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在市场竞争之中,品牌是企业竞争的制胜法宝,品牌其实也是企业文化的一种扩展,具有非常丰富的文化属性。在进行品牌形象塑造时,文化常常可以起到良好的催化作用。品牌文化主要是指有利于识别某项产品,其可以从名称、符号等各种元素中做好区分对待。在企业品牌建设过程之中,基于文化价值的企业品牌建设非常重要,本文在此主要针对企业品牌文化价值相关内容进行研究。  相似文献   

"创意英国"塑造国家品牌   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李坚 《大经贸》2004,(7):56-57
不仅仅是企业或产品需要打造品牌,一个国家或地区也可以通过创意营销的方式来塑造品牌形象,而且这逐步成为一种潮流。北京2008年奥运会、上海2010年世博会,都将是中国塑造国家品牌形象的良机。"创意英国"活动在中国的开展,为中国留下了一个塑造国家品牌的优秀范例。  相似文献   

广西是壮族地区,当下利用民族文化特色带动本土食品品牌建设,运用本土文化资源发展本土食品的包装设计,可以行之有效的建立本土品牌形象与提升品牌价值。在此前提下,针对本土食品品牌包装设计中使用壮族视觉符号使用雷同、壮族视觉符号深挖不足的情况,提出壮族视觉符号与本土包装设计的价值和运用措施,从视觉上提升本土品牌的艺术价值、展现地域特色,从品牌内涵上生化品牌文化和建设品牌形象。  相似文献   

文章通过分析企业文化,阐述企业对员工进行思想政治教育与人文关怀的重要性,提出使强势企业文化成为商业银行成功的驱动力量;通过分析品牌文化,阐述用员工个人品牌推动企业品牌塑造,提出让商业银行品牌形象成为客户心灵的烙印;通过分析企业文化与品牌文化的关系,阐述企业文化是品牌形象的灵魂,提出用先进的企业文化打造商业银行的品牌形象.  相似文献   

品牌作为产品内在价值的灵魂,成为企业制胜的杀手锏。好品牌形象意味着未来的高附加值、高利润和更广阔的市场。蒙牛企业的“好品质、绿生活”的品牌实施战略给予我们的启示,就是加强企业品牌形象塑造,应推进品牌成长战略,培育有特色的品牌文化与独特的品牌个性塑造,以实现培育顾客忠诚度,提高品牌知名度,塑造好企业品牌形象的目标,促使企业在竞争中求得生存与发展。  相似文献   

房地产品牌是房地产企业有计划、有目的的设计、塑造,给消费者感知的房地产产品的全部。房地产品牌具有区域性、难以塑造统一形象培育时间长等特性,研究其独特的品牌价值形成基础和形成机制具有一定的实践指导意义。房企为了在国家宏观调控下求得生存和发展,打造优势品牌、塑造品牌形象势在必行。  相似文献   

企业品牌文化定位策略探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
品牌的文化定位是在品牌定位过程中通过文化因素的作用来突出品牌形象和价值,通过“品牌”这种“文化符号”将其文化价值具体化,满足消费者的心理需求和审美需求。本文探讨了基于产品特征、利益认知和形象的品牌定位策略。  相似文献   

把肯德基品牌做成中国餐饮业的第一品牌,甚至是全世界最受欢迎的餐饮业品牌,这与肯德基以本土化策略打动消费者、以个性化服务满足顾客需求、公益事业塑造良好品牌形象的儿童市场营销策略是分不开的。国内企业应借鉴肯德基以高知名度的品牌优势使品牌形象深入人心、以独特鲜明的品牌标识打造个性品牌、以情感营销赢得顾客信任;规模化发展提高市场占有率的品牌竞争力策略,树立自己独特的儿童市场品牌形象,提升品牌文化内涵,增强品牌竞争力,提高产品品质不断创新。  相似文献   

任何品牌在构成知名效应的同时.必然构成特定的文化指向。品牌确立既是知名度的建立,更是品牌文化内涵的建设。在塑造品牌的过程当中,常提到形象(IMAGE)一词,人们强调:"凡是广告应该奉献一切来提升品牌形象。"可见品牌形象的确定在市场行销过程中扮演着十分重要的角色。然而"塑造品牌"与"塑造品牌形象"这  相似文献   

在注意力经济时代,每一个商家和广告商都注意到有效的广告应该是有助于塑造产品在消费者心目中的品牌形象。品牌形象是对品牌象征和品牌联系的综合再现,该产品的品牌形象的表现主要通过一系列载体来完成的,其中目前最主要的表现手法就是寻求明星作为品牌形象展示的载体,进行品牌与消费者之间的沟通。但由于越来越多的广告利用明星代言自己的产品,造成明星代言现象的泛滥,  相似文献   

Brands are potent and efficient vehicles to diffuse and reproduce ideologies. This article revisits over a decade of research on Jack Daniel’s as an iconic brand, and provides a behind the scenes look at the process of researching cultural brands. It describes whiskey as a marketplace icon that reflects particular cultural ideologies, and updates the Jack Daniel’s story in the context of the craft liquor movement. Iconic brands, cultural icons, and marketplace icons are discussed. Further distinctions between iconicity at the category, segment and brand level are made. The article is transcribed and edited from an interview with Consumption Markets & Culture editor Jonathan Schroeder in June 2015.  相似文献   

Brand iconisation refers to the way a brand comes to symbolise the values, needs, and aspirations of the members of a particular cultural group. More than a decade of research has emphasised the many benefits that iconic brands bring to companies and has identified how brands become icons through a process of matching with cultural opportunities emerging in society. However, the way an iconic brand comes to be de-iconicised and how managers can shield brands from this risk is still under-researched. The aim of this paper is to contribute to knowledge regarding iconic brands by following the life of one iconic brand at national level, examining its history and its impact from the point of view of cultural performance.

