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对于中国人来说,过春节是一件最快乐的事。春晚已经成为过年的一部分。姑且不谈2012龙年央视春晚的内容精彩与否,今年在央视春晚期间的"零广告"确实让人们眼前一亮。早在2011年11月的央视黄金资源广告招标大会上,龙年春晚总导演哈文便向媒体透露:在龙年春晚四个  相似文献   

8月11日,国资委党委第四巡视组巡视中国纺织工业联合会党委情况反馈会在京举行,国资委党委第四巡视组组长阮国平向中纺联反馈了巡视情况,国资委巡视办副主任张一虹对巡视整改工作提出要求,中纺联党委书记高勇代表中纺联做表态讲话,中纺联会长孙瑞哲主持会议.国资委党委第四巡视组副组长陈永录出席会议.  相似文献   

鹰联航空国进民退收官国内首家民营航空商鹰联航空 10月 15 日宣布彻底转变为国有控股。中国商飞、川航集团、成都交投集团签署合作协议,三方将对鹰联航空进行重组,订购 30 架中国商飞生产的ARJ21-700 型飞机。中国商飞、成都交投集团将以增资扩股的方式进入鹰联。重组后,鹰联股本金由 3 亿元增加至 6.8 亿元,各方持股比例分别  相似文献   

青岛凯联集团暨凯联(集团)有限责任公司于1998年1月ZO日正式挂牌成立,它是以原青岛市化工总公司、青岛橡胶集团、青岛海湾集团等企业集团和企业联合组建的,在我国地方化工主管部门面临新的行业管理体制改革的今天,凯联集团的成立无疑引起了业内人士的极大关注。为此.本刊  相似文献   

5月26日,山东青岛纺联控股集团有限公司与青岛市四方区政府在青纺联四方产业园签订战略合作框架协议,全面启动"青岛现代纺织产业园"的建设。同时,青纺联"国家多组份差别化纱线坯布开发基地"和"中国多组份纱布精品基地"和青纺联技术中心也同期在产业园正式挂牌。据青纺联集团董事长闫勇介绍,按照该集团与青岛四方区政府战略合作的框架协议  相似文献   

一个专业生产仪器仪表的企业,或许会因新产品LED照明灯而变得人尽皆知。就像以木浆起家而以手机出名的诺基亚;以微型电动开关和保护继电器起家却以血压计出名的欧姆龙一样,四联集团能和这些国际巨头一样走上成功新路吗?  相似文献   

需求诱导、技术独立与产业环境——中国短信产业透视   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过观察和对比中外短信产业的发展,认为短信产业成长中的技术创新不是外生决定的,而是对价格和市场需求的动态反应,中国的短信与通话价格之间的较大差异、中国巨大的人口基数所产生快速网络效应,强有力的“用中学”效应和向快速增长的短信业务靠拢的相关产业技术创新现象等都是中国短信产业发展的重要原因;产业领先和快速发展是实现技术独立发展不可忽视的重要条件,产业环境与技术独立发展也可以促进产业快速发展,它们构成一个相互支撑的动态发展体系。  相似文献   

一、机械工业企业集团现状及问题在我国企业集团的探索和实践中,机械工业企业集团起步最早,发展最快,数量最多,规模最大,成效也比较显著,具有代表性。目前,机械工业大中型企业集团已有300多家,其中,国家计划单列的大集团有12家。它们是:三大汽车集团、三大电站集团、两大输变电集团、两大重型集团、一拖集团和四联仪表集团,如果加上中汽总公司,则是13大集团。13路中央军之外,地方军也蓬勃发展,其中不乏成功的典型,如徐工集团、春兰集团、玉柴集团等。在集团的发展中,主要形成了两种典型的联合形式,各具特点。一是产品龙头…  相似文献   

上海源联木业有限公司与德国AKF集团包装公司日前在财大豪生大酒店签订合作协议,由上海源联木业有限公司承揽德国AKF集团包装公司在中国的独家代理权。协议内容涉及技术支持、信息、人员培训等诸多内容。  相似文献   

