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最近阶段,由于我国西方文学视野的不断扩张,涉及英美文学评论绩效也产生一定的变化,大部分学者借助西方文学批评理论中的流派框架基础,对特定时期的作品格式进行研究分析.以上举动表现了综合学科的过渡延展特性,但如果阶段环节中不能将这类理论进行科学组合和运用,就很容易陷入形式主义泥潭之中,造成英语专业教育环境的混乱.认识地域文学基础最佳的途径莫过于物质与精神世界的界定标准,如果操作环节中不能根据此种标杆进行必要情感灌输,那么势必造成不必要的技术隐患,影响应用型人才的供应实效.  相似文献   

随着电视机的发明与普及,各种影片开始陆陆续续的进入千家万户,并逐渐为众人所熟知。在观看各种各样的影片的过程中,人们逐渐地了解了世界,同时也了解了各个国家文化的差异。文章即将叙述的便是关于《傲慢与偏见》的影像化的一些问题,由于文学作品《傲慢与偏见》目前已经被英美等很多国家翻拍,因此文章在这里主要讨论的将是从《傲慢与偏见》的影响化里凸显的英美文化差异。  相似文献   

随着经济全球化的发展,国际商务谈判在当今社会越来越重要。在商务谈判中,不同的国家的谈判者,自然有着不同文化背景。文化差异对商务谈判者有着非常重要的影响。若想在谈判桌上取得胜利,他们必须深入了解各国文化背景。另外,他们需具备优秀的谈判技巧和策略来面对这些文化差异,谈判者要尊重和理解不同国家的谈判者的文化,以免产生不必要的误会。  相似文献   

倪博 《商》2014,(13):87-87
英语文化渗透是指将英语文化背景和英美国家文学作品选文教学融合到一起,是一种通过寻找英美国家文学作品选文中的文化精髓,来营造学生文化多样性的探索之路,因此拓展学生知识面和提高学习能力显得尤为关键。本文通过简单介绍文学作品选文教学现状,探讨在英美国家文学作品选文教学中渗透英语文化的必要性和如何在新课改的教育背景下有效渗透英语文化,旨在为社会培养更多栋粱之才。  相似文献   

<正> 文化具有民族性,对民族文化的失败理解会导致无效的跨文化交流,这种无效的交流导致各种矛盾的产生和灾难性的后果。跨文化理解直接影响跨国公司的行为和管理,失败的理解会产生无法解决的冲突,并最终导致失败,因此,如何正确处理文化差异已成为跨国公司必须面对的重要问题。我们认为文化差异处理的重要性在于彼此理解,而不是强行推荐自己的或是迁就别人的。  相似文献   

本文通过运用霍夫斯蒂得的国家文化模型,研究文化差异对企业人力资源管理产生的影响,旨在为企业的经营管理提供一些启示。  相似文献   

本文通过运用霍夫斯蒂得的国家文化模型,研究文化差异对企业人力资源管理产生的影响,旨在为企业的经营管理提供一些启示.  相似文献   

随着中国日益融入全球化的过程,跨国公司大量涌入中国,肯德鸡、麦当劳餐厅是中国大城市孩子们爱去的地方,北京的CBD区,林立着IBM、INTEL、HP等跨国公司的大楼,即使在西部的县城里,可口可乐随处可见这些跨国公司开展了许多公关活动,中国是一个有着悠久历史与文化底蕴的国家,要在  相似文献   

本文主要针对全球26个文化创意产业贸易大国探讨贸易双边文化差异对文化创意产业贸易的影响。实证结果显示,文化创意出口国的文化开放性越低、越能保持自我独特性时,其在文化创意双边贸易中的出口值越高;若就贸易双边的文化差异而言,两国的文化开放性差异与两国一般贸易往来较没有显著关系,对于文化创意双边贸易却具有重大影响:两国贸易对方国间对外来种族接受度的差异越大,双边文化创意贸易越高。这一发现,一方面凸显出在全球化的浪潮下,保留本土文化特色具有一定的正面意义与价值,另一方面也显示出文化创意贸易不同于一般贸易的独特性,不管是在改革思维上或是学术研究上,均值得给予特别的关注。  相似文献   

文化差异对国际商务谈判的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
每一笔国际交易都是由两国或多国各方经过数次谈判达成的,而每次谈判都是在来自不同国家、不同文化背景的人之间进行。不同文化背景的人对同一件事有着不同的理解。不理解这些差异,就可能引起对方的误解,从而导致谈判失败。  相似文献   

