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As current editors of Real Estate Economics ( REE ) we feel it is our responsibility to offer our readers some comments regarding the preceding article by Gibler and Ziobrowski. Our comments are intended to convey our policy regarding publication of articles of this nature, as well as some relevant facts about the current publication process performance of the Journal.  相似文献   

A Normalized Citation Analysis of Real Estate Journals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study presents an analysis of the citation patterns and rankings for journals in real estate and related areas for the period 1990–1995. Journals were ranked based on the number of times they were cited in four base journals with adjustments for journal size and longevity. The results show that Real Estate Economics is the most cited journal among real estate publications, followed closely by the Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics and the Journal of Real Estate Research . A temporal analysis reveals a shift in citations, over the time period, away from the traditional economics and practitioner-oriented journals to the academic real estate journals.  相似文献   

Journal editors who want to attract the best research must understand authors' perceptions of their journals. In this survey, U.S. academic authors rank Real Estate Economics ( REE ) higher than The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics ( JREFE ) and rank The Journal of Real Estate Research ( JRER ) third. Authors perceive REE as high quality with promotion and tenure value and JREFE as providing a fair, efficient publication process. Faculty at doctoral degree-granting schools are more discerning between the journals, whereas faculty at schools with real estate degree programs are more likely to have work in all three journals rewarded. Publishing in a journal and membership in a real estate association also influence opinions.  相似文献   

AREUEA is pleased to acknowledge the financial support of the National Council of Real Estate Investment Fiduciaries (NCREIF) whose members are listed on the preceding page. We also thank Mike Miles for his role in maintaining an excellent relationship between NCREIF and AREUEA over the years. Finally, the editors acknowledge the continuing financial support of their colleges at The Ohio State University and of the Homer Hoyt Institute.  相似文献   

Influential Journals, Institutions and Researchers in Real Estate   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A threshold citation approach is used to measure the research influence of academic real estate journals, institutions and individual researchers. Real Estate Economics followed by The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics and Journal of Real Estate Research are the most influential real estate journals. Almost 63% of heavily cited works in core real estate journals are published in real estate journals. Twenty-one percent of the heavily cited works are published in Real Estate Economics . An overwhelming 80% of the citations of the 21 most heavily cited papers in real estate come from articles published in real estate journals. Even when real estate articles are published in top-tier finance and economics journals, the majority of the citations associated with these articles come from top real estate journals. This provides strong evidence of the existence of a distinct real estate research discipline. As compared to prior studies, an expanded universe of institutions is found to influence real estate research. Research-extensive universities generating high-quality economics, statistics and finance research influence the real estate discipline. The individuals that are most influential, however, are generally those with substantial real estate discipline specific research.  相似文献   

城市别墅全享价值,五期临河珍藏火热公开 距离徐家汇仅约20分钟车程的银都名墅,以近7成的土地面积建造江南园林景观。是一座城市中的森林公园。银都名墅专门挑选30年以上的成年桦树.种植在中国居住文化里象徵阖家兴旺的竹林。  相似文献   

介绍了房地产开发企业的主要销售管理模式,分析了销售管理与企业收益、企业品牌的关系。重点阐述了房地产开发过程中销售管理与工程建设、与物业管理的协调,提出了改善房地产开发企业销售管理水平,提高销售业绩的基本方法。  相似文献   

面对日渐繁荣的中国房地产市场,房价涨幅过快、过高已经是一个不容回避的问题。房地产期权作为一种创新型投资理财工具,在欧美和亚洲金融衍生品市场几乎完全空白,能够有效对冲房价过快上涨的风险,改变中国购房者传统购房观念,间接缓解房地产价格过快上涨的压力。本文基于中国市场对以房地产价格为标的物的期权产品进行研究,以西安市房地产市场为例进行模拟分析,结果表明,房地产期权可以满足普通购房者对冲房价过快上涨的避险需求,转变传统购房观念,缓解短期购房压力,降低房地产市场的整体风险,在一定程度上促进房地产市场平稳有序的发展,具有十分显著的现实应用价值。  相似文献   

我国房地产宏观调控政策运行机制分析   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2  
对房地产宏观调控政策运行机制进行了界定.将我国房地产宏观调控政策运行机制概括为动力机制、约束机制、决策机制和调控机制,并进行了具体分析.提出了建立我国房地产宏观调控政策和谐运行机制系统的构想.  相似文献   

