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一、两种损益观的内容及利弊分析 损益表提供的信息对于估计企业价值、预测企业未来现金流量、评价企业管理效率和指引管理者完成经营目标有着极为重要的意义。然而,对于收入、收益与费用、损失这些损益表主要要素的确认、披露的方式、方法,长期以来争论比较多。在众多的观点中.有两种观点成为了主流,即当期营业观和损益满计观。 (一)当期营业观 支持当期营业观的人主张损益表中所计列的收益额,应仅反映企业管理人员能  相似文献   

新修订的《企业会计准则第30号——财务报表列报》将综合收益列报作为新企业会计准则体系的正式内容之一而提出,但在综合收益观下的企业利润表列报还存在着一些问题尚未解决,主要包括:收入、费用和利润这三个利润表要素的界定不明确,公允价值变动损益、资产减值损失和投资收益等项目的列报位置存在问题,对其他综合收益的计量不够全面,等等。基于此,应有针对性地采取在利润表要素中增设"利得"和"损失"要素,将"利润"要素改为"综合收益"要素,取消"公允价值变动损益"科目等相关的措施。最后,明确了重构后的"综合收益表"及其相关的项目。  相似文献   

费用要素比较观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国、美国、国际会计准则委员会 (IASC)都有“费用”要素。既然用词相同,是否同义 ?既名“费用”,是否包括生产费用 ?应如何定义 ?如何揭示 ?需要探索。 一、中、美、 IASC费用要素比较   我国和美国都是费用与收入配比形成营业利润, IASC是费用与收益配比形成利润 (本期净损益 )。   IASC的费用包括损失,其外延最宽。   美国会计原则委员会 1970年发布第 4号公告,采用六要素论,费用要素包括损失,与现行的 IASC费用要素近似。 1980年 FASB发表第 3号财务会计概念公告,将损失从费用要素中独立出来,成为独立的十要…  相似文献   

一、资产负债和损益审计的内容 1.审查资产,首先应检查企业年终对固定资产和流动资产是否进行了盘点,查看企业在资产的管理方面是否健全了内控制度,执行效果如何。其次,根据审查中发现的漏洞和薄弱环节,重点对固定资产、存货和无形资产进行审计。 (1)审查固定资产,主要查看其实物量是否真实、完整;盘盈、盘亏、转让、毁损、报废等发生的净损益是否计入当期损益;计提的固定资产折旧是否符合规定及其保值情况如何;购建固定  相似文献   

利润是否具有持续性和可重复性是判断一个企业经营成果质量的关键,然而现实中许多非正常因素形成的损益扰乱了利润的持续性和可重复性,大大降低了利润信息的相关性。因此,笔者建议对利润表列报进行改进:对费用(损失)和收益的划分应以持续性和经营相关性为出发点,将年度利润划分为正常活动损益和特别损益两大类别;正常活动损益分为经营活动损益和投融资活动损益;特别损益分为非正常损益和偶发损益。  相似文献   

<正>一、我国公允价值计量存在不足的分析(一)公允价值计量可能导致企业的财务成果"虚胖"或者"虚弱"企业采用公允价值计量就会随着资产、负债等会计要素的公允价值变动而产生计入当期利润表的公允价值变动损益。而公允价值变动损益在某种意义上是属于未实现的损益,在此以交易性金融资产的会计核算作为例子说明。  相似文献   

《企业会计准则——应用指南》(财会[2006]18号)之附录“会计科目及主要账务处理”(以下简称指南附录)将“以前年度损益调整”科目归属为损益类科目,它与其他损益类科目甚至与其他所有者权益类科目有何区别与联系?其是否一定要被归属为损益类科目?本文拟结合具体案例来对此分析。  相似文献   

程镇 《审计月刊》2006,(3):46-47
经常性收益是企业日常经营活动中频繁发生的收益,占企业总收益的绝大部分。通过对经常性收益进行分析,可以评价企业管理者的经营业绩,估计企业的竞争力,预测企业未来的盈利能力。非经常性收益与企业的主营业务不相关或相关性不大,不能通过其预测企业未来的发展前景。为了提高上市公司会计信息的相关性,中国证监会在公开发行股票公司信息披露的内容和格式准则第二号《年度报告的内容和格式》中,明确要求上市公司披露“扣除非经常性损益后的净利润”,并且同时披露非经常性损益项目及其金额。1、判断某项损益是否为非经常性损益,应主要分析产生…  相似文献   

其他综合收益是综合收益的重要组成部分,代表着企业当期未实现的损益,会直接影响企业未来的经营业绩和现金流。我国自2009年首次提出其他综合收益概念以来,经过多次修订和完善,已经基本实现国际趋同,列报方式也更加合理。本文深入剖析其他综合收益的内涵,详细阐述其列报问题并提出改进建议。  相似文献   

甘敏 《财会月刊》2011,(13):25-26
长期股权投资是会计核算中的难点之一,其核算方法可以分为成本法和权益法。在权益法下,投资企业在持有长期股权投资期间,投资损益的确认是否有某种规律可循?本文试图作些探讨。一、适用准则《企业会计准则第2号——长期股权投资》第十条(以下简称"准则第十条")规定:投资企业取得长期股权投资后,应当按照应享有或应分担的被投资单位实现的净损益的份额,  相似文献   

城市居民财产性收入与贫富差距的实证分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用1988~2009年国家统计局全国入户调查数据,本文研究了我国城市居民财产性收入的规模、组成、变化以及其对收入差距的贡献。采用基尼系数的分解方法,将每年的收入差距分解到各个收入成分的贡献,并发现与其他收入形式相比,财产性收入分布的基尼系数是最高的,对总收入差距的贡献也在迅速扩大,这一现象值得重视。本文还分别对东、中、西部地区进行了分析,发现财产性收入主要集中在东部地区。  相似文献   

