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汉代“乡三老”与乡族势力蠡测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综合分析传世文献与考古资料,本文认为汉代"乡三老"具有官方身份但又不是纯粹的吏,他们通常颇有资财,有相当的文化和议政能力,在当地较大的地域范围内对民众有号召力,因而是乡族势力的代表人物.汉朝建立"乡三老"制度,旨在笼络和利用乡族势力的代表人物,让他们从政治和文化习俗方面帮助国家维护乡村统治秩序,从而加强国家对乡村基层社会的控制.  相似文献   

绪  言一九八三年四月至八四年一月 ,根据日本学术振兴会和中国教育部的协议 ,我作为访问研究员 ,以“中国明代土地制度的研究”为总课题 ,在中国进行为期十个月的研究交流 ,分别访问了复旦、厦门、武汉、南京及北京的五所大学。这期间 ,除了在上述五所大学以外 ,还获准参加在昆明市召开的第一届中国封建地主阶级学术讨论会 ,有机会访问了上海的上海社会科学院历史研究所 ,南京的南京博物馆 ,北京的中国社会科学院历史研究所、经济研究所 ,中国人民大学 ,北京师范大学 ,中国历史博物馆 ,天津市的南开大学等学术机构。有关这些活动的概略 ,…  相似文献   

乡约与保甲:以明代赣南为中心的分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
正德年间 ,针对基层盗贼横行和复杂流动的社会状况 ,南赣巡抚王阳明在其任上推行乡约加保甲的治理模式。但是 ,与研究者较多关注南赣乡约的事实不同的是 ,保甲法由于其实际功能大于乡约 ,而更为王阳明所重视。就实际效果而言 ,王阳明的保甲法由于无法掌握地方社会真实人口而容易流于形式 ,乡约则由于仪式繁琐等原因而维持时间甚短 ,但两者也没有完全流于形式。就赣南地方社会而言 ,保甲和乡约不仅在基层社会中发挥了一定的作用 ,成为地方社会制度一部分 ,基层社会的各种势力也有和官方的保甲乡约相结合的可能。  相似文献   

福建向台湾移民的家族外植与联系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
明清以来 ,福建居民不断向台湾迁移。新移民的家族在台湾得到了比较迅速的拓展。他们通过许多不同的形式与福建原乡的家族、乡族保持着一定的联系。这种状况在中国的移民史上是比较少见的。这一方面固然是建立在以血缘和地源关系基础上的传统家族制度和乡族观念使然 ;另一方面 ,中国的祖先崇拜 ,自宋明以来更蒙上某些宗教迷信的色彩。人们对于原乡的乡族 ,势必怀着相当的敬畏之心。在种种文化观念因素的作用下 ,福建与台湾两地间必然保持着较为密切的乡族联系。随着时间的推移 ,福建与台湾两地乡族间的联系 ,出现了越来越侧重于家族观念、文化观念上联系的趋向  相似文献   

李强 《城市建设》2010,(3):379-379,382
传统习俗的变迁、经济的发展和社会流动的增强,使得族际通婚家庭中,其子女的族属选择由父系继承向利益权衡及随性选择有所倾斜。国家一些相关的民族政策在增强了民族认同的同时,也促使了民族融合。  相似文献   

传统习俗的变迁、经济的发展和社会流动的增强,使得族际通婚家庭中,其子女的族属选择由父系继承向利益权衡及随性选择有所倾斜.国家一些相关的民族政策在增强了民族认同的同时,也促使了民族融合.  相似文献   

本文主要以中国人民财产保险股份有限公司青海分公司为例,结合员工心理契约的问题,分析了心理契约对员工绩效的影响。  相似文献   

范颖 《现代经济信息》2016,(4):426-427,429
甘肃省高校由于所处地理位置、所在地区经济发展水平及高校自身发展历史等原因,管理水平落后,教师工作积极性低,人才流失严重。本文通过问卷调查及访谈,分析甘肃省高校教师心理契约结构及需求差异,进行心理契约与教师工作绩效的相关性研究,为西部地区高校教师激励机制建立提供建议。  相似文献   

于洪苑 《新经济》2014,(22):58-61
本文以周戈庄祭海节为例,通过对祭海节祭拜的神灵、祭海过程介绍,从讲究的祭祀活动,考察中国古代主要海神信仰,折射出了古老的海洋神灵观,构成了海洋信仰文化的一道奇特的风景线.研究发现,海神信仰是胶东沿海渔民的民间信仰,其实际是涉海民众海洋观念的外化表现,祭海仪式在海神信仰中最具象征意义,是渔捕文化的特殊形态.  相似文献   