从我国房地产金融市场现状和房地产市场良性发展要求的角度出发,分析了我国房地产市场金融创新的方向、必要性与发展路径,以期为我国房地产资金要素市场的充分竞争和整个房地产市场良性的发展提供理论支持。  相似文献   

介绍了当前房地产开发行业的整体赢利情况,分析了房地产开发企业的成本及收入组成,并重点阐述了评价房地产开发企业经营效益的主要方法。通过具体的案例研究,提出一些有益的建议。  相似文献   

基于供应链管理的房地产开发企业合伙模式研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
基于供应链的思想,传统制造业中的各个企业被看作整个供应链中的某一环节,供应链管理使企业集中优势资源与精力创造特殊价值,提高自身竞争能力并带动相关企业发展。房地产开发企业作为自身行业中的“集成制造商”,应该充分借鉴供应链管理的思想,大力发展与相关合作对象的伙伴关系,基于其独特的供应链的内部集成,建立合适的合伙模式,以达到降低开发成本、提高项目品质、增强企业核心竞争力的目标。  相似文献   

房地产企业的投资问题一直是大众所关注的热点,近年来房价居高不下,政府也屡次发文对房地产企业及市场进行控制,学术界对房地产业也做了较多的研究。本文以2007年-2010年我国房地产上市公司为研究对象,在分析国内外已有研究的基础上,建立了多元线性回归模型组,采用"投资-现金流敏感性"检验的方法对过度投资进行验证。研究表明我国房地产上市公司投资行为与现金流之间存在敏感性,进一步验证了我国房地产上市公司存在过度投资行为。  相似文献   

房地产投资的量度   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
根据天津市多年来房地产供求关系的有关资料,将最小二乘法和马尔可夫(Markov)预测法相结合,对天津市(城区)的房地产需求趋势进行了预测,并根据预测结果对未来的房地产需求情况进行了分析,经验证用这种数学模型预测出的结果与事实相符。  相似文献   

为了反映房地产价格的真实变动情况,采用特征价格法建立了深圳市房地产价格指数模型,并采用实际的成交数据进行分析。通过对原始交易数据的修正,将不同品质的房产修正为同一品质的房产,使房地产价格指数的计算更加科学、客观。连续运行五年的房地产价格指数表明,基于特征价格法编制的房地产价格指数具有合理性和可行性。  相似文献   

基于供应链管理的房地产开发企业成本控制研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
对于房地产企业来说,搞好成本控制是企业降本增效,正确体现经营成果的一项重要手段。世界经济的一体化和电子商务的发展改变了传统的商业规则,企业已经难以再依靠传统的成本控制手段,目前已经开始试图从供应链管理这种全新的企业成本管理模式,来探讨如何进行企业成本控制。  相似文献   

Most development projects encounter a highly uncertain entitlement process that is largely uncontrollable by developers. In this study, entitlement is modeled as a separate stage within a compound real option, where developers begin with minimal control (maximum risk) and each successful stage increases control (decreases risk). We solve the model analytically, provide three‐dimensional numerical comparisons, and empirically test the model's predictions using hand collected rezoning petitions. Our main result refines the classic development option model: developers first invest early (secure entitlements) in order to obtain the option to subsequently delay investment (construct the optimal building at the optimal time).  相似文献   

实施房地产品牌营销的战略要点研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对我国房地产品牌营销现状的分析,研究了房地产品牌营销进行战略管理的重要性、在房地产品牌营销中如何实施战略性管理,以及房地产品牌营销的战略管理的要点。  相似文献   

分析了现行房地产统计制度与方法、现行房地产统计流程,研究了现行房地产统计报表制度本身存在的缺陷和各环节存在的问题。借鉴国外房地产业的统计制度方法,并结合我国现状从统计调查、统计指标、统计标准提出了我国房地产统计制度与方法改革的建议。  相似文献   

我国房地产企业市场定位策略研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国房地产企业市场定位目前存在着产品定位不准确、客户管理不到位、销售过程管理不规范和缺乏战略规划等问题。房地产企业市场定位决定了企业的成败,只有通过准确地定位,房地产企业才能取得成功。房地产企业市场定位策略包括产品定位策略、品牌定位策略和企业战略定位策略。  相似文献   

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