Our research contributes to the field of cultural branding through a genealogical study of how a brand becomes a national icon before becoming de-iconicised as circumstances change. Our research identifies five types of brand episode that can lead to de-iconisation. Our research therefore adds new developments to iconic brand theory. It also contributes to discussing the concept of iconic brand resilience, mainly through the role of cultural intermediaries, such as filmmakers.  相似文献   

我国企业文化营销策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文化营销有助于企业实现产品差异化及提升品牌价值,也有助于企业产品品牌与消费者之间的沟通。我国企业在使用文化营销过程中还存在着不能紧密联系消费者、无法建立长期稳固的关系、不能给予消费者迅速反应、不注重消费者回报等问题。企业在实施文化营销时,应将文化运用到4R营销当中,即建立与消费者之间的文化关联;建立消费者所需求的文化反应;建立企业与消费者之间长期稳固的文化关系;建立了稳固的关系得到的营销文化回报。这能使营销过程更加顺利,并更有效的达到营销目的。  相似文献   

Brands rushed into social media, viewing social networks, video sharing, online communities, and microblogging sites as the panacea to diminishing returns for traditional brand building routes. But as more branding activity moves to the Web, marketers are confronted with the stark realization that social media was made for people, not for brands. In this article, we explore the emergent cultural landscape of open source branding, and identify marketing strategies directed at the hunt for consumer engagement on the People's Web. These strategies present a paradox, for to gain coveted resonance, the brand must relinquish control. We discuss how Web-based power struggles between marketers and consumer brand authors challenge accepted branding truths and paradigms: where short-term brands can trump long-term icons; where marketing looks more like public relations; where brand building gives way to brand protection; and brand value is driven by risk, not returns.  相似文献   

The current study evaluates company and brand icons and investigates their similarities and differences across two cultures: Chinese and Japanese. A systematic analysis of icons was conducted using the normative criteria for effective brand mark design found in the marketing literature. Results show that compared with Japanese icons, Chinese icons are more likely to contain letter marks, have pictorial elements representative of benefits, have conceptual similarity with the company/brand name, be balanced, be more complex, and be less likely to be abstract.  相似文献   

Developing a brand icon has been a way for marketers to humanize and forge relationships with consumers. Icon development takes time. During this time, marketers have to face how much they stay true and consistent with their icons and how much they allow their icons to adapt to cultural changes in the marketplace. Little is known about how consumers respond to changing icons, and even less is known about whether there may be certain consumer groups that are more or less receptive to such changes. Four experiments and qualitative interviews were undertaken to gain insights into these issues. People who have a low need to belong were most impacted by changes in the icon, with effects most evident among consumers with a fearful attachment style. Feelings of rejection were found to amplify these effects. These findings have implications both for theory and practice.  相似文献   


This study focuses on the cultural consumer environment of brands considered as nostalgic. The research questions are thus the following: what is the impact of culture on the consumer relationship with brands considered as nostalgic? In which cases are these relationships positive, and in which cases are they negative? To answer these questions, a longitudinal data collection was conducted, consisting of interviewing the same sample of respondents three times, at more or less one-year intervals. The results were analysed taking into account three dimensions of culture: time, place and social aspects. In the time-based approach, brands are associated with traditional celebrations and rites of passage. Thus, they give rise to ‘traditional purchase’ and consumer loyalty. In the place-based approach, brands evoke original authenticity and myths. They offer protection to reduce perceived risks and therefore facilitate consumers’ trust. In the social approach, brands are associated with symbolic icons and attract communities of fans. Finally, this article shows that culture involves sweeter rather than bitter nostalgic brand relationships. This article brings to light four cases when the consumer cultural environment may induce a rejection of the nostalgic brand: (1) the ‘corrupted’ brand; (2) the ‘immoral’ brand; (3) the ‘precarious’ brand; and (4) the ‘stereotypical’ brand. It shows that only one case – the ‘corrupted’ brand – may be particularly prejudicial due to its unwelcome role in History.  相似文献   

品牌识别是品牌在时间维度上的独特统一,是关于品牌的外在与内在的系统认识。通过对品牌元素的分析与综合,可以构建出一个层次分明、清晰实用的四维识别模型,它分为品牌的文化系统与品牌的产品系统两个部分,其中品牌理念是品牌识别的灵魂所在。对照这个品牌识别系统可以发现品牌管理中的漏洞所在与未来品牌建设的方向与策略。时间也许不是品牌识别的唯一维度,但肯定是首要的与不可或缺的维度。  相似文献   


Holt (2004) pioneered a change in marketing discourse by outlining how brands can become icons through tapping into cultural mythologies of the time. Yet, the theory has remained purely focused on branded consumption. This film extends the approach to the realm of product development and focuses on the transformation of a fashion trend into a consistent product category by examining the flatform shoe, a new shoe style that blends the height of a heel with the comfort of a flat. Through qualitative interviews and ethnographic analysis, this film argues that consumers are able to attach a strong postfeminist sensibility to the style. This helps to elevate the style to a mainstream category of its own through an adherence to cultural branding principles.  相似文献   

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