文章利用2002年住户收入调查(CHIP)数据对我国不同期限类型劳动合同的工资决定机制及工资差异进行了经验研究。结果发现,长期劳动合同与短期劳动合同的工资差异符合补偿性工资差别理论,企业对没有签订劳动合同的员工存在工资歧视。排除特征因素和选择性因素,长期劳动合同工的工资比短期劳动合同工低42.84%,比无劳动合同员工高29.6%。文章研究表明:短期劳动合同没有对生产率表现出显著的负面影响,提升劳动合同签订率是比限制短期劳动合同使用更为合适的劳动政策。  相似文献   

文献研究、自我审视与实际观察表明,西方学者对中国商人重"关系""、面子"、"等级"等看法属实,但从文化脉络梳理问题有片面性。文化对人行为的影响不全见于先哲们的论述中,更多地与一些生活中形成的通俗理念有关,因而西方文献将"厚黑学""、孙子兵法"与商业活动密切联系的趋向有偏颇。商业是互利的,政治与军事却在于击败敌手,过分渲染攻心用计有悖于"先做人、后经商"、"君子爱财,取之有道"等一些熟知的中华信条。  相似文献   

敦煌遗书中有一些寺院经济文书,这些经济文书体现了丰富的审计思想:从审计地点看,送达审计与就地审计相结合;从审计技术看,听审法、审阅法和盘存法三者相结合;从审计时机看,平时审计和交接审计相结合;从审计主体看,普通僧众审计和上级僧官审计相结合。这些寺院经济文书对古代民间审计史的研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Courts and Relational Contracts   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Post-communist countries offer new evidence on the relativeimportance of courts and relationships in enforcing contracts.Belief in the effectiveness of courts has a significant positiveeffect on the level of trust shown in new relationships betweenfirms and their customers. Well-functioning courts also encourageentrepreneurs to try out new suppliers. Courts are particularlyimportant when specific investments are needed for a relationshipto develop. While relationships can sustain existing interactions,workable courts help new interactions to start and develop.  相似文献   

园林植物不但具有美化环境、陶冶情操的功能,还具有改善环境,净化空气和保健人体的作用。以风水学理论为基础,通过对植物的阴阳、五行、相生相克及其与人体健康关系的分析,探讨了植物气场的存在及其保健作用,提出了园林景观设计中基于风水理论、保健理念的植物气场营造方法。  相似文献   

This article provides evidence on the determinants of royaltiesand upfront fees in share contracts by examining how state franchisetermination laws affect franchise contracts. The results areconsistent with the joint hypothesis that the two-sided moralhazard model explains the terms in franchise contracts and thattermination laws increase the relative importance of franchisoreffort (due to the extra effort that is required to controlsystem quality). I find that franchise companies that are headquarteredin termination-law states charge significantly higher royaltyrates than companies headquartered in other states (around 1%higher). Correspondingly, the initial franchise fees are lowerfor companies headquartered in termination states. Overall,franchisees appear to pay a higher price for franchises in stateswith protection laws. Consistent with a basic tenet of law andeconomics, price adjustments appear to offset at least someof the transfers that would otherwise be implied by the laws.  相似文献   

We examine an economy in which the cost of consuming some goods can be reduced by making commitments that reduce flexibility. We show that such consumption commitments can induce consumers with risk-neutral underlying utility functions to be risk averse over small variations in income, but sometimes to seek risk over large variations. As a result, optimal employment contracts will smooth wages conditional on being employed, but may incorporate a possibility of unemployment.  相似文献   

We modify a standard Baron–Myerson model by assuming that, instead of knowing the state of nature, the agent has to incur a cost γ to learn it. Under these conditions, the principal will offer contracts that, depending on the value of γ, try to induce the agent to gather or not to gather information. We study the tradeoffs that are involved.Journal of Economic LiteratureClassification Numbers: D82, D83.  相似文献   

Abstract **: This paper examines the application of the concept of a regulatory contract in the analysis of UK utilities regulation. It argues that there are serious problems in conceiving of regulatory relations as analogous to contracts, though particular contracts may be a useful tool in the regulatory armoury. This is partly due to problems with principal/agent theory, which has been conceived in different ways by economists and lawyers, and partly due to the essentially political nature of regulatory relations, which make it difficult to tie down regulatory discretion in ways which resemble contractual relations. There is also ambiguity as to who is principal and who is agent, with the danger of adopting a single theoretical category for relationships which are radically different. The early legal structures adopted for UK utility regulation did have elements of a regulatory contract, but with the growth of competition and social regulation, a different model, that of a network of stakeholders, has largely replaced it. This offers the opportunity to develop more sophisticated regulatory procedures, but does not replace the need for substantive values drawn from economics but also from public service values as guides for regulatory decisions .  相似文献   

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