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伴随着中国的改革开放,制造业与时俱进.从无意走向有心.其规模和涉及的范围越来越庞大.并且充满活力和动力的民营企业逐渐成为主流.其运作方式也从小作坊起步,更多地迈入现代化生产。然而用国际化的眼光来审视,受制于国际跨国公司,缺乏以民间商会协调组织、各自为战、分散式竞争.已经成为我国制造业进入全球市场的致命弱点。因此,我们有必要冷静地认清现实.重新理清思路.以便尽可能准确地做出判断.共同迎接“中国制造”时代的来临。  相似文献   

4月19日,第二届中国客车国际论坛在北京举办,论坛就我国客车工业的发展、国际化、世界客车新技术应用,安全、节能、环保等问题进行探讨。此次论坛,为引领行业发展、促进同行企业学习交流提供了一个良好的平台,对中国汽车工业的协调、持续、健康发展有积极意义。  相似文献   

杨再舜 《市场周刊》2004,(15):30-30
细观前三个月的产销数据,汽车产业继续呈现高速发展的势头,但有一种产品的产量在下降,那就是客车底盘.表面看,这种现象非常反常。但是,走近细看就可以发现,这种数字变化后面.隐含着客车底盘企业与整车企业之间资源的整合和产品结构的变化。客车与底盘,谁抢了谁的市场……  相似文献   

三一重工无疑是湖南乃至全国工程机械的龙头企业。2003年初,三一重工又强势推出三一客车。三一客车能否成功实施“三一”品牌的延伸,像三一重工一样打造成其所在行业的龙头老大?  相似文献   

丛刚 《市场周刊》2004,(17):28-28
据中国汽车工业协会信息部主任朱一平介绍,今年1-3月我国共累计生产汽车129.96万辆,同比增长25.63%,较去年同期增幅回落了近十个百分点。其中,今年一季度轿车累计生产39.62万辆。同比增长41.86%。朱一平说。经过两年的高速增长之后,今年汽车产销量的增幅开始趋于平稳。  相似文献   

今年一季度,全国22家大型客车企业共销售大型客车3598辆,比去年同期增长14.56%;26家中型客车企业共销售中型客车12815辆,比去年同期下降5.1%;轻型客车销量为97560辆,比去年同期增长66%。从各企业的情况来看,中型客车销量下降的主要原因是,多年来中型客车一直处于增长势头,由于交通部JT/T325-2002标准与国内中型客车发展有冲突之处,从而导致中型高级客车攀高难;另一方面,中型高级客车正逐渐为大型高级客车所取代;轻型客车销量陡升的原因主要5米以下  相似文献   

随着我国电力行业的高速发展,DCS的应用也越来越广泛,但DCS主要完成的是汽轮机、锅炉的自动化过程控制,对电气部分的自动化结合较少,DCS一般未充分考虑电气设备的控制特点,所以无论是功能上还是系统结构上,与网络微机监控系统相比在开放性、先进性和经济性等方面都有较大的差距.  相似文献   

2010年12月21日,北京海兰信数据科技股份有限公司研制的HLD-SC200型船舶操舵控制系统顺利通过德国劳氏船级社(GL)认证,获得产品型式认可证书,获得了GL代表EC(欧盟)颁发的型式测试证书(Tvpe Examination〈Module B〉1及生产质量保障证书(Conformity QualitySystem〈Module D〉)。据悉,该产品是目前国内唯一一款获得GL型式认可证书并获得EC认证的船舶操舵仪产品。  相似文献   

Relationship marketing: the wheel reinvented?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Predator–prey dynamics are widely used in ecology but seldom utilized in economics and marketing, despite their ability to express financial market agents' behaviors when considered in combination with economic cycles and financial crises. This multidisciplinary article presents a stylized framework of a market cycle that combines the notions of supply and demand and predator–prey interactions between buyers and sellers of housing mortgages. We illustrate our framework using data from the Global Financial Crisis and a Lotka-Volterra predator–prey model. We find that with our framework we can capture the dynamics of the market, particularly the peak and decline in the number of sellers and sold subprime mortgages. Our framework sheds a new light on consumer behaviors, pinpointing how they can put themselves into vulnerable prey positions. This article is one of the first of its kind to propose market phases and predator–prey dynamics nested in economic cycles and consumer buying trends.  相似文献   

This article embarks on a road trip to NASCAR, the National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing, to take a close look at why cheating occurs within that organization. Two arguments drive the article, namely that NASCAR (1) may not be able to stop cheating particularly within the current context, and (2) might not want or be motivated to stop cheating. Obstacles complicating NASCAR's efforts to stop cheating include the long-standing culture of unethical behavior within stock car racing, and the inconsistent imposition of punishments by NASCAR which drivers and race teams perceive as favoritism and unfair treatment. Yellow flags that raise caution include pressure from unwavering fans, and the friction between innovation and maintaining parity among teams. Proposed solutions include changing the culture within the NASCAR community, as well as developing ethical role models, both of which require major action by NASCAR's top managers to signal the importance of ethical behavior. Other key stakeholders such as sponsors and fans must create incentives and rewards for ethical behavior, and consider reducing or ending support for drivers and teams that engage in unethical conduct. Our analysis and recommendations have broad applications because NASCAR is an archetype of a large organization attempting to reduce cheating and unethical behavior.  相似文献   

Using data of Chinese firms over 2004–2018, we find that firms controlled by government entities, particularly central government entities, are less prone to stock price crashes, as compared with privately controlled firms. The effect is robust to alternative estimation approaches and moderated by the Split-share Structure Reform and the anti-corruption campaign. The results attest to the incentive alignment view that controlling and minority shareholders align their interests and stock prices perform well. Further, we find that government-controlled firms exhibit less financial opacity, undertake less risky investments, and appoint myopic CEOs, through which stock price crash risk is diminished.  相似文献   

Strategic alliance can aid firms to build and sustain their competitive advantages. Firms set up strategic alliance mainly for two purposes: resource acquisition and capability learning. Formal control and social control are two widely adopted control mechanisms to secure the effectiveness of strategic alliance. In this study, we construct a model to analyze the choice of control mechanisms based on alliance motivations and the influence of control mechanisms on alliance performance. Based on a survey of 607 Chinese firms, we find that when resource acquisition is the key motivation behind alliance, formal control should be enhanced. Whereas when capability learning is the main purpose of alliance, social control becomes a better choice. Furthermore, this research also finds that the impact of both formal control and social control on alliance performance are nonlinear. Suggestions are provided on how to effectively use control mechanisms to attain the purposes of strategic alliance and on how to use control mechanisms to enhance alliance performance. __________ Translated and revised from Nankai guanli pinglun 南开맜理评论 (Nankai Business Review), 2007, (5): 4–11  相似文献   

In this study, we explore several factors affecting the amount of control that foreign companies have over their joint ventures in China. Managers working in sixty-seven international joint ventures were asked to report the share of equity held by the Chinese and foreign partners; the extent to which each partner had contributed important non-capital resources; the ratio of IJV board members appointed by each partner; the nationality of managers holding key executive positions in the IJVs; and the amount of strategic and operational control that each partner enjoyed. Results showed that equity share is the major lever for the exercise of strategic control and also influences operational control through its effects on the appointment of board members and appointments to key executive positions. Results also showed that providing non-capital resources has a direct effect on operational control in addition to its indirect effect through appointments to key executive positions.  相似文献   

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