粗细联作为提升我国纺织行业技术水平的重要装备,也是我国纺织企业从劳动密集型向技术密集型改变的重要途径。随着我国劳动力成本的不断上升以及劳动力向第三产业的快速转移,在更大程度上减少万锭用工人数是众多纺企的切实需求。赛特环球机械(青岛)有限公司依托环球集团40年机械制造和20年专业生产高速悬锭粗纱机的成功经验,借助CMT公司拥有的欧洲先进  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to present the findings from a critical literature review of the ‘dark side’ issues related to three constructs, namely conflict, power and dependence, in customer–supplier relationships. Previous research has focused on discrete characteristics that influence relationships, but there is a paucity of research that considers the intertwining of a set of characteristics that may create darker associations or consequences for relationships. The paper contributes to IMP literature through this investigation of darker associations of relationships as much of the previous literature on customer–supplier relationship development has been concerned with building trust, developing commitment or managing long-term goals and mutuality (IMP Group, 1982).The paper considers the research on conflict, power and dependence in relationships, tracing its development from January 1980 to the end of 2014, and assessing the dark side issues raised in previous research, placing particular emphasis on ‘asymmetric’ customer–supplier relationships.The contribution of the paper lies in its critique of this focused body of literature and in the development of a better understanding for future IMP researchers on the derivations, foundations and findings concomitant to the ‘dark side’ of conflict, power and dependence in customer–supplier relationships. The paper proposes themes and future avenues of research related to the dark side of conflict, power and dependence, placing emphasis on the ‘bi-polarity’ of each relationship characteristic, the dynamics of relational benefits, the consequences of their evolution on inter-organizational trust and its impact on the dark side of relationships. Hence, the paper contributes through the identification of potential research areas and propositions to guide future conceptual developments in the field.  相似文献   

This paper defines initiative as a key manifestation of corporate entrepreneurship, and examines the types of initiative exhibited in a sample of six subsidiaries of multinational corporations. From a detailed analysis of 39 separate initiatives, four distinct types are identified, which we refer to as ‘global,’ ‘local,’ ‘internal’ and ‘global–internal hybrid,’ to correspond to the locus of the market opportunity whence each arose. Two important conclusions are indicated. First, entrepreneurship at the subsidiary level has the potential to enhance local responsiveness, worldwide learning and global integration, a much broader role than previously envisioned. Second, the use of contextual mechanisms to create differentiated subsidiary roles has its limitations because each initiative type is facilitated in different ways. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Australia was long recognized for its relatively compressed wage structure. From the 1940s to the 1970s this was associated with a comprehensive regime of ‘award‐based’ minimum wages. Since the 1980s, this has been subjected to comprehensive ‘modernization’. After three decades of reform and in the most supportive economic environment in the OECD, Australian wage inequality has deepened. Although multiple political‐economic forces have been at play, the evolution of Australia's labour standards regime is an example of ‘institutional plasticity’ whereby the purpose and operations of wage‐setting institutions not only evolves but can actually be inverted over time.  相似文献   

‘Soft Science’ is defined by the Science and Technology Agency of the Japanese Government as a new methodology to forecast, plan. control and evaluate. This paper describes the activities of the Soft Science Group (SSG) which has been established in the Mitsubishi Electric Corporation. SSG presently consists of 13 members and has issued in excess of 300 reports in 5 years. Its basic activities are concerned with setting new research themes, information exchange meetings, and work on specific projects involving also engineers seconded from operating divisions. The paper summarizes these activities and presents a case example of planning a new product which has already been developed and commercialized.  相似文献   

