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中国保险文化自觉的培育与生成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
卓志 《保险研究》2012,(10):3-7
保险业从高速发展进入了"快速发展与矛盾凸显"阶段,在"三个不认同"的困扰下,保险文化建设的意义凸显。通过对保险文化自觉的内涵与外延分析,中西方保险文化、银行证券保险文化比较、保险文化建设历程回顾,得出了我国的保险文化建设尚处于初级阶段的基本判断。保险文化建设中也存在着基本结构不合理、规范与模式不稳定、教育尚未体系化、自卑与自傲意识并存等现象与问题,但也因保险业的发展前景具有广阔的空间。在提出保险文化自觉的核心是价值观的形成、重点是保险企业的文化自觉后,基于行业的视角提出了保险文化自觉的培育与生成的建议,即以核心价值指引人、以科学理论武装人、以高尚精神塑造人、以诚信环境熏陶人。  相似文献   

先进的保险文化和优秀的行业品牌是保险业科学发展的具体体现.塑造保险品牌,推广保险文化,加强保险文化与品牌建设,是保险业竞争力的核心要素,本文分析了我国保险文化与品牌建设存在的问题,就如何大力加强保险文化与品牌建设,促进保险业又好又快发展,提出了具体建议和对策.  相似文献   

中国保险文化的几个基础问题探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在为中国保险业发展取得成就而欣喜的同时,反思保险业发展中保险文化建设的薄弱,寻求可持续发展之道,便成为保险业未来发展的重要议题。结合过去几十年保险业发展的理论与实践,本文立足中国保险业改革开放的宏观背景,用历史的、比较的和开放的态度和方法,探讨了我国保险文化的存在性、先进性、挑战性和核心价值等基础问题,揭示了保险文化的三层次架构,提出了重视物质和制度文化的同时不可忽视理念文化等观点,指出了当前乃至未来我国保险文化的核心价值及其实现路径。  相似文献   

陶红 《上海保险》2006,(11):57-60
一、中国保险文化的发展轨迹及其特征文化的形成需要时间积累和历史沉淀。保险文化是保险企业在长期发展中逐步形成的稳定的文化观念、历史传统和特有的经营精神和风格,也是民族历史文化在保险业成长和发展过程中的浓缩和凝结。中国保险业发展的时间并不长,因此文化底蕴不厚,特  相似文献   

本文以县域保险为研究对象,从区域经济发展角度出发,阐述发展县域保险对提升我区保险业整体发展水平的重要意义,指出了当前发展我区县域保险所面临的主要问题,强调必须以科学发展观为指导,转变观念,提高认识,通过深化改革,科学规划,大胆创新和完善县域保险文化建设等措施,加快发展广西县域保险经济.  相似文献   

在国内保险市场不断开放、逐步与国际市场接轨的新形势下,大力加强保险文化建设,重塑保险保障功能的正面形象,充分发挥保险文化对保险公司的作用,对建设我国保险文化新格局有着至关重要的意义。论文简要回顾了中国保险业发展历程,剖析了我国保险业的现状,分析了在新"国十条"的政策红利下,政府、监管机构、保险企业三方在重塑保险文化上的职责和着力点,协力打造"诚实守信、风险共担、服务社会、合规发展"的保险文化新格局。  相似文献   

林炫伟 《上海保险》2014,(10):35-39
一、引言 近十年来随着保险业的不断发展,保险从业人员也不断增多。然而就保险密度和保险深度而言,中国一直低于国际平均水平。可见中国保险市场发展潜力巨大。而保险人才的缺乏,一直是中国保险业裹足不前的一大因素。在学界,有不少关于保险利润和保险人力资源的研究。但是鲜有学者对这两者之间的关系进行深入的探讨和分析,基于经验数据的实证分析更少。  相似文献   

为了切实服务于保险企业,探讨新形势下保险业发展的新思路,研究我国保险业的现状和发展方向,针对当前保险业发展中涉及有关政策和法律方面的热点问题,上海市保险学会、上海市保险同业公会、《上海保险》杂志社将联合举办“保险与法”保险学术论文征文暨“保险与法”保险学术研讨会。  相似文献   

