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阐述了水资源管理科学在社会经济发展中的重要性与法律的密不可分性,以及水资源管理的方法,提出今后水资源管理政策与战略目标。  相似文献   

该文对导致工程机械发动机烧轴瓦故障的润滑油品质、曲轴轴瓦装配间隙和发动机使用中环境、气候等方面的影响进行深入分析,提出了预防措施,该措施经老挝万象市2号公路施工中应用证明,效果明显.  相似文献   

农田水利基本建设、水土保持、农田灌溉、人畜饮水、中小河流堤防建设等,这里统称涉农水利.自2004年随着国家税费制度改革中取消"两工"(劳动积累工、义务工)之后,涉农水利均面临着"出工难"的窘境.这些涉农水利建设,实施时主要依靠大量使用农民工来完成,离开了农民工投入,再多的涉农水利科研成果都是纸上谈兵.如,全国水土保持先进县黑龙江省拜泉县在20多年治理水土流失中投入40多亿元人民币,其中有4/5以上是以农民投工投劳形式出现的.  相似文献   

The public perception that forests are, in all circumstances, necessarily good for the water environment, that they increase rainfall, increase runoff, regulate flows, reduce erosion, reduce floods, "sterilize" water supplies and improve water quality, has long been questioned by the scientific community. The evolving "modern" science perception suggests a more complex and generally less advantageous view of forests. It is suggested that the disparity between the two perceptions needs to be addressed before we are in a position to devise and develop land and water policies which are aimed at either improving the water environment, and by doing so improving the livelihoods of poor people by greater access to water, or conserving and protecting forests. Examples are given of "interactive" research projects in different parts of the world including the UK, South Africa, Panama and India where, through the involvement of stakeholder groups, often with representatives comprising both the science and public perceptions, research programmes have been designed and are being implemented, not only to derive new research findings with regard to the biophysical processes, but also to achieve better "ownership" and acceptance of these research findings by the stakeholder groups.  相似文献   

对于干旱半干旱地区来说,水资源的严重缺乏是制约当地经济社会发展的“瓶颈”。如何依法管水、科学治水,确保地方经济的可持续发展,始终是摆在我们水利工作者面前的重大课题。以《中华人民共和国水法》(以下简称新水法)为核心的我国现行的水法规体系,吸收了10多年来国内外水资源管理的新经验、新理念,把党和国家的治水方针、思路和目标通过法律的形式确定下来。新水法对我国面临的重大水问题均做出了有针对性的明确规定,既符合现代水法的趋势,又具有我国自己的特色。它以建立节水防污型社会、实现水资源的可持续利用,保证社会经济的可持续发展为目标,以提高用水效率为核心,把水资源的节约、保护、合理配置放在突出的位置,促进资源与社会经济、生态环境协调发展。新水法具有鲜明的时代性、针对性、科学性,体现了与时俱进的精神。与原水法相比具有以下的特点:一是强化了水资源的统一管理,注重水资源的合理配置。  相似文献   

介绍了水轮发电机定子线圈的构造,分析了影响定子线圈主绝缘寿命的原因,提出了相应的维护、检修措施及对定子线圈绝缘材料的防老化措施,以提高发电机的运行效率。  相似文献   

Applying science to conservation and restoration of the world's wetlands.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The world has an estimated 7 to 9 million km2 of wetlands which can be defined through their hydrology, physiochemical environment, and biota. Many human cultures have lived in harmony with wetland environments for centuries. Many others have not, resulting in drainage or severe impact of wetlands throughout the world. Conservation of wetlands needs to be a priority for the cultural and ecological values they provide. But a more optimistic note is that large-scale restoration and re-creation of wetlands and riverine systems is beginning to happen throughout the world through ecological engineering. Examples of large-scale wetland restoration projects are presented for Delaware Bay, the Skjern River (Denmark), Florida Everglades, Louisiana Delta, the Mississippi River Basin, and the Mesopotamian Marshlands of Iraq.  相似文献   

The precautionary principle is a legal principle concerned with the process of how decisions are made. In implementing and interpreting it regard must be had to the surrounding legal culture and in particular the principles of good administration in operation. Highlighting those principles emphasises that within a particular jurisdiction there is often very little agreement over their nature. Within the European Union contradictory principles are the product of: assumptions about risk problem-solving, the ambiguous nature of European administration, a concern with accountability in the face of recent food controversies, and the impact of international trade rules. These contradictory principles present a number of challenges for implementing the precautionary principle.  相似文献   

刘莹 《北京水务》2001,(5):33-34,38
我院《"九五"科技发展规划》的实施,是在组织落实、制度落实、资金落实和奖励落实中得以完成并取得一定成绩的.近10来,特别是近几年,如果没有科技开发,想完成这么多的工程设计任务和实现成倍增长的设计产值,是根本办不到的.只有认真总结"九五",才能使"十五"规划制定得更具激励性与挑战性. 1 组织落实是科技开发的基本保障 我院早已成立以院长为首的"科技兴水"领导小组,明确了科技工作的主管领导和各级责任人员,将各项指标量化列入领导任期目标,并通过院技术委员会或专家委员会每年进行多次检查和评审.特别是IS09000标准贯标认证以来,在院质量方针和质量目标的贯彻实施中,项目质量创优目标又在质量体系运行中,通过设计评审为积极开拓科技工作创造了有利条件.  相似文献   

肖幼 《治淮》2004,(3):11-12
一、充分认识贯彻实施<行政许可法>的重要意义 行政许可是行政机关依法管理经济、社会事务的一个重要手段,它直接关系到人民群众的切身利益.行政许可权运用得好,利国利民;运用不好,轻则影响公民权利,重则影响行政机关与人民群众的关系.过去由于缺乏有效的制度约束,乱设许可、滥用许可权现象时有发生.1998年我国开展了行政审批制度改革工作,取消了一批行政许可审批项目,开始逐步规范行政许可行为.  相似文献   