语言是文化最重要的组成部分,是文化的镜子,"文化的载体(носитель культры)"(徐景益,刘春,2006:227)是文化传承和发扬的媒介.可以直接反映出一个民族的民族心理和民族文化.语言作为文化的一部分,所以受着文化的制约,跟着文化一起发展.在语言发展的发展过程中,很多词语因为使用频繁,受用率高而逐渐演化成一种特定的文化符号,其所代表的文化也经过历史沉淀而成为一个文化形象,一个区别于其他国家文化的特有的文化形象.  相似文献   

Children's influence on parental purchases of cereal was investigated by unobtrusively observing 15 pair of Anglo and 15 pair of Hispanic children and their parent(s) in the cereal aisle of Allentown, Pennsylvania grocery stores. Tabulation was kept on whether the child did or did not influence the purchase behavior of their parent(s). It was found that overall, children had a statistically significant influence on their parents' purchase behavior (p < .01). Although a percentage difference existed, there was no statistically significant difference between the Anglo children's influence and the Hispanic children's influence on their parents' purchasing behavior of cereal (p < .05).  相似文献   

This study examines the impact of Type I and Type II cultural differences on mobile phone adoption patterns. We use Hofstede's cultural dimensions to examine cultural differences of two countries (Type I: the U.S.; Type II: S. Korea) and employ the Bass diffusion model to delineate innovation and imitation effects on mobile phone adoption. The results show that in Type I culture innovation factor has a significantly higher level of effect on adoption than it does in Type II culture; and in Type II culture imitation factor has a higher degree of effect on adoption than it does in Type I culture. These findings imply that in individualistic cultures, people tend to seek information on their own from direct and formal sources, whereas in collectivistic cultures, people rely more on subjective evaluation of an innovation, conveyed from other-like-minded individuals who already have adopted the innovation.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the influence on interorganizational learning attributed to differences in organizational cultures of partnering firms, through joint ventures. We attempt to carry out an in-depth analysis into the type of influences involved and whether they are positive or negative, or if they foster or hinder learning. We analyze a sample consisting of firms that had entered into a joint venture and then contrasted our hypotheses against the sample using structural equations. The results confirm the existence of a degree of influence and conclude that this influence is positive for this type of learning.  相似文献   

This research examines gender difference in omnichannel experience in modern shopping malls, combining personal, physical and virtual encounters. It proposes a new theoretical model: the gender-based shopping mall omnichannel experience model. Data was collected using 1139 questionnaires completed by millennial shoppers in the United Kingdom and United Arab Emirates. Data was analysed using partial least squares. The results showed a shift in males shopping behaviour as they pay more attention to peer interaction on social platforms, service excellence, convenience, diversity and personalisation in shopping malls than female shoppers, while aesthetics and privacy are more important for female shoppers.  相似文献   

The experiences of African American expatriates in South Africa are explored to explain how acculturation in circumstances of hyperfiliation influences cross-cultural consumption for the purposes of performing cultural citizenship. The acculturation sub-processes of revision, restoration, and retroversion are analyzed to examine the ways in which social capital is mobilized in citizenship projects. These aspects of expatriate experiences are unpacked, theoretical implications are identified, and managerial implications are discussed.  相似文献   

据统计数据显示,目前美国融资租赁企业达3000多家,在资本融资方面的渗透率达30‰而中国融资租赁企业只有200多家,渗透率不足5‰由此可见,我国的融资租赁业与美国存在着较大的差距.笔者试图通过分析两国文化上的差异对我国融资租赁业潜在的影响,结合我国融资租赁业的现状寻求促进融资租赁业快速发展的措施.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research is to explore how Japanese consumers perceive American fashion and how this perception is related to the purchase of American fashion products based on Consumer Culture Theory. For this research, cultural meanings of American fashion in Japanese fashion market were collected and analyzed using a thematic analysis method through Japanese consumers’ online postings and discussions. Results showed Japanese consumers perceived American fashion to (1) be economical/causal and lack fashion sense, (2) have different fashion trends for celebrities and general population, and (3) be individualistic without obvious fashion trends. This research also found Japanese consumers preferred American fashion for four reasons: (1) preference for American casual fashion styles, (2) emulation of existing styles of American celebrities, (3) availability of styles and sizes for non-regular Japanese body size, and (4) unique fashion styles rare in the Japanese fashion market. On the other hand, Japanese consumers identified various reasons why they are reluctant to consume American fashion. Three reasons include (1) different styles, (2) different aesthetics views due to different body sizes, and (3) reluctance to conform to current American fashion styles in the Japanese fashion market.  相似文献   

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