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农业生产周期长、受气候变化影响大、价格波动剧烈,因此农产品生产和销售对农业政策具有较强依赖性。美国是全球最大的农业生产和农产品贸易国,农产品竞争力领先全球,除了得益于有利发展农业的自然条件,其贸易促进政策起到了重要的支持作用。本文以美国农产品贸易政策为研究对象,从农业立法和持续修法、农业补贴和保险、自由贸易协定中的农业条款、农产品贸易融资、支持企业拓展海外市场、提升农产品通关安全便利等角度,分析美国如何通过贸易政策培育国际竞争力,在稳定农业生产、确保粮食安全的同时,推动农产品贸易长期稳定增长。在此基础上,结合我国当前农产品贸易支持政策存在的问题,对我国农业贸易发展提出对策建议。  相似文献   

近年来由于国际市场环境恶化和我国自农业自身的不足,我国农产品贸易发展面临着严竣挑战,同时一些国家的严格标准,更让中国的农产品贸易雪上加霜。因此,我国应逐步采取措施,更好地在农产品贸易中维护自身利益。  相似文献   

中国农产品贸易回顾与展望   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
中国农村改革的20年,也是中国农业对外开放不断深入的20年。中国农业国际竞争力不断增强,出口市场不断扩大,出口创汇稳步增长,有力地促进和配合了国民经济的调整发展。中国农产品贸易的发展1.农产品进出口贸易额增长迅速。按《国际贸易分类标准分类》定义的农产...  相似文献   

帅传敏 《国际贸易》2005,(10):34-38
在经济全球化和贸易自由的进程中,农产品国际贸易历来是最敏感和最复杂的问题,也是各国在WTO多边贸易谈判中争议最多、最难达成共识的贸易问题。在世界贸易组织的倡导和推动下,虽然从总体上来看,农产品国际贸易正朝着自由贸易和公平贸易的方向发展,但各国贸易保护主义的色彩依然相当浓厚。从农产品国际贸易的组织形式来看,国营贸易企业的普遍采用、政府操纵与寡头垄断是其主要的特征。发达国家的加拿大、澳大利亚、美国、欧盟和日本,发展中国家的韩国和印度等对主要农产品的进出口贸易采取的高度垄断经营,这些国家操纵国际农产品市场的重要政策工具之一就是通过形式各异的国营贸易企业进行直接或间接的垄断经营。  相似文献   

中国与东盟农产品贸易竞争和贸易互补实证分析   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
本文运用贸易相对竞争指数、出口相似性指数和贸易互补指数,测算了中国与东盟主要国家农产品的贸易竞争和互补关系。结果显示,中国与东盟在农产品贸易上以竞争为主,且出口相似程度较高;中国农产品比较优势和双方贸易互补性也逐年下降。在此基础上,分析了造成这一现象的原因并提出相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

国际农产品贸易中技术性贸易壁垒的现状与趋势   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
以食品安全为核心的农产品技术法规与标准要求越来越严格,正以一种超乎关税壁垒的力量,阻挡着弱势企业进入国际市场。为此,既要知其原由,又要了解国际农产品贸易中技术壁垒产生的背景、主要表现形式、现状与发展趋势。  相似文献   

中国与新兴市场国家双边农产品贸易影响因素及潜力研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于2005年~2015年协调制度(HS)4位编码的农产品贸易面板数据,构建扩展的贸易引力模型,从总量和分类层面分析中国与12个新兴市场国家农产品贸易的影响因素,并测算其贸易潜力.中国与新兴市场国家双边农产品贸易总体上略微“贸易过度”,但中国与许多新兴市场国家在4种分类农产品上表现为“贸易不足”,新兴市场仍存在较大潜力.因此,中国应当调整农产品进出口结构、实施市场多元化战略、增强自身经济、积极加入区域经济组织、大力开发市场潜力.  相似文献   

