,工作自主性与创造力的正相关性越弱,技能多样性与创造力的正相关性越强.文章最后总结了研究结果的理论和实践意义,并指出了未来的研究方向.  相似文献   


Purpose: The goal of this paper is to investigate whether salesperson proactive behavior mediates the relationship between sales manager servant leadership and salesperson overall performance rating by the sales manager. Moreover, it examines whether salesperson customer orientation and political skill moderate the sales manager servant leadership ? salesperson proactive behavior ─ salesperson overall performance. Design/methodology/approach: Empirical analysis is based on dyadic data from 181 industrial salespeople and their sales managers in a range of different industries (including both manufacturing and service industries). To analyze the multilevel moderated mediation process, this investigation uses Multilevel Structural Equation Modeling (MSEM). Findings: Sales manager servant leadership was positively related to salespeople overall performance rating through their proactive behavior except when their customer orientation was low. Moreover, this relationship between sales manager servant leadership and overall performance rating through proactive work behavior was stronger the greater the salespeople consumer orientation and political skill. Research implications: The study suggests that sales manager servant leadership is indirectly related to salesperson overall performance rating through salesperson proactive behavior. The findings also support subsequent research on salesperson values, skills, and behaviors as moderators in the servant leadership – proactive behavior – overall performance rating relationship. Understanding how these salesperson factors interact with sales management leadership to produce organizational outcomes (e.g., stress, engagement, organizational commitment) are questions that sales researchers may wish to pursue via further study. Practical implications: Sales managers should employ servant leadership to stimulate salespeople proactive work behavior. This study clearly indicates the salespeople need to adopt customer orientation and to have political skill. Hence, sales managers need to try to improve the customer orientation and the political skill of their salespeople through selection procedures or training programs. Originality/value: The relationship between sales manager servant leadership and salesperson overall performance through proactive work behavior has not been addressed and tested in the literature to date.  相似文献   

Scholars have recognized the important role that entrepreneurial orientation (EO) plays in driving firm performance. However, this relationship is not yet well understood and studies have sought to examine various contingencies that might mediate or moderate this relationship. This study investigates the impact of organization behavior variables on the EO – firm performance relationship. The structural model was tested using primary data from 321 South Korean industrial firms. The results show that EO is positively related to firm performance and that adaptive organizational culture and people-centered management have a multiple mediating effect on the relationship between EO and firm performance.  相似文献   

Professional truck drivers experience many challenges in the course of performing their jobs. Drivers must meet the needs of their company, shippers, and receivers as well as comply with safety regulations. It is well documented that truck drivers are prone to physical exhaustion; however, they may also be subject to emotional exhaustion, which can impact their decision to remain with a company. This research examines the influence of job stressors, such as role conflict and role ambiguity and their relationship to emotional exhaustion in professional truck drivers. Furthermore, the effect that job stressors and emotional exhaustion have on the efforts of a firm to build corporate identification, collective mind, and commitment among truck drivers is examined. Using qualitative and quantitative data from 435 professional truck drivers, a conceptual model is developed and tested using structural equation modeling. Findings are discussed and implications for managers in improving driver retention rates are offered.  相似文献   

This study explores the factor structure of job performance and each performance dimension's relative importance in determining supervisors' overall job performance ratings. We found that the optimal factor structure of job performance includes five dimensions: task performance, organizational citizenship behaviour directed toward the organization and individuals (OCB‐O and OCB‐I, respectively), and counterproductive work behaviour directed toward the organization and individuals (CWB‐O and CWB‐I, respectively). The percent‐based relative weight (%RW) is the highest for task performance in determining job performance, followed by OCB and CWB. Interestingly, the %RW of non‐task performance dimensions directed toward the organization (OCB‐O and CWB‐O) is similar to the %RW of task performance but greater than the %RW of non‐task performance dimensions directed toward individuals (OCB‐I and CWB‐I). Copyright © 2018 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

组织分配制度对工作满意度与绩效相关性影响实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首先借鉴影响变量论的观点,分析了组织分配制度对员工工作满意度与绩效相关性的调节作用;其次,对工作满意度和绩效概念进行了细分,在此基础上,提出有关组织分配制度如何影响员工工作满意度与绩效相关性的五条假设;接着,采用问卷调查法对本文提出的假设进行实证研究,结果表明组织分配制度对工作满意度与绩效相关性具有显著影响;最后,根据研究结论,提出相应建议。  相似文献   

增加选择数量是否会提高满意度是经济学、心理学和营销学的热点问题。当消费者对某一刺激目标同时存在积极和消极的评价时,即矛盾态度怎样影响选择数量和满意度的关系?2个实验结果表明,选择数量对满意度的影响是通过决策困难水平实现的,当选择数量影响决策困难水平时,会产生选择超载。矛盾态度对决策困难水平与满意度的关系有调节作用,对矛盾态度较高者,选择“多多益善”,选择数量增加使消费者满意度提高;相反,对矛盾态度较低者,选择“适可而止”,选择数量增加使消费者满意度降低。  相似文献   

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