住房保障对象划分研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
住房保障对象划分是住房保障体系建立的一个重要环节,通过借鉴国际经验,结合我国实际,依据住房消费收入比、房价收入比等指标,采用统计分组法与倒推法相结合的方法来划分识别城镇住房保障对象,得出我国现阶段城镇住房保障对象应涵盖城镇居民中的最低收入户、低收入户和中等偏下收入户,保障住房覆盖率为40%.对最低收入家庭和低收入家庭,应采用租金补贴方式;对中等偏下收入家庭,可采用租金补贴也可采用购房补贴方式,具体可由被保障对象自由选择.  相似文献   

本文从贸易结构变动出发为研究我国劳动收入份额变动的原因提供一种新的视角。近年来我国商品贸易结构发生了重要变动。理论分析表明,对外贸易不仅通过国际分工和专业化对劳动收入份额产生直接影响,还通过要素密集度变化和技术进步偏向等机制产生间接影响;实证研究发现,出口发展对我国劳动收入份额具有显著的负向作用,进口发展则具有正向作用。进出口贸易对不同要素密集度行业的影响程度与方向存在差异。  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2020,44(2):100756
Previous studies that assessed the impact of income volatility (as a measure of economic uncertainty) on income inequality relied upon either cross-sectional data or panel data, mostly due to the lack of sufficient time-series observations. Now that enough time-series observations are available for many countries, we revisit the issue and assess the possible asymmetric effects of income volatility on income inequality in each of the 41 countries. We find short-run asymmetric effects in almost all countries, short-run impact asymmetric effects in 20 countries, and long-run asymmetric effects in 21 countries. There was much less support when we engaged only in symmetric analysis.  相似文献   

关于所得税资产负债表债务法的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
所得税“时间性差异”的概念和债务法的处理方法在国际上已有了进一步的认识和发展,在当今我国会计的国际化进程加快的情况下,引入“暂时性差异”的概念并采用资产负债表债务法来进行该差异的处理是所得税会计的发展趋势。本文通过对两种差异的深入研究及对资产负债表债务法与损益表债务法的比较分析,对资产负债表债务法在我国采用的现实基础及发展前景进行阐述。  相似文献   

2010年上海世博会主要收入分析与预测   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
本文讨论了2010年上海世博会基本的收入来源,指出门票与旅游收入将是2010世博会主要的收益。在调查问卷以及上海往年年鉴数据的基础上,对门票与旅游收入的数量进行了初步的分析与预测。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes changes in poverty and inequality in the Middle East and North Africa. It finds that the structural relationship between poverty reduction, income growth and distribution is the same for MENA and other developing economies. Prior to 1985 rapid growth sharply reduced poverty. After 1985, despite very low income growth, a rising share of income accruing to the lowest quintile meant that the average income of the poor rose more rapidly than that of the non-poor. These unusual poverty dynamics were primarily due to international migration. Remittances both increased per capita incomes in labor exporting countries and increased the share of income accruing to the poor.  相似文献   

This study provides evidence about the impact of informal economy on income inequality by using annual cross-country panel data from 28 European Union countries observed during the period 2005–2017. Particular attention is dedicated to the cultural setting which is expected to impact taxpayers’ behaviour and thereby income distribution. The study reveals a relationship between the size of the underground economy and income inequality, which is negative when approaching domestic informality and positive when international tax evasion by individuals is related to the top-bottom income disparity. Moreover, a delay of one-year is needed for these effects to occur, sustaining the hypothesis of secondary consequences of the informality. The study also shows that a set of cultural peculiarities are relevant for the nexus of international tax evasion by individuals and income polarisation. The inequality enhancing effect of the offshore activities is larger in countries with high degree of uncertainty avoidance and power distance, and low level of indulgence and long-term orientation respectively.  相似文献   

In this paper findings of a meta-regression analysis are presented exploring the effects of government spending on income inequality, with a particular focus on low- and middle-income countries. We identify a total of 84 separate studies containing over 900 estimates of the effect of one or more measures of spending on one or more measures of income inequality. The results show some evidence of a moderate negative relationship between government spending and income inequality, which is strongest for social welfare and other social spending, and when using the Gini coefficient or the top income share as the measure of inequality. However, both the size and direction of the estimated relationship between government spending and income inequality is affected by a range of other factors, including the control variables and estimation method used. We also find evidence of publication bias, in that negative estimates of the relationship appear to be under-reported in the literature.  相似文献   

Changes in the population age structure are known to influence the total income per person, but little is known about whether the changes are equally shared across the population or are concentrated on particular age groups and/or birth cohorts. The answer to this question has potentially important implications for income inequality, human capital investment, and fertility decision-making. We propose a new model of intergenerational transfers which distinguishes between the effects of changes in population structure and the effects of changes in family age structure. Using age-specific data from annual income and expenditure surveys of Taiwan between 1978 and 1998, we show that changes in age structure have had a very favorable effect on Taiwan's income growth. The gains are not equally shared by all age groups, however. Children and young adults have benefited the most, while the elderly have benefited the least. The population and family age structures have independent effects on per capita income; the effect of the population age structure is most important. Generational differences in per capita income are closely related to intergenerational differences in earnings, suggesting only a weak form of altruism. Finally, we predict that, on average, population aging will adversely influence the per capita income growth in Taiwan in the coming decades.  相似文献   

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