王振江 《中国水利》2011,(6):21-21,15
一、水法规制度建设回顾新中国成立以来,党和国家一直高度重视水利工作,先后出台了一系列的文件和规范保障水利工作的顺利开展。特别是改革开放以来,我国水利法制建设快速发展,不断完善,1988年水法的颁布施行,  相似文献   

Monitoring beach waters for human health has led to an increase and evolution of science in the Great Lakes, which includes microbiology, limnology, hydrology, meteorology, epidemiology, and metagenomics, among others. In recent years, concerns over the accuracy of water quality standards at protecting human health have led to a significant interest in understanding the risk associated with water contact in both freshwater and marine environments. Historically, surface waters have been monitored for fecal indicator bacteria (fecal coliforms, Escherichia coli, enterococci), but shortcomings of the analytical test (lengthy assay) have resulted in a re-focusing of scientific efforts to improve public health protection. Research has led to the discovery of widespread populations of fecal indicator bacteria present in natural habitats such as soils, beach sand, and stranded algae. Microbial source tracking has been used to identify the source of these bacteria and subsequently assess their impact on human health. As a result of many findings, attempts have been made to improve monitoring efficiency and efficacy with the use of empirical predictive models and molecular rapid tests. All along, beach managers have actively incorporated new findings into their monitoring programs. With the abundance of research conducted and information gained over the last 25 years, “Beach Science” has emerged, and the Great Lakes have been a focal point for much of the ground-breaking work. Here, we review the accumulated research on microbiological water quality of Great Lakes beaches and provide a historic context to the collaborative efforts that have advanced this emerging science.  相似文献   

清源水电站2号机组发电机推力轴承使用寿命显著缩短,停机检修导致了机组发电量的减少,带来直接和间接的经济损失,2006-2008年平均经济损失为2930元左右。通过对已损坏的多套轴承的检测,对有关数据的详细分析,本文发现了发电机轴电流是引起轴承损坏的最主要原因,并总结得出轴承易损坏的规律。同时本文还提出了防范发电机轴电流产生的具体措施,在实践应用中取到了较好的效果。  相似文献   

水利建设规模大,投入多,管好用好巨额的水利资金,为水利工程特别是骨干工程的廉政建设保驾护航,成为水利纪检监察工作的重点.浙江省水利系统各级纪检监察部门积极开展水利执法监察工作,组织了一系列以水利资金和工程质量为重点的执法监察活动,大胆探索并逐步走出了一条由部门组织开展符合水利行业特点的执法监察新途径.  相似文献   

孙凤娣  吴镝 《吉林水利》2002,(10):34-35
《中华人民共和国水土保持法》颁布实施10年来,梨树县坚持贯彻“预防为主” 的水土保持方针,以抓水土保持监督执法落实为重点,依法保护水土资源。在县人大和政府的支持下,有关部门密切配合,经过努力,在机构建设、舆论宣传、法制建设、案件查处、返还治理及方案审批方面都取得了显著成就。  相似文献   

为21世纪培养创新人才,理工科高等教育肩负着特殊的使命。创新人才的培养是通过加强人文素质教育来实现的。加强理工科大学生人文素质教育,促进创新人才培养,是当前高校面临的重大课题之一。高校,尤其是理工科高校,应采取行之有效的途径和方法,切实加强人文素质教育,以适应新形势发展的需要。  相似文献   

The overwhelming importance of diffuse sources as a determinant of receiving water quality has been recognised for over 30 years. Significant research and development on techniques for reducing inputs in the riparian zone has resulted in numerous guideline documents being produced. Yet despite this research effort, and the apparently successful transfer of key results to water resource managers, the public perception in New Zealand is that the quality of receiving waters continues to decline. In this paper we examine the veracity of that perception through examination of state-of-the-environment reporting, discussions with water resource managers, and published literature. Using a case study of Lake Taupo, New Zealand as an example, we discuss the difficulties faced by water resource managers in arresting declines in water quality. We compare the reduction in potential nutrient exports possible between 'non-invasive' mitigation techniques such as riparian buffer strips, constructed and natural wetlands and source control measures such as the use of nitrification inhibitors and wintering pads. Finally, we look at options available should voluntary measures or best management practices fail to deliver the nutrient reductions that are necessary to maintain lake water quality.  相似文献   

吴镝  侯平 《东北水利水电》2007,25(11):67-67,42
1 建立完善的水土保持监督执法体系 根据水土保持法及其条例的规定,梨树县成立了水保监督站,明确了水保监督站就是法规授权的水土保持执法主体.  相似文献   

长江河道采砂管理的问题、成因及其法律对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
涂剑 《人民长江》2006,37(10):13-14
自20世纪80年代末期开始,由于长江干流河道采砂、特别是长江中下游河道采砂体制不顺、多头管理、权责不清,且缺乏统一的采砂规划和针对性强的处罚依据,加之砂石暴利的驱使、地方保护主义的影响,致使乱采滥挖江砂的现象十分严重,一度造成了局部河段河势恶化、水上事故频发和各类采砂纠纷不断,严重影响了防洪、通航安全和当地的社会治安稳定.结合对当前采砂管理现状的调查了解,旨在通过对长江河道采砂管理在采砂规划、采砂经营权许可和现场监管各环节上存在的诸多问题及其成因的分析,提出法律法规途径上解决问题的对策及建议.  相似文献   

本文借鉴美国在利用法律手段防治水污染问题上的成功经验,从中美两国水污染防治法的管理体制、机制、防治措施和实施保障等方面对两国的水污染防治法进行了初步比较.在此基础上,对完善中国的水污染防治法提出了一些建议.  相似文献   

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