通过对中澳双方的农产品贸易现状的统计分析,并运用显示性比较优势指数、产业内贸易指数具体分析中国与澳大利亚农产品贸易的互补性和竞争性。研究结果表明中澳农产品在主要出口市场上的竞争性不强,农产品双边贸易的互补性较强,但中国在双边贸易中的逆差状况很难逆转。应进一步加强双边农业贸易领域的合作与交流,建立解决争端协调机制,充分发掘两国贸易的应有潜力。  相似文献   

<正> 二次战后,国际农产品贸易的作用日益增大,结构日益多样化,竞争也日益加剧。与此同时,农产品贸易中的保护主义,特别是发达国家的农产品贸易保护长期盛行。尽管1993年11月原欧共体和美国达成了《布莱尔大厦协议》,乌拉圭回合农业谈判结束,各国都表示要降低农产品关税和开放农产品市场,但是乌拉圭回合农业协议所规定的市场开放度仅为3~5%,也就是说仍然存在相当程度的关税保护和卫生与植物检疫的高标准等保护措施,国际农产品市场的贸易保护主义依然严重。  相似文献   

近年来,河南省农产品产业内贸易发展迅速,但整体发展滞后、水平偏低,贸易方式以垂直型为主。还存在农业产业化程度低,缺乏规模经济,农产品差异化和加工程度低,质量安全体系不完善,流通成本高,出口管理机制落后等问题。应通过转变农产品生产经营模式,优化农产品出口贸易结构,建立健全农产品质量安全体系,完善农产品贸易便利化措施来提高河南省农产品产业内贸易水平。  相似文献   

The rules governing trade and capital flows have been at the centre of controversy as globalisation has proceeded. One reason is the belief that trade and capital flows have massive effects on the labour market – either positive, per the claims of international financial institutions and free trade enthusiasts, or negative, per the ubiquitous protestors at WTO, IMF and World Bank meetings demanding global labour standards. Comparing the claims made in this debate with the outcomes of trade agreements, this paper finds that the debate has exaggerated the effects of trade on economies and the labour market. Changes in trade policy have had modest impacts on the labour market. Other aspects of globalisation – immigration, capital flows and technology transfer – have greater impacts, with volatile capital flows creating great risk for the well-being of workers. As for labour standards, global standards do not threaten the comparative advantage of developing countries nor do poor labour standards create a ‘race to the bottom’.  相似文献   

国际直接投资和国际贸易是跨国公司参与国际市场活动的主要方式。国际直接投资和国际贸易既存在互替效应也存在互补效应。在一个不完全竞争市场上,跨国公司在其国际化生产经营活动过程中,如何选择和协调其生产活动,是选择出口贸易,还是选择国际直接投资,它要考虑的因素是多方面的,也是动态的,体现一种综合的协调和选择效应。  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of two European Union (EU) market access regulations in the food sector presumed to simultaneously affect firms’ decisions to export food products to the EU. We analysed EU pesticide standards on African exports alongside a complementary non‐tariff measure in the form of a minimum entry price regulation, which aims to protect EU growers of certain fruits and vegetables against international competition. Analysis was based on Africa's exports of tomatoes, oranges, and lime and lemon to the EU between 2008 and 2013, using the gravity model of trade. Our results show that EU market access conditions constitute significant barrier to the formation of new trade relation between the EU and Africa. In addition, initiation of trade relationships is contingent not only on market access conditions but also on domestic market constraints in Africa. These results imply that negotiating preferential entry prices duties and the removal of domestic market restraints as well as strengthening domestic capacity to comply with EU standards to enhance continuous market access for the continent could stimulate food trade along the extensive margin.  相似文献   

Setting Standards: Strategic Advantages in International Trade   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Among the most important technical barriers to trade are the different standards, testing and certification measures for products and services. Efforts to co-ordinate these within Europe - including the EU's increasing reliance on private sector standards bodies - are now underway. The EU's single market has not only integrated national markets, but has also shaped trading principles at the international level. The EU has exported its trade principles to third country markets and European companies have gained strategic advantages in influencing standards both internally within Europe and externally at the international and transatlantic level. Firms should invest resources and actively participate in setting standards to protect and increase their competitive advantage.  相似文献   

