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While the theoretical relation between taxes and capital structurehas been extensively analyzed, the empirical evidence on thisissue has thus far been inconclusive. One of the main difficultiesconfronting previous empirical studies of the cross-sectionalrelationship between taxes and leverage was the control of interveningvariables. The Tax Reform Act of 1986 (TRA), which drasticallychanged the tax regime, provides a unique opportunity to assessthe interaction between taxes and leverage decisions in a controlledenvironment. We test the relationship between leverage and certaintax-related variables for a large sample of companies in theyears surrounding the enactment of the TRA. The results supportthe tax-based theories of capital structure. The findings indicatethat there exists a substitution effect between debt and nondebttax shields, and that both corporate and personal tax ratesaffect leverage decisions.  相似文献   

Analysis of firm investment behavior during 1982–1993 shows that the Tax Reform Act of 1986 (TRA 86) Public Law No. 99-514 substantially affects both purchases and leases of depreciable assets. The changes in the regular corporate income tax rules are shown to lower asset acquisition. The effect of the alternative minimum tax (AMT) is found to vary with the debt share in firms’ capital structure and with the frequency of AMT exposure during the life of the assets acquired. On average, TRA86 depresses asset purchases less for firms that are subject to the AMT: AMT somewhat mitigates the negative effects of the regular tax rules.  相似文献   

杨晶  邓大松  申云 《保险研究》2019,(6):111-124
本文通过Kakwani个体相对剥夺指数测度中国城乡居民的收入不平等程度,并分析了人力资本和社会保障对居民个体收入不平等的影响机制及其城乡差异。研究发现:人力资本积累和社会保障制度能够有效抑制居民收入不平等程度的恶化,人力资本和社会保障主要通过收入增长效应和收入差距减缓效应来降低居民收入不平等程度,且稳健性检验结果依然显著;城乡之间不同收入人群在人力资本积累和社会保障再分配上存在群体差异性和阶层分化,导致城乡居民收入不平等的异质性。加强人力资本要素集聚和提高生产效率,构建城乡一体化的社会保障体系,遏制城乡居民多维贫困的代际传递,对于降低城乡居民收入不平等尤为关键。  相似文献   

This paper advances expressions for the firm's valuation and cost of capital as a function of leverage. The framework is arrived at by introducing leverage in Dempsey's (1996 and 1998) cost of capital framework and is applicable in the context of both classical and imputation tax systems. The framework reveals that both the historical stability of corporate leverage and the firm's choice of financing structure as revealed by the Pecking Order hypothesis are consistent with a tax-based explanation.  相似文献   

The discounted dividends model advanced by Dempsey (1996) is extended to provide a weighted average cost of capital (WACC) assessment of investment opportunities with irregular cash flows. Thereafter, the framework is extended to an assessment of the implications of government tax policy for the firm's investment behaviour. The developed framework is consistent with the empirical evidence of Poterba and Summers (1985) which — over the period of UK tax history 1950–1983 encompassing four major tax on equity reforms — observes how the related dividend and investment politics of UK firms appear to be influenced by the level of dividend taxes.  相似文献   

2012年4月5日,美国总统奥巴马签署JOBS法案,使之正式成为法律。该法案旨在通过适当放松管制,完善美国小型公司与资本市场的对接,鼓励和支持小型公司发展。本文详细介绍了JOBS法案的基本内容,全面分析法案出台后可能造成的影响,并就该法案对发展我国资本市场的启示和借鉴作用进行了深入的分析和思考。  相似文献   

I examine the responsiveness of corporate investments to changes in corporate income taxation during the financial crisis. When investigating tax effects in financially constrained firms, the model of investment demand needs to be extended to include an additional channel through which taxes could affect investments. I model the tax effects via two transmission channels, the traditional user cost of capital channel and the cash flow channel, which is crucial for financially constrained firms. The empirical results show that corporate investments in financially constrained firms do not respond to changes in corporate income taxation through the user cost of capital channel, but there is strong evidence of the effect that materializes through the cash flow channel.  相似文献   

The Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery and Enforcement Act (FIRREA) of 1989 was intended to enhance the safety of savings institutions. We develop and test a model showing how institution‐specific characteristics modify the overall effect of FIRREA on the risk of savings institutions. Our model incorporates market risk, interest rate risk, and exposure to real estate conditions. We find that risk shifts vary across savings institutions. Larger institutions exhibit no obvious shift in risk, while smaller institutions show reduced risk since FIRREA. Moreover, the effects are more favorable for institutions that maintained higher capital levels in response to FIRREA's provisions.  相似文献   

证券流转税:现状分析、国际趋势与改革思路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国目前的证券税制以证券交易印花税为主体税种。从长远来看,我国应逐步完善证券流转税制,实行证券交易税和印花税兼征制度。改革我国的证券流转税,在证券交易环节用证券交易税代替印花税,不能仅限于更名,而应有实质性的改变。  相似文献   

This paper develops a model of a growing open economy rich in non‐renewable resources, the extraction of which negatively impacts domestic productivity and whose sector competes with final production for capital. We analyse how tax rates on capital gains and interest income and the time trend of an export revenue tax rate could slow the extraction of resources for export. We find that taxing capital gains and interest income at the same rate and setting an export revenue tax rate to decline at the marginal social cost of extraction would defer extraction. An export revenue tax rate need not fall over time to curb depletion if capital gains are taxed at a lower rate than interest income, which is second best to taxing asset returns at the same rate when the resources sector competes for capital.  相似文献   

本文探讨经济改革动态背景中的宏观冲击对我国上市公司资本结构调整的影响。企业选择股权债权融资方式时,一方面要权衡债务融资与股权融资的相对成本,另一方面又受到融资资源可获得性的限制。经验证据表明,信贷市场和股权再融资市场上配额性指标和成本性指标的变动,作为外生的宏观冲击,在统计和经济意义上均对企业资本结构的调整具有重要影响。资本结构的调整幅度是信贷规模的增函数,是股权扩容规模、贷款利率、股市收益率的减函数。本文的发现对于宏观经济政策的制定和实施具有现实的政策意义。  相似文献   

潘石 《税务与经济》2006,1(1):44-49
始于20世纪70年代末的改革开放,为中国私营资本原始积累的产生与发展营造了良好的大环境。农村承包制改革、国有企业改革、引进外资政策的施行,都在解放与促进我国社会生产力的迅速发展,同时也促进了私营资本原始积累的产生与发展。允许一部分地区和一部分人先富起来的政策更是加速中国私营资本原始积累的巨大推动力量。  相似文献   

A key area of research focuses on firms in transition, particularly those going public via initial public offerings, those growing via venture capital infusions, and acquirers and targets in merger and acquisition deals. In this article, we provide a review of research regarding firms in transition, with a primary focus on accounting‐related research. As part of our review we include key contributions both in the Canadian context and internationally, and discuss areas to be considered for future research.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of the German 2001 tax reform, where Germany switched from a full imputation system to a classical system. Theory suggests that both price drop ratios and trading volume decrease following the reform. We document a significant reduction in the valuation of net dividends–in particular for high dividend yield stocks–and weakening payout policy tax clienteles. Ex‐dividend day returns are likely to be driven by short‐term traders. Though the reform removed incentives for cross‐border dividend stripping and reduced tax heterogeneity among investors, we show that the high trading volume around ex‐dividend days persists.  相似文献   

“脱贫攻坚”成为经济新常态下的重要任务,金融减贫在其中扮演了不可忽视的作用。在空间视角下分析了普惠金融对农村地区减贫增收的直接影响与空间效应,并基于2005—2017年中国省级数据,运用空间杜宾模型实证检验普惠金融的扶贫增收效果。结果发现:我国各地区间的农村扶贫增收绩效具有明显的空间联动与依赖性;普惠金融发展对本地区农村减贫具有显著的正向作用,同时存在明显的空间溢出效应。各地区应该继续加强普惠金融发展,并重视地区间普惠金融减贫合作与政策互通的深化。  相似文献   

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