保险人才培养:中国大学保险专业教育的定位与定轨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人才培养是保险业发展的关键,而中国大学保险院系是保险人才培养的重要场所。本文探讨的是一种保险人才培养的立体模式,即;大学保险院系的保险专业教育在自身正确定位的前提下,面向保险业各个主体的需求,在注重方法教育的基础上培养人才市场需要的真正保险人才。  相似文献   

为了切实服务于保险事业,探讨新形势下保险发展的新思路,上海市保险学会、《上海保险》杂志社联合举办保险学术论文征文活动。活动旨在回顾我国建国60周年来保险业发展历程,并结合上海“两个中心”建设、上海世博会以及新《保险法》的学习与研究,研究我国保险业的现状和发展方向,就当前保险业发展中涉及的有关政策、法律、监管、产业发展、行业自律和企业经营中的热点问题,出谋划策。  相似文献   

不断丰富保险文化内涵打造行业科学发展的文化支撑   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱进元 《保险研究》2009,(11):22-25
研究和探索保险行业文化建设,形成行业生存与发展核心的价值观念和精神追求,对于引领和凝聚全行业干部职工,把握机遇,化危为机,全面推进保险事业沿着中国特色保险业发展道路阔步前进,意义重大而深远。保险行业文化应具有鲜明的时代特征和行业特色,当前基层行业文化建设应从信守承诺的诚信要素、兼济天下的责任要素、自觉自律的合规要素、共赢共进的合作要素、彰显大爱的慈善要素和锐意进取的创新要素几个方面抓起。  相似文献   

尽管利用巨灾保险来补偿巨灾损失的做法已经得到越来越多的认同,但是人们对于巨灾保险是否应该采取强制参保的方式尚存明显争议。本文通过考察强制保险的两种基本形态——社会保险与强制性商业责任保险的历史发展背景,总结出强制保险发展的基本逻辑,然后以此为衡量标准对巨灾保险是否应该采取强制参保的方式进行了探讨。本文研究发现,巨灾保险并没有满足采取强制参保方式的所有标准,这或许正是人们对这一问题存在争议的原因。  相似文献   

王虹  陈韬 《保险研究》2009,(5):46-50
信用保险在我国是一个新兴的保险种类,根据我国《保险法》对于保险的基本分类,信用保险属于财产保险的一种,但实际上信用保险较之一般的财产保险存在诸多特殊之处,特别是在重复保险问题上更是难以适用《保险法》针对财产保险所设计的相关制度,同时,也不能按照人身保险生命无价原理确定和解决重复保险问题。当信用保险市场开放时,各保险人就会面对重复保险如何界定和分担责任的问题。本文对这一问题提出了一些解决思路。  相似文献   

保险价值在财产保险中占有核心地位,是确定赔付比例和赔偿限额的标准。在实务和媒体报道中,财产保险索赔争议案例多与对保险价值的不同理解有关。本文将通过案例分析保险法和保险条款对保险价值界定中存在的问题,并对保险价值相关立法和司法解释的进一步完善提出合理建议。  相似文献   

I formulate expected-utility-maximizing models for health insurance with a single optimal coinsurance (C*) and (separately) a single optimal deductible (D*). While so-doing, I formalize Nyman's challenge to standard welfare-loss models, clarifying when and by how much this alters unadjusted models. Using MEPS-calibrated lognormal distributions and incorporating skewness and kurtosis measures of financial risk, I show how C* shifts as various economic parameters change. For reasonable parameter values, C* < 0.1, much lower than variance-only estimates would conclude. Omitting higher-order risk parameters importantly understates risk and hence understates optimal insurance coverage. I separately develop methods to determine D*, showing that it is approximately a fixed percentage of income that falls as the distribution of financial risks rise. This finding contrasts with existing US public policy regarding high-deductible health plans, which employ fixed deductibles, independent of income.  相似文献   

考察美俄保险市场的若干思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
美国是全球最大的保险市场,交易活跃,成熟度高。同时,美国也是此次全球金融危机的发源地,其保险业受到金融海啸的巨大冲击和影响。与此相对的,俄罗斯是全球新兴的保险市场,发展较快但具有鲜明的转轨经济特征,市场机制和监管制度都尚未成型。美俄保险业各具特点,是全球范围内不同发展阶段保险市场的重要代表。在全球金融危机爆发一周年前夕,我们对美俄两国的保险业及保险监管进行了考察,对金融危机造成的影响和两国政府的应对措施进行了分析研究,并在此基础上,结合中国保险市场面临的形势和问题,形成了若干思考和建议。  相似文献   

