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今天,包容性的媒介文化给予经济的支持有:丰厚的票房、大量的就业机会、旅游业的繁荣;同时,它为新技术提供了施展平台,促进技术的"质"的飞跃。媒介文化的优点有:促进经济和科技发展,分担文学的责任,提升大众的知识水平,增进全球的文化交往;它的缺点有:围绕"金钱逻辑"来运作,刻意讨好受众,隐藏着外来文化文化同化的企图。在繁荣媒介文化的同时,我们要苛求它的品格,要批判性地接受外来文化。  相似文献   

We create a generational patent citation tree to reveal the development of bogie technology in the high-speed rail industry. We cull the information in patent citations to reveal the generational development of bogie technology by analysing patent titles, patent publication dates and patent-granting regions. We then measure the development of bogie technology by calculating its technological development on-orbit rate and by mapping the stages of technological development and its regional diffusion. The results show that bogie technologies are in a period of sustained growth and this period of sustained growth will remain. Technological development is accelerating and this acceleration will persist, although the global dispersion of technology lags behind in scope and speed.  相似文献   

During the past few years, in many countries, both developed and developing, there has been a tendency to increase government spending. This article intends to examine this tendency of the public sector as well as the existing relationship between the extent of government spending and economic development. The data used cover a time period between 1960 and 2001. An effort is made to determine causal relationships between spending and economic development through the use of Wagner's theory.  相似文献   

This research explores the effects of distance to the pre-industrial technological frontiers on comparative economic development in the course of human history. It establishes theoretically and empirically that distance to the frontier had a persistent non-monotonic effect on a country’s pre-industrial economic development. In particular, advancing a novel measure of the travel time to the technological frontiers, the analysis establishes a robust persistent U-shaped relation between distance to the frontier and pre-industrial economic development across countries. Moreover, it demonstrates that countries, which throughout the last two millennia were relatively more distant from these frontiers, have higher contemporary levels of innovation and entrepreneurial activity, suggesting that distance from the frontier may have fostered the emergence of a culture conducive to innovation, knowledge creation, and entrepreneurship.  相似文献   

In the present world of exponential technological growth, technological cooperation is a major imperative. In selecting optimal partners for technological cooperation, it is necessary to have a good understanding of the levels and gaps of a technology with respect to the cooperating countries/industries/firms. This is because both large and small gaps in technology make cooperation difficult. However, technological cooperation is a viable proposition for partners with moderate gaps, since the benefits would be mutual. Gaps and levels can be measured in an absolute or relative sense, and also in qualitative or quantitative terms. This paper presents procedures for the analysis of levels and gaps with respect to specific technologies. Illustrative examples from selected fields are included. It is hoped that a disaggregated analysis of levels and gaps in terms of the four basic components of technology can give better insights for technology planning.  相似文献   

Financial development, liberalization and technological deepening   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper focuses on examining the effects of financial development and liberalization on knowledge accumulation. The results consistently show that while financial development facilitates the accumulation of new ideas, the implementation of financial reform policies is negatively associated with it. The undesirable effects of financial liberalization are found to operate through the triggering of crises and volatility in the financial system. There is also evidence supporting the hypothesis that financial liberalization reallocates talent from the innovative sector to the financial system, thus retarding technological deepening. Moreover, the findings also suggest that increased R&D activity and the presence of a stronger intellectual property rights protection framework tend to have beneficial effects on knowledge accumulation.  相似文献   

This paper explores the role of the financial system in technological catching-up in the expectation that financing mechanisms affect the production and the exports of new or “new to the market” commodities. We have developed indices of related export variety (REV) and of unrelated export variety (UEV) by using the informational entropy function for a sample of 97 countries using NBER & UN trade data for the period 1992–2005. We used these indices sequentially as dependent variables with the bank credit ratio and stock market capitalization ratio as independent variables. In addition, we include the education system, natural resources and four principal component factors characterizing the cost of doing business, political system, quality of governance and the degree of openness of the countries as control variables in our regressions. Our pooled regression models show that the financial system is an important determinant of both types of export variety for all countries but that, for the most successful developers, the banking system and the stock market play different roles, with the former being relatively more appropriate for REV and the latter for UEV. Such specialization of different forms of the financial system seems to confirm that stock markets are likely to be relatively more appropriate to fund the exploratory type of innovations which are required to increase UEV.  相似文献   

It is commonly recognized at the present that technological appropriateness is not an intrinsic quality of any technology, but it derived from the surroundings (technological as well as sociocultural, politicolegal, economic, and environmental) in which it is to be utilized and the specific purpose of its application. On this basis, this paper presents two case studies for the selection of appropriate technologies for rural development in Indonesia. The first case deals with the problem of identifying a “set of appropriate technologies” to be promoted for accelerated rural development. The second case deals with the problem of selecting the “most appropriate one” among available technologies of one kind. The assessment exercises are carried out using existing methodologies and inputs (such as national priorities, assessment factors, and decision weights) from Indonesian nationals. It is shown that the analysis can provide useful guidelines for science and technology policy planning in developing countries.  相似文献   

Positional behaviour is arguably a source of social externalities. Remedies for this market failure are defended by some authors and rejected by others. One of the issues discussed is the role that the competition for positional goods may have in generating technological innovation. This article aims to contribute to the understanding of the dynamics of this process through the use of an agent-based model. Simulations show a plausible dynamics of the process of technological innovation as generated by consumption of positional nature. An interpretation of the results in the scope of the policy discussion in question is provided. The influence of key factors such as income inequality, the materialization of the Hirsch conjecture, and characteristics of the network of relative preferences, is analised. We also frame the potential interest of positional consumption and this model in particular in the context of the ongoing discussion among evolutionary economists on the behaviour of demand.  相似文献   


