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理由一:观众喜爱电视剧电视剧是全国电视媒体播出和收看的重中之重,省级卫视、地面频道的电视剧占收视比重超过50%(据CTR)。中央电视台电视剧的收视比重也占到了25.8%(据CSM),是观众收看最多的节目类型。电视剧成为企业广告传播不可或缺的资源。 相似文献
根据CSM的调查报告,中国观众收看电视时间平均每天大约181分钟,收看时间较多的节目类型主要有电视剧、新闻、专题、电影、体育、娱乐等六大类型,约占据70%的市场份额。 相似文献
电视剧是全国电视媒体播出和收看的重中之重.省级卫视.地面频道的电视剧占收视比重超过50%(据CTR)。中央电视台电视剧的收视比重也占到了258%(据CSM).是观众收看最多的节日类型。电视剧成为企业广告传播不可或缺的资源。 相似文献
离观众最近的电视尉场。CCTV-1黄金剧场是目前我国唯一实现全国覆盖的电视剧播出平台,拥有最广泛、稳定而忠实的观众群。最具影响力的电视尉场。同样剧目在CCTV-1黄金剧场播出和在其他频道播出,取得的社会效益、收视效益和经济效益截然不同。 相似文献
央视一套黄金剧场历来被认为是代表中国电视剧最高水平的播出平台,是中国电视剧制作实力的展台,是中国意识形态的晴雨表,受到全国各界的高度关注。企业能够特约播出黄金剧场,一方面表示企业的经济实力,同时,可以向全国人民强烈暗示该企业是国家级的品牌,非常有利企业品牌力的提升,附加价值巨大。同时,在观众最喜爱的节目中,电视剧是和新闻并列的高关注度节目,企业通过电视剧可以和消费者实现有效的沟通,对促进销售十分有效。[编者按] 相似文献
CCTV-1黄金剧场,定位为“中国优秀电视剧的最佳首发平台”,2007年1至8月,一套黄金剧场收视持续高涨。上半年,CCTV-1黄金剧场播出的11部电视剧垄断了全国上星频道电视剧的前11名,平均收视率533%,比省级卫视播出的电视剧最高收视率2.87%高出近一倍。 相似文献
近期,临沂金锣糖尿病康复医院的形象广告出现在CCTV-1黄金剧场,这则广告以蓝天、白云、碧草为背景,结合优美的音乐,给人一种清新、健康的感觉,与企业形象十分吻合。此次金锣医院投放的是黄金剧场贴片广告位置,投放长度是15秒,投放形式是长单投放,广告将一直延续到08年底。金锣医院广告给电视机前的观众留下深刻印象,在业界引起强烈反响。 相似文献
电视剧节目在中央电视台占有很重要地位。2005年央视共播出电视剧12000多集,首播近3000集。据央视索福瑞调查数据显示,电视剧占中央台整体收视份额的比重逐年攀高。目前已接近30%。 相似文献
随着人们生活水平的提高,轿车这一曾经高高在上的消费品越来越融入了大众的日常生活。过去,轿车品牌主要集中在高端的财经类电卒见栏目或者期刊媒体投放广告,今天,不仅仅是经济型轿车,高档轿车品牌也在努力向更大范围的消费者群体传播自己品牌的信息,寻求与最广大消费者的有效沟通渠道成为众多轿车品牌的目标。 相似文献
Sex and death, subjects traditionally considered taboo, are now presented in advertisements. Focusing on the French cultural context, this paper analyses whether these topics are still considered taboo in our society. We use the concept of taboo as studied in ethnology and psychoanalysis, which makes the reticence of consumers easier to understand and aids the study of taboos in relation to cultural context. We analyse the use of taboos in advertising, reviewing the literature on the impact of the use of death and sex in advertising, and relating it to ethical issues and cultural aspects. We then present a survey analysing whether French consumers find it acceptable to present taboos in advertising and identifying which individual characteristics affect attitudes towards taboos in advertising. Women and seniors are particularly hostile to sex and death in advertising, while young people find these themes more acceptable. The general attitude towards advertising also appears to have a strong impact on attitudes. We draw managerial implications from these results. 相似文献
Although the soap opera as a television genre has consistently captured the imagination of millions of people around the world, surprisingly little has been written about it in the marketing literature. Understanding the consumption imagery in soaps may allow marketers to assess the relevance of product placement for their promotion strategy better, as well as providing valuable insight into the consumption habits of their considerable viewing audiences. Data were collected through content analysis from two soap operas, one in the USA and one in New Zealand. The results indicated a high level of consumption imagery, including brand references. Furthermore significant differences in the types of product and the emotional outcome of product use were found between the countries. 相似文献
ABSTRACTThis study illuminates the ways in which men and women consume soap operas as a means of reflecting on and discussing sociocultural taboos. Through interpretive research we examine the ways in which religion, sexuality and gender relations are depicted in popular Turkish soap operas and how these depictions are consumed in the Balkans and the Middle East. This study challenges the assumption that consumption of taboo discourses leads to active identity modification or public defiance. Instead, in-depth interviews and online ethnography reveal that consumption of soap operas that challenge local religious and gender norms provide a liminal space for discussing taboo topics. Firstly, the findings indicate that talking about taboo topics seen in soap operas enables consumers to speak about what they expect gender and religious norms to be. Secondly, consumers get their mediated understandings of what religion is through soap operas. Thus, rather than simply offering escape, soap opera consumption facilitates the discussion of taboo topics. 相似文献
广告传播是广告主、媒介和消费者之间共同参与的一种社会行为。在广告传播中三者之间存在相互联系、相互制约、相互影响的传播效果。广告传播的最终目的是为了促进消费者对产品或服务的选择,实现购买行为。市场经济发展至今,产品研发已从卖方市场转为买方市场,营销理念也产生质的飞跃。然而,在这个传播过度的年代中,我们却愈来愈深地陷人广告的怪圈:一方面企业需要广告打开市场;另一方面在广告成本不断递增的同时,受众信任度下降,广告作用骤减。 相似文献