投资连结保险的产品设计独特,将其保障功能与投资功能分开,一方面为消费者提供了调整保险和投资计划的便利,另一方面也使之与资本市场的走势密切相关。我国寿险市场上的供给方存在资本市场繁荣时过多引导消费者关注投资收益,边缘化其保险功能的问题;需求方则由于对投资连结保险产品收益的刚性预期,不能接受产品收益下降的情况。两方面共同的结果是导致投资连接保险成为寿险市场上的不稳定因素。为促使投资连接保险在我国的健康发展,应当强调投资连接保险的保障功能;针对销售导向进行实质的约束;利用税收对市场进行引导等。  相似文献   

In today’s interconnected digital world, cybersecurity risks and resulting breaches are a fundamental concern to organizations and public policy setters. Accounting firms, as well as other firms providing risk advisory services, are concerned about their clients’ potential and actual breaches. Organizations cannot, however, eliminate all cybersecurity risks so as to achieve 100% security. Furthermore, at some point additional cybersecurity measures become more costly than the benefits from the incremental security. Thus, those responsible for preventing cybersecurity breaches within their organizations, as well as those providing risk advisory services to those organizations, need to think in terms of the cost-benefit aspects of cybersecurity investments. Besides investing in activities that prevent or mitigate the negative effects of cybersecurity breaches, organizations can invest in cybersecurity insurance as means of transferring some of the cybersecurity risks associated with potential future breaches.This paper provides a model for selecting the optimal set of cybersecurity insurance policies by a firm, given a finite number of policies being offered by one or more insurance companies. The optimal set of policies for the firm determined by this selection model can (and often does) contain at least three areas of possible losses not covered by the selected policies (called the Non-Coverage areas in this paper). By considering sets of insurance policies with three or more Non-Coverage areas, we show that a firm is often better able to address the frequently cited problems of high deductibles and low ceilings common in today’s cybersecurity insurance marketplace. Our selection model facilitates improved risk-sharing among cybersecurity insurance purchasers and sellers. As such, our model provides a basis for a more efficient cybersecurity insurance marketplace than currently exists. Our model is developed from the perspective of a firm purchasing the insurance policies (or the risk advisors guiding the firm) and assumes the firm’s objective in purchasing cybersecurity insurance is to minimize the sum of the costs of the premiums associated with the cybersecurity insurance policies selected and the sum of the expected losses not covered by the insurance policies.  相似文献   

We describe briefly a model of Huntington's disease (HD), a highly penetrant, dominantly inherited, fatal neurological disorder. Although it is a single-gene disorder, mutations are variable in their effects, depending on the number of times that the CAG trinucleotide is repeated in a certain region of the HD gene. The model covers: (a) rates of onset, depending on CAG repeat length as well as age; (b) post-onset rates of mortality; and (c) the distribution of CAG repeat lengths in the population. Using these, we study the critical illness and life insurance markets. We calculate premiums based on genetic test results that disclose the CAG repeat length, or more simply on a family history of HD. These vary widely with age and policy term; some are exceptionally high, but in a large number of cases cover could be offered within normal underwriting limits. We then consider the possible costs of adverse selection, in terms of increased premiums, under various possible moratoria on the use of genetic information, including family history. These are uniformly very small, because of the rarity of HD, but do show that the costs would be much larger in relative terms if family history could not be used in underwriting. We point out some difficulties involved in applying a moratorium that recognises simply a dichotomy between ‘carriers’ and ‘non-carriers’ of any mutation in a gene when these mutations are, in fact, very variable in their effects. These complexities suggest that restrictions on the disclosure, rather than on the use, of genetic information, if it became established as a principle, could deprive insurers of information needed for risk management even if not used in underwriting.  相似文献   

政策性农业保险中的保险公司激励机制研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中国政策性农业保险采取了政府推动、市场运作模式。保险公司的逐利性与政策性农业保险的非赢利性存在矛盾,并且政府与保险公司在政策性农业保险中形成委托代理关系。为了激发保险公司参与政策性农业保险的经营管理、控制保险公司道德风险,提高农业保险运作效率,应根据政府与保险公司的风险偏好,构建由低风险报酬和高风险报酬共同组成的激励机制。  相似文献   

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