Grassroots technological innovation (GRTI) is perceived as a source of sustainable development while addressing local problems and needs of people belonging to the bottom of the economic pyramid. The fostering of sustainable development develops a need for scientific evaluation and subsequent diffusion of GRTI to ameliorate the livelihood of grassroots communities. It is, hence, the purpose of this research to assess the relative performance of different GRTIs with respect to economic, social, and environmental benefits. The empirical data for this study comprised of 32 GRTIs from the three different rural non-farm sectors in the Indian context. Analytical hierarchy process is used for deducing the relative assessment of the selected GRTI against the aforementioned performance criteria. The findings of this study offer imperative insights into the field of technology diffusion and development at the grassroots level and suggest recommendations for sustainable policy formulation.  相似文献   

Technology provides endless promising possibilities to support people's lives. In reality, it is not a matter of what is possible, but rather a matter of how and when technology will be integrated, accepted and adopted by people. However, conventionally within organizations the areas of technology development and market research are not closely related nor applied in the process of innovation and do not always share the same scope. In that sense there is a gap between the potential of technology and humankind's preferences.This paper discusses the current areas of technology development and market research in a business environment and proposes an integrated approach to bridge the gap between technology and people, in which people, rather than market sizes become central in the development of technology. In addition, it also describes how this approach of people-driven innovation is brought into practice through the development of early experience demonstrators. The core focus of this paper is on the processes and practices regarding innovation within an organization, rather than the adoption of innovation by users or the rate of the adoption of a marketed solution (Rogers, 1995 [E.M. Rogers, Diffusion of Innovations, The Free Press, New York, 1995. [1]]).  相似文献   

This work presents the probability of determining a quantitative forecast of technological development S(t) defined by a set m of parameters S(1)(t),S(2)(t),…,S(m)(t), based on statistical game theory. Assuming that the coordinates S(i)(t) (i = 1, 2,…,m) of a forecasted vector S(t) are stochastic processes with given probabilistic characteristics, a formula of a function forecasting the value of a coordinate S(i)(t) of this vector can be obtained. This formula permits to determine a vector of forecasts τT(x) of technological development S(t) at a given moment t = τ+T.  相似文献   

This paper develops a two-tier concept of rationality which broadens the orthodox notion of instrumental rationality in economics. In the first section, I conceive the idea of “background rationality” to consist in the ability to act normally, i.e., according to social conventions appropriate to the context. Background rationality is a necessary condition for the exercise of its instrumental counterpart. Implications and applications of this for economic phenomena are investigated in Section II. The third section draws parallels between the approach to rationality developed in this paper and Thorstein Veblen's notion “habits of thought”. I argue that a viable concept of rationality must itself be subject to explanatory scrutiny and justification and not merely posited as given.  相似文献   

The assessment of sustainable development is often based on the three pillars of sustainability model using social, economic and environmental indicators. It is thought that by measuring the performance of each system, information can be gained about the sustainability of the whole system. However it seems there has been no attempt to evaluate if such an assumption is true. During the development of a sustainability assessment framework for south west Victoria, Australia, it has become evident that this approach to sustainability assessment does not provide an accurate assessment of system sustainability. The project found that environmental indicators were considered the most important for assessing regional sustainability. As a consequence, the assessment produced shows that in south west Victoria, sustainability is largely determined by the condition of the environment. This finding highlights the current disconnection between the theory and reality of sustainability. Here, we describe a framework for sustainability assessment that attempts to re-connect theory to practice.  相似文献   

This study presents a general theory of technological development. In essence, two factors play an important role in the process of innovation. One is “learning” or acquisition of relevant production skills; the other is scale of operations of technology. The theory is applied to a variety of cases of innovation in the locomotive, tank ship, and aircraft technology over the course of time. It is suggested that the role of learning is far more important than hitherto recognized. In particular, development of new techniques is based on the rules of thumb rather than on the search for an objective optimum. The empirical results of the study further indicate that the process of learning in the development of transportation technology appears to have taken place largely in the capital-producing rather than in the capital-using sector. This confirms a conjecture of long-standing: at least in some sectors of the economy, all investment has the character of investment in R&D. Further, the role of learning is found to have been comparable to growth of scale. Thus, acquisition of production skills may well be an important alternative to large-scale technology. It is concluded that the process of technological change is appropriately viewed from the inside out rather than exclusively from the outside in.  相似文献   

In this article, we analyze the effects of increasing automation in production processes on the labor share of national income. For the analyses, we use the DSGE model which contains both the physical capital and the human capital accumulation equations. We improve the model by defining productivity variables for both investment-specific technology and educational activities. In all simulations of the model except base scenario, we give more positive shock to the investment-specific technology compared to the educational activities. In each new simulation, we augment the difference between the shocks to determine the effects of increasing automation on the labor share of national income. The results show that increasing the shock difference decreases the labor share of national income, and this confirms the decline in the labor share of national income in both developed and developing countries since the 1980s.  相似文献   

"This paper will attempt to study the question of the relationship between population growth and technological change in recent approaches to development." The focus is on the relative merits of the private sector approach to development over the public sector approach. The geographical focus is on developing countries.  相似文献   

The paper investigates which factors determine the expected real long-term interest rates of the G7-countries as a whole within a single equation error correction model. Inflationary expectations are generated using the low frequency component of inflation provided by the Hodrick-Prescott filter. A comparison of the calculated expected inflation rates with those resulting from index-linked and conventional UK bonds suggests this approach to be appropriate. Expected real long-term interest rates turn out to be influenced positively by real short-term interest rates, capacity utilization and structural public borrowing.  相似文献   

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