R & D Managers use computers extensively in solving technical problems. This paper examines the use they make of computers in solving Management problems. Applications of computers to various aspects of R & D programme formulation, project planning, technical information storage and retrieval, management information systems, and computer-aided training have been investigated by many companies and, in some cases, have been implemented. Some of the techniques have become well established but others are still at a development stage. No attempt has been made to evaluate the techniques described. This topic was the subject of a study by a Working Group of the European Industrial Research Management Association (EIRMA), and a report ‘Computers as Aids to R & D Management’ was distributed to members of the Association. EIRMA has now agreed to release information contained in that report and this paper is based on that information updated by the author, who was Chairman of the EIRMA Working Group.  相似文献   

Research in adoption of new mediatechnologies for social identity and its relationship to lifestyle has received little attention. The purpose of thisstudy is to link consumers’ lifestyle orientation and media use to the adoption behavior of new media technologies in urban China. Key findings indicate that (1) lifestyles significantly affect innovativeness; (2) the upscale socioecono-mic profile of earlier adopters was consistent with early research; and (3) adoption of certain new media technologies appeared to project certain social identities such as ‘life expansionists’, ‘sophisticated and fashionable’,and ‘pleasurable and enjoyable’. The results have important implications for marketing managers and media planners.  相似文献   

Knowledge, as resource, and technological innovation, as a dynamic capability, are key sources for firm's sustained competitive advantage and survival in knowledge-based and high-tech industries. Under this rationale has emerged a research stream where knowledge management, organizational learning, or intellectual capital, help to understand and constitute the key pieces of one of the most complex business phenomena; the ‘firm's technological advantage’. This being so, it is also true that in knowledge-based and high-tech industrial markets, competitive success comes directly from continuous technological innovations, where a single organization cannot successfully innovate in isolation; therefore, firms should rely on external relationships and networks in order to complement its knowledge domains, and then, develop better and faster innovations. In this sense, I would like to highlight the cross-fertilizing role of three constructs that are nurtured by different research traditions: ‘collaborative/open innovation’, from Strategy and Innovation Management research; ‘absorptive capacity’, from ‘A Knowledge-Based View’; and ‘market orientation’, from Marketing research.  相似文献   

We examine the effect of globalization, in its economic and social dimensions, on obesity and caloric intake, namely the so –called ‘globesity’ hypothesis. Our results suggest a robust association between globalization and both obesity and caloric intake. A one standard deviation increase in globalization is associated with a 23.8 percent increase in obese population and a 4.3 percent rise in calorie intake. The effect remains statistically significant even after using an instrumental variable strategy to correct for some possible reverse causality and ommited variable bias, a lagged structure, and corrections for panel standard errors. However, we find that the primary driver (of the ‘globesity’ phenomenon) is the ‘social’ rather than the ‘economic’ dimension of globalization, and specifically the effect of changes in ‘information flows’ and ‘social proximity’ on obesity. A one standard deviation increase in social globalization increased the percentage of obese population by 13.7 percent.  相似文献   

After describing the aims of the Community with regard to ‘harmonization’ and the legal basis for its activities in working towards that aim, the author discusses the relation of EEC labelling policy to that of other international organizations and then sets out in detail the proposals in the draft Directive currently before the Council of Ministers. In conclusion, she discusses the adaptation of UK legislation to comply with the Directive, and examines the reasons behind the slow completion rate of Community provisions, which ‘has been acutely disappointing for those who favour a free European market in foodstuffs’.  相似文献   

Many Western scholars have regarded union democracy and elections as affairs that are internal to trade unions and unconnected with outside forces. Going beyond the mainstream union‐centred approach, this study critically assesses one significant type of union election that has been emerging in China since 2010 and that has been driven by different forces from previous elections. Previous workplace union elections had been ‘top‐down’ — initiated by the party‐state or its apparatuses, or else transnational corporation‐induced — but this newer type of election has been driven by workers' strikes. This study illustrates how the dynamics among the quadripartite actors — party‐state, higher‐level trade unions, capital and labour — have shaped these strike‐driven elections. Contrary to the claim that these elections have been ‘direct’ and ‘democratic’, our case studies show that they have been indirect and quasi‐democratic in nature.  相似文献   

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