我国农产品贸易在农业对外开放之后取得了巨大的发展,但受金融危机的影响,我国农产品贸易面临着国际市场需求疲软,农产品贸易壁垒严重、生产成本上升、竞争优势减弱等困境。其应对策略是:优化资源配置,提高农产品的国际竞争力;调整农产品出口结构,进一步开拓国际市场;加强汇率调节,稳定人民币币值;健全农产品质量安全体系,全面提高农产品质量;完善相关法律体系,积极应对贸易壁垒。  相似文献   

The traditional theory of international trade assumes that there is a substitution relationship between international trade and migration flows. However, trade liberalization in Latin America has come with an increase in emigration. This article, based on an econometric analysis for the period 1981–2002, shows that there is a complementary relationship between trade and international migration. One explanation is related to the Washington Consensus. In particular, higher labor market flexibility, in the context of trade openness, has resulted in higher levels of unemployment. Therefore, emigration represents a safety valve that reduces the pressure on Latin American labor markets.  相似文献   

标准在中外贸易竞争中发挥着重要作用,根据标准的发布机构属性、区域和作用对象的不同,本文分析各种分类的标准共同组成一个开放、发展的庞大标准体系,研究了标准和标准体系对市场竞争、市场有序运行、国际贸易的促进作用,结合对标准固有属性的分析,认为实施标准的市场效用具有信息共享、促进创新、实现兼容、改进技术、建立消费信心、支撑国家法律、建立安全、环境规范等特点。  相似文献   

本文首先在Krugman的国际金融乘数模型的基础上引入产品市场,建立了一个既包含国际贸易乘数效应又包含国际金融乘数效应的两国经济依存模型。在该模型中,各国的资产市场与产品市场通过财富效应和收入效应建立互动关系,两国的资产市场之间通过国际金融乘数效应建立互动关系,两国的产品市场之间通过国际贸易乘数效应建立互动关系。然后本文通过该模型分析了当本国资产市场上出现负向需求冲击时的后果。分析结果显示,本国资产市场上出现的负向需求冲击会直接导致本国资产价格下跌,而本国资产价格下跌一方面通过财富效应导致本国产出下降,另一方面通过国际金融乘数效应引发外国的资产价格下跌,本国产出下降又会通过国际贸易乘数效应导致外国产出下降。  相似文献   

World trade in food has expanded significantly over the years and traditional tariff barriers have reduced with increasing commitments under the WTO. The industrialised countries potentially offer higher returns to food exporters from developing countries, but also pose a greater challenge in market access through stringent safety and quality standards. This paper analyses how this has impacted the Indian marine export industry, and the industry response to this challenge. The large firms are upgrading to signal quality in the OECD markets, while the small firms remain below the quality mark and are catering to other developing country markets where standards are not as stringent. Quality certification has thus become the basis of product differentiation and affected the pattern of trade. On the institutional front, a significant positive change is evident, with the Indian government taking measures to raise safety standards in the domestic food processing sector and increasing the credibility of its export certification agency abroad. There are also cooperative initiatives to improve testing facilities and promote equivalence of certification with OECD countries. The two‐pronged approach of investment in upgrading the food processing industry and promoting international partnership in certification with destination markets offers a good model to address the continuous quality challenge facing other food exporting developing countries.  相似文献   

中国产业内贸易:基于国家特征的经验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
产业内贸易目前已成为国际贸易的重要组成部分,并且是反映一国市场应变能力及国际分工地位的重要指标。本文选取了2000—2004年数据对影响中国产业内贸易的国家特征因素进行实证研究。结果显示:需求相似程度、要素禀赋差异、距离及文化背景这三个因素对中国产业内贸易的影响为正;国际直接投资的影响则主要体现为替代效应。  相似文献   

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