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张相花 《山东纺织经济》2011,(5):43+53-43,53
企业要想在人才竞争中赢得胜利,必须进行情感投资留住人才,注重未来发展培养人才,任人唯贤重用人才,培养团队精神凝聚人才,让员工参与管理选拔人才.  相似文献   

High‐involvement management practices have well‐established benefits for employers, but what do they do for employees? Using a nationally‐representative survey of British private‐sector workplaces, high‐involvement management is shown to be associated with higher pay. The wage premium is little affected by the choice of employee involvement practices (e.g., teams versus quality circles), but it appears only where employee involvement practices are supported by job security guarantees. Powerful trade unions increase the premium.  相似文献   

事业单位是我国重要的组织体系,但在人力资源管理方面出现了一定的不足之处。在"以人为本"视角下分析了其具体的问题所在,包括招聘体系单一、人力资源配置不合理、岗位设置不合理、绩效管理缺失等,对此应当通过优化人才招聘机制、构建人才流动体系、优化岗位设置、强化绩效管理等手段进行改善。  相似文献   

We use data from the Relations Professionnelles et Négociations d'Entreprise survey of 2004 and the Workplace Employment Relations Survey of 2004 to analyse how far approaches to human resource management differ according to whether an establishment is part of a company with a stock exchange listing. In both countries we find that listing is positively associated with teamworking and performance‐related pay, while in France, but not in Britain, it is also linked to worker autonomy and training. Our findings are inconsistent with the claim that shareholder pressure operates as a constraint on the adoption of high‐performance workplace practices. The pattern is similar in the two countries, but with a slightly stronger tendency for listing to be associated with high‐performance workplace practices in France.  相似文献   

Five main perspectives on family-friendly management are differentiated by their conceptions about the nature of such management and not just by its assumed predictors. Multivariate analysis of the relationships among a set of family-oriented practices shows that some but not all are used in a systematic way. Regression analysis reveals that employers' adoption of family-friendly approaches is explained by factors that span all five perspectives, but overall, the organizational adaptation perspective fares best.  相似文献   

Drawing on principal–agent perspectives on corporate governance, the article examines whether employees’ hourly pay is related to ownership dispersion. Using linked employee‐workplace data from the British Workplace Employment Relations Survey 2011, and using a variety of techniques including interval regression and propensity score matching, average hourly pay is found to be higher in dispersed ownership workplaces. The premium is broadly constant across most of the wage distribution, but falls at the 95th percentile to become statistically non‐significant. This contrasts with earlier papers which indicate that higher level employees are the primary beneficiaries of higher pay from dispersed ownership. The dispersed ownership pay premium is not readily explained by efficiency wage perspectives but is consistent with a managerial desire for a ‘quiet life’.  相似文献   

事故倾向与人因管理   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
经过对大量事故的调查研究,美国佛罗里达国际大学管理学教授加里·德斯勒认为,引发事故的因素主要有偶然因素、环境因素和人的行为因素三种,其中人因则是事故产生的关键原因。为此,研究人的事故倾向,避免事故的发生,是安全管理防患于未然的重要举措。一、事故倾向1、事故倾向模型在加里·德斯勒教授关于事故与人的因素关系研究中,引用了美国管理学者埃里斯特·麦考密克(Ernest Mc-Cormick)和约瑟夫·提芬(Joseph Tiff)提出的个人特征与事故相联系的模型。他们认为,个人特征(个性、动机等)是某些行为倾向(例如冒险倾向)和不正确态度的基础…  相似文献   

This article investigates whether the earnings premium found with use of incentive pay is offset by lower supplemental pay. More comprehensive measures of employer costs for employee compensation are used to test the hypothesis. These data indicate that bonuses, overtime work, pension provision, and shift differentials can be less common in jobs with incentive pay, but the lower incidence of these forms of compensation does not offset the higher earnings associated with incentive pay.  相似文献   

This article investigates what has been happening to the public-sector wage differential in Great Britain over the period 1994–2017. The evidence indicates that apart from men in the lower part of the pay distribution, the public-sector pay premium has declined for all public-sector workers. This decline has coincided with a decline in the overall pay gap, which is associated with changes in the composition of public- and private-sector workforces. As the relative pay disadvantage experienced by public-sector workers at the top of the pay distribution has worsened over time this must raise serious concerns about the ability of the public sector to recruit and retain the staff it needs to deliver public services.  相似文献   

The oversimplified analysis of subcontracting in terms of the relations between small and large firms needs to be abandoned in favour of a broader societal approach. Drawing on empirical evidence from Britain and France it is argued that such an approach can identify a wider range of political, social and economic factors affecting the decision to subcontract.  相似文献   

施工企业在政治、经济体制改革不断深化的过程中,一直面临着许多困难和制约,一方面效率和效益低下,管理措施不力,人才流失严重,事业发展缓慢;另一方面人力资源配置不合理,造成人力资源的浪费.研究我国施工企业人力资源开发与管理问题势在必行,探讨我国施工企业人力资源开发、配置和有效利用的问题,对我国施工企业持续发展具有重要意义.文章从人力资源在建筑市场竞争中的地位出发,分析了建筑施工企业目前在人力资源现状,以及人力资源开发与管理中存在的问题及其形成的原因,提出了增强建筑施工企业人力资源管理竞争力的具体措施.  相似文献   

科研单位QHSE管理体系整合的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为提高科研单位管理水平和科技竞争力,2006年辽河油田分公司勘探开发研究院进行了QHSE管理体系整合工作,经过3年多的实际运行,整合后的QHSE管理体系切实地起到了提高管理效率,促进科研生产的目的。  相似文献   

图书馆的生存与发展最根本的决定因素是人,加强图书馆人力资源的开发与管理,提高工作效率,利用好人力资源,是解决目前高校图书馆面临问题的最直接、有效的方法。  相似文献   

在人力、物力、财力、信息等企业基本资源中,人力资源占有十分重要的地位。特别是在科学技术日新月异,装备日趋现代化、智能化的今天,人力资源在企业中的作用尤为重要。彼得·德鲁克认为:人是企业中唯一一项真正的资源。发挥和挖掘人力资源的作用与潜能,涉及到对人力资源进行有效管理的问题。  相似文献   

在计划经济向市场经济转型的过程中,科研院所的管理模式仍然沿用行政事业单位的管理办法,在人力资源管理中出现的很多问题亟待完善。在实践中,人力资源与知识资本优势的独特性越来越成为科研院所重要的核心技能,人力资源的价值已成为衡量科研院所整体竞争力的标志。  相似文献   

一、人力资本对法人治理结构的冲击我们现在讲公司治理结构问题,差不多是叫"一个基础,一个中心,两个措施"。"基础"就是以两权分离为基础;"一个中心"就是以界定企业的经营者和所有者的关系为中心,我们提了两方面措施,第一个措施叫董事长、总经理分开,董事长主要对重大经营决策负责,总经理主要对日常经营活动负责,这样就把所有者和经营者的关系界定清楚了;第二个措施是完善董事会、监事会,通过完善董事会和监事会,加强对经营者的约束。这就是我们现在《公司法》和企业所讲的法人治理结构。但是,这种治理结构在国际上已经被抛弃了…  相似文献   

对事业单位员工激励的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
激励存在于社会生活的各个方面,关于激励的理论也五花八门,根据激励的重点以及激励与行为的关系通常可以将其划分为三大类:内容型理论、过程型理论和强化型